AN: I'M BACK, EVERYONE! And I brought a sequel with me! Get ready for a retelling of the Splatoon 2 story mode complete with extra ideas to make it more interesting. I have no idea how this is gonna go, but I hope you guys will like it. It's only the beginning, but let me know what you think so far. [I still don't have a Nintendo Switch.]

Splatoon 2: Next Wave

Chapter 1: New Squid in School

Hey, guys! I bet you're thinking that this is gonna be a really awesome story about a naturally brave and highly-skilled Inkling who becomes a legendary hero. His story will be passed down for generations to come and will never be forgotten and everything.

You're thinking that kind of story, right? Well, if you are, sorry, but that's not exactly what's gonna happen here. I should know since I'm telling the story.

But, I'm getting ahead of myself. I haven't even told you guys who I am yet...

My name's Arthur Inkerman. I've lived in Inkopolis for about 2 years now, and I can't say that anything too exciting has happened since I moved here. Well, I can't say that. There was that one time when the Great Zapfish went missing and someone brought it back. (Personally, I found that hard to believe.) There was also my sister, Amy, telling me that she met and made friends with an Inkling boy with red eyes. I didn't believe that until I met him myself...

Anyway, I live in Coral Reef Apartments which is a little ways from the most popular Inkling hangout (as of now), Inkopolis Square; and I attend Inkblot Art Academy. With Turf Wars becoming more expansive, the school is open sometimes to allow teams to battle out on the campus. Why they allowed that, I have no idea.

Today, Amy and I were going to our art and music classes (which is pretty much all they teach there) when Amy told me that someone is gonna be joining my class.

"Not sure if I'm gonna like this..." I said uneasily. "They're gonna get the 'new squid treatment'..."

"You worry too much, Arthur," she said.

"You don't get it, Amy. Some people in my class are absolute jerks. They might give the new student some trouble."

"Well, then that's when you step in and try to help."

"What?! No!"

"Oh, come on! You know what it's like being the new guy. Maybe you could at least be their first friend."

"Mmm...well...I'll try, but I probably won't like it..."

"You're about as anxious as Craymond..."

"Ignoring that..."

Amelia (or Amy for short) always had some way of getting me mixed up in some weird situations, but that's what happens when your younger sister is ten times more outgoing than you...

We separated to go to our classes and agreed to meet at the Square once we were let out.

"Alright, class," my teacher said before class began. "I have news for today. We're getting a new student, and I want everyone to make him feel welcome."

The class starting talking about what the new guy will be like. Honestly, I tried to ignore all of it.

"I hope this new guy can play in Turf Wars," one guy said.

"If he can," another guy said, "he's automatically better at them than Arthur."

"Hey!" I protested.

The people who heard that laughed. Unfortunately, I couldn't defend myself because that guy was kinda right...

I never really competed in Turf Wars before. I know what they are and how they work mainly because Amy explained them to me, but I never decided to try them out myself. She competed in them the minute we came to Inkopolis and tried to get me to join her, but I never had much of an interest to actually compete in them.

Soon, there was a knock at the door, and the entire room turned their attention to it.

"Oh, that must be him," the teacher said. She went to the door to let in the student, and once I saw him, I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped and hit my desk.

It was Finley, the Inkling boy with red eyes that my sister competes in Turf Wars with.

He wore a cyan jacket, a red pair of noise canceling headphones around his neck, round black glasses, black shorts, and a pair of black shoes with a cyan arrow and soles. He also had a red and black backpack. His cyan hair was also styled differently from the last time I saw him because they were now spiked up and slightly combed back.

He gave a nervous smile and waved to the class.

"Class," the teacher started. "I'd like to introduce you all to our newest student, Finley Splatterson."

"Hi, Finley," we all said (some kinda in a monotone voice).

"Um...h-hello..." he said timidly. "You can call me 'Fin' for short if you want..."

"We're very glad to have you, Fin," the teacher said.

He took a seat in the remaining desk in the back of the room...which just so happened to be directly next to me. I whispered "Hey" to him, and he nodded in response. He seemed to relax just a bit as the teacher began talking. I could overhear some of my classmates talking about how weird his eyes were, but luckily, he didn't hear them.

Finley and I are actually good friends already. We met a while back when he, Amy, and their team wanted to have a "strategy meeting" (which involved hanging out at a café). She brought me along to introduce me to her new friends and hopefully get some new ideas out of me. Finley and I hit it off pretty well. We both liked playing video games and had several other interests in common. I asked him if he wore red contacts, and he explained to me that they were naturally red (mainly by showing me pictures). Needless to say, we were cool. I didn't know that he was gonna be in my class, though. I decided to ask him why he came here once class was over.

Unfortunately, that's when some of the trouble started...

When class let out and we all left the building, I saw Finley and tried to catch up to talk to him, but some other students had already gotten his attention. And he was not loving it...

"Hey, new guy," a guy said. "Are your eyes really red?"

Fin nodded nervously.

"No way!" a girl said. "Tell me you're joking!"

He shook his head, but I could tell from his expression that he wished that he was joking. He's told me that he's gotten a lot of attention for his eye color before, but he's not a fan of having the spotlight. Unfortunately, nobody told a certain set of twin squids named Stinger (a boy) and Storm (a girl). (By the way, those weren't really their names; they were just nicknames for what they do in Turf Wars with their special fact, they were self-given...)

"Heh, check out the new squid, sis," Stinger said. "He's hogging all the attention."

"Yeah," Storm agreed. "That's our job! Who does he think he is?!" They shoved their way through a growing crowd of Inklings and stood in front of Fin.

"Uh-oh...this could be bad..." I thought. The crowd must've thought the same thing because they were instantly starting scattering until it was just them. I watched from around a corner.

Just then, Amy came by.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Looks like the 'new student' made some new 'friends'..." I said as I pointed to the three.

"Oh, no..." she said nervously. "Not those two..."

"Should we help him?"

"Finley has an interesting way of dealing with jerks. Let's see how this goes."

"How's it going, newbie?" Stinger said while glaring at Fin.

"Fine..." Fin said calmly.

"Enjoying the spotlight your stealing by ripping off our look?" Storm said while getting in his face.

Even though I always thought that Amy had a bit of a temper, Storm had her topped. She especially hated when someone gets more attention than her. She had dark purple hair with one curled tentacle hanging down, wore a small purple shirt, an S-shaped hairclip, black shorts, and black boots.

Her brother had his dark purple hair in a topknot, a dark purple shirt with a black jacket, black shorts, and black sneakers. He was a bit quieter than Storm, but I could tell that he didn't like Fin getting the attention as much as his sister. Needless to say, they both thought that they're meant for stardom. (...In their dreams, maybe.)

"Uh...not really. And you two are...?"

"Call me Storm, and this is my brother Stinger."

"I take it that you two don't like the fact that people noticed my eye color. Am I right?"

"Wow, how'd you guess?" she said sarcastically. "We're the only ones here who own the red contact look, so take those out...or else..."

They were notoriously known for wearing contacts that made their eyes red, and they were also notoriously known for not liking people who tried to rip off their look. Unfortunately for Finley, he couldn't help it.

"These aren't contacts...they're natural. So, technically, don't I truly own the red contact look?" he chuckled uneasily.

"Think your funny, huh?" Stinger said more threateningly.

" a little...?"

Amy and I facepalmed at the same time.

"Is he trying to get himself splatted?!" Amy shrieked quietly.

"I don't think you heard me..." Storm said menacingly. "Take those contacts out...or else...!"

"I don't think you heard me either," Fin said. " Okay? I can't change what color they are."

Storm bared her teeth at him and clenched her fists. We could see her face turn red with rage.

"I can..." she said through her teeth. "How about I turn them black...?"

"I pushed you a bit too far, didn't I...?" Fin said in a low voice as he realized that he made a huge mistake. He smiled nervously.

"What do you think, dude?!" I yelled internally. We needed to help him somehow. Luckily, Amy already had a plan. Too bad that I didn't ask what it was first...

"Hey, Storm!" she yelled.

"WHAT?! I'M BUSY!" she yelled as she turned her attention to us.

"You know, he rocks the red eye look better than you ever could! You sure you two aren't trying to rip off his look?"

"She's got a point, guys! He had those eyes from birth! How long have you two had them?" I yelled to back her up. (I regretted saying that the moment I did.)

"Why, you little...!" she instantly charged toward us with Stinger by her side.

"FINLEY! RUN!" Amy yelled to him. He took her advice soundly, and the two of us split up around the twins and tried to catch up to him.

"If I had my Splatling, you'd all be splatted!" we heard her yell behind us.

You know what's strange? Finley said that his sarcasm and wit has landed him in trouble several times even though he's just being kinda honest. He also warned that the craziness that ensues afterward usually is a bit contagious...and apparently, he wasn't joking...

But today was nothing compared to the world of craziness that I was gonna get into soon...

AN: One chapter down, an uncertain amount to go. Hope you all liked this one so far.

And now here's Arthur's bio:

Hair (style and color): Ponytail with the tentacle bangs combed to his right, bright orange

Eye color: Bright blue

Skin color: Light tan (like his younger sister)

Age: Same as Fin (about 17-18)

Personality: Reserved, soft-spoken, smart, clever, and just a little clumsy. He's also got a good heart (or 3) and is usually friendly. He's more of a thinker than an doer which is why he hasn't competed in Turf Wars (or their variations in Ranked) before but knows how they work and even comes up with some good strategies for his sister's team. However, sometimes he tends to overthink things too much and get lost in his thoughts, and he often becomes really self-conscious and insecure whenever someone brings up that he's never been in a Turf War.

He and Amy have an strong bond as siblings as he always tries to keep her out of trouble and she sticks up for him when he gets in trouble (or if she gets him in trouble). But that doesn't keep them from having their own disagreements sometimes. He came to Inkopolis a week before her, and they both live in the same apartment. He likes hanging out with Finley because they have similar personalities and interests.

Physical Description: Slightly above average height for an Inkling, thin build. He often wears Retro Specs, an orange zip up hoodie, loose capris, and red Hi-Horses.