*This one is a first for me. First full-length SasuHina, first time with mermaids and pirates, first time in my life having to know what a jib is...I'll spare the haters the effort: that's the closest I've been to being a virgin in well over a decade. Don't tell my kids; they'd never understand...
Between the Devil and the Deep
Chapter One
The Son of the Sea
There was always an air of excitement and a crowd waiting when the Serpent returned to her home port. It wasn't surprising, really – with her snapping white sails and ornate figure head, she was a commanding and authoritative presence in the Uchiha fleet, with a reputation as gleaming as the serpent coiled around her bow. Many gathered to see her come to port – and still more gathered, hoping for a glimpse of her Captain.
Necks craned for a look at the lithe, sharp figure, a study in perfection from his shining boots to the gleaming raven's wing of his hair. He stopped for no one – any attempts to speak with him quickly rebuffed or blatantly ignored – but that was to be expected of the young Admiral, and the next in line to the throne.
Some called it folly when King Madara first allowed his own heir to join the Royal Navy, but he invariably responded "If the next King cannot defend our country on the sea, then he cannot defend her on the throne."
And the Admiral of the Fleet, Sasuke, the Last Uchiha, could definitely defend from the sea.
His reputation alone was said to keep invaders from their shores and pirates from their ships, and it was with a curious mix of awe, respect, fear, and pride, that his people cheered his return.
He went directly to his Uncle, neither stopping to change nor eat. He reported to the King and the King alone – much to the irritation of the other Admirals, but none dared object.
He rapped sharply on the heavy wooden door of his Uncle's Map Room, and was bidden to enter.
The room was fashioned after a captain's quarters, with windows overlooking the glistening sea, and maps and charts both hung on the walls and spread across the large desk where his Uncle was hard at work.
"You have returned, Nephew," Madara stood, pride evident in his strong features. "I trust that there was no trouble."
"None whatsoever," he handed over a scroll. "My mission report."
"And those that tried to stand against us?"
"It was a fair exchange," the shrug was elegant and cold. "We emptied their hulls of the kingdom's gold, and replaced it with as much seawater as they could hold."
"And the traitors?"
"There were not many prisoners to take, but the ones we did have already been delivered to the dungeon."
"It saddens me, Nephew," Madara put a heavy hand on his shoulder. "That there are citizens that would steal from the land that has given them everything. Whenever forgiveness is possible, we must exercise it, but for traitors," he shook his head and his lips thinned into a grim line. "For traitors, we can give no quarter. No mercy can be shown to one that would betray his homeland."
He met the younger man's eyes – coal black and obsidian – and the hints of a smile tugged at the corners of his eyes and lips.
"I am grateful that the kingdom will pass into such loyal and capable hands, Sasuke. I could think of no one better to protect her."
"Thank you, Uncle," he bowed his head.
"Come," he clapped a strong arm across his back. "The people have been anxious for your return."
Madara led the way down the richly carpeted hall to the Grand Balcony. Servants bowed before parting the heavy drapes, allowing the King and his Admiral to pass into bright light of day, and to the cheers of the people below. The Grand Balcony boasted the castle's best view of the harbor, and had been where the King traditionally came to bid his people farewell, and the Queen would appear every day he was gone, to watch the horizon until they were reunited. Even now, Sasuke could see the gleaming figure head of the Serpent glistening in the bright sun, her sails furled, her masts strong and stark against a cloudless blue sky and the ocean behind her.
"My people," Madara's voice boomed over the piazza below. "The Sea smiles upon us. The Serpent is once again safe in her home port, and the enemies of our kingdom no longer sail her waters. The Admiral of the Fleet returns triumphant!"
The cheers errupted from the crowd as Sasuke stepped forward, to stand alone where hundreds had stood before him, and on the precipice of a greatness his people could sense with each the snap of the flags in the dancing sea wind.
The Last Uchiha – The Son of the Sea - was at the helm of the Kingdom.
Safely tucked in the shadows cast by the Serpent on the water she placed a gentle hand on the hull and welcomed the ship home.
The cheers floated out to her and she lifted her eyes to where he stood on the balcony, seeing him as his people saw him.
She saw his eyes trace the glittering water out to his ship – seeking it out as reflexively and naturally as one born to live on the water. The ship sensed it, she was sure.
"He is proud of you, too," she assured her.
And although she knew he could not – and never had – seen her, she smiled toward him and the ancient blessing fell from her lips in a tongue far too archaic and lovely to have been forged on land.
"May peace and happiness follow you from our waters to your land,
and may you return quickly to our Mother to sail again.
A blessing on the Son of the Sea."
She kissed her fingers and pressed them to the Serpent's Hull
"Long may he sail in glory."
With less than a thought and a flick of her shimmering tail, she slipped back into the water, unnoticed and alone.
Thank you for joining me on this new adventure, friends!
- Giada