Sorry for the wait! Here's chapter 6.
Jack awoke the next morning in his bed, slightly disorientated. The last thing he remembered was lying on the floor of the living room, although he wasn't sure why, but what he did know was that there was a dull, aching throb emanating from his right arm that he wished would stop. He looked down at the mound of pillows underneath his arm and shoulder, propping the limb up to higher than his torso.
He went to push himself up with his left arm, jostling his right side in the process. A groggy argh burst from his lips as he collapsed back down to the bed, and his arm, to the pillows.
Oh yeah, he remembered, I'm broken.
He shut his eyes quickly as the fresh wave of pain unforgivingly washed over him. Opening his eyes, he grabbed his injured arm with his left hand and held it lightly.
So, don't do that again, he thought snarkily to himself.
He turned to the door.
"Hi," he croaked, his face still scrunched in pain.
Henley smiled her warm, motherly smile at him and walked up to the side of the bed. Nonetheless, she couldn't pry his usual goofy smirk out.
"How are you feeling?" she asked gently.
Jack let out a soft groan into the pillow beside him.
"It fucking hurts."
He knew that Henley hated when he swore, but considering all he had gone through, he felt justified.
She sighed. "Jack..."
"Sorry. It...hurts. Better?"
She laughed. "No, that's not what I meant. If it makes you feel better, then say whatever you want. I just wish it was over. You look horrible..." She trailed off, saying more than she wanted to.
"Gee, thanks, Hen," he replied, laughing a little.
"Ugh, Jack. I can't speak today."
He laughed again. "It's ok. Really. I do look terrible."
She smiled back at him. "Do you need anything? I told Danny and Merritt I'd be back out soon."
He thought over the offer, then told her he didn't need anything at the moment, but he'd let her know. She dropped a light kiss on his forehead, and then exited the room.
"How's he doing?" Merritt asked from the table when Henley returned. Danny was seated next to him.
" 'It fucking hurts' ", Henley replied. Both men gave her a strange look. "His words exactly."
Danny let out a puff of a laugh into his coffee cup and then took a sip. "I'd be surprised if it didn't."
"Danny!" Henley scolded him.
Danny put his cup down and held up his hands as if asking 'what did I do?'
"What? He popped it clear out of the socket. It if didn't hurt, then I'd be worried. I don't like seeing him in pain, I really don't–"
"Aw, is Danny worried about his little Jackie?" Merritt teased.
Daniel thumped the back of Merritt's head, causing him to spray coffee all over the counter. Henley almost spit hers out, too, from the sudden burst of giggles.
"I'm gonna go check on him," Danny said, still eyeing Merritt. He placed his cup on the table and headed for Jack's bedroom.
"Don't come back anytime soon!" Merritt called after him as he wiped up the coffee.
Danny smirked, satisfied with himself. He approached Jack's room, and knocked on the open door as he entered. "Rise and shine."
Jack cracked his eyes back open to see the older man standing awkwardly in the doorway.
"Hi Danny," he rasped. His voice was extremely dry, and his throat felt and sounded like two pieces of sandpaper rubbing together.
"Hold on," Danny mumbled as he ran back to the kitchen.
Jack, confused and mind still trudging through dull pain, simply watched Danny with curious eyes. Danny soon returned with a glass of water.
"Here, Kermit." He handed the glass to Jack who took it gratefully.
"," he said between gulps. The glass was soon empty, and he handed it back to Danny.
"Thirsty much?" he laughed as he took the glass.
"Just a little."
Danny looked down at the weak figure in the bed. His right side was still swallowed up by the pillows supporting his arm, and, as he had heard Henley say earlier, he did look horrible. Danny hadn't seen him smile, really smile, since he had walked in, as his expression was that of a pained and tired boy.
"So. It fucking hurts?" Danny asked.
Jack turned red and looked at his hands. "Yeah..." he said shyly. He had thought that after Danny had popped his arm back in place, the pain would decrease significantly, so the severe pain that he was still experiencing aggravated him greatly.
"Why, though?" he suddenly asked.
Danny just stared. "Why what?"
"Why does it–" Jack was cut off by a sudden sharp pain that ran through his arm. He grabbed his shoulder and groaned softly. After the wave passed, he opened his eyes. "Still do...that?"
"Because you dislocated it completely. Like this." Danny balled his fist. "This is your shoulder joint." Then he cupped his other hand over the fist. "This is what it's supposed to be like." He then slipped the balled fist out of his other hand. "This is what you did to yourself." Jack flinched slightly at the sight, remembering the sensation when he fell over the wall. "Yeah. I know," Danny said, noticing Jack's reaction. He then continued. "This is what we did to it yesterday." Danny pushed his fist back into his other hand. "It's here now. It still hurts because from here to here–" he slipped his fist out of his hand "–you messed up the tissue and ligaments and whatever else. It'll take time to heal, but it'll get there if you're careful."
"Are you...sure?" It pained Danny how young and scared Jack looked.
"Yes. Do you want to know why?"
Jack nodded.
"I grew up with two older brothers. And I wasn't...the strongest. This–" he motioned to Jack's arm "–was a monthly occurrence."
Jack stared blankly at Danny. "I'm sorry." The words fell out of his mouth as if he didn't know what else to say. "Man...that sucks. I'm sorry."
Danny shifted uncomfortably and let out a defensive breath of a laugh. "It's fine, really. I didn't tell you for pity. I just want you to know why I know, and that I'm not just pretending like I know everything. Like what you and Merritt and Henley make fun of me for when I'm not home."
"What? We don't…." Jack tried to play it off as if he didn't know what Danny was talking about.
"Yeah, you do," Danny said matter-of-factly. "But just trust me, ok?"
Jack looked up at him, feeling so small in his bed under the protection of pillows.
"Believe it or not, Danny, despite all the shit I give you...I always trust you."
I tried to write more to the brotherly relationship between Jack and Danny that some of you mentioned, so I hope that worked out. Next chapter will be up next week (hopefully). Reviews always appreciated. Thank you!