Charlotte Olivia Phillips' P.O.V.
The Question
The clinging of bowls sounded through the house as my siblings and I got done with our favorite movie: The Lost Boys. Yes, even after thirty years and a brand new generation we still love the movie as if we were in 1987 when it first came out, even though the oldest one of us, my brother, would not be born for nine years.
I started thinking about the ending, the only thing I would change. The boys I loved died in this movie, and it hurt to see it, especially being as gory as it if was. David as we all know, didn't really die, but losing three of your brothers probably hurt just as bad. I would change it. I would make sure they lived. It was unfair how they died to me, seeing as it was just the food chain. We kill animals for food, and since the are above us, they kill us. It was horrible to kill them over what they needed to live.
Another thing that made me horribly upset was how Marko was killed. That was unjust and dirty. They killed him while he slept! He was utterly defenseless!
"Hey Adison, if you could change the way the movie ended would you?" I asked my younger, by three years, sister.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, if you could make it where the boys lived, would you?" I explained. She shook her head, and looked at me as though I was crazy.
"No! If you haven't noticed Char, they are one step above us on the food chain. They eat us! Why would I want them alive?" She said as though me wanting them alive sickened her.
"And that is exactly what we do to animals! We kill them to live, and just because we aren't the top of the food chain anymore means we should kill all that is above us!?!" I asked in outrage.
"Exactly. Plus, animals can think what they want, but when I'm eating chicken, it isn't exactly screaming at me to let it go."
"That isn't the point. Why should we kill vampires over something they have to have to live?" I argued back at her.
"Whatever. This is pointless. You can go save the bloodthirsty monsters, but I wouldn't because they are exactly that: monsters." She glared at me, turned, and walked to her room, slamming the door in the process.
"I will never understand why both of you get so defensive over this movie." My older, by four years, brother said. He was 21, and still living at home, but no one really minded. He went to school and had a job to help with some stuff. He helped my father support us because our mother was gone. Drugs. She got really bad and is currently in rehab somewhere up north.
I shrugged my shoulders in response to his statement. I didn't know why either. I just felt like I needed to defend them seeing as they weren't here to do it themselves.
"Why would you save them though, Char? I mean, they could kill you in less then a second. They have no problem with killing humans. They are heartless." He asked, genuinely curious.
"In all honesty Austin, I don't know. I just feel like they should be killed over something they can't control. It isn't fair. If animals can't decide on their own if they get to live, then why should we?" I asked him, upset but hoping it didn't show. I always got emotional and upset after this movie.
"Good question, sis." He said with a sad smile before he turned around and went to bed.
I sighed, finished the dishes, and turned the lights off. Going to my room, I hopped in bed, and let the darkness lull me to sleep. I had only one thing on my mind as I dozed off: The Lost Boys.