As the minutes of the lesson passed, the ceaseless buzzing of the classroom and the unlimited amount of energy the students contained increased, which would be a rare sight if the class was under their teacher's supervision. Having no vicious teacher who would glare at the class with red flames dancing in his eyes as he expects an answer to a question even the world's most intelligent mastermind couldn't provide answer to, was an unbelievable chance worth taking to have at least a few moments of pleasure after a day filled with endless hours of Algebra and Chemical Reactions.

He tilted his head slightly, as if he was looking to the posters on the wall not to alert the airhead jocks around that he was staring at her. She was looking down at her notebook, looking at it with fascination and she doodled in the white paper. Her eyes were the same bright brown it always was and a slightly smile started at her lips staring at the paper. He would kill to see what she was writing. It couldn't be something for the class, the teacher was only babbling on about numbers and equations. He wished she was writing about him. The way she adored every about him, or how she dreamt of them living happily ever after. He sighed at himself. That would never happen, though. She was a popular cheerleading, not to mention completely gorgeous and everything about her took his breathe away. It wasn't even about her body, even if it had been the star of his fantasies, even in that tight cheerleading outfit but it was her beauty. Inside and out. Something radiated from within that rendered her irresistible to both genders. Boys desired her and girls wanted her friendship. It surprised him that she was so kind and amazing, despite the fact she was a cheerleader and all of her friends were brainless morons. He had seen her kindness she's giving to everyone and it made her all the more beautiful. No one has even been excluded from her respect or kindness, even the stupid football players that wanted her. It angered him. She was more than just a warm body. And, it made him happy that she never fell for their schemes or ideas to get her into their bed.

She bit her lip, snapping him from his thoughts, and he continued staring at her, his heart heavy. He had wished more than anything for her to be his but she didn't even know he existed. Why would she? She was popular, beautiful, smart with lots of friends and any guy she wanted she could have. Why would she want and choose him over all of that? He was just some nerd in her class, all he needed was glasses, and he would continue dreaming of a girl he could never touch.

The bell rung and people started to exit the classroom. He made a quick glance at Elena as she looked up from the notebook at the sound, her two best friend's standing in front of her, waiting to leave. He watched as she stood up, a bright smile on her lips, flashing her pearly whites. He turned his head before anyone could notice he was admiring her and he grabbed his backpack, putting it over his shoulder before leaving the classroom behind the three girls.

"Do you think there's a rose and another note in your locker?" The blonde, he remembered was Caroline, asked, a smile on her face. The question made his heart start to race and he made sure he was a few feet behind them so this wouldn't look creepy but so he could still hear every word they were saying. He watched as Elena tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, no doubt a smile and blush on her face and he wished he could see it.

"I hope so. I really love them and the notes. They really melt my heart. They make me feel so good about myself. I look forward to reading them every day. I just wish I knew who was giving them to me" She sighed. He wanted to scream out that it was him giving those roses and nots, that he admired her so much to put roses in her locker just to show he cared, but kept quiet from his previous thoughts. If he said something she would probably just turn around and laugh at him before walking off. He didn't doubt her kindness but she a popular cheerleader and he was the exact opposite. So, of course, his fears grew with every thought that wanted to tell her.

"Maybe It's Tyler or Matt. You know they have huge crushes on you" The other brunette named Bonnie commented as they continued walking. Damon growled inside himself at the thought of those airheads having a crush on his girl. He just blew out a breath and waited for Elena's response.

"Ugh, I hope not. If I ever find out it was them, I would throw every single rose and note out and burn it. But, I know it's not them. They would never be smart enough to write those notes, they don't have the passion or love in their hearts to write those. They are brainless and only want sex. Even they would never think to do something so sweet. That's how I know it's not them. But, I still want to know who it is... badly. Whoever it is they clearly have a crush on me and it makes me feel so flattered at the gesture because the boys just like me because I have a skimpy cheerleading outfit on at the games. That's all they care about so it's nice to have something different. I can't wait to read the one I have today and no, I'm not letting you all read it" The brunette said dreamily, thinking of the rose waiting for her in her locker.

Damo smiled, her answer pleasing him. He certainly did have a crush on her. How could he not? How could any boy or man not completely fall in love with Elena Gilbert? He continued walking as they shuffled to Elena's locker. He went extra slow to hear her thoughts on it as she opened it, excitedly.

She picked up the rose and sniffed it as she always did and smiled into the red rose pedals. She laid it bac down on the bottom of the locker and picked up the card, reading.

"Beauty is not flawless; It shines through even your flaws. Beauty is not in the face; beauty is the light inside your heart. And, most of all beauty is about having a pretty mind, a pretty smile, and most importantly, a beautiful soul. Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude, and a lady with class.

You already have those, make sure you keep them. Don't let what any of these boys say determine your worth because it does not determine on opinions of others or what they say. I know it's hard and life is sometimes hard... even cruel at times, but always remember that for every bad day there's a brighter one ahead. If I went into how deep your beauty went, we would be here for years. Your kindness and respect that no one is excluded from, shows how truly amazing you are. Not many people have the strength to treat anyone with those things anymore. Everyone like to pride their selves on being heartless, like it's a thing to flaunt. They like to show how much they love using other people, innocent people for their own use and gain. But, you don't.

I can't even begin to tell you how much I fall harder every time you bit your lip in nerves, or bite your fingernail against your pearly whites when you're bored. My favorite is when you tuck a piece of your chocolate brown hair behind your ear while you speak.

And, before you start thinking of who I am, I'm nobody, trust me. We've never even met, darling. I only watch from afar. I give these to you in a childish hope to make you feel beautiful, because you are. You don't often see that, though.

Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise, Elena. You're beautiful, inside and out. Looks aren't everything, sweetheart, as much as society tells you otherwise. Your soul, your actions speak louder than anything.

And, what makes you beautiful, isn't just your pretty face. Your kindness and respect that you give everyone means just as much. That what makes you so beautiful, more beautiful than the others girls at this school. Enjoy the rest of your day, Elena. Remember what I said"

Elena's eyes teared up at the things she read. Her heart started beating faster and her hands became slick with sweat as she let a tear fall from the corner of her eye. Caroline and Bonnie gasped at the sight and hugged her.

"What does it say? Hope fully nothing bad, right?" Bonnie pushed and Elena shook her head.

"No, nothing bad. Something beautiful..." She said, her voice getting smaller as he walked down the school hallway to his next class.

AN: Hello, all! Don't worry this is not done! It's a two shot!

The second chapter shouldn't take too long and I hope you all enjoyed! What do you think it going to happen in the second and final chapter? Waiting for your thoughts...