A Birthday Celebration

Bianca's phone buzzed and she looked down at the caller i.d. - JANET. Her heart rate shot up as she contemplated taking the call. She hadn't spoken to Janet in more than a month, since the NCC investigation closed down. Hesitantly, she answered, "Janet?" But instead she heard Liam's cheery little voice. "Hey, Bibi, it's me, Liam! My birthday is tomorrow- mine and Emma's, of course- so can you come over for ice cream and cake?"

"I'd love to, Liam. See you tomorrow." She had really missed the little guy, his sweet acceptance of her, his hugs. She missed Emma, too, even though they had not bonded as closely. It would be really nice to see the twins, catch up on all their activities. Did Janet know about this invitation? Surely she did. But what did she think about it?

After work, a quick shopping trip to pick up a video game for Liam and a sketch pad and colored pencils for Emma. Bianca drove around the block four times before she summoned enough courage to park the car and walk up to the door. It took a few more minutes and several deep breaths for her to knock. Janet opened the door and her surprise was evident. Bianca explained rather uncomfortably, "I wanted to wish the kids a Happy Birthday." She held up two gift bags. Janet smiled an equally uncomfortable but not unwelcoming smile. "Come in. We're having ice cream and cake."

Liam jumped up and ran to Bianca, wrapping his arms around her in a big hug. "Bibi! You came!" Bianca hugged him back and kissed the top of his head. "Happy Birthday, Liam." She gave him one of the bags. Emma approached more slowly, but also gave Bianca a big hug. "Happy Birthday, Emma." The twins squealed with delight at their birthday presents.

"Come have some ice cream," said Liam. Emma added, "There's chocolate cake, too. You can have a big piece." Without looking at Janet, Bianca followed the children to the table. Tony was also there, enjoying the birthday treats. He and Bianca exchanged greetings. Liam and Emma served her the ice cream and cake, while Janet watched. Bianca focused all of her attention on the twins, as they caught her up on their latest adventures and told her a few lame jokes, which she managed to laugh at, anyway.

Finally, as bedtime approached, the party broke up. Tony bid them all goodnight and headed for the door. Bianca made a move to follow him, but Liam cried out, "Don't go, Bibi! Stay and read us a story!" Emma added, "Yes, do!" Bianca finally glanced at Janet, who smiled back at her with a shrug, "I guess they're tired of my voice." She turned to the children. "All right, you two. Get ready for bed and we'll come up for a story." The two children raced upstairs, leaving Janet and Bianca in an awkward silence.

"Would you like a glass of wine?" asked Janet tentatively.


Neither spoke as Janet poured two glasses of red wine. After a sip, Janet said quietly, "Thanks for coming tonight. The kids really enjoyed seeing you. It was fun all being together."

Bianca replied, "I was surprised when Liam called. Surprised but happy. It's good to see them again." After a pause she continued, "How's work?" Janet flicked her head dismissively. "It's work. Always bad guys to chase down. I think I'd rather watch the kids chase balls. Liam has developed an interest in rugby league, so I had to buy him a Roosters jersey."

"You could get a Nate Baldwin one really cheaply," said Bianca wryly. Ooh, big mistake. The memories were still too fresh, too painful. A long pause filled the room. Neither wanted to broach the subject uppermost in their minds, so they drank their wine in silence until Liam appeared on the stairs.

"We're ready now!"

Bianca followed Janet up the stairs. Janet stood at the door and watched as Bianca settled in. When she finished reading, she closed the book and kissed each child goodnight. Janet then came in to give them one last kiss. Once they were back out in the hallway, Bianca whispered, "I left some clothes here. Could I pick them up now?" Janet nodded. "They're in my room - our room." Bianca's head drooped a bit but she followed Janet to the master bedroom. Bianca put her hand on the door frame and said, "I renewed my lease." Janet crossed the room, where the clothes were folded neatly on top of the dresser. She gathered them up and turned to put them in Bianca's outstretched hands.

"I've been missing those pants," Bianca said, focusing her gaze on the bunch of clothes.

"I've been missing you," murmured Janet. "So have the kids." She laid her hands over Bianca's. "Please, give me another chance." Her voice wavered. "Please! I never could get my father to say, "I love you," but I can say it. I love you, Bianca. Help me be the person you need me to be."

Bianca slowly raised her eyes from the armful of clothes to Janet's face. The pain and the longing she saw there looked exactly like the pain and longing she had felt when she had put the house keys in Janet's hand and walked away over a month ago. They looked at each other, barely breathing. Bianca was motionless, save for a slight tremor in her hands. Janet took the clothes from her grasp and tossed them on the floor. Her left hand reached out and gently stroked Bianca's hair, then down her cheek, her fingers resting on Bianca's neck. Her right arm curved around Bianca's waist. Bianca still didn't move, even as Janet leaned in to kiss her. Only then did Bianca respond, answering the kiss with a deeper one back. The kisses became longer and more intense, until Janet broke away and crossed the room to lock the door, unbuttoning her blouse as she returned to Bianca's now-welcoming arms. Soon there were a pile of clothes tangled on the floor and two lovers entangled on the bed.

An hour before dawn, Bianca woke up. Janet was still asleep, blonde hair spilling over the pillow, her long, slender form nestled next to Bianca's. Bianca carefully slid out of bed, gathered her clothes and tiptoed out of the room. She dressed in the hallway and noiselessly crept down the stairs and out the front door, locking it behind her. She should have left a note! Oh, well, she would send a text once she got home. Her emotions were too jumbled at the moment. Maybe a strong cup of tea would help her think straight, which she definitely could not do in Janet's arms.

Janet opened her eyes when she heard the alert on her phone. A text from Bianca. She turned and saw the empty side of the bed. The text said, "Last night was wonderful, but we still need to talk." Janet sat back on the bed, staring at the phone in her hand. She had told Bianca she loved her, but evidently that wasn't enough. She wasn't sure what more she could do or say, but she would keep talking until she found the words Bianca was waiting for. She had to. Ash was gone forever. She couldn't lose Bianca, too. Their love felt so right, and Janet always fought for the right. She would win this fight, too -yes, she would!