Disclaimer: Pride and Prejudice, all characters, places, and related terms are the sole property of Jane Austen, BBC, Focus Features, Pemberley Digital, and Seth Grahame-Smith.

Author's Note: Written for the 10 Sentence Meme on Tumblr.

Ready for Love

I've Seen Hell (Angst)

The awkwardness is not surprising when Miss Bennet encounters Mr. Bingley two years after he left Netherfield, but she is taken aback by the painful cold knot in her stomach as she curtsies to his wife Georgiana.

Never Forget You (AU)

After hearing out his sisters and friend Charles does not instantly give in to their persuasions, instead finding a quiet place to think; of them all he is the one whom has spent the most time in Miss Bennet's company and surly would have realized how she felt…no, before he does anything he must speak to Ja— Miss Bennet.

Where or When (Crack)

1813, 1940, 1980, 1995, 2005, 2012…by the seventh time Jane Bennet experiences her story (as yet another blond) she's just about had enough, and upon entering the Meryton assembly to discover zombies of all things is the final straw; single-handedly she takes down the foul creatures and afterwards when Mr. Bingley comes to her, his eyes flashing with recognition for the first time since 1813, Jane thinks the zombies might be worth it as she melts into Charles's embrace and kiss.

Under the Sea (Future fic)

"Ready to go, Ariel?"; Jane looks up from smoothing her dress to discover her husband in the doorway, decked out in black boots, blue jeans, and white shirt with a red sash tied around his waist, holding one-year-old Sean (beyond adorable in his little Sabastian costume); she beams happily, "I am, my prince."

Helpless (First Time)

Jane's smile grows slightly strained as she's forcibly dragged across the room by Mrs. Bennet to Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, she suspects in order to get an introduction to Mr. Bingley once he and Charlotte finish the dance; by the night's end and she says farewell to Mr. Bingley, for the first time Jane oddly finds herself not distressed over Mama's scheming.

Stars and Butterflies (Fluff)

When Lizzie peeks into the living room, she is greeted with the sight of Jane and Bing cuddling on the sofa, her head resting on his shoulder, his arm holding her close as they watch a period romance; tiptoeing away, Lizzie silently coos over the adorableness.

Think of Me (Humor)

"Pray, tell me, are all your sisters still at Longbourn?"; despite Bingley's attempt at subtly it is obvious to Darcy that there is one sister his friend is inquiring after, and he suppresses an amused smile at Charles's relieved reaction to learning that only the youngest Miss Bennet is not at Longbourn.

A Promise (Hurt/Comfort)

She is the daughter of a gentleman of little means from the country, lacking in accomplishments, breeding, connections…nothing like the other high ladies of London society, and she can't do this, will be a disappointment—; protective arms surround her and a kiss pressed to her brow followed by a promise: "We will get through this together."

Home (Smut)

Charles's back hits the door as Jane pushes against him, cupping his face between her hands; he smiles against her mouth and pulls her even closer – how he has missed her!

Crystallized Beauty (UST (Unresolved Sexual Tension))

"Jane," her Christian name is a bare whisper and the ginger-haired gentleman blushes hard at his blunder, but then her blue eyes snap to his, the rest of the world fades away, and he has the sudden impulse to close the distance between them, to reach out and touch her cheek or brush her golden hair.