The group walked down the sidewalk to the hospital, everyone seeming merry to be back together again. The air had gotten colder than the rest of the team was used to so all the girls were huddled together walking. Atlas was slowly sinking into its winter months and it was quite obvious with all the decorations lining the streets. Ruby almost had to dragged down the street or else she would have stopped at every store to admire the decorations.

Jaune and Weiss were a few feet behind the group talking between each other, celebrating the time together.

"I'm sorry we have to waste time going to see Pyrrha while your team is here." Jaune said.

"Jaune, time spent well is time not wasted. I'm enjoying every second of this, well every second i'm not the one having to rain in Ruby that is." She said referring to the girl who having to be almost carried by Yang and Blake by this point.

"Ha, I guess you're right. I'm glad we're getting to spend time with them too. It's been too long since both the teams have been together. I feel bad on Ren and Nora missing out on all this now."

"Well it would be difficult for them to get out with the winter months now. I'm sure we'll see them sometime soon anyway. They do run an entire frontier town Jaune."

Jaune sighed and look around at the town. "Yeah, i remember. It's kind of weird to think about where everyone is now don't you think?"

"I suppose."

"You know I never figured I'd be THE personal bodyguard to Ms. Weiss Schnee of the SDC. Jaune Arc, the bumbling idiot who barely had a landing strategy."

"Ugh don't remind me." Weiss said locking arms with Jaune.

"Hey!" Jaune said pinching her side.

"Ow! Ok!. I didn't hear you complaining when you were 'offered' the position." She said.

"It comes with its perks." He said

"Hmm and what might those be Mr. Arc?"

"Room and board, hot meals, clothing..."

He received a glaring look from Weiss as these comments continued.

"Anything ELSE Mr. Arc?"

"A great view in the mornings, noons, and especially nights." He delivered with a wink.

Weiss was flustered at this answer and Jaune seemed to get an especially good laugh from it.

"Hey guys is that the hospital?" Ruby yelled over her shoulder to Jaune.

"Wow." He said. "I guess we're already here. That was quick."

"Yeah, especially when your having your own little convo back there without us." Yang said walking up to the front door.

"Ill have you know Yang we were discussing what to do this evening since we're not accustomed to having so many mouths to feed, even if they are rather annoying mouths." Weiss retorted.

"Allright, allright, chillout Weiss-cream. What room Jaune?" Yang said taking off down the hall past the front desk.

"We need to take the elevator up to the ICU."

"The ICU?" She said.

"Yeah, i'm not sure if i told you all but we had to put her into intensive care after all the procedures were done and the doctors cleared her to be around other patients. The ICU is on the very top floor and is the most guarded, mostly because of Pyrrhas condition."

"Closely guarded? You make it sound like she's in prison?"

"No nothing close to that. That's just how ICU is, but because of Pyrrhas status as a Huntress and a few security breaches we've had there's a little more security than normal." He continued speaking while the team waited on the elevator to arrive.

"Security breaches?" Blake asked.

"Adoring fans, poparazzi, news outlets, the occasional follower of Cinder or Salem wanting revenge." He said as the group crowded onto the elevator.

"Wow thats a little insane."

"Yeah, we've had people go so far as to pretend to he Hunters and obtain Hunters Badges just to get a chance to see her."

"Ok thats a little more than insane."

"Yeah you're telling me." He said. "It gets boring having to kick people out of a hospital room." He said laughing.

At that moment the elevator opened to the top floor and the whole group stepped out onto the floor into the main lobby.

"Oh, Mr Arc, back so soon?" Said the receptionist from her spot behind the counter. As the group walked up she eyed the new figures.

"Yeah, the rest of the team came in and wanted to check on Pyrrha. We'll only be here for a few minutes."

"That sounds pleasant Mr. Arc. The rest of your team is already in Ms. Nikos room visiting her."

Jaune paused, deftly aware of the words. ""

The receptionist looked confused. "I, um yes, the rest of your team. They came through here and showed me their badges."

Jaune leaned over the counter. "The 'rest of my team' is nowhere near Atlas. They're in a frontier town."

The receptionist looked shaken. "I'm - I'm sorry Mr. Arc but the badges they provided checked out. I looked through the Hunters database and everything."

Jaune clenched his fists. 'They're getting better, they must have stolen my team's identity.' He thought to himself.

The receptionist looked like she might break down. "I-I'm sorry Mr. Arc everything checked out I'm sorry."

"It's fine we'll take care of this." He said turning to the group with a low voice. "No one make a scene ok?" He said and everyone nodded. "Get your weapons ready, but don't pull them out until we get to the room, let's not get security on our backs." Jaune put his hand on the hilt of his sword and marched to the room, everyone else a few feet behind, the sound of hammers priming and steel clinking following them.

Jaune arrived at the door and faced the group again. Weiss didn't think she had ever seen him this stern. "We don't know what we're dealing with here. They're smart enough to somehow get badges that fooled the database. These could be serious scum. Let me go in first and see what we're dealing with before we go flying in, got it Yang?" Jaune looked to her wrists which, once before held golden tickling bracelets, now held sizable yellow gauntlets. "Fine." She said stowing the bracelets.

Jaune braced an arm against the door, and threw it open letting the door clatter into the wall, keeping his hand on the hilt of Crocea Mors as he stomped inside. "Alright who the-" Jaune faced the two figures by the bed. The solem one clad in green and black and the animated figure in the pink and silver.



"NORA!" The animated Huntress yelled popping up between the two.

"What-What are you two doing here?" He asked.

"Me and Nora got a call from a certain Dust corporation and were flown out here a few days ago. We were told to come here this morning to meet up with you all."

Jaune turned to look and Weiss whos cheeks had darkened several shades. "I told you we might see them soon." She said. Before anything else could be spoken Jaune bounded forward and swept Weiss off her feet swinging her around the room. After a few rounds he set Weiss down and looked at her again. "Well i've got my team and you've got yours, I guess i'll let you all catch up now. It's going to be amazing having you two here." Weiss said to Ren and Nora. After all the 'Hellos' were said team RWBY left the room to let the old team catch up with one another. Silence filled the room before Jaune could speak.

"So, what brings you two here?" Jaune asked.

"Like i said, your employers Dust corporation Jaune." Ren joked.

"Oh, ha, yeah my bad." Jaune took this second to look over the rooms newest occupants. Ren hasn't changed much. His hair still quite long down his back, except for instead of his combat attire he wore a minimalist vest and suit shirt with slacks, all of it being darker shades of green and black. Nora, obviously being herself, had not changed either. Her fluffy skirt had been swapped for a knee length pink skirt and pink suit jacket. Both carried their roles of leaders professionally

"And what exactly brings you here Jaune?!" Nora retorts bubbly.

"A team and a half of hyperactive Huntress's and the need to get out of the house." He said.

"Sounds like a good enough reason. I know that all too well." Ren said looking to Nora who pouted.

Ren went back to his place by the bedside while Nora relinquished herself to the couch with Jaune coming to stand next to Ren.

"I know this may be a sensitive subject Jaune, but may I ask how Pyrrhas progress is?" The stoic man said.

"It's not worse if that's what you're asking Ren." He joked.

"You seem apprehensive when you say that Jaune."

Jaune took a few seconds to look Pyrrha over. She was the same as ever in her hospital bed. Pristine couldn't begin to describe it.

"I've gotten word from the doctors that Pyrrhas aura is coming back."

"Sounds good." Ren said.

"Yeah it does, she's even started recognizing me and my Aura from how much I come here. Doc says theres a chance of her waking up, i'm not sure when."

"Jaune, that's great news. You still seem put off by it though."

Jaune thought for a few moments. Everything in the world had changed so drastically since the last time him and Pyrrha had talked face to face in Beacon.

"I just...I don't know what to do when she wakes up Ren. So much has changed since Beacon, she's not going to know anything. Salem is dead and Cinder is defeated, The White Fang have been all but extinguished, and we've all moved on with our lives. I don't know how i'm gonna tell her about the fighting, about Yang's arm, about the deaths of everyone at Beacon, about the countless battles we fought to find her and defeat Salem over the years." He said. 'More importantly, I don't know how i'm going to tell her about me and Weiss.' He thought to himself.

Ren turned and laid his hand on Jaunes shoulder, looking him directly in the eye. "Alot of things have changed Jaune, yes, but there's plenty that has stayed the same. You're still her teammate and partner, but most importantly you're still her friend. She is still going to need you to be there for her and i'm sure she will listen to you and let you help her along the way."

"Yeah Jaune! Besides you've got me, Ren, and the entire rest of team RWBY to help you AND Pyrrha. Everything will be fine for our fearless leader." Nora said hugging into Jaunes side.

"Thanks guys, I needed that." He said.

"So how goes everything with team RWBY? I noticed when you stormed in here that the entire team managed to make it." Ren said.

"Yeah it's been nice having the team around. I surprised Weiss meeting with Ruby a few days ago and Yang and Blake showed up a few days afterwards, a little early. Yang figured driving her bike would cut a few hours off a bullhead flight. It probably netted her a few more tickets though, and plenty of nagging from Blake." He and Ren laughed.

"That certainly sounds like her." The suited man said.

"Well, now that all the sad and sappy talk is over what's next leader?" Nora bubbly said.

"I'm not sure actually. Me and Weiss were discussing dinner coming here. How does that sound to you two?" He responded.

"Oooooh that sounds fantastic!" Nora exclaimed. "I could go for a bite." Ren said.

"Alright, I guess that settles dinner plans then." He said. "Nora go ahead and peak out and tell Weiss and the rest of the team what the plan for dinner is if you don't mind, she's gonna have to make reservations probably."

"No problem Jauney!" And with that Nora zipped out the room into the waiting area.

A few seconds of silence permeated the room before Jaune spoke again.

"It really is good to have you two here again Ren. I'm glad we were able to get the teams back together." He looked to Pyrrha. "Even if it is under times like this."

"I'm glad to be back as well Jaune." Ren put his hand back on the railing of the bed. "I'm sure Pyrrha wouldn't want you to worry though, with us being here."

"Yeah, your right. Come on dude let's go see what everyone wants for dinner."

"Sounds great Jaune."

With that the two remaining team members walked out of the hospital room and away from the rhythmic ticking of the heart beat, ignoring the slight dip on the screen reading out Pyrrhas Aura level as Jaune closed the door behind him.