Hello hello! Welcome back to what is FINALLY chapter 15! Uh, about the hiatus, yeah, I just have to blame myself for that one. I got lazy, wanted to enjoy my Christmas break, started getting into Xenoblade Chronicles 2, school started back up, started Total Drama What Ifs, and things just escalated from there. Yeah, sorry about everything. I'm just really, really lazy. So, let's get right into things and waste no more time!

Random TDI Fact of the Day: DJ and Eva are the only contestants from the first generation to not be romantically involved with another contestant from any generation at all, whether it be one sided or mutually. If you are confused on if one contestant's love interest, ask in a review question. Eva could almost be considered for Justin, and if you see it that way, then DJ is the only contestant from gen 1 not to have a love interest.

That British Guy: I'll try to test your knowledge then.

Guest: That's not a bad idea!

Yeezynight14: I was only graded on my word count, so I did well on that paper! Thank you for considering! Thank you for all of your positive feedback!

Alexander J McCarty: I'm pretty sure I reviewed, but this is very late, soooo yeah. While it's true Courtney doesn't like Harold, Courtney just wants Duncan to stay in the game. Why is that? It's a secret, mwahaha. Thank you for your compliments! Greatly appreciate your feedback. Chris wasting their time with idols? Well, he revealed it was found in ROTI, so I just went off of that. As for the imitation challenge, that was actually the plan for one of my future challenges! Great minds think alike! Sorry about grammar mistakes, no one's perfect. Glad you like Dawn. I'm just taking a wild guess and saying she's your favorite character, soooo yeah. She is pretty cute, but I don't fall in love with cartoon characters. Bridgette is kinda hot though. Trent not being shocked, I simply forgot. Happens all the time in canon. Oops. I think Heather is kind of a better character overall, and I felt I gave Jo enough time to shine in this story. Good thing someone understood my reasoning for sending B off. Most people have some mech challenge, and B is sabotaged into being voted off. I like the B sabotaged part, because it's ironic how easy he is to sabotage due to his non speaking thing, but I wanted him to leave in a casual way. B is a casual guy, and the talent show is a casual challenge. Also don't worry, Dawn will be around a while ;). Finally, Nawn is Noah and Dawn. It's a common ship. I can't stand shipping Noah with so many people honestly. He's very apathetic towards pretty much everyone except Owen from the first generation, and I highly doubt he would get in a relationships with the likes of Katie, Izzy, and Dawn. Emma is a much better match for him in my opinion.

"Last time on Total Drama Island, Rebuilt!" Chris said standing on the Dock of Shame, "We had a bit of a throwback classic, the Talent Show contest! We got one last chance to see what these guys were made of! Owen finally got the chance to compete, Kitty failed, Courtney complained, and Junior surprised! Sadly, B bit the biggest, when MacArthur sabotaged his generator, and Rock's performance as well. Because of B's inability to speak, he got the boot, but not after he got part of his first word out! What will happen this time, when a certain change in night patterns will change around with our cast!" Chris said, winking at the camera, "Now on Total, Drama, Island, Rebuilt!"

"I Wanna Be Famous" plays

At the mess hall, everyone is eating, minus Junior, until he walks in.

"Hey everyone!" he announces. Most give a little wave, some ignored him, and Courtney and Duncan glared. He gulped at that last part.

Junior: "Now I know how it feels to be Harold! Rule number one, never make enemies with someone who can punch your teeth out! And Duncan! I bet my dad is worried sick!" he tells the camera.

Junior sat down at the table, in between Noah and Cody, the latter of which was writing on a notepad, "What are you writing about?" Junior asked curious.

"According to my calculations, tonight's the night of the red harvest moon!" Cody exclaimed, excited.

"Didn't they already have that in season 5?" Noah asked, bored.

"That's the thing, blue harvest moons only affect wild animals, and people with multiple personality disorder, for some reason. The red harvest moon affects us humans, and a few domesticated animals! Like the blue harvest moon, it turns us into our opposites! Everytime a blue harvest moon appears, one year later, the red one will show!" Cody nerdly said. (No offense to all of you nerdy peeps out there, I'm one too)

"Oh, that sounds cool!" Junior said.

"As Izzy is normal," Noah rolled his eyes.

"Are you guys talking about the red harvest moon tonight!" Cameron and Harold said in unison, walking up, excited.

"Yep!" exclaimed Cody.

"Awesome!" Harold said.

"Hey look everyone! It's the 10th Official Dorkathon!" Duncan yelled, pointing at the group. They ignored it.

"I can't wait for tonight! I'm going to be taking so many notes!" Cameron said.

"How will you take notes? Won't we all be affected by the moon?" Junior asked, confused.

"You just put tinfoil on your head, and it intercepts the moon's waves," Noah commented.

"Noah's right. When Chris found out I knew this, he made me make tinfoil hats for him in the crew. I got 4 leftover," Cameron said, holding up a tinfoil hat similar to Harold's hat from episode 1 of Total Drama World Tour, "You guys want one? You guys seem as interested in the harvest moon as much as me, so I think you guys deserve to see its effects." Cameron smiled, holding up the hats as he put his own hat on his head.

"Sure!" Cody said as he grabbed a hat.

"That's totally awesome!" Harold added.

"This is so cool!" Junior commented, grabbing a hat. He lifted up his own baseball cap, put the tinfoil hat on his head, and put the baseball cap to cover it.

"Noah?" Cameron asked.

"Meh, sure," he complied, then took a hat, "Thanks," he said dryly.

"Sure! See you guys later!" Cameron said, then walked off. Harold left too, to go sit at his table.

"Gee, I wonder what the challenge will be," Noah said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, Chris will definitely try to turn this into a challenge," Cody agreed.

"Hey Noah, what are you guys talking about?" Emma asked Noah.

"Nothing," Noah said. Junior and Cody realized what he was doing, and snickered. Noah just rolled his eyes.

Noah: "Sure, it would have been nice to tell Emma about the moon. I don't want to sound like Heather or the slippery eel formally known as Alejandro, but it would be kind of funny to see all of these peoples opposites, especially Emma's," he chuckles.

Later, the camera cuts to a loudspeaker with a seagull in. It is now night, when the loudspeaker started to squeak.

"Attention campers! It's time for your favorite night time challenge! This, is going to be a good one!" Chris' voice came over the loudspeaker. There were groans all around the campground. Later, the campers are standing outside, and Chef, Chris, Cameron, Harold, Cody, and Noah are all wearing tinfoil hats. Junior is still wearing his, but it's still under his baseball hat.

"Why are all you dorks wearing lame hats?" Duncan asked.

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough Duncan!" Chris said, laughing, "Tonight, in a homage to season 5's Moon Madness challenge, we will be having another race through the woods!" Chris said.

"Ooh! Original!" Courtney mocked.

"You know, I was going to tell you the twist, but since some of your teammates already know, I'll refrain from doing it then!" Chris said.

"Is that why you wearing your dumb hats?" MacArthur asked.

"Ask Harold or Cameron! They may be willing to explain!" Chris said. He winked at Harold and Cameron, which gave an impression not to tell them. They smirked and nodded.

"Listen dweeb, you are going to tell us what the twist is, or you'll be feeling a whole lot of pain!" Duncan said, holding up Harold by his collar.

"No way! I don't care how much you threaten me, you won't get it out of me!" Harold protested, standing his ground.

"Duncan please, it's probably not important anyways," Courtney scoffed. Duncan compiled, and dropped Harold.

"Alright! Your challenge starts in 3! 2! 1! Go!" Chris blew an airhorn, signalling for the contestants to go. They all ran off into the woods.

Screaming Hawks

"Noah and Cody, do you mind telling us what the whole hat thing is about?" Gwen asked, after they had ran for a bit. She didn't ask Junior, because no one could see his hat under his baseball cap.

"And why would I do that?" Noah asked. The rest of the team, minus Emma, who just rolled her eyes, and Owen, who just looked at Noah blankly, glared at Noah.

"Uhhh," Noah struggled for an answer, then turned around to see the moon, which was now glowing red, "Hey! Look at the moon! Weird huh?" Everyone turned to see what Noah was talking about.

"What is that? I've seen blue moon light, but never red," Gwen commented. All of a sudden, a red aura came over Camp Wawanakwa. Cody smiled and Noah smirked, as they could tell what this meant. Junior just looked at them, and smiled as well, as he assumed he knew what was happening. Everyone else just looked at it confused.

"What the-" Emma started, but was cut off when the light fully consumed the campground. All of the Screaming Hawks, minus Noah, Junior, and Cody, gasped, then looked blankly.

"Oh my gosh! Cute bunnies!" came a squealing voice. The voice turned out to be from Gwen, who was pointing at a herd of bunnies that came passing by.

"They look so cute!" another voice added, this time from Heather.

"I know! We should be friends!" Gwen said.

"Totally!" Heather added, and they hugged.

"We should do make up!" they said at the same time, then squealed.

"Earth to losers! We have a challenge to complete! We're here to win! Not for a tea party!" came a gruff voice. This was surprisingly from Owen, who went from a lovable and unfocused competitor to a serious, zero tolerance, and fierce competitor.

"That's mean!" Heather and Gwen said in unison, so they broke into tears.

"Fellow teammates, we must think logically about this situation. We need to analyze the island, and move a constant 5.3 miles and hour to achieve our goal," came a matter of a fact voice, which came from Izzy.

"That sounds dumb!" said a peeved voice from Sammy, "Now where is my stupid twin? I need her to clip my toenails.

Noah, Cody, and Junior looked at each other with wide eyes, then broke into laughter.

Noah: He's still laughing, wiping tears from his eyes.

Cody: He's giggling, and pounding his hand into his knees.

Junior: He finishes laughing, and wipes one last tear from his eye.

The opposites of their friends looked at them with weirded expressions.

"Are you bozos done now?" an annoyed Kitty asked. The boys nodded, "Good! Now hurry up!" she yelled at them, then walked off, her team following.

"Kitty, that was kind of mean," opposite Emma told her sister timidly.

"It doesn't matter! We need to focus on winning the competition! No distractions!" Kitty told her sister. Emma nodded timidly, and continued walking. All of a sudden, a bear popped up, terrifying everyone, even those whose new personalities were more fierce and even Noah, Cody, and Junior. The group ended up getting split, with Heather, Gwen, and Izzy going one way, Sammy, Kitty, Emma, and Owen going another, and Noah, Cody, and Junior took the last path.

The bear grumbled, then walked back into the woods.

Killer Owls

"Alright guys, let's get a move on," Courtney said, trying to lead her team.

"Whatever you say Ms. PIT," MacArthur grumbled.

"Shut up!" Courtney retaliated.

"Wow, great comeback," MacArthur said. This caused a fight to break out between MacArthur, Courtney, and Duncan. The camera cuts to Rock and Dawn, who are just watching the fight.

"So, Dawn, can I talk to you after the challenge?" Rock asked.

"Sure!" Dawn said, "Although, I feel a great disaster is coming tonight," Rock just nodded like he understood.

Rock: "I feel like it's time for me to tell Dawn I voted for her a couple challenges back. She's nice, and she won't have any hard feelings. Right?" he worriedly asks the camera.

"And your a complete psycho cop!" Courtney screamed, the camera cutting back to her.

"At least I play by the law!" MacArthur screamed back, "You and your boyfriend are complete delinquents!" The camera cuts to Duncan, who just shrugs at the comment, while Courtney gasped like it was the worst thing in the world.

"How dare you suggest that I'm a criminal!" she screeched, then went back to screaming at the cadet. However, they both stopped when they noticed something odd. The moon had begun to turn red. Harold smiled when he was this, while the others just murmured in confusion. It let off a red aura, and Dawn gasped as the aura consumed the campground.

Dawn: "That aura had so much negative energy!" she tells the camera worriedly.

After the aura had fully consumed the campground, everyone except Harold gave off a little gasp. After some looks of confusion from everyone else, the first one to speak was Duncan.

"Wha, where are we?" Duncan asked, very timidly.

"It looks like a spooky forest. I'm scared," MacArthur answered, just a timidly.

"Shut up maggots! We have to get through this cake walk! Now move it!" came a loud shout. Everyone turned to see the voice come from Brick, standing there with arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

"Just shut up idiots," Bridgette scowled.

"Uh guys," Harold said, trying to stop an argument.

"Why are we here anyways? I just wanna take my clothes off and have fun!" came a cry from Courtney, who had already begun to take her shirt off.

"No! Gosh, you have to keep you clothes on," Harold said, swiping away her hands.

"Aww," Courtney groaned.

"Moron," Brody muttered, but all could still hear him.

"Would you peons care for some fun? I can easily arrange for a personal session with this puny Earth's creatures!" came a menacing voice, and Duncan, MacArthur, and Harold all jumped when they saw it to be Dawn, who had a wicked grin on her face.

"We don't have to do this you know," muttered a voice from Rock.

"No time! We all need to channel our inner anger towards winning the competition!" came an intimidating voice, and the camera panned to reveal Zoey in Commando form, with the war paint and headband already.

"Gosh, you guys are idiots!" Harold said, but was met with a kick from Brick, who just laughed at his misfortune.

"Come on maggots!" he gruffed, then ran off into the woods. The others just followed, with Duncan, MacArthur, and Rock at the back, and Brick and Zoey at the front. On the way past Harold, Bridgette gave him a little kick, and ran off chuckling. Harold gave off a little cry of pain, then got up and ran after everyone.

Screaming Hawks: Gwen, Heather, and Izzy

"What was that big scary bear?" Gwen asked as they continued to run.

"That, Gwendolyn, was a Ursus arctos, more commonly known as the grizzly bear. They are mammals that," Izzy started, but was cut off by Heather squealing.

"Look! A cute squirrel!" she cried, and pointed at a squirrel that was hopping along the pathway. It looked back, and went wide eyed when it saw Heather running after it, and started to run away. Heather then appeared in frame, shown wide eyed and smiling running after the squirrel, while Gwen followed with a similar smile and Izzy chasing after the two.

Screaming Hawks: Owen, Kitty, Emma, Sammy

"Do you think we lost the bear?" Emma squeaked.

"Relax loser, it's fine," Owen grumbled.

"Good, now let's move on with the challenge," Kitty said, "No way do I finish second place!"

"Well if she," Sammy gestured at Emma, "Hadn't been slowing us down, maybe we would have gotten away from the bear faster," she grumbled.

"Wha, what did I do?" Emma asked, frightened.

"You were being useless that's what! Now come on!" Sammy said, and started to walk forward. Owen and Kitty shrugged, then followed, then Emma with her head held down. They all of a sudden were pulled up by a rope trap.

"What! What is this!?" Kitty screamed.

"You ticket to last, is what it is!" came a voice, and the camera panned to see Zoey and Brick come into the clearing, along with MacArthur, Duncan, and Rock, "You just fell right into our rope trap! Snack on that losers!" Zoey smirked.

"You get us down right now!" Owen roared. Zoey just gave a confident nod no. And Brick followed up with a smirk of his own.

"Uh, that's not very nice," commented Duncan. MacArthur nodded her head in agreement.

"Doesn't really matter much," Rock mumbled.

"Are you crazy? It doesn't matter how nice you are, it's about you winning the competition!" Zoey scolded them, "And these guys are in our way! Come on!" Zoey walked off, and the other four followed. The camera cuts back to the four stuck in the trap.

"Ugh! You better get us down right now or I will see to it that you are eliminated!" Sammy pointed at Emma, who's head just fell in shame.

"No! We do not lose this game!" Owen cried, then started shaking around the trap in anger. All of a sudden, the rope supporting it snapped, Owen quickly got up, and gave a war cry running off. Emma, Kitty, and Sammy all followed. The camera cuts back to the 5 Owls, who were still walking, and start running in panic at seeing Owen charging at them.

Screaming Hawks: Noah, Cody, and Junior

"Do you guys think it was a good idea to let the others run off like that?" Cody said to the others, who were casually jogging.

"I dunno, Owen, Kitty, and Sammy were kind of scary, and having them in the same group probably wasn't the best idea," Junior commented.

"They'll argue themselves to death, and kill Emma's opposite while they're at it," Noah snarked.

"She's your girlfriend dude, aren't you worried?" Cody asked.

"About Emma? No, she'll just forget everything. Now are you worried about your girlfriend?" Noah replied.

"Dude, for the last time, she's not my girlfriend!" Cody protested.

"And Heather didn't recruit Lindsiot and Beth as voting pawns season 1," Noah rolled his eyes.

"What about Lindsay and Beth?" came a voice. The three boys stopped to find Harold walk into the clearing with Bridgette, Brody, Courtney, and Dawn in tow. An important fact was Dawn was tied up with a rope, and Brody was behind her.

"What's with Sister Nature?" Noah asked with a raised eyebrow.

"She's tried to kill us like, 5 times already," Harold told him, and turned to Dawn, "Gosh, you have a problem."

"You peons will pay!" Dawn said, struggling in her binds.

"Oh," was all Cody said.

"What happened to the rest of your team?" Junior asked.

"Zoey went all commando and Brick basically became Chef, and they demanded we split up. What about your team?" Harold asked.

"Group split up after a bear attack," Cody told him, then turned to the other four, "Besides Dawn, what are they like?" He pointed at the two surfers and Courtney, who was trying to slip out of her top again. Harold had to throw a rock at her to make her stop.

"Bridgette and Brody are huge jerks who hate each other," Harold started, but was cut off by Bridgette and Brody both shoving him to the ground, and he fell with a 'Gosh!'. They then turned to each other and growled. Harold got up and dusted himself off, "Courtney also is pretty much a prostitute now, and she only wants to take her clothes off and run free. It's really disturbing, although it is tempting…" He trailed off with a smile on his face, and Cody also put on a smile. Noah rolled his eyes and Junior tilted his head in confusion.

"What's a prostitute?" he asked. Cody and Harold just looked at each other, and turned back to Junior.

"Uh, let's just forget I said that," Harold just said, "And go to the finish line."

"Agreed," Cody said with a nervous chuckle.

Noah: Just stares at the camera blankly, then facepalms.

Junior: "I'm really confused," he says.

Bridgette: "I can't believe all of that mean stuff I did! Maybe I should take Dawn up on those meditation therapy sessions," she ponders.

Dawn: "I am so dearly sorry for all of those I hurt due to that moon's tortuous effects. I will be needing much meditation from this point!" she vows.

The group continued to walk, until they heard a loud squealing coming from the forest. Cody, Harold, and Junior, being the cowards they are, let off a squeak of their own, and ran off into the forests. Bridgette and Brody followed Harold, Junior grabbed Dawn, Courtney snuck off by herself, and Noah begrudgingly followed Cody. When everyone disappeared from the clearing, Heather and Gwen arrived, with Izzy in tow.

"Where did the bunny go?" Gwen asks, confused.

Gwen: "If anyone back home reminds me about this challenge I hope they like losing teeth," she says, very annoyed.

Screaming Hawks: Sammy, Kitty, Owen, and Emma

The group of Hawks are still chasing after the group of Owls, Zoey and Brick cursing under their breaths. They all of a sudden stopped when they came to a cliffside, and viewers recognize it as the area where the rope bridge used to be. They then turned around to be with a smirking Owen and an out of breath Kitty, Sammy, and Emma.

"What was the point of all that running?" Sammy asked, annoyed.

"Doesn't matter, got them right where we want them," said a confident Owen. Zoey and Brick, while not showing fear, were running out of options, until Zoey got an idea.

"Everyone climb that tree!" the commando pointed at a nearby tree, and ran to start climbing. Brick quickly followed. Duncan and MacArthur followed with whimpers, and Rock just groaned as he followed. They all made it about halfway up the tree, when Commando Zoey stopped them.

"Grab on this!" she demanded, and pulled a vine off from the tree. Brick immediately grabbed on, and Rock soon followed.

"Uh, is this safe?" asked a timid Duncan. Zoey just glared at him. He whimpered, and grabbed on, followed by an equally timid MacArthur. Zoey then jumped off the tree, and the group swung across the chasm and landed safely on the other side.

"Hah! Losers!" Zoey taunted from the other side, and then ran off towards the finish line, followed by the others, although Duncan and MacArthur were noticeably white.

"Grr!" Owen growled, then ran off in the other direction. Sammy just huffed, and then the trio still standing there followed.

Screaming Hawks: Noah and Cody

The two were casually walking through the forest, silent, until Noah spoke up.

"You know it was just squealing, why did you run off like a baby?" Noah snarked.

"I did not! I was just playing along!" Cody huffed.

"Right," Noah said dryly, and the silence continued for a bit more, "So what do you see in her?" he finally said

"Who? Gwen? Because I told you, we're just frien-" Cody started, until Noah cut him off.

"Not her, you know who I'm talking about," Noah said in annoyance.

"For the last time! Sammy and I are just friends! I'm just glad Sierra isn't here, because she would kill her!" Cody said in relief, then went into a little tangent about what Sierra would do to everyone here who he had befriended. The camera zoomed out to show the smartphone from past episodes sticking out of a bush, recording everything, and then being dragged back into the bush. Cody stopped his rant to turn around in that direction, "Did you hear something?" he asked.

"Unless Izzy has somehow managed to find a tinfoil hat, I'd say don't worry about it. Now tell me what you see in the Tolerable Twin, or I'll tell her you like her," Noah replied. Cody went wide eyed, and then ultimately sighed.

"Fine, if you so insist," he said in an annoyed tone, "You and Emma rub off on each other too much, figuratively and literally," Noah put on a scowl at that comment, "It's just, I feel some kind of connection between us. We've both been bullied and looked down on our whole lives, and it's just nice to have someone to talk to. I never felt any connection with Sierra, I mean, she's a good friend and all, but there's no spark" he started, and there was a small sniffle that came the bush. Cody turned around again, but saw nothing, and started again, "And I'm sick and tired of that stupid ear kiss nonsense," Noah's scowl deepened, "It's just, I finally feel a connection with someone that truly gets me. She's also been bullied by her sister so much, it feels good to comfort her, in a way," Cody sighed. Noah's scowl lightened, but he still retained his usual frown.

"So that's it. You two both share the connection of being looked down on. Intriguing," Noah started to go off into thought.

Cody continued, "It's just, I've always put on this smooth act when it comes to girls-"

"Which went sooo well," Noah sarcastically remarked.

"And now that I actually stand a chance with one, I don't know what to do," Cody continued, "How did you do it? I thought you hated pretty much everyone here or involved with this show except Owen."

Noah thought about it for a bit, "I didn't do anything. Me and Emma just had some sort of connection, happens with everyone. The way I see it, everyone has their own way to handle this stuff. Duncan the dumb delinquent relies on teasing, Geoff tries to play it cool, which seems to work, Trent just act's himself, and Eelijandro plays suave and hard to get, and as much as I hate all those ways, they somehow worked. Me? I just admired from afar, and Owen was kind of a help. Me and Emma were each just were kind of awkward, and stuff just happened. You'll have to find your own way to impress her if you want to get her. That's all I'm saying," Noah finished. Cody was speechless, now in thought.

"Ok, thanks for the help," Cody said, putting on a smile.

"Whatever," Noah responded. The boys continued to walk for a bit more, until they noticed something up ahead.

"Isn't that…" Cody started, and then both boys took off running. The camera then panned to the right to reveal the finish line, and both boys crossed it, with Chris, Chef, and Cameron all standing there.

"Well done boys! That's two for the Screaming Hawks!" Chris narrated, then turned to Chef, "I told you one of them would cross first, pay up!" he smirked, holding out his hand.

"You said the bet was whichever team crossed first," Chef reminded him, putting on a smirk of his own while Chris retracted his hand with an 'Ugh, fine'. Cameron then took the time to come up and talk to the boys.

"Nice job guys! I knew having those hats would help!" Cameron exclaimed, holding out a high five to Cody, which the tech geek accepted.

"Yeah, it was really cool to see everyone play they're exact opposites," Cody explained, "My scalp is starting to itch."

"Go right ahead," Noah smirked. Cameron tried to intervene, but Cody took it off before the new doctor could do anything.

"Alright, what do you idiots want?" said an opposite Cody in a gruff voice. Cameron quickly put the hat back on top of his head, and Cody returned to normal.

"Wha, what?" Cody asked, confused.

"That was mean," Cameron gave a disapproving glare at Noah, who just help up his hands in defense.

"Hey, no one's hurt? Are they?" Noah said in his defense. Cameron shook his head no, "Exactly," Noah said with a smirk.

Cameron: "What exactly do all the fans see in him?" he asks, with a semi-confused look on his face.

At that moment, a rustling came from the forest, and Harold, Bridgette, and Brody emerged, with Brody and Bridgette chasing Harold, throwing rocks at the geek.

"Gah! Make them stop!" Harold cried, as Bridgette and Brody continued to pelt him with rocks. The three crossed the finish line past Chris, and the host pulled out two tinfoil hats and placed them on Brody and Bridgette's heads.

"Huh? How did I get here?" Bridgette asked, confused.

"Congratulations! You just completed the challenge!" Chris exclaimed with a smile, "And as an added bonus, you two beat up Harold the whole way through! That's going to be great for ratings!"

"We did? Oh my gosh, Harold, I'm so sorry!" Bridgette exclaimed, and Brody nodded in agreement. Harold jumped at the mention of his name, and hid behind Chef.

Bridgette: "I fully swear, by my good name, that I did not beat up Harold by choice! I feel so horrible! How can Duncan enjoy this?" she asks in horror.

A scream was heard, and heads turned to see Junior through the bushes, followed by Dawn, who had an army of squirrels with her, pointing at Junior and laughing. Everyone watched, wide eyed, as the child ran across the finish line, and Dawn followed. Chris quickly put a hat on Dawn's head, just to get her to stop.

"Oh my goodness! I am dearly sorry for everything I did friends!" Dawn said, immediately coming to her senses. The camera cuts to the others, who were all backed up. Dawn then turned to the squirrels, "You are free now little ones," the squirrels nodded, and ran back into the forest.

Dawn: "I vow by the great mother earth that I will never let that happen again!" she shakes her fist.

Killer Owls: Zoey, Brick, Duncan, MacArthur, Rock

"Psh, that was way to easy!" Commando Zoey said, still gloating about her recent victory against the Hawks.

"Agreed! Those losers would never survive anywhere!" Brick added.

"You guys are being really mean," MacArthur timidly commented.

"What? It's not those losers back there are going to hear it!" Zoey bragged.

"Think again!" came a loud voice. The Owls turned to see Owen charging at them, with the others in tow. They all let out a cry of fear, and started running. The camera then cuts to the finish line, where Heather, Gwen, and Izzy have all arrived, and put on tinfoil hats. Gwen was cursing herself in the corner, and Heather was receiving a lot of mocking comments from Noah about the moon and Alejandro, which she was vehemently denying. The Owls then come into view, with Owen in quick pursuit. Right when the Owls are about to cross the finish line, Owen charges through them all, and knocks them all down. He crosses the finish line with Sammy, Emma, and Kitty in tow.

"Victory!" Owen roars, then pounds his chest. The others, already back into their normal forms, jumped, and stepped back. Chris snuck up behind Owen and put a hat on his head.

"Wuzawhat? I feel tired," Owen said tiredly, then fell to the ground and started snoring. Chris then put hats on the others too, who, after a moment's confusion, started conversations with the others. The Owls then crossed the finish line.

"What! We lost! I did all that work for nothing! I'm with a bunch of losers!" Commando Zoey complained, as she stomped her foot, and the others frowned at her.

"Technically, you would have lost anyways. Courtney never crossed the finish line!" Chris reminded everyone.

"What! I thought she was with someone!" Harold said.

"Nope! Went off all on her own! And you might want to see what happened to her!" Chris smiled, and then a TV monitor popped out of the ground. It then showed footage of Courtney, all by herself, naked, skipping around in the woods, while Chef put hat's back on everyone's heads, except Duncan. While the others laughed at Courtney's misfortune, Chef took the time to sneak up behind Duncan, and yell a loud 'Boo!' in his ear. Duncan jumped back, and a dark spot started to form around his pants. Chef took out his phone, and the camera flashed before he chuckled, and put a hat on Duncan.

Chef: "Got myself a new wallpaper!" he chuckled, and showed the audience his phone, which had the picture of Duncan pulled up.

Duncan, while very angry that he had wet his pants over something so stupid, took the time to forget it and smile at his girlfriend on the monitor.

"Chef! Would you kindly go grab our CIT?" Chris chuckled, and Chef walked off, still smiling.

While everyone else continued to watch Courtney, Rock took the time to walk over to Dawn.

"Hey, uh, can I tell you something?" he asked, and Dawn nodded. He led her to a secluded part of the forest, and started talking.

"So listen, I wanted to tell you," he started, but Dawn cut him off.

"I know you voted for me the night Alejandro was eliminated," Dawn finished.

"Wha? How did you," Rock started again, but was again interrupted.

"It's all over your aura!" Dawn smiled, "I know Alejandro was getting to you, and it's fine. Are we still acquaintances?" Dawn extended her hand. Rock shook it.

"Uh, yeah, I guess," he put on a weak smile, and Dawn walked back to the others.

Rock: "How does she know all that? It's like that one movie, Kung Fu... something!" he says in shock.

At the elimination ceremony

The camera cuts to the campfire pit, where all the campers are sitting around the fire, tinfoil hats all off. Courtney is fully dressed, her face red with embarrassment.

"So uh," Duncan tried to get a word out of Courtney, but she shut him up with the worst death glare someone could receive, "Ok."

"Well campers, this was quite the challenge!" Chris said with a chuckle, "Some of you, are probably, best the way you are," he glanced at Dawn when he said that, who sulked, "But aside from that, one of the real you is about to leave the island," he gestured to the plate of marshmallows he was holding, "I have nine marshmallows on this plate. The first one to receive a marshmallow is, Harold," he tossed the marshmallow to the geek, who caught it with a smile, "The next marshmallow goes to,"

"Duncan," the punk caught his.

"Rock," the guitarist caught his, and did a power slide in celebration.

"Brick," the cadet caught his with a salute.

"Brody," the surfer gave a fist pump.

He turned to the five remaining campers, who each had a worried look on their face, or in Courtney's case, a giant frown, "Each of you had at least one vote, but one of you ladies is about to take your leave. The next marshmallow goes to, Bridgette," Bridgette caught her with a sigh of relief, "Also safe are Dawn, and MacArthur, who each had two votes," the two caught theirs, and looked at each other with a raised eyebrow. Chris turned to the final two campers, "Zoey, Courtney, this is the last marshmallow. The person who will receive this marshmallow and continue their stay on the island is…"


















"Courtney," the CIT caught hers, still retaining her frown, "Zoey, you're done."

The indie chick got up with a sigh, "Well, that's it. I guess I went a little too commando," she gave a light chuckle, "I'll see you all at the wedding!" she gave a wave to everyone as she walked toward the dock of shame, which was returned by some.

"The rest of you, are safe, for now," Chris said ominously, as the remaining Owls returned to their cabins.

Voting Confessionals

Bridgette: "I feel so bad about what I did today! I guess I vote Zoey, because her opposite is scary," she says regretfully.

Duncan: He's laughing from earlier, "Did you see princess earlier? Priceless. Anyways, I vote for that Zoey chick, because nobody bosses me around," he puts his finger in his chest.

Courtney: "As much as I would love to forget the challenge," she says spitefully, "I vote for that ridiculous Zoey. You saw her during the challenge! She is a huge threat!"

Harold: "That challenge was totally awesome! Do you know how relieving it is to finally be free of that jerk Duncan? I guess I vote for Bridgette, since she was a huge bully today. She probably won't go home, but I guess I have to vote her," he says, looking at his feet.

Zoey: "Today probably wasn't my best performance, since the whole commando thing got out of control. I guess I vote Courtney, even though Duncan will probably be mad."

Dawn: "I will stand by my decision to vote the most black aura here! MacArthur must go!"

Brick: "General MacArthur elected to vote Dawn. Since she wasn't to pleased with today's performance, I must vote with her, so Dawn has to go, I guess," he starts to regret his decision after he says the second part of the sentence.

MacArthur: "You've seen the weird aura girl. She has to go!" she declares.

Rock: "I don't know why, but Dawn seems to want that MacArthur girl gone. I guess I vote her," Rock scratches the back of his head.

Brody: "Dude, I don't know who to vote for! All of my teammates seem pretty chill. I guess I vote Zoey, 'cause she was scary today dude," he says.


Bridgette - Zoey

Duncan - Zoey

Courtney - Zoey

Harold - Bridgette

Zoey - Courtney

Dawn - MacArthur

Brick - Dawn

MacArthur - Dawn

Rock - MacArthur

Brody - Zoey

Zoey - 4

MacArthur - 2

Dawn - 2

Courtney - 1

Bridgette - 1

Voted Off -

30th: DJ

29th: Amy

28th: Scott

27th: Alejandro

26th: Lightning

25th: Geoff

24th: Jo

23rd: Jasmine

22nd: LeShawna

21st: B

20th: Zoey

FINALLY DONE WITH THIS CHAPTER! Man, that took forever. Sorry about the long update. Like I said before, I'm lazy. Also, since there are more plot lines to develop now, the chapters are going to be a bit longer and more descriptive now, compared to say, Scott's elimination chapter. That's just the way it is. I'm actually glad about that, because I feel my first few chapters were a bit poor reading back now. I'm starting to like what I'm doing more, and that's another reason this took so long. Now, onto the competition. Zoey was as necessary boot. She didn't have anymore plot with Jasmine gone, and Cameron's not in the competition. I brought her in for the quick friendship with Jasmine, which I wish I could have wrote more on. Since most of her other friends are on the Gophers, (And by others, I mean Gwen) she had to go soon. I liked her going commando and basically insulting in torturing her teammates to be her downfall. Like B, this is how she went in her debut season, although it wasn't because of teammates, it was because of Commando Zoey. I think it's kinda funny honestly. Well, be sure to review, follow, and favorite the story, as well as check out my other story, Total Drama What Ifs! Want an easy shortcut? Go to my profile, should be there. Well, the next update shouldn't be hopefully as long, since the next thing I update will be TDWI. On one final note, check out my bud Alexander J McCarty's Total Drama Action Stars Island Tour! It's rated M, just for injuries though. Nothing too bad. Fish, out!