Hello my darlings. Okay I know I shouldn't but… this idea came to me while moving and just won't let go. It will be quite explicit in the sexual interactions, so if that is not your thing, please don't read it. Also not sure how often I will be able to update, as I have only had this first chapter running though my head. But knowing me I will think of more now I have started it, so we'll have to wait and see now won't we?

Also the bits in italics are flashbacks.

Anyway if you're still with me, I hope you like this new story.

Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS: LA.

Deeks was pulled forcefully from joyful slumber by a pounding in his head, and a serious thirst. He could help but moan quietly at these feelings. Because they were sure symptoms of a really bad morning, or a really good night, depending on which way you looked at it. But he really wasn't in the mood to do anything but wish his hangover away, and declare to himself that he was never drinking again.

He was lying there, trying to decide if it was worth the pain and effort to open his eyes and see if he had sensibly placed a glass of water on his bedside table or not. Because he knew if he hadn't, then when his eyes were open he was going to have to pull his ass out of the bed and stagger to the kitchen to get something to drink. And he really didn't know if he had the energy to do that. He really wasn't sure if he wanted to do that, but the dryness of his throat was starting to scratch, and he hated that feeling. He also knew he would never be able to fall back asleep with it there tormenting him. He was still trying to decide if it was worth it when out of nowhere an arm came across his body, pulling him backwards. Well that certainly solved his dilemma for him. Because at the contact his eyes flew open, for two reasons. One the body his connected with was as naked as his own, something he hadn't realised until he felt the touch of skin, everywhere. The second was the fact the body most definitely wasn't female. That was a given from the lack of breasts and the raging hand-on pressed into his back.

It was then he registered other feelings in his body which were not from the hangover. He had pleasurable aches everywhere, the main one being the slight pain in his ass. It was a good pain he knew, a sure sign he had had a very good night with the man behind him. But for the love of him he couldn't put a face, let alone a name to that man. He lay there pressed against the unknown man's body and tried to remember what the hell had happened. He remembered the team had all gone out for drinks after closing a particularly difficult case. He remembered drinking with Kensi, Sam and Callen. He couldn't stop the groan that came out of his mouth as he turned his head to the pillow trying to find a cool part. He hoped to good that whenever he had picked up whoever this guy was, was after the senior agents had left. Oh sure, he wasn't adverse to men, they made his sex life all the more interesting, but he really didn't want anyone from NCIS to know that fact. He dreaded to think how Sam and Callen would reach if they knew. Oh please, let them have left before I hooked up.

He was so deep in his thoughts he barely registered the man nuzzling his neck, moving his hair out of the way with his nose so he could plant kisses upon the skin. In fact he didn't register anything until the man behind him spoke.


That one word was enough to have Deeks shooting up into a sitting position with his back towards his night time companion. Because he knew that voice. Okay sure, he had never heard it so filled with sleep, nor sounding so sexy but still, he knew it. But that wasn't possible right? Because there was no way… right? I mean… just no. That would never happen. Not in a million years. And even while his mind screamed at him that this was not happening, he felt the man behind him pull back from him and move to lie on his back. Deeks wasn't sure what to do. Well no, that wasn't true. He knew what he should do, but he really didn't want to do it. He did not want to turn around to be confronted with who was in his bed. Who it was he had had sex with last night. Because… no. Just no.

But he knew he had to do it. They couldn't stay like this forever, and he didn't want the other man to think him a coward. So taking a deep breath he oh so slowly turned, only to find his eyes meeting the pale blues ones belonging to his team leader. He had had sex with Callen. He had had sex with Callen. He had had sex with Callen. And with all this going through his mind he could say only one thing.


Callen woke to find himself in a bed. That was the first clue that he was not at home. But he was okay with that. It had been a hard case, and there was nothing wrong with letting off steam with a casual one night stand. He lay there trying to remember who it was he had hooked up with this time. He remembered the beginning of the night, the team drinking and Deeks deciding it would be a really good idea if they all did shots. He remembered Sam and Kensi both bugging out early, but that was usual for them. His partner had wanted to get home to his family, and Kensi had a date. So he remembered it being only him and Deeks. They had had a laugh, and as they had drunk more they had started rating the women who walked past. Not that Callen was actually interested in the fairer sex, but he could hold his own in appreciating their form. He was trying to remember when Deeks had left and he had gone for one more to his liking when he remembered how he had seen an extremely hot guy walk past and hadn't been able to stop his eyes from following him.

Callen had watched the guy, who was all toned muscle and tight jeans saunter past, but he quickly looked away and turned to Deeks, hoping he hadn't noticed. That was when he saw he was looking at the same man the same way he had been. Well what do you know, Deeks like the guys to. He couldn't stop him stop himself from leaning over and whispering in his ear "A nine, definitely."

Callen enjoyed the jump from the younger man that accompanied that sentence as Deeks turned to him with a look of a scared rabbit.

"What?" Deeks had squeaked, his voice had actually raised at least a register and Callen felt a bit bad. Though only a bit.

"You heard, he's nine. I'd do him in second." Callen replied taking a gulp of his beer as he did so, making sure not to break eye contact with the man sitting next to him.

"Seriously?!" Deeks spluttered. He had never considered that Callen was that way inclined. It opened up a whole set of possibilities in his mind. No. He's your team leader Deeks, don't even think of going there.

"You saying you wouldn't?" Callen asked simply in the same tone they had been using to discuss the women previously. Making Deeks relax at the idea that this was okay. That he could talk to Callen about men as well as women.

"Well I would prefer he did me." Deeks replied cheekily waggling his eyebrows, enjoying how it seemed it was his turn to stun his drinking partner.

At those words Callen's mind instantly supplied an image of a naked Deeks under him as he pounded into him. An image he was finding it really hard to remove. Therefore he did the only thing he could think of doing. He gave Deeks a croaked, seductive smile as he muttered "Is that so?"

Deeks could only sit there and stare at the heated look Callen was giving him. Callen for god's sake. He was looking at him as if he wanted to strip him naked right here and now, and Deeks had a feeling that if he suggested it he would let him. Oh this was not good. They couldn't do this… could they?

Callen didn't think for a minute anything would happen between him and the detective. I mean forget for a moment he was his technically his boss, he was ten years older than the guy. Plus there had never been any sort of chemistry between the two of them before now. It was no doubt a result of the alcohol. He needed to stop this now, to suggest they leave, get Deeks a cab home and walk away. But even as he thought this all he found himself doing was staring at Deeks as if he was undressing him with his eyes. And hey after seeing him in the showers at work, he had damn good idea of what was underneath that shirt and jeans. And it was good.

Deeks knew he should look away, but the part of his mind that was telling him this couldn't happen was getting smaller and smaller, until it finally disappeared completely in a drunken haze and he did what he wanted to do. he closed the distance between himself and Callen placing his lips upon the older mans in a drunken, yet heated kiss before pulling back and murmuring in a sultry voice he didn't even know he had "Take me home."

There was no way Callen could say no to that idea. Deeks looked so completely decadent leaning against him. Looking up at him through his hair, his eyes begging for him to do all the things he wanted to do to him. Callen was not made of stone. Who could possibly say no to the man who was now somehow in his arms? Who could possibly turn down a night with Deeks? So with a nod he signalled for the check before guiding them both out of the bar and into a waiting cab.

Well at least now he knew who he was lying in bed with. He just wasn't sure what to do with that information. He remembered the sex, and it had been fucking fantastic, or was that fantastic fucking? Either way. It was mind-blowing. Who knew Deeks was that flexible? He knew they shouldn't have done it, but too late now to go back. Only thing he could decide now was where to go from here. He could try to sneak out of the room and pretend it never happened. But how would that affect their working relationship? Not to mention the fact he was pretty sure Deeks had just moaned. That meant he was awake. So there was no slipping away. Therefore Callen did the only thing he could think of doing, and it was the one thing he really wanted to do. He reached across and pulled the younger man into his arms, pressing their naked bodies together in a way that caused him to remember what they had done last night. In way that caused his dick to wake up as well. He found himself nuzzling Deeks' neck, planting soft kissing on his sensitive skin, but when that gained no response he decided he should probably go for a more direct way of interacting with the man whose bed he was in. Therefore he spoke. "Morning."

Callen had not expected his word to cause Deeks to rip himself out of his arms. Nor for him to sit there with his back to him. He couldn't help by sigh as he realised what was going on. Deeks had been drunk last night, they both had been, but he had thought they were both sober enough to know what they were doing. Obviously not. Great. Well this was going to go well then wasn't it? Not. Therefore he lay back, trying to force his erection away as he waited for Deeks to speak, or at least acknowledge he was there. It felt like forever, but was probably no more than half a minute before Deeks slowly turned to face him and with an awkward smile said "Hey."

"Hi." Callen replied but when nothing else was said and Deeks just sat there staring at him he felt the need for more. "So last night happened."

"Yeah, umm…. I guess it did." Deeks replied frowning as he ran his hands gently through his hair trying not to make his headache any worse. He had no idea what to do in this situation, and his brain it seemed was on some alcohol induced vacation.

"You guess?" Callen asked his eyebrow raising at those words. Didn't Deeks remember? Oh god. The best sex he had ever had, and it didn't even register on the other man's radar. Great.

"It's a bit hazy." Deeks confessed with a shy smile. It was starting to come back, some of it. A body pressed against his as it moved inside him. Kisses showered across his chest in all his most sensitive places, cries of pleasure, both his and his partners.

"Right. Well why don't we pretend it didn't, and I'll just go." Callen suggested, already moving to get up, while keeping the sheet around him. He should have left earlier. Why the hell did he stay for the awkward morning after? Was he insane?

"No. wait, umm… do you want breakfast?" Deeks asked trying to think of way to keep Callen there until his brain had time to return to fully working order. Though the look the other man gave him made him realise that that probably wasn't the best suggestion he had ever had.

"No. I'm good. Why don't you go back to sleep." Callen said already working his way out of the bed and towards his clothes. The sooner he was gone the better in his mind. Damn it, he really shouldn't have let this happen.

"Okay." Deeks agreed, if for no other reason than he had no idea what else to say. So instead of any more words he lay down and closed his eyes. Listening as Callen made his way around his round and found his clothes. He continued laying there like that until he heard his front door close, then his eyes opened once more and the first thing he saw was the glass of water on the bedside table along with paracetamol. He knew he didn't put them there. That made him realise who did. And he couldn't stop the groan that came out of his mouth as he pulled the pillow over his head in an attempt to pretend that morning had never happened. How was he ever going to face Callen again? How were they going to work together? How the hell had this even happened? And it was with those thoughts that Deeks slowly fell back into oblivion, only to dream of heated stares from icy blue eyes, and the feel of calloused fingers running gently, almost reverently, across his body as he begged for more.