Lance decided to get some help from his friends about his problem.


The problem was, well, there is no problem. He's perfect. Too perfect. Every time he saw him he just wanted to kiss the shit out of him. That would shut those perfect lips up. And most likely make his deep violet eyes stop sparkling so annoyingly too. Just, so annoyingly perfect in every single way. Fuck. "Dude. You got us together. Why can't you just get Keith and yourself together?"

Lance sighed. "Dude, I freeze when I see him. Whenever I see someone I like, for example, I liked Allura when I first met her. I instantly go into a douche mode. It's just how I am. I used to do that with Keith, but now.." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Now I don't. I have to actually try and focus on my pick up lines because now I just start stuttering. Ugh, this sucks."

He flopped onto his bed and started half screaming into his pillow

Pidge pretended to cough, trying to cover up a laugh. She glanced at Hunk, and then the door a couple times. She stood up.

"We're going to discuss the real quick, well be back in 7 minutes tops."

Lance gave a thumbs up from the bed and continued half screaming into his pillow.

Pidge walked out into the hallway, with Hunk following close behind. She stood there, a couple feet away from the door until it closed.

"Hunk, I think I have a plan."

Hunk sat down on the floor. "Explain."

"I may have an in with Keith. He has had me do some repairs on red lately since he keeps on flying right into ion cannons and such. We've been talking more since I did the repairs, maybe enough to talk to him about Lance."

Hunk smirked. "Should I be jealous?"

"Pfft. As if. But anyway, I could try and do what Lance did with me. Temporary sibling night, and get into the juicy detail. Then, set them up on a date or something."

Hunk raised an eyebrow. "You think that will work?"

She shrugged. "Pretty good chance. Either way, we debunk the "Klance Theory"."

Hunk laughed. "What are your other theories?"

Pidge thought about it for a moment. "Um, there's Klance, Shallura, Hance, Sheith, Shatt.."

"Whats shatt?"

She smiled. "My brother and Matt. I don't know about Shiro, but my brother totally had the hots for him."

He raised an eyebrow. "Shiro's gay?"

she shrugged. "I thought so, but the way he get's around Allura makes me think he's Bi."

"The more you know."

Pidge smirked. "Oh, and don't forget about the Hidge theory."

"Pretty sure you solved that one."

She smiled and adjusted her glasses. " Yep. Anyway, you like my plan?"

Hunk stood up. "Of course! So I'll get more info out of Lance, you get more out of Keith. Tomorrow night?"

She nodded. "Tomorrow night. Oh, after we go check in on Lance wanna go watch a movie? I found a way to get Star Wars out here."

"Sure! Maybe we could pick up a few fighting skills. Your Bayard is kinda like a lightsaber."

Pidge looked at him in awe. "I never thought about it like that. I'm Yoda!"

She ran into Lance's room. "Lance I just realized I'm Yoda."

Lance sat up and looked at her. "Oh my god. Hunk!

Hunk walked into the room. "Hm?"

"You're dating Yoda!"

"I suppose I am."

Pidge smiled. "Tomorrow We'll see you, night young Skywalker." She bowed and walked out of the room.

Lance bowed his head towards her on her way out. "Goodnight Master Yoda."

The next day, Pidge and Hunk were ready.

Pidge had noticed Red had gotten a dent in the last battle and was going to offer to fix it for him in exchange for a "Girls night", or something like that. Hunk's job was easy, he just had to say, "Hey Lance! Wanna hang out later?"

Pidge rounded a corner to see Keith walking out of the training deck. She walked up to him nonchalantly.

"Hey, I noticed you dented up red again. I can fix her for ya for a favor."

Keith put a hand on his hip and looked at her. "What type of favor?"

She smiled innocently. "Do a girls night with me?"

Keith raised an eyebrow. "And what does said girls night entail?"

"Come on Keith! It's just pointless gossip, maybe a movie, I don't know! Please!"

Keith hung his head down in defeat. "Fine. But this better be the best tune up I've ever seen."

"Yes! Come on, I'll attempt to teach you how to do it in the meantime."

Down in the hanger, Pidge proceeded to slowly show Keith how to fix the dents.

She looked over at him. "Are you ready to try it out now?"

He nodded, mimicking the steps that Pidge had just did.

"Like... That?"

Pidge shook her head. "Almost dude. You forgot a step.


Hunk walked up to Lance, who was currently in the process of banging on the food goo machine to get it to work.

"Need some help there bud?"

Lance pounded on the machine again. "Ugh! Can you get your girlfriend in here to fix this? I know it's not jammed, I checked that, it must be something computer wise."

Hunk rolled his eyes and knelt down near the machine. "You realize I'm an engineer, right? I can fix this for you in a split."

Lance felt bad as Hunk fixed the machine. "Oh, sorry. My bad dude."

Hunk was waist deep inside the machine now and saw that one wire was tangled with another. He untangled it and slowly came out of the machine. He sighed and looked up at Lance. "It's fine. Does it work now?"

Lance pressed the button and the nozzle produced the goop. "Thanks, Hunk! I owe you one!"

Hunk smiled evilly. "Mmhmm. Wanna hang out later? It's been awhile since we really hung out."

Lance swallowed the goop that was in his mouth. "Yeah, okay. Sounds fun. What about Pidge though? Thought you guys had a movie thing?"

Hunk waved it off. "No, we watched two last night to make up for today. I'm free."

"Sweet! See you then!"

Lance walked off with a plate of goop in his hands. Hunk pulled out an Altean version of a walkie talkie and turned it on. ", Pidge the Ham is in the Sandwich, I repeat, the Ham is in the Sandwich. Oh, Over"


Pidge whispered into the device. "Got it. Working on mine now. Over."

Keith looked at Pidge. "What was that?"

Pidge shrugged. "Just mumbling to myself. You got it down though. Won't need my help for this anymore."

Keith sighed. "Not really. Why can't it just be like a car, where you pour hot water on the dent and push it back to the original shape?"

Pidge raised an eyebrow. "How many times did you do that on your bike?"

Keith chuckled and shook his head. "Way too many."

Her watch beeped and read 8:05. "Man, I am a genius."


She showed him her pocket watch. "I figured it would take you two hours to learn how to fix these dents. And it did! Now come on, you owe me a girls night."

She slowly climbed down the lion and hopped onto the ground. "Come on, Slow-poke!"

Keith jumped down from the mechanical beast. "Hey, who are you calling slow, shorty!"

"Mmhmm. Now come on, I pirated the movie "Mean Girls."

Keith stared at her in awe. "No fucking way."

She smirked. "You like that movie?"

He pulled off his fingerless glove to expose a pink stripe on his hand. "It's the space version of a washable marker. And it's Wednesday."

"Oh my god. And I thought I was a fandom nerd..."

Keith put his glove back on. "Shut up, Yoda."

Pidge raised an eyebrow. "Yoda? Where'd you hear that from? Hey.. Were you spying on me last night?!"

"No. Your short, wise, and very green. With a triangle lightsaber no less. You are Yoda, my friend."

"Thank you. Now let's go watch some good ol' fashioned pirated movies and eat whatever hunk left in the space fridge."

He chuckled. "I'm down."


So, I thought I could just make this two chapters and be done with it, but I guess Klance is just so complex I need three. And I understand I frightened some of you with Klangst last time. Just you wait. :)