DISCLAIMER: I do not own Oregairu. Oregairu is the property of Watari Wataru.

Part 1:

"Do you, Hikigaya Hachiman, take Totsuka Saika to be your wife – to live together after God's ordinance – in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her as long as you both shall live? "

"I do."

And do you, Totsuka Saika, take Hikigaya Hachiman to be your husband – to live together after God's ordinance – in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?

My angel, Totsuka, had the most adorable look on his face. His face was a deep shade of red, but he was smiling regardless and with shining eyes. He opened his mouth to give his response,

"I…." Just as he was about to his answer, the world began fading away and everything became dark.

"Hikki. Hikki! Wake Up, Hikki!" I heard as I groggily lifted my heavy eyelids. The darkness was quickly replaced by the view of a certain pinked haired girl shaking my shoulders, with expectant eyes.

It was… it was just a dream, wasn't it? I WAS SO CLOSE! But… I suppose it's for the best. My angel, Totsuka, is something to be treasured. To be admired from a distance. I would be committing treason to the world if I were to keep him for myself. Yes… is a necessary sacrifice to maintain the balance of the world.

"Hikki… why are you crying? Do you have a headache? Stomach ache? Do you want me to take you to the infirmary?!" Yuigahama panicked.

"No… it's just that I realized that the best things in the world are truly unattainable…" I say, wiping my tears away. "That aside, what's up? Is it club time already?"

I look around the room, but there was nobody around. I take a look at the clock and see that it was 30 minutes after the last class ended. I guess I slept through all my afternoon classes.

"Yeah, Hikki! Actually, we're pretty late. But you were sleeping so peacefully and with such a happy expression that I…" she trailed off, face turning a bit red.

"So… you were watching me sleep for the last half hour?" I ask, putting two and two together.

"WHAT? NO! I mean, yeah, Iwasherewhileyouweresleepingbutitsnotlikeiwaswatchingyouimeanthatwouldbesocreepysothereisnowayiwoulddosomethinglikethat." She exploded with her denial. She was now out of breath, and her face was even more red than before.

"Yeah, whatever. Well, let's head to the clubroom. No doubt Yukinoshita already called the police on me, telling them that I've raped you or something." I can already imagine the cops at my door tonight, with a warrant for my arrest.

"Don't worry about that Hikki, I already gave Yukinon a text about why we're late. She said it's alright as long as I send her a picture of you slee-" She cut herself, with hands over her mouth and eyes wide like she just said something she wasn't supposed to.

"A picture of me what?" I urge her to continue.

"A picture of you…um…ummm… of you lazying around during the cultural festival! Yeah! That's it." She blurted out.

Makes sense.

"So, she wants ammunition against me? I'm not looking forward to this." I say, already mentally preparing for the inevitable banters awaiting me in the clubroom.

I pack up and we then make our way to the club room that we have become so accustomed to for the better part of the year. Honestly, I could probably walk to the club with my eyes closed at this point.

Not one for small talk, I didn't try to start a conversation. Instead, I basked in the comfortable silence between us. But of course, Yuigahama was not me.

"Hey, Hikki, it's been a while since I was the one waiting for you, huh?" Yuigahama pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess it has. I gotta admit, it feels nice to be waited on. I wonder if this is how you always feel when I have to wait for you to finish talking with your clique every day." I chime in.

"Mou, Hikki..." before she could finish her thought, we arrived at the clubroom door.

Sliding open the door, we enter.

"Yahallo, Yukinon!" She says as she scampers toward Yukinon and dives in for a hug.

"Yo." I give my signature greeting as I make my way to my seat and pull out a book.

"Ara? Done with your beauty sleep? Though, you could have fooled me, Hikki-fishy-kun." Yukinoshita says with a smirk. She gets up and serves us tea.

"Hah? I don't want to hear anything from somebody who collects pictures of me for malicious use, Yukipedia." I retaliate. Yukinoshita is now blushing. Seems like I've caught her red-handed. "I mean, honestly, aren't you too old to be blackmailing me with pictures of my being lazy at the festival?"

The blush is now gone, and instead, Yukinoshita seems confuses. She shoots a look at Yuigahama who just looks away sheepishly. She then looks back at me and was about to say something when…

Knock. Knock.

Recomposing herself, Yukinoshita says, "Come in." Seems like she decided to drop the matter.

With Yukinoshita's consent, the clubroom's door slides open and a student enters. Said student was none other than the Fire Queen of Sobu High, Miura.

Great. What the hell is she doing here?

I know that the Ice Queen and the Fire Queen don't get along, but seriously, I'm pretty sure there wasn't any steam in the room before…

"Yahallo, Yumiko! Did ya come with a request?" Yuigahama beamed as she motioned for Miura to take a seat across from her.

"Yeah, Yui, I am here for a request. It's about…. Hina." She admits.

"Ahh… Hina, huh?" Yuigahama repeats, not looking surprised. "I guess we do need to do something about her."

Miura nods and looks at Yukinoshita.

"As much as it pains me, I'd like to make a request. My friend, Hina, has recently got a hold of a… certain game. She's become addicted to it, and won't talk about anything else. She puts everything else that needs to be done aside, just so that she can play the game. She doesn't do her homework, her chores, and she's even beginning to neglect her friend. So please, do something about it."

"It seems that your friend has sought our solace in this game that you speak of. Is there anything that has been troubling her?" Yukinoshita asks.

"Nothing. As I said before, she just coincidentally got her hands on this game, and now she can't seem to put it down. She's completely addicted!" Miura sighs worriedly. Despite her usual demeanor, she truly does have a mother-like disposition towards those she cares about, especially her friends.

"I understand. So, you want us to rectify this addiction of hers', correct?" Yukinoshita surmises.

"Yeah, that's right." Miura affirms.

"Alright then. Bring her here tomorrow and we will do our best to solve this problem. But before that, could you tell us what game it is that Ebina-san is addicted to?" Yukinoshita requested.

"Ah yea… it's… um… a gal game…" she muttered, obviously ashamed.


This entire time, I was drinking my tea as I was listening to the request. When I heard that it was about Ebina, I thought that Miura finally decided to clamp down on her Fujoshi addiction. Never in a million years would I have imagined this…

As I accidently spit my tea out from the shock of Miura's answer, I look up and am greeted with the disgusted faces of Yukinoshita and Miura, while Yuigahama just looks worried. But I don't care about their looks. I need to know what the heck is going on!

"Wait, wait! We are talking about the same girl, right?! The girl who spouts homo-erotic crap out loud every day in class? The same girl who's constantly sent to the infirmary due to excessive nosebleeds from fantasizing about me and Hayama together? That girl?!" I splutter out, wiping the table clean of the sit-out tea with a tissue.

"Y-yeah, Hikki. That's the Hina Ebina we're talking about. The one in our class." Yuigahama confirms.

I sit there rubbing my temples.

This is so wrong…

"How did a Fujoshi-loving maniac get addicted to a gal game. They are like night and day! This shouldn't even be possible." I claim.

"Look, Hikio! It doesn't matter how it happened. What matters is that we need to fix it. So just drop it, would you?!" Miura snaps.

"Tch. Fine." I concede.

"Well, that's my entire request. So, you just need me to bring Hina here tomorrow, right? Well, if that's all, I'll be taking my leave." Miura stands up.

"Okay, see you tomorrow, Yumiko!" Yuigahama says.

With that, it's just the three of us again. I sit there, wondering how the world can flip upside down so easily. After some time, I pondered on something else.

"Hey, how are we supposed to solve the request anyways? I mean, it's not like we can just force her to stop being addicted." I questioned.

"Oh, you just leave that to me, Hikigaya-kun." Yukinoshita replied with the mischievous smirk on her face.

Oh boy, this can't be good.


24 hours later, we were back in the clubroom awaiting our expected visitors, Miura and Ebina. I still have no idea on how we're going to solve the problem, since Yukinoshita didn't shed any light on the plan she had in mind. We sat there, drinking tea and engaging in our respective activities: reading a novel, fiddling with a phone, and reading a trashy light novel. (With good 'plot' of course) After a good twenty minutes, a knock was heard on the clubroom door. With Yukinoshita's permission, the door slid open and the two guests of honor made their way into the room.

"Yahallo, Yumiko! Yahallo, Hina! Sit, sit!" Yuigahama greeted the two heartily.

"Yahallo, Yui. Yumiko said you wanted me to come today?" Ebina asked, slightly confused.

"Actually, Hina, I asked them to help me… with you." Miura admitted. She cleared her throat. "Hina, this is an intervention. You've been so addicted to that game you play lately, and I'm worried about you! You're not studying, doing your homework, doing chores. You're not even hanging out with us like you used to. You're just in the corner playing that game of yours, now on. You're among people who care about you, so please let us help you."

Don't make me a part of this demographic. I couldn't care less about her!

"Addicted…addicted? I'm not addicted!" Ebina scoffed. "I could stop any time I want to!"

"Really, Ebina-san? That's great news. Just hand me your console and your game, and you can be on your way." Yukinoshita interjected.

"Y-you want me to give you my game?" Ebina murmured, scared.

"Yes, that is correct. That way, there won't be a question of whether you are addicted to the game or not, simply because you won't be able to be addicted to it." Yukinoshita explained, calmly.

"…" Ebina was silent.

"Hina, come on, give her the game. You can't be addicted to a game like that right now? We're about to graduate, and you need to study so you can do well on the exams and get into a good college." Miura reasoned.

"Yeah, Hina. Let's have a study group together! It'll be fun!" Yuigahama agreed.

"…" Still silent.

"Look, Ebina-san, if you really don't have a problem then this should be easy for-" Yukinoshita started.

"FINE! YOU'RE RIGHT! I HAVE A PROBLEM!" Ebina exploded. "I can't stop playing 'ECSTASY GIRLS"! How can I, when Yume-chan is sooooooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!" She brings out her PS Vita and reveals a screen with an image of a digital High School girl with a dark-blue colored pony-tail, adoring blue eyes, caring facial expression, and a uniform much like the ones at our school.

"I didn't really mean to get addicted, honest! But my cousin let me borrow the game because she told me it was fun, so I gave it a try! The next thing I know, I was hooked. I got to make my own girl, get to know her, confess to her, I could even go dates on her! There's even a voice activated feature where you can speak to her and the touch screen lets her react to where you touch her! It is a masterpiece." Ebina continued to defend her stand. "Through this game, I found my one true love! Yume-chan cares for me and I care for her. WE ARE MEANT TO BE!"

Okay, this was getting disturbing real fast.

Someone please help her.

Before Ebina could continue, a hand was place on her should. Yukinoshita's hand.

"Ebina-san. No matter which way you look at it, you're addicted. And someone who really cares for you" She glances at Miura "requested that we take care of this addiction of yours now before you do something you regret. So please, help us help you. Give us the game, Ebina-san." Yukinoshita said quietly, but sternly.

Ebina's quivering right hand began holding up the PS Vita, slowly making its way to place it in Yukinoshita's hand. Halfway there, her left hand grabbed her right arm and tried to hold it back to stop the separation from her beloved game. After a moment of a mental battle, Ebina's logical side won out and her left hand let go of her right arm, allowing the PS Vita to make its way to Yukinoshita's palm.

"You did the right thing." Yukinoshita approved.

"Hina! I'm so proud of you!" Miura exclaimed.

"You did it, Hina!" Yuigahama joined in.

They celebrated for a while, with the girls giving Ebina words of encouragement. I just sat there wondering how bizarre this whole ordeal was. A Fujoshi became a Bishojo lover and the conclusions being so… simple. I didn't even have to lift a finger.

"Thanks guys, really. I'm going to do my best to get back to normal. But still, can I ask what you're going to do with my game?" Ebina asked.

"Well, since the root of the problem is the game and not your console, you can have this back." Yukinoshita removed the game disc from the PS Vita and handed the console back to Ebina. "However, I will confiscate this as part of the request and return it when the time is right." She said, waving the disc in her hand.

"I-I understand…" she said, a bit sullen.

"Well, it seems that our business here is done. Thank for hearing my request Yukinoshita and Yui! And uhh… thank you too, Hikio." Miura said as she and Ebina bowed.

I grunted acknowledgement even though I didn't do anything.

"Well, we should get going. Yui, we're going to karaoke now, do you want to come?" Miura asked.

"I still have club, so I can't. Sorry, Miura." Yuigahama replied.

"It's fine, Yuigahama-san. You may go, I don't believe there will be any more requests today. It's almost time for club to end, anyways." Yukinoshita interjected.

"Really? Thanks, Yukinon!" Yuigahama said as she assaulted Yukinoshita with a hug, much to the latter's embarrassment. After packing up, Yuigahama followed Yumiko and Ebina out the door while saying her goodbyes.

"Bye bye, Yukinon! See you tomorrow, Hikki!" Yuigahama waved.

With that, only me and Yukinoshita were left in the room. For a few minutes, we didn't say a word. I was reading my light novel while she was reading her book. About five minutes from the end of club hours, however, she got up and made her way towards me. Curious, I put my book down to see what was the matter.

"Hikigaya-kun, I have a favor to ask." She words said it was a favor, but her tone said it was a command.

"Yes?" I let her continue.

She pulled out the game disc that Ebina left behind and held it up.

"I want you to hold onto this for me." She stated.

She has to be kidding me.

"You can't be serious. If anyone found out I had this in my possession, my reputation would be ruined." I retaliated.

"Hikigaya-kun, last time I checked, you had no reputation that could be ruined more than it already is. Or am I mistaken." Damn… I hate to admit it, but she's right. "And all you need to do is keep it in your home until it is called upon. This is a job that even a hooligan such as yourself can accomplish." She attempted to cajole me.

"If my sister ever found out I had something like this, I'd lose my standing as her older brother! You can't do this to me, Yukinoshita!" I groaned. "If my sister disowns me, who's going to wake me up for school every day?!"

Yukinoshita did little to hide her mirth at my panic.

"Ara, Hikigaya-kun, are you saying that you are so incompetent that you cannot even pull your own weight on a request. If I remember correctly, Yuigahama and myself did all the talking while you just sat there during this whole ordeal. Would it not be fair to say that you have yet to contribute to the request? It is a shame for Komachi-san. A brother who can't properly do a job cannot properly take care of his sister."

This bitch…

Though I am not susceptible to most provocations, there are exceptions. Especially when my loyalty to Komachi is called into question.

"Fine! I'll show you that I can keep a stupid game like this, without incident. But after that, when the request is officially complete, you have to admit that I'm the best big brother ever. And you even have to call me 'onii-chan' while doing so! I mean, unless you're scared." If I was knowingly going to fall for her provocations, I was definitely going to get something out of it.

"Without incident, eh? Fine. However, if there is an incident before Ebina is completely cured from her addiction, even the slightest one, then I win the bet." Yukinoshita proposed. "And WHEN I win, I will order you to become my baggage carrier for a day when I go s-shopping." She concluded with a smirk, although with slightly rosy cheeks.

"Hmph, you're on. But don't back out on me." I said as I put my hand out.

"Oh, I won't. Instead, aim those words at a mirror." Yukinoshita countered, taking my hand in hers.

We shook on it, and the bet was officially on.

Never would I have thought that a Yukinoshita would be this foolish... My path to victory is practically assured. All I have to do is leave it home and never touch it. Oh, yes… victory shall be sweet!

With those thoughts running through my mind, I let go of her hand and gather my belongings for departure. I wait for her to lock up the club room and we return the keys together and walk out. As we make it to the school entrance, we stop to say our good byes.

"I will see you tomorrow, Hikigaya-kun. Try not to lose the bet too fast, would you? It'd be a shame if you made it too easy." she mused.

"Heh, okay Yukipedia. You and your database of a brain won't be able to comprehend it when I win, anwyays. See ya tomorrow." I remark as I wave good-bye.

Both feeling confident, we turn around and head our separate ways home.


I came home to find the house still empty. I shoot Komachi a text and find that she's out with friends and that she'll be home in an hour or to make dinner.

With time to kill, I decided to take a quick shower and watch some tv. I surfed through some channels, but there was good nothing on.

This is why people don't bother to buy cable anymore!

Still bored, I went to my room and decided to read the light novel I started in the club room, only to realize I forgot to pack it up today.

Crap, I must have left it in the club room.

At this point, I was bored out of my mind. I lay there, on my bed, wishing for something to do. I look towards my backpack and remember the homework I have to turn in by Monday. Nahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Then my eyes land on my smart phone on the desk, and I am reminded that there is a world of videos I can watch on Youtube. It's too far. Lastly, my eyes make their way to the small two-compartment drawer right next to me where I had just recently placed the game Ebina left in the care of the Service Club. It was sitting there, along with my own PS Vita and my other game discs.

Laying on my bed, I wondered what could have possibly made such a hardcore Fujoshi become addicted to a gal game called "ECSTASY GIRLS".

In hindsight, I should have left it at that. After all, if it could make a Homo-loving lunatic bend the other way, what would it do to a straight laced guy like me? I should have played one of my other games.

In hindsight, I should have just stopped being a lazy bum and gotten up to get my phone and watch some goddam cat videos.

In hindsight, I should have tried to finish the homework that was due in five days.

But instead of doing any of those things, I decided to try to scope out what made Ebina so addicted, purely out of boredom. And that was a mistake.

Because for the rest of that week, I didn't go to school.


Sup guys, I'm back with a new story. For those of you who came from my first story and haven't given up on me yet, thank you! I mean it. And rest assured, I have not given up on that story yet, I've just decided to put it on hold for now. I'm still giving readers a chance to vote on the options. (By the way, for those of you who think that i am upset with reviewers who were harsh towards my chapter 5, that is simply not true. I appreciate your honesty and respect your opinions. You let me see that I did, in fact, make a complete 180 in my story and I mean to learn from my mistakes.)

Anyways, on to this story: what do you guys think? I made it a lot less dramatic from my previous work. Before anyone asks, let me be clear that no, this is not going to be a Ebina x Hachiman or Miura x Hachiman. The pairings are still undecided, but those two are not options. They simply helped me open the story up, and will probably become less that frequent in this story.

This story will probably have 3 or 4 parts in total, but each will be long chapters (hopefully) like this. And of course, I'll do my best to stay consistent this time ;)

That being said, I am open to reviews and suggestion, as always. And feel free to follow and/or favorite if you're enjoying the story.

Until next time