Team Chat

Well, I have returned! I bring you another chapter of Ranger Arc, you may be wondering why these are coming out so late… well it's because I have no time for this if I want to keep my sanity. College, work, and family matters come first. I also have The Heart's Remnants and now By Thy Hand, Save Them All to worry about, so that's another thing. Basically, if I get one chapter out per month, I'll be happy for now. For this month: it's this story.

Also, exciting news: I am now on one of the most viewed communities in the FNDM: "Our Knight." This is the most followed community, with plenty of Jaune Arc stories to go around. So, I'd like to express my thanks for being allowed into it.

Anyway, blah blah blah, I own nothing, yadda yadda yadda, all rights belong to their respective owners… etc.

Team JNPR Dorm

It took a while for the festivities to end, and since I was still in my Ranger armor on the stage, everyone figured out who I was, thus making it all the more difficult to leave afterwards. If it wasn't assholes trying to size me up, it was everyone trying to get a good look at my equipment. After Yang and Nora helpfully cleared the way with a couple of well-placed glares and shoves, me, my team (MY TEAM!) and our newly dubbed sister Team RWBY made our way to the dorms.

Nora had just suggested a little get together to benefit in breaking the ice between everyone. Looking at my DCC and checking the time, I shrug and go along with it. "We got a few hours until lights out, so why not?"

That's all the permission everyone needed, those who didn't want to, were dragged into it by their teammates. I placed my scroll onto the lock and stepped inside. The dorm was sparse: four beds and bedside dressers in each corner, a bookcase between two beds near the window while the other two had what looked like a sectioned closet. We'd need to go furniture and décor shopping later, but no matter.

"What's that?" Nora asked, pointing to a high-tech chest at the foot of one of the beds.

I looked over to where she was pointing, and I grinned. "That, would be a Ranger's Toybox." I explained. I walked up to it, running my DCC over it and giving the necessary scans. "This is a weapon and armor locker for the rest of the items that don't fit into the rocket lockers, or I just want near me at all times." Some of the shelves inside push upwards and part, revealing a small pedestal. I unclip my helmet and place it there. I sense Nora and Ruby sneaking up behind me to get a look at some of the gear that had sprung up as the lower shelves revealed themselves. Grenades, pistols, attachments, ammunition, and all sorts of other gadgets that I saw even the Schnee heiress eyeing. "And no, you may not touch." To accentuate my point, the Toybox closes up, leaving at least two pouting faces.

"Aw~!" Nora whined, draping herself over my still-armored form, throwing as much weight behind the action as possible. And I'll admit, she gave a very valiant effort. "I wanted to see some stuff explode!"

"Nora," Ren said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I really think our brand new room is NOT the kind of place we want to set off Ranger-grade explosives." I felt her dead weight fall off my back and gave Ren a thankful nod.

I add in my two cents on NOT touching my stuff. "Also, I get in a lot of trouble if anyone gets their mitts on Ranger tech without express permission, and all that gear is taken to account in the next Toybox drop. If I ask for more grenades after only a couple of days, when I had received quite a few already, they are gonna ask questions. And I'd rather not get another brand, thank you."

"Anyway!" Ruby clapped her hands, moving attention to her, to which she shirked away from slightly, her open body language closing in slightly. "Ummm… I think we should go around and introduce ourselves and any other… things you want to share?" She looked at me for approval, to which I gave her a nod and a smile for.

"That sounds awesome!" Yang thrust a fist in the air. "I'll go first if ya don't mind Rubes. Well, I'm Yang Xiao Long! Party Girl, Jokester, and all around badass! I use my gauntlets Ember Celica to beat baddies down!" She punched her fists together to accentuate her point. "Also: do NOT touch my hair if you want to keep your hands."

"I'M NORA VALKYIE!" Nora waved at the group, ecstatically. "I love pancakes, explosions, my hammer's explosions, and sloths! I've been together with Ren since we were kids; well, not together-together, but you know what I mean!" She looked like she was going to go MUCH further into detail, but Ren pat her shoulder, which settled her down.

"Hmph, if this must happen," Weiss huffed. "I'm Weiss Schnee, heiress to the SDC. I've trained for this school and I am honored to be here." She then mumbled something under her breath, to which she got a few looks of varying emotion. I myself only heard something about the 'company she's with', but I could take a guess. "I use Dust in Myrtenaster, my rapier, and my Glyphs to strike clean and swift."

"Lie Ren, like Nora said, we have been with each other since we were kids. I use Storm Flower to get in, deal damage, then get away quick. I enjoy tea, cooking, and meditation in my spare time." The green clad monk added in.

"I'm Ruby Rose, huntress in training and I love weapons, especially my baby!" My hooded fellow leader piped up. "I've wanted to be a huntress ever since I was little, because my mom was one, so is dad and uncle Qrow! And I am SOOO excited to be here with my big sis!" Yang gave her a hug at that. I look away for an instance, hearing the "was" and knowing the full details. "I'm super-fast and I can pick off targets MILES away!" Most of us couldn't help but smile at her cheerful attitude.

"Well, I'm Pyrrha Nikos. I'm from a small town in Mistral but went to Sanctum. I fight with Miló, my xiphos, and Acoúo̱, my shield. It is wonderful to be here with you all." My partner stepped forward, giving a humble and short introduction. I gave her a warm smile, to which she returned. "I also enjoy sweets upon occasion."

'Hmm, duly noted.' I think.

"Blake Belladonna, I like books and I use Gambol Shroud." Blake's was even shorter, and a little more standoffish. Though I understood why.

Then they all turned to me, looking far more interested and invested in what I had to say. I took a deep breath and let it out. "I'm Jaune Arc, Codename: Aegis. Seventeenth member of Ranger Division One. But those are just numbers and titles. I'm the youngest fully trained Ranger in our history." Those who didn't know that showed various signs of surprise "I'm here on contract but will be living as a student. As a Ranger, I am trained to use a sword, a family heirloom to be exact, and long-range option of choice, to which I chose the biggest rifle I found in the armory." That got a couple chuckles. "If you have any questions about the Rangers, just let me know. I'll be glad to answer what I can that isn't confidential."

"How does someone become a Ranger?" Ren, surprisingly, was the one who asked first.

I turned to look at my new teammate. "You are taken in by a Ranger, if they find you earnest enough to be one. They are then your mentor and will train you personally," I explained.

"Who was yours?" Blake asked.

"Strider, that's all I'm allowed to say without his permission." She nodded in understanding.

"Hmph, what did your 'mentor' see in YOU then?" Weiss demanded, haughtily.

I pivot to look straight into her eyes, mine alight in anger. "He saw a five-year-old boy, who lost his parents in a Grimm attack that wiped the rest of the town out and took him in as his son." I ground out. Gasps and looks of pity surrounded me, but I ignored them. I took a breath to continue my verbal tirade, but felt arms wrap around my chest. I turned to see Nora was hugging me from behind but said nothing. Ren was giving me a look of understanding.

I let out the built-up air in a tired sigh. I look around the room, seeing the faces of my peers, taking in their forlorn looks, even Weiss was looking away, ashamed. I reach down and awkwardly hug Nora back. After a few seconds, we let go and I turn to the clock on the wall. "I think it's time we turn in. I'll see you all tomorrow." Team RWBY nodded and one by one, turned to leave. First Weiss, then Blake, Yang turned back and gave me a pat on the shoulder with an apologetic grin, then left. Ruby held the door for her, then dashed to hug me, her small stature reaching just below my ribs.

"I'm sorry," is all she said. She then left as quickly as she came. As she closed the door, she gave a somber wave goodbye.

Then, it was just the four of us. Team JNPR. I looked to Ren and Nora. You guys too, huh?" They nodded, confirming my suspicions. I then turn to my team as a whole. "I'm sorry for the emotional baggage. I didn't mean for that to turn the way it did."

Pyrrha came up to me, then wrapped her arms around me. "Jaune, it's all right. You have nothing to apologize for. Just know that I'm here for you if you need to talk."

Nora joined Pyrrha in hugging me. "We all are. We're a team now, Fearless Leader. You saved my life, I'm not just gonna turn my back on you now, silly. Right Ren?"

He just nods from his place on his bed. "You saved my best friend in her dire time of need. I don't honestly know what I would do without her, and because of that, you have my eternal gratitude and loyalty. And one day, this team may start to feel like a family."

With those comforting words, we all got ready for bed. As I stood by my closet, doffing my armor, I reflected on why I was here, why did I open up to these people, and what this job means to and for me. I came to no conclusion, however. But as I looked at my team, I realize that I may have been hired to protect Pyrrha, but I'll do my damn hardest to keep them all safe. With that ultimatum, I got into bed, and fell asleep moments later.

Ugh, for the life of me, I could not make this any longer. I'm having such Writer's block right now. Plus, I really can't keep going after an ending like that. But anyway, just filler and fluff. My mind can't take anymore right now, so I'm just gonna get to reviews.

Again, I'm really sorry if this one seemed lackluster.


Brsrkfury: Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad you have found enjoyment in my work and I enjoy seeing what my readers think. But I also wouldn't think it's that good of a story. Kinda meh, really. Arkos seems to be the fan favorite as of now. But your idea for Dragonslayer also has merits.

Guest: Like I said, Arkos seems to be the one my readers want.

Jack Redhawke: Well, here's some more, sorry if it isn't too good.

Error Sans: Renora and a Harem, hmm. Gonna have to think for that one.

Mandalore the Freedom: Jate at haa'taylir gar, burc'ya.

I try to keep conflict a part of the story. These Rangers, just like their counterparts, have equal measure survival instincts and combat effectiveness. I hope I painted Jaune with parts of a somewhat human light with this little snippet. The Rose Retrieval I have always had planned in this story, they just need to be closer as friends before Jaune pulls the details for that. While I hadn't thought of what the Bandits would think of the Rangers, I already have a meeting with Ironwood planned in my head. I just have to get there.

Par kote o'r te oya'karir.

Itz Syndrome: While I thank you for the compliment, I'm not the first to do a Fallout Crossover, but I am glad that you enjoy my less shite version of Jaune.

I Want To Die69: If I hadn't already PM'd you, just look up the Elite Riot Gear from Fallout: New Vegas and just swap some colors around.

Theawesomest5: THANK you!

Silent Soviet: Now you're just giving me ideas here.

Ushko Uzumaki: I'm glad you liked it, here's some more.

RWBY1989: Now, while I am not opposed to the idea of them grabbing more Kingsfoil for the school, I'm gonna wait for that a bit. And I'll look into rewriting that error. Thanks mate!

Lloyd RPGFan: OI! Get out of my planning room! You have to wait to find out!

Grimlock987: I have not. However, I don't believe Jaune, trained in evasion as much as tanking, would fight the same way as an actual mech T-rex.

Desdelor97: Thanks man, I'll try to keep working on it more.

This is Theothergy (The-Other-Guy) signing off!