Hinata, for somewhere between the 37th and 43rd time now, checked herself in the full length mirror head to toe. This time a modest but strapless dark blue dress that touched just past her knees and hugged her slim frame like hopefully would Naruto would be soon. Soft pink trim lined down the sides and the bottom hem of the dress, sparkling slightly in the light of her room.
"What do you think of this one, Hanabi? Do you think it's too much?" Hinata asked of her sister who lay facedown on her bed, watching like a hawk. While still fairly young, the youngest of the main branch family was wise beyond her years at things like romance and dating.
Probably due to her own experience with a certain 'honorable grandson' who also had dreams of being the Hokage someday, a penchant for pranks, and a mean Rasengan like his mentor. The Hyuga had similar (and damn good!) taste in men apparently.
Hanabi shook her head furiously. "This is my favorite one yet, sis! You look so beautiful, I just know Naruto will love it!"
Hinata sat on the edge of her bed and slipped her feet into a pair of strappy sandals with a slight heel to them. Pulling out all the stops tonight, for sure. She buckled them right above her ankle and breathed deeply in apprehension.
Hanabi crawled forward and sat next to her older sister, nudging her playfully, "Don't be so nervous, sis. You guys will have an incredible time, I just know it."
"I just really want this to go well is all," she said through a weak smile, fingers fidgeting in her lap. "It's not everyday the guy you've been crushing on since you were a toddler asks you out, ya know?"
"I totally get that... 'ya know', hehe!" Hanabi giggled with one hand over her mouth.
Hinata went beat red and covered her face with her hands, "See! What if I do that in front of Naruto, he'd think I was-"
Hanabi pulled her sister's hands down and held them in her own, "He'd think it's cute. And for all the stressing you're doing right now, I bet he's just as nervous as you are. Relax, Hinata! You guys might even end up having sex!"
"Hanabi!" Hinata gasped and retracted her hands sharply, though clearly not insulted at the prospect so much as her kid sister being the one to bring it up, "That's... not an appropriate thing to say!"
Hanabi stuck her tongue out humorously. "Don't act like you haven't thought about it! Just don't come back pregnant, father would freak!"
Hinata's hands returned to her face as she fell back on her bed and sighed. Great, just one more thing to be nervous about!
"Well, my work here is done!" the youngest Hyuga said as she hopped off her sister's bed, "I want to hear all about this date tomorrow, though! Just have fun and I promise it'll work out! Night!"
"Night, Hanabi."
Hinata lay there for several minutes pondering if she should try on one more outfit when-
Knock, knock, knock
"Ah, Lord Naruto. Excellent to see you, young Hokage. Please, do come in."
"Yeah you too, old man! Been a while, yeah?!"
Hinata shot up. She forgot to tell her father about the date! Uh-oh... she raced out of her room, or at least as much as one could in heels. How Tsunade manages to fight in shoes like these let alone walk is mind-boggling.
"Quite. May I ask what brings you here? And whom the flowers are for?"
"Oh, uh, they're actually for Hinata! You know if she likes sunflowers by any chance? Ino said I should go with roses, but I think these are way better."
Hinata crept toward the staircase almost as if she were on a recon mission. She peered her head just around the corner and over the banister to see her father and Naruto conversing on the couch, the two sharing some tea amidst a few laughs in the mix. Not the most expected of outcomes but not one she would protest!
"Well, I was unaware you two had plans for the evening. Hinata didn't mention anything of the sort. Allow me to fetch her."
Hinata closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. Well, no use hiding now. Hopefully Hiashi won't be too mad.
"No need, father" Hinata announced as she showed herself from atop the steps and gently descended, taking each step with the grace and elegance of a princess, one hand draping along the banister.
Naruto's eyes widened and mouth opened slightly as he watched her move. She looked so regal, so magnificent, so exalted, so... beautiful. Whether it was because his vocabulary was never that impressive or because his heart just fell into his stomach, only one thought ran through his head, over and over.
She's mine.
Simple and to the point, not unlike the man himself.
Even Hiashi felt himself marvel a little. Not only at her beauty, but the way she carried herself. Though he wasn't always father of the year material, he did love his daughter entirely. And he was proud to see her blossom into such a rare and unique person, inside and out. So much like her mother...
"I'm sorry," she curtsied slightly after reaching where Naruto and Hiashi both stood speechless, "I forgot to mention that Naruto and I were going out this evening. I hope it's not a burden to you, father. Please forgive me."
Hiashi collected himself and ran one hand through his greying mane. "Think nothing of it, Hinata. In fact," he placed his hands behind his back and cracked an uncharacteristic smile, "I insist you go and show our future Lord Hokage an excellent night."
Hinata placed her hands together and bowed slightly, adoration written on her face. He wasn't perfect, but he was her father. Despite his shortcomings, he was a good man and she knew he loved her even if he didn't show it so well. And hopefully it was a sign of good things yet to come.
"Thank you, sir."
She turned to face her date, even more admiration written on her face when those blonde spikes and cerulean eyes came into focus.
For as expectedly grand as Hinata looked, Naruto sure cleaned up damn good himself! He was wearing long, black dress slacks that had clearly been ironed, an admitted first for the Uzumaki. A crisp, white button down shirt hugged his muscular torso and Hinata even took note that he buttoned every single one, even the collar! A simple, open black blazer and black wingtip shoes completed his debonair outfit. Hinata's favorite part of the outfit, however, was his long, blonde locks completely wild as ever. That's what she loved about this man... no matter what, he's always true to himself. His colors bled through in every situation and sucked her in like a tractor beam.
Decided to skip the tie though! Between you, me, and the wall here, those things were tacky and not worth the hassle! So suck it, Sasuke!
"These, uh, are for you! I hope you like them!" Naruto offered genuinely, hands slightly shaking as noted by Hiashi. Was the great Naruto Uzumaki... nervous?!
"They're beautiful, Naruto. Thank you so much." She graciously accepted the flowers and inhaled their sweet scent gently. Good thing Naruto went with his gut because sunflowers actually were her favorite.
Hinata placed them in a nearby vase and made a mental note to water them later. "Shall we be going then?"
Naruto snapped back to reality, admittedly getting lost in the way her butt was shaped in that dress. Can't blame a guy for looking, eh?!
"Yeah... yeah, let's get going," he smiled ear to ear and held out his arm for Hinata. A move he truthfully copied from tons of movies he'd seen, but it seemed like a good time to break it out! Hiashi watched with devlishly curious intent.
Electricity shot through the both of them as Hinata locked her arm in his and they walked, linked as they were, toward the front door of the Hyuga Estate.
"Goodnight, father!" Hinata called back over her shoulder. "Thank you again!"
"Night, old timer! I'll have her home soon, promise!" Naruto echoed, his free hand in the air waving back and forth.
"Goodnight, kids! Take good care of my daughter, Lord Hokage." Luckily they were mostly out the door when he finished that sentence because he couldn't hold back the cheek-numbing smile anymore. That kid was something else, but he understood what Hinata saw in him. You just can't help but like the guy.
Naruto turned to face Hiashi as he closed the door behind them, a glisten in his bright, blue eyes, "You got it."
Their walk together this time was far more enjoyable than the one from yesterday. They strolled arm in arm down the glowing streets of the Leaf, sharing tales of what they had been up to since the War ended. Hinata recounted several stories of missions with Kiba and Shino, assisting in the reconstruction efforts around the village, becoming a jounin, and helping out Kurenai with baby Mirai while Naruto mostly just listened. Hinata normally didn't speak so much, so hearing her share so freely was a really nice change of pace.
The two approached the outskirts of the village near the restaurant, and Hinata's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when the grand castle came into view. It was a large, grey manor made of stones imported from the Land of Iron. Long, red banners checkered with the Leaf symbol adorned the structure top to bottom, bright lights shining from every balcony, nook, and across the roof. The doors were red and easily over 10 feet tall with the bronze handles also shaped like the Leaf symbol. It resembled something you'd see in a history book moreso than a dining establishment.
"Oh, Naruto, is this the place?! It's absolutely beautiful!" Hinata remarked with bewilderment, her lavender eyes reflecting the shining beacon in all its glory as she examined every inch of it.
"Yeah, this is it!" he replied happily, pulling her in a little closer which elicited a faint whimper from the Hyuga heiress. "I did promise we weren't going for ramen, didn't I?"
Hinata nodded and nuzzled her body into Naruto's side, much to both of their apparent pleasure considering their now matching rosy-cheeks, as the two strode to the oversized doors
Just adjacent to them was a slightly older gentleman dressed in a very formal black three-piece set, complimented by a matching top hat, monocle, and cane. A podium stood before him with a stack of parchment placed on it, a quill and some ink in the corner above it.
"Good evening, sire. And to you, madam," the maître d' warmly greeted through a subservient bow, "My name is Jacques, and I am the host of Cheateau de Ritz. May I ask the gentleman for his name?"
Naruto restrained his laughter albeit with some trouble. Man, these fake French accents are hilarious!
"The name's Naruto Uzumaki, reservation for two," he answered, holding up two fingers.
"Ah, yes, Lord Hokage! Please forgive me!" Jacques clasped his hands together and bowed once more, far lower this time. It was almost impressive actually. Then he clapped his hands together twice. "Please Mr. and Mrs. Uzumaki, if you'll follow me, we have an exquisite set up awaiting you."
Hinata's grip on Naruto's arm turned from lovingly tender to almost white-knuckle tight. He didn't... he didn't just call her...
"Sounds great! Come on... Mrs. Uzumaki," Naruto repeated with a devlish grin and wink as he led Hinata through the restaurant, who wasn't walking so much as floating beside him now. I mean she's obviously mused the name 'Hinata Uzumaki' to herself, but to hear other people, especially Naruto himself, repeat it was... well, check it off the bucket list!
Jacques led Naruto and Hinata through the posh main dining area, up a small spiral staircase, pausing to unlock a door at the top with a special keyring he kept in his front pocket. Naruto thought this must be fancy, there were certainly no locked doors at Ichiraku!
"This room, my liege, is reserved for only our most esteemed of guests."
"Whoa, holy shi- I, I mean, wow! This is incredible, Jack!"
'Whoa' was an understatment. Hinata was no stranger to fine dining, being from one the Leaf's most distinguished clans and all, but this was next level even for her. The room was expansive in size, but still intimate at the same time. The wallpaper was a breath-taking velvet red with yellow and white stripes and designs running all through it. A golden chandilier above the table dimly lit the room and made the flecks of gold on the walls shine like the stars in the sky. Large vases filled with beautiful, tall plants of all colors, marble statues with remarkable detail of landmarks (one of them the Great Naruto Bridge, hell yeah!), and spectacular pieces of art worth who knows how much were strewn along the walls and strong pillars of the room.
"Please, have a seat. I shall return momentarily, my most honored guests," Jacques said earnestly as he pulled out both chairs from the exquisite table.
The budding lovers took their seats gingerly and thanked Jacques before he departed.
Naruto grabbed a book of matches resting against an intricate, silver candleholder and lit the three candles on it carefully, smiling at his handywork. "When they told me 'Deluxe Dining Experience', they weren't kiding, eh? Talk about fancy!"
Hinata watched Naruto as he lit the candles, her eyes drawn to the dancing flames as much as the man lighting them himself. "Did you set this all up, Naruto?"
"Sure did," he said proudly, leaning forward and tilting his head slightly, "I thought if we were going to do this, we might as well do it right, ya know?"
Hinata closed her eyes as she nodded in agreement.
"Plus," he rubbed a whiskered cheek thoughtfully, "I think it's pretty overdue. You've done a lot for me, Hinata. It's high-time I do something for you too!"
"If you don't count saving me and the entire known world from consistent threats, I suppose," she teased with a half-smile.
"Comes with the territory of being a hero, I guess" he answered with a sportive wink. "I'm glad it's just the two of us this time, though. Thanks for coming out with me on such short notice."
"You know I always would, Naruto," the eldest Hyuga daughter said, far quieter this time, thumbing at the bottom of her dress. She wanted to ask why it took so long, why he hasn't approached sooner, why he made no effort to see her, but now still wasn't the time. That didn't stop a little of that emotion from showing on her face, though.
"Yeah," Naruto said in more serious than usual tone, clearly sensing Hinata's sudden uneasiness, "and that's what makes you so great. A lot of people expect a lot of things from me these days. I don't mean for it to happen, but I end up disappointing some of them and catching hell. There's only so much a guy can do, ya know?"
Not quite the answer she was looking for. She sighed internally and bit her lower lip.
Naruto reached across the table and grabbed Hinata's hand, locking his fingers in hers. He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb slowly, feeling the goosebumps starting to form more and more on her delicate skin. Her eyes snapped back to meet his piercing gaze.
"I'll just have to do a better job of taking care of the ones I care about the most. Those are the ones I refuse to disappoint anymore."
Now that, that was the answer she was looking for! It's a good thing this chair had a strong back to it otherwise she was liable to melt to the floor!
Hinata squeezed Naruto's hand in return, her heart rolling in elation and her face unable to hide that emotion either. Her lavender eyes shimmered with hope and appreciation.
"Do you promise?"
"Promise," Naruto replied, a half-smile inscribed on his face, "And I'm pretty sure you know how seriously I take my promises. It's my- it's our- ninja way after all."
Wow! Was this really Naruto or was the world still stuck in the Infinite Tsukuyomi?! Since when he did become such a smooth operator?! If he kept this up, Hinata was about to insist they skip dinner and just go straight to the wedding chapel for real!
"I took the libery of bringing the esteemed couple some of our finest champagne. May I?" Jacques offered forward a green bottle, the top already popped.
Naruto quickly withdrew his hand from Hinata's, not wanting to embarrass her, but only accomplishing the opposite. From the second he pulled away, she ached for his touch all the stronger... Naruto, of course, feeling the same. Maybe even more so.
"Fill 'em up, Jack!" Naruto said enthusiastically though, to which Jacques complied dutifully.
"Are the esteemed guests ready to order?" he inquired as he poured their glasses full.
"Uhh, I suppose I'll just take whatever the chef specialty is, yeah? Thanks."
"I will as well, thank you," Hinata politely followed.
"Ah, an excellent choice, my friends! I shall return shortly with your cuisine, please do not hesitate to ask for anything!" Jacques bowed faithfully, and departed downstairs to the kitchen.
"Wonder what the house special is," Naruto remarked, stroking his chin, "hopefully nothing gross like bugs or dirt. I know fancy people eat weird stuff sometimes."
Hinata giggled quietly and brushed some stray locks out of her eyes. "I'm sure it's nothing like that, Naruto."
"I don't know, have you ever eaten here before? I hear that the rich people in the Cloud Village eat snake tails, and if we get anything like that, I'll-"
If you were ask to around the Leaf, not many would quantify Hinata Hyuga as a 'person of action'. However, that's because few people truly know her. In general, she was quiet, reserved, careful, and patient... remarkbly good qualities all things considered. But if you were to ask Naruto Uzumaki? Oh yeah, he'd tell you... as soon as she took her tongue out of his mouth.
In one fluid motion, Hinata pushed her chair back, stood up, leaned over the ornate table, and crashed her lips into his. Naruto, in spite of the surprise, responded in kind, sliding his tongue into her mouth and snaking it against hers as he wrapped his arms around her slender shoulders. Hinata's hands ran through Naruto's untamed tresses feverishly and down the back of his blazer. Her touch was one of burning desire and primal need. His, one of fiery passion and unbridled joy.
He rose out of his chair and forced his lips deeper against hers, the craving overtaking him just as it did her. Naruto growled softly as he bit her lower lip and tugged gently, relishing the feel of her soft skin against his. Hinata whined softly and wrestled her tongue against his, exploring every contour of his mouth frantically and longingly. The intensity of the kiss more like a sparring session conducted with their mouths as opposed to a sign of affection, but what do you expect after years in the making? Hell this was tame compared to what they could be doing.
Whether after an hour or simple seconds, neither would be able to tell you, they finally parted and reseated themselves as Jacques footsteps were heard coming up the stairs. A few indignant huffs were heard by the manservant.
"Dinner is served, my most dearest of friends! We have- is everything in order, sire? You and your wife seem to be... panting? Is the room temperature unsatisfactory?"
Naruto drew a deep breath, eyes closed, then checked the question off with a wave of his hand. "We're... we're doing just fine, Jackie. Thanks."
Speak for yourself! Hinata wasn't sure if the world was spinning or it was just her, but whichever it was, it needed to stop! Her attempt to reach for a napkin was pathetic to say the least, only resultling in her champagne glass being spilled and several pieces of silverware falling to the floor.
"Wh... whoops," she mused with a faint smile to the head waiter, "must... must be the cham.. the ch-... it must be the drink getting in my... head or something!"
Naruto laughed jovially and shook his head side to side several times like a dog drying off, "She's... uh, she's fine, Jackie Boy! Whadya got for us, my man?"
Hinata adjoined her hands together and attempted to collect herself, but Naruto was making it awfully hard by waggling his eyebrows and making kissy faces at her as Jacques replaced her silverware and refilled her cup, each giggle harder to repress than the last.
"For the lady, we have a treat indeed!"
Jacques plopped a large serving tray in front of Hinata with a silver covering atop it.
"Deepfried antelope hooves, garnished with lemon, pepper, and a special sauce, served with a crisp side of baked tree bark and a light glazing of duck sauce!" Jacques announced proudly as he pulled the covering off and unveiled the chef's 'specialty'.
Hinata's words and eyes must've been failing her, because whatever this mess on the plate in front of her was, most certainly didn't look edible.
"Oh... oh, thank you so much! It... it looks.. quite delicious!" She picked up some chopsticks and prodded at the dish, determining... well, exactly what to do with it.
"Hehe! Go ahead, Hinata... dig in!" he snickered, taking a sip of his champagne.
"And for the refined gentleman, a platter of our finest snails! Stewed for over 24 hours in a delicate butter and garlic mixture, completed with a steamed broccoli essence finish!"
Naruto's expression a mix between fear and utter confusion as Jacques placed the massive platter before him. What the hell, it looked some of them were still moving! People actually eat this garbage?!
"Bon appétit, my friends," Jacques bowed graciously, spun on his wheels, and sauntered down the steps.
Naruto and Hinata stared at their meals in disbelief. Hinata searching for exactly which part of the hooves to eat, or even if they were edible, and Naruto completely turning his nose up at his snails.
Several minutes passed in silence as they 'inspected' their dinner closely, neither wanting to give the other the idea that it was, well, awful. Hinata knew Naruto went to a lot of trouble to make these reservations on short notice and it couldn't have been cheap, so you could guess who caved first.
"Alright," Naruto spoke up, clamping his nose with one hand, "I think... I think, ah... I think this totally sucks, I'm not eating this trash!" The young Hokage pushed his so-called 'delictables' to the far edge of the table and covered it an obscene amount of napkins.
Hinata laughed heartily and covered her entre with the silver encasing Jacques thankfully left behind. Hers was certainly no more appetizing regardless. "Hey, Naruto?"
"Hm?" he responded, waving one hand quickly in the air by his face to dissipate the smell.
"Would you like to go to Ichiraku and get some-"
Naruto jumped up, pulled out his wallet, dropped a couple bills on the table, grabbed Hinata's hand and led her to the window, stopping only to raise his shirt a little and turn the seal on his stomach.
"Hold on."
She looked at him, puzzled. "Hold on to what? I don't understand what- OH MY GOODNESS, NARUTOOOOOOOO"
Before she could process the thought, Naruto's skin turned golden as he activated Six Path Sage Mode, grabbed Hinata by the waist, and jumped out of the window.
"HAHA! BEATS USING THE DOOR, YEAH? WHOO!" he shouted as he flew through the dark sky above like a comet.
After landing safely, albeit frazzled in Hinata's case, in front of Ichiraku Ramen and placing their order for several bowls of ramen to-go, the two found a quaint spot in a nearby park. They sat side by side on the bench under a tall oak, laughing at the ordeal they just experienced and eating til their stomach's content.
"Well, we tried at least, eh? Next time, we'll just come straight to Ichiraku, hehe!" Naruto laughed and patted his full belly several times, sighing happily. "You just can't beat the classics!"
Hinata giggled and scooted closer to Naruto, pressing her body against his completely. Naruto draped his right arm around Hinata's shoulders and pulled her tight, the two of them gazing at the stars above.
"Sounds like a plan," she whispered, huddling close to the jinchuriki. She couldn't help but notice how her body seemed to match to his perfectly, like two puzzle pieces fitting together. He was so warm, so comfortable, so strong. She could sit like this forever, perfectly content.
"I don't know if you'll be able to beat that kiss, though. That was out of this world," he jested, bumping the girl with his inner shoulder, "you just jumped over the table and WHAM! Right on my lips, ya know!"
A little flirting, hm? Two could play this game.
"I'll have you know that wasn't even 10% of my kissing skills. I could do way better if I wanted," she teased right back. Must've been a full moon out, someone was certainly feeling bold.
Naruto turned his body to face her and waggled his eyebrows playfully. "Oh yeah? Well it wasn't even 5% of mine."
"Well it wasn't even- Mmmph"
Naruto was absolutely done with this game. He angled his head down and introduced their lips together for the second time tonight, only this time, far more tenderly. He slowly brushed his lips against hers, savoring the satin-like feeling of them and indulging in the taste, a hint of ramen most definitely in there, but that's a plus in his book.
Hinata slid her arms around his waist and allowed herself to get lost in this heavenly bliss, to surrender herself completely to Naruto's protection and security. How could one person have so much power over another? The feathery strokes of his supple mouth sent shivers down her spine and made her toes curl. His strong arm resting on her shoulders, her shelter against the world in this moment, made her want to hold tight and never let go. This is what she dreamed about for so long, all she wanted since she was a little girl.
Also for the second time tonight, her body burned for more the second he pulled away.
"Come on, I better get you home," he said as he stood upright, extending his hand for her to take. She relunctantly did so, but immeidately pressed her body against his as they made the journey back to the Hyuga Estate, even their steps in perfect unison this time.
It was a quiet walk this time, but a different quiet from usual. A sort of knowing quiet, the kind where you don't have to say anything at all to say everything you want. They just... knew. As lame and incomplete as that sounded, nothing was more accurate.
The pair made their way to Hinata's porch and faced each other again, heartfelt smiles saying more than words ever could. A singular porchlight and the silver moon above shone down on them. Hinata was the first to break the silence.
"Thank you... for such an incredible night, Naruto. I had an amazing time," she whispered, fumbling with her keys as she wrestled with staring at the ground and making eye contact with Naruto.
"Yeah, same here. Thanks for coming with me, ya know. I'm glad you came." The usually vibrant and overbearing tone of his voice was far softer now. His lips caressed the words he spoke as much as they did Hinata's lips earlier... over and over.
"So," he followed up, cocking his head to the moon above then back to his date, "I'll see you soon?"
Hinata nodded gingerly, her fingers splaying over her housekeys. "Anytime you'd like."
"Cool..." Naruto breathed, almost inaudibly.
"Cool..." she copied, at a much lower volume that only Naruto's sensitive ears could detect.
Was that really all the goodnight he was going to give after such a great time? No plans for a second date, no big reveal of any kind, no earth-shattering end of the night kiss? I mean granted they already did that a few times, but still. Did he not enjoy the evening? Was she too forward, was she too obvious, was she too-
Almost as if he read her mind, Naruto stepped forward toward Hinata, framed his tan hands around her face, and kissed her with unrivaled passion. Emotion flooded from both of their lips that sent goosebumps through both their bodies, from the top of their heads to the tips of their toes. The love was absolutely palpable, and Hinata's knees immediately went to jelly.
The entanglement was shorter than their first two kisses, but perhaps even more powerful. She had the tingles surging through her body to prove it. There was something here alright, there was definitely something here.
"Goodnight, Hinata," Naruto whispered in her ear as he released her face, much to Hinata's chagrin.
"Goodnight, Naruto," she responded, fighting with every fiber of her being not to run after him as he walked down the illimunated pathway to the road and kiss him endlessly.
Naruto put his hands in his pockets and basked in the glory of his feelings as he walked home. This was... amazing. He knew he liked Hinata, and he knew it for some time now. I mean, it was impossible not to, right? She's beautiful, kind, sweet, hell of a fighter, and she's risked her life for him how many times now? But this feeling... the way his heart was beating, his body yearning for more, his head swimming and not from the champagne. This is love, isn't it? Holy hell!
And much like when she first showed herself this evening when walking down the stairs, only one thought was playing in Naruto's head over and over.
She's mine.
Back at the Hyuga Compound, Hinata crept inside quiet as a church mouse and kicked her shoes off at the door, the soft paddings of her bare feet on the wooden steps the only noise in the house.
She entered her room, closed the doors, and promptly changed into some comfortable clothes before crawling in bed. As her head in the pillow and she replayed the date from beginning to end in her head, only one thought was playing over and over.
He's mine.