Day 1 : « Yes, Sir. »
Back in the Garrison, it was a habit. Every cadet was supposed to address their superior with "Yes, sir." Technically Shiro was still a student, but the perfect last year, teacher assistant, number one student. As such, many people were addressing him with the same title as the professors. He was already quite mature for his age, with a strong build and stronger shoulder, and nobody was thinking twice about it.
"Good morning sir."
"Thanks sir."
"Yes, sir."
Shiro was often embarrassed, like the adorable human being he is.
"There is no need to call me sir, I'm still a student!"
Very few people listened to him, cadet still calling him sir out of respect, habit, or often amusement, just to see him sigh once again.
Keith always had a problem with authority. He never once called him sir. Shiro was Shiro, not some aging professor. Plus, he knew him, was his friend, and maybe more… but the timing wasn't right. It was an unspoken promise between them. After the Kerberos mission. Only one year to go.
Shiro was declared dead, and Keith couldn't believe it for a second. He escaped the garrison and set out in the desert to search.
And now, this year had passed and they were reunited once again, with new friends, alien and human alike. Everyone was calling him Shiro, his right name finally. Keith was pleased.
Until one day this nickname came back to haunt them.
"Coran, cap on this planet!"
"Yes, sir!"
Shiro and Keith let out a growl, while Lance was laughing his ass off.
"Did I say something culturally inappropriate?"
"Oh no it's nothing, it's just that back on Earth, Shiro hated this title…
"I didn't hate it."
"Well I did." Keith added.
"It's just that… I'm not that old. And technically I didn't even graduate from the Academy! There is no need to call me sir."
"Would you prefer Daddy? Kinky"
"Lance please…"
"Or when it's Keith that sweetly whispering it to you…"
"Don't finish this sentence or I'll launch you in space."
"I'm a little lost…" Allura interrupted.
Hunk and Pidge took the matter in their hand.
"Well from what I understand…"
"Back on Earth, it was common for people to call Shiro "sir", since he was in the military and an officer."
"But the word also had a dirty connotation, like… calling someone sir in bed.
"Or daddy"
"I don't see why it is sexual…"
"Stop kink shaming Earth!"
Once the commotion was over, everyone went back to their quarter for a night of rest. Keith followed Shiro to his, Keith's own room quite abandoned since their relationship began. Sleeping alone was quite uncomfortable for Shiro, horrible flash-back and dreams coming to haunt him. Having Keith with him was better, and the number of nightmares had greatly reduced. And it was also more private, perfect when…
"I'm never calling you Sir in bed."
"It's… okay? I didn't expect you to, and you know I don't really like this nickname."
Shiro first name was rarely said, an intimate name spoken only by his family. Of course, the paladins were also family but…
"Yes Keith?"
"Now that we are alone…"
The door was open hastily, sweet moans and whispers briefly heard before it closed.