I ponder of something terrifying
'Cause this time there's no sound to hide behind
I find over the course of our human existence
One thing consists of consistence
And it's that we're all battling fear
Oh dear, I don't know if we know why we're here
Oh my,
Too deep
Please stop thinking
I liked it better when my car had sound

(Twenty One Pilots, Car Radio)


They say there are two types of people in this world.

The ones who believe in what others consider fantasy, stuff like mermaids or perhaps even fairies. Maybe even in stuff such as the existence of other universes. They believe despite, or perhaps even because, of the constant evidence against their beliefs. They refuse to follow the "I believe in what I see" way of life.

Sometimes, believing makes people happy.

Then there's the ones who don't believe. The ones planted firmly to reality. They don't believe, they know. They know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west because Earth spins toward the east. They know, because they did their research and found proof. Proof which leads to them knowing. They refuse to follow the "Not everything needs an explanation" way of life.

Sometimes, knowing makes people sad.

To recap, we have the believers and the non-believers.

At least that's what they say.

In reality, life's never that black and white, is it? There's different shades of them. Sometimes, they mix. Like that, the color grey is born. The blurred vision that the ones who don't know have. They don't know what's real and they don't know what's fake.

Lucy, since they day she could ask herself questions that made her think, considered herself grey.

She saw, but she was constantly lost between knowing if something was real or not. Whether it be about mythical creatures such as dragons or something more concrete like friendships and feelings. If she was being completely honest, dragons felt more real to her than friendships, even though she had actually experienced the latter.

Some people could just pass off as very realistic plastic in her opinion.

Though, back to the topic at hand. She considered herself grey. A person who just doesn't know.

Even as she stared directly into green eyes that definitely didn't belong to her, she had no thoughts on whether or not what she was experiencing was fake or real. She simply wasn't the type to place a label on something that quickly. Various instant of broken friendships, feelings and thoughts she labeled as 'real' had made the teenager learn her lessons throughout her Middle School and High School days.

Instead of doing anything drastic, she lifted what she was sure wasn't her hand and twirled a piece of blonde hair between two fingers. She watched her own movement through the vanity's mirror before being drawn back to what wasn't her green eyes.

She could safely say that she wasn't in her own body.

Because the body she was used to wasn't as tall as this one. She was a brunette. With freckles that people used to tease her about before they became a trend. Her teeth weren't nearly as perfect as whoever's body she was inhabiting at the moment.

She was in a mystery girl's body.

Though, none of this concerned Lucy.

There was only one thing that always concerned the girl.

"Is this real or not?"

She knew she wasn't dreaming, because she had fallen off the bed when she woke up. And it hurt.

She didn't do drugs or went to any party where she could have gotten drugged.

She may be quirky, but she wasn't quite as crazy as Alice from Wonderland yet.

"This is-"

A phone rang.

Lucy blinked at the phone, wondering if she should pick it up or not.

"Kevin," she read the name of the caller as she grabbed the phone.

Perhaps Kevin was the mystery girl's boyfriend?

Making a split-second decision, Lucy picked up the phone that wasn't hers.

"Hey, what's up?" she casually greeted, not once thinking about whether or not she was acting out of character for the mystery girl.

Because really, no one was going to suspect that she wasn't the mystery girl. She sounded like the mystery girl, so she had to be the mystery girl. And no one could prove otherwise, could they? And she was't going to say otherwise.

"You, my best friend, are finally free from that internship you spent the whole summer on! Now that there's one more week left before school, what's your plan?"

'Oh. So Kevin's not mystery girl's boyfriend. And mystery girl's name is...Betty? Why does this all sound familiar?'

Lucy sighed, deciding that it will come to her when it does.

"What's with the longing sigh? Thinking about a certain ginger?"

"Not really," Lucy denied while rummaging through Betty's drawer. "As for your question, I'm thinking of a wardrobe change. Maybe more darker colors?"

Lucy liked pink, but not to the extent Betty seemed to.

"Ohh, trying to get rid of your good-girl-next-door image?"

So, Betty was a good girl.

Good thing Lucy didn't really even entertain the thought of acting like this Betty person. Don't get her wrong, she wasn't a bad girl or anything. But she wasn't a good girl either. Rather, she didn't like the labels. Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught, to borrow a certain lyric from a song. And likewise, bad girls could have some god girl traits too.

Lucy was grey. She was both and neither at the same time.

'Looks like Betty kept a diary,' Lucy smiled and opened the thing and skipping towards the last entry.

Technically she was Betty at the moment, so she wasn't invading anyone's privacy.

"Do you blame me?"

"Not really, considering everything that's happened, I don't think anyone will."

Another puzzle.

"What do you plan on doing?" Lucy decided to ask as she skimmed over the last entry that basically consisted of Betty writing about a boy who was busy working for his father.

His name was-

"Well, I already filled my summer hookups quota, and now that my best friend is free I think I want to visit you. Maybe even grill you over still not having confessed to Archie about your feelings."


Archie Andrews.

Blinking, Lucy skipped back to the front of the diary to look at the owner's name.

Elizabeth Cooper.

"Yes, I know you're dreading it..."

Lucy blanked out what Kevin was saying.

Was this real or not?

Lucy was real. Betty was not real.

Lucy was not real. Betty was real.

'Is this really happening?'

She closed the diary and placed it back in the drawer, inwardly scoffing at Betty for thinking she actually had privacy when Alice would just snoop into it whenever.

"But I think he likes you!"

"Okay, I'll talk to you later, okay?"

Without waiting for a response, Lucy hung up.

She spent the next hour trashing Betty's room to see if there was anything that could tell her what was going on. That could tell her if everything was real or not.

When she didn't find anything, that's when she panicked.