*Note - Thanks to everyone who reviewed! I promised more, so here it is! I'll bet that you guys didn't know you were mind-readers... I intended for Schwartz to show up and torture (or at least annoy) the Weiss boys! So here goes, more fun at Universal Studios!

What Weiss Did At Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure - Part II!!!!!

35. Aya - keeps seeing Schwartz everywhere. Eventually attacks a woman, thinking she is Schuldich.. Gets hauled into security (they DO have a problem with security, don't they?). Nobody notices the shadowy, orange-haired figure by the balloon stand.

36. Ken - manages to get picked to be on 'television' for the earthquake ride. Falls down the stairs beautifully. Breaks his wrist and two ribs in the process.

37. Yoji - spends twenty minutes trying to decipher the comic strips on the walls of Toon Lagoon. Feels like banging head against those walls when he discovers that both Omi and Aya are fluent in English.

38. Omi - refuses to leave the San Francisco 'seashore'. Looks moodily at water until he is forcibly dragged away.

39. Aya - attempts to take the 'sword' from the 'iced' knight in the Dueling Dragons line. Claims he needs a back up.

40. Yoji - booby traps the lines with his wire to make sure women with skirts 'accidentally' trip over it. Manages to not get hauled into security... only because the officer that catches him is female. Has a date for 8:30.

41. Ken - orders three burgers, two fries, and huge soda. Dumps soda onto Aya. Claims it dumped itself. Meanwhile, Omi's using his laptop to IM with someone called 'Prodigy'.

42. Aya - gives Ken a bloody lip... and a bruised eye... and a free trip to the infirmary.

43. Omi - vanishes for half an hour soon after lunch. Cannot be found anywhere.

44. Ken - swears he spots a kid that looks JUST like Omi with a kid that looks JUST like Nagi. Stops squawking when he realizes (by falling over) that his shoelaces have tied themselves together.

45. Omi - returns moments later, doing his 'cute little kid' act to ask why Ken's on the ground. When questioned about his location, says he got some ice cream. There's no ice cream stand nearby.

46. Yoji - downright stalks a gorgeous girl. Follows her for twenty minutes. Actually faints when he finds out that 'she' is a 'he'.

47. Aya - says Yoji had it coming.

48. Ken - faints from YOJI's embarrasment.

49. Omi - pretends he doesn't know any of them.

50. All - receive a mission through Omi's computer. Discuss, in detail, the mission. Then agree to ignore it in lieu of roller coasters.

Yes, it's shorter than the other one. And I'm sorry for that. There'll be more, I promise... just as soon as I write this Philosophy paper... anyone got any ideas on "Aristotle's view of Oedipus Rex, and his opponents' position on those views"? No takers? Rats. In the meantime, please review (and thank you to those that already did!).