A/N: Thanks a lot to the people who favorited/followed and Black' Victor Cachat for the review! I've never really written for One Piece 'cause I didn't think I'd be able to capture the essence of each character.

Most of this chapter is told through a Dadan-adores-Luffy lens.

"DADAN, ARE YOU HEEEEERE?" is the first thing Dadan wakes up to in the morning. The voice is loud, which is just wonderful for her hangover, and so cheerful it brings back memories of when she was the caretaker (in the loosest sense possible) of three overly energetic brats.

Her response is to grab the nearest object next to her and fling it in the direction of that voice. She vaguely registers the sound of that object being reduced to smithereens but can't bring herself to care beyond covering her ears. It's too early in the morning for—

Wait, that was the sound of a very distinctive laugh. Dadan opens her eyes, making sure to keep them squinted, and looks at the door of Partys Bar.

There's a black-haired man, wearing a straw hat and a wide smile, the perfect copy of his wanted poster. Dadan looks at the rest of the bar and the mess they've made. She looks back to the door. There's still a black-haired man, wearing a straw hat and a wide smile, the perfect copy of his wanted poster.

Dadan pinches herself. It's not an illusion. The Pirate King, Straw Hat Luffy, is really in Fuusha Village. Not-tears automatically well up in her eyes. Because it's dusty in this bar, not because she's really happy to see Luffy in the flesh.

"Oh, you're here. Come meet my crew!" Luffy says.

Dadan finally looks past Luffy and sees a gathering of people she's seen in passing in the newspapers. They quickly file into the bar, and Dadan is very not-okay with being the only one awake to deal with the Straw Hat Pirates, so she punches Dogra and Magra awake.

"Oh, Dogra, Magra! Come meet my crew, too!"

It's a miracle that the other patrons of the bar haven't woken up yet.

Stepping over the villagers lying on the floor, Luffy walks up to the three of them. He points at each of member of his crew and spouts a name that Dadan already knows. (She swears she hears Sanji muttering, "I thought you said you were raised by a woman." She graciously decides to let that comment go because she's very kind, not because in person, Roronoa Zoro and his three swords, Franky and his gigantic cyborg body, and Brook and his freaky skeleton body are much more intimidating.) Just to make sure she's not dreaming, Dadan pinches Dogra, who yelps.

With that confirmed, Dadan wraps Luffy up in a bear hug. Not-tears are streaming down her face, and she squeezes Luffy tighter because he's a rubber man and the Pirate King, so it can't hurt him. Dadan feels that the rest of the crew must be looking on, amused, but she can't bring herself to care. There's a nasty looking scar on Luffy's chest (from Akainu on that fateful day, her mind supplies), and he's sustained who knows how many more injuries. Luffy's solid form in her arms is the extra confirmation she needed that he's alive and well.

Eventually, she lets him go.

It's then that she notices Roronoa Zoro has wandered behind the bar and found himself a large barrel of booze. Sanji and Nico Robin have disappeared from the bar. Nami, Usopp, Chopper, Franky, and Brook are all in varying places around the bar, either conversing with each other and looking at her and Luffy.

Almost immediately, Dadan collapses on the floor and clutches her head. It's too early for her to deal with nine wandering kids on top of a hangover. There's a screech of "Oh no, where's a doctor?" before Chopper scurries up in front of her. He's asking her, "Are you okay?" which makes her scoff. Do they think she has some weird medical condition (like Ace did)?

"It's just a hangover," she growls because she has to maintain some semblance of dignity.

Chopper does not run away from her in fear. Instead, he whips up some sweet-smelling concoction from whatever's in his small blue blackpack and hands it to her. Begrudgingly accepting it, Dadan takes a sip and her headache magically disappears.

"Worked like magic," Dadan says because she's mellowed a bit over the years and the kid's pretty cute (although she wouldn't admit it, not even on her deathbed).

Chopper blushes and squirms, yelling and cursing her. To that, Magra unnecessarily comments, "He reacts like you do to compliments, Boss!" and Luffy laughs, saying, "Chopper's the best doctor!"

Dadan punches Magra while Chopper blushes and squirms even more.

Dadan figures it's about time she and the rest of her bandits head back up to their hideout on Mt. Corvo, and she tells Luffy as much. Luffy grins and laughs and says how he wanted to show his crew the treehouse anyway.

Not all of his crew follows Dadan as they make their way up Mt. Corvo, but Luffy doesn't seem concerned. He says that Robin's probably interested in Goa, Sanji's stocking up on food, and Franky's worried about the ship. He says he mostly wanted everyone present to meet Makino and Dadan, and now that they have, they're free to do what they want. They'll all meet up back at the Sunny in the end.

Somewhere along the way, Roronoa Zoro disappears, but the rest of the crew treats this like a regular occurrence. ("Zoro gets lost a lot!" Luffy laughs. "But he'll come back when it matters!")

Somewhere along the way, Luffy overtakes Dadan in his eagerness and she's fine with that. He probably knows the way to his own treehouse better than she does.

When they finally arrive, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, and Brook stare up at the treehouse in awe. It's miraculously still in one piece after all these years, though the tree it's a part of has long since grown around it. Moss has grown sporadically on the outside of the treehouse, and a thick branch has weaved itself inside through one of the windows and out through the door. The jolly roger is still there, but it's wilted, unable to proudly show itself to the world. It's uninhabitable, but Luffy still climbs up the tree and enters the treehouse.

Dadan wonders what he's feeling right now, if it's the same ache that burns every time she comes to look at this treehouse. But when Luffy turns to look at his crew gathered below, it's with a smile on his face. His smile is like that of his wanted poster's: carefree and happy.

Sometime over the years that Luffy's been away, Luffy has matured even more than Dadan. Whereas Dadan looks up at the treehouse and sees nothing but what isn't there anymore, Luffy sees happy memories.

Luffy leaps down from the treehouse, and Usopp, Chopper, and Brook automatically go to meet him. They're eager to see the inside of the treehouse, where Luffy once spent his days.

Meanwhile, Nami approaches Dadan. "So, does this island have any treasure that would be of interest to pirates?"

Dadan laughs. Of course Cat Burglar Nami would be interested in treasure. "You'd be looking in Goa's palace. Sure you brats could find a way inside?"

Nami smirks at her, and Dadan ought to punch her for it since these brats could do with the reminder to respect their elders, but she thinks better of it when she remembers that Nami's a part of Luffy's crew. There's no way that Nami's not a little bit crazy, having stuck by Luffy all these years.

"Luffy?" Nami calls toward the boys. Her smile is downright wicked. "I think we should drop by Goa, see what kind of treasures they're hiding."

"Now?" Luffy whines, clearly looking torn. "But we're having fun!"

Usopp perks up. "Nami, if Luffy won't do it, Captain Usopp will lead the way for you!"

Nami walks over to smack Usopp. "You don't know the way. That's why I asked Luffy!"

Luffy has his thinking face on, so Dadan helps him with his decision. "Just go, Luffy. Don't stay on account of us. We're sick of you already!"

Luffy smiles knowingly, and Dadan acutely feels the years that have gone by. Luffy is no longer that snot-nosed brat Garp blackmailed her into taking care of. He's the Pirate King, the freest man of all the seas, and yet, he's chained to his crew and his desire for adventure.

They leave in the direction of Goa, after Nami, Usopp, Chopper, and Brook have said their goodbyes.

"Tell that blond brat to come visit when you see him!" Dadan yells after them, just before they're completely gone.

Luffy's distinctive laugh floats in the air, along with a "See you, Dadan! You're great, even though you're a mountain bandit!" Dadan can no longer see Luffy and his fellow Straw Hats anymore; they've vanished like ghosts.

She does not burst into tears, and when both Dogra and Magra ask, "Are you sure you should've let him leave so soon, Boss?", she coolly answers, "He's a pirate. Adventures call to him."

Sanji and Robin somehow meet up, once Sanji's done with stocking the ship. Sanji attributes it to fate ("It must be destiny that has led me to you, Robin-chan!") as Robin chuckles. They both stumble upon Luffy, Nami, Usopp, and Brook, who are in the midst of wreaking havoc in Edge Town.

In Fuusha Village, most of the villagers have woken up. When they venture outside of Partys Bar, the first thing they notice is that their windmills have been upgraded. The second thing they notice is that Iron Man Franky is in the village, speaking to Makino and Yuuna. The third thing they notice is that Monkey D. Luffy's pirate ship is docked at the coast, but Monkey D. Luffy is nowhere to be seen.

The villagers nearly riot until Iron Man Franky assures them that they'll see Luffy once he returns from Mt. Corvo.

Somewhere in Midway Forest, Zoro is facing off against the crocodiles over his booze.

Eventually, sometime in the evening, the Straw Hats depart Dawn Island to the exuberant cheers of the villagers, Makino and Yuuna among them. Many tears are shed, by the villagers, the nobles in High Town, the king of Goa, the remaining crocodiles in Midway Forest, and someone who is not Dadan.

They depart, having emptied Goa's treasury while destroying High Town. They depart, soon engaging in a chase with the Marines. They depart, several millions of beli worth of treasure and three crocodiles heavier.

The next day, the newspaper's front page news will be titled "STRAW HATS' FIRST TARGET, GOA KINGDOM: RANSACKED AND RUINED", and nearly everyone in the world will assume that Straw Hat went to Dawn Island to terrorize Goa. The rest know that Luffy went home to have his crew meet the people who raised him.

A/N: This is me just rambling about stuff that doesn't appear in the main story: After Luffy becomes Pirate King, the first thing he wants to do is show off his crew to Makino, the villagers, and Dadan. They probably used up a couple of Coup de Bursts in his hurry, but of course they make a pit stop near Reverse Mountain so Brook can reunite with Laboon. They were low on food and other supplies when they arrived at Dawn Island 'cause Luffy didn't want to stop at too many islands (a first!) on the way to Dawn Island. Robin definitely makes a comment about alcohol poisoning when they arrive at Partys Bar and everyone's passed out. Zoro got so lost while everyone else was messing up Goa, he ended up at Isshin Dojo and all the students fanboy over Zoro while Koshiro congratulates him for becoming the world's greatest swordsman. After the Straw Hats leave Dawn Island, they stop at Syrup Village, Baratie, etc. visiting everyone's hometowns.