Well I had my fun writing this. So enjoy this last chapter until some kind of inspiration hits me again and then BOOM! More extended writing that could be considered utter trash by a bunch of idiots on the internet.
I hope you all enjoyed this, I know its short. But I'm glad I had almost 4,000 people view this and have consistent reviews. Thanks guys appreciate it. If you Review enough I'll make another story.
With Love ~Dresner
The strange aircraft flies into the distance as the sun rises over the hills and woodlands. Two humanoid figures stood on a near by hill watching them pass. One was a tall male with grey hair standing in a power stance with his hands folded behind his back with a evil grin on his face. Beside him was a female wearing a long black cloak covering her whole body. The phoenix appears in front of them and soon disappeared into a highly decorated silver flask with a phoenix top held out by her cloaked hand. Nocturne soon follows behind and lands in front of them with a disgusted glare at the cloaked figure to his right.
"And to what was my role in this endeavor, Mr. Masters?" Nocturne asks Vlad with his arms folded against his chest.
"To play the figure head." Vlad replied simply. "While she did her work."
"And what would that be?" He asks him.
"To find a weakness in the young phantom." Vlad says with a smile. "I was wrong to think it was the goth girl. But no it was that siren and after this act of trail and tribulation it has strengthened their bond and, more than likely, put a knife between his friends and family. We will see in time..."
"How original." Nocturne says sarcastically. "Now our side of the agreement."
"Ah yes!" Vlad replies. "Your payment has been delivered to your realm as we agreed. You are free to go."
Nocturne disappears in a instant leaving Vlad and the woman alone. "You're Master's assessment on the siren was correct. But why bring this up to me? I have no reason to promote the union of two rather trouble sum enemies of mine. Even with the possibility of cutting away Danial's friends and family from him, why brother when my latest plan is already in motion?"
The woman points to the dirt in front of him where a collection of rocks spelled out what she wanted to say.
"Arrogance." He read. "Me? Now what would give you that idea?" He changes into his ghostly form and takes a power stance.
More stones appeared from the earth and wrote a new message, "Your arrogance will be your downfall. You will forever be a slave to your failure."
Vlad's eyes go blind with rage and readies his energy beams to attack her for her insolence. Then he stops and smiles darkly as a message on his phone beeps a particular tone.
"Not now." He says darkly. "When I rule this earth and the Ghost Zone beyond it I will handle you and Danial personally. Enjoy your last days of freedom, Slave."
Vlad takes off into the night to return to his plans. The woman sighs and shakes her head as she takes off her hood. "You're nothing more than a pawn in a larger game then what you could ever understand. But I'm afraid the next time I meet you, Plasmius, you will be what you fear the most, A failure." Her accent was a thick as the swamp gas in the bayous of Louisiana. "As for the Siren and the Half breed. They will meet their own fate."
Sam takes the reins from Tucker who swaps with Jazz to get some rest. They were at least three hours away from home on the last leg of their journey. Sam yawns and keeps on flying while Jazz takes the co-pilot. Sam chuckles at Jazz's bed ridden hair as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes.
Jazz yawns and looks back at the snoozing Danny and Ember. "I still can't believe it." She remarks with a slight smile.
"I can't either." Sam agrees, thinking she was baffled as much as she was at the sight of Danny and Ember together and not killing each other. "What does he see in her?"
"I wasn't thinking about that, but OK." Jazz replies confused.
"Oh..." Sam says trying to back track. "Well... Uh."
"I was talking about how much Danny has grown since I found out about his powers." Jazz says. "He's growing up and I'm proud that he's becoming a good person. This thing with Ember shows it more. Though I don't know about him and her becoming a thing, you know?"
"I don't know about it either." Sam replies with concern. "Even though she saved me I still can't shake this feeling from her."
"You sure its not jealousy?" Jazz interjects.
"NO! I'm not jealous of her." Sam says with fire in her stomach.
"Sam." Jazz says putting her arm on her shoulder. "I study psychology and what I know about body language, I can see you care about him more than you know. If you care about him then let him be happy."
Sam turns back to the open sky with out a word. Left to her own thoughts she did consider what she said, but she couldn't help but wage a war with in herself to find the answers.
"Sam." Jazz says to her. "If you need someone to talk to I'm always here."
"Thank you." Sam says while thinking about someone who could truly help her. But not now. Their is a time and place for everything...
End... To be continued?