Disclaimer: I do not own the Wizarding World of Harry Potter or its characters.

Authors note: This is my first ever Fanfic so please be honest!

Chapter One: Preface

Hermione couldn't go home, not yet. Her father was on a rampage and if she went home there would no one to protect her from his wrath, not since the death of her mother. Jean had been a beautiful woman, with long brown hair and mocha brown, almond shaped eyes. Unfortunately, her beauty was short lived, for she had fallen in love with a drunk. Frank wasn't the get drunk and fall asleep type, no, Frank was the type of man that got drunk and beat his wife and child. One night however, he took it to far and accidentally killed her. Jean's body was buried under the old oak tree outside the two story blue house they had lived in. No, Hermione couldn't go home, she couldn't risk ending up like her mother.

Hermione sighed as she sat at the park, she hated waiting for her father to fall asleep, even more she hated waiting in this park. She had found it a while back hidden a mile into the woods behind her house. It was dingy, with a swing and a merry-go-round, both metal and rusting away. At least she had her book, there was no greater companion than a book in her opinion. A book didn't make you listen to its problems or annoy you with small talk, they simply helped you escape into a world different from your own. Escape was exactly what she needed. She looked up at the quickly darkening sky, and knew that she would have to go back soon, as dangerous as her father was it was nothing compared to the creatures that wandered the woods at night. With a quick glance back toward the house she saw that the lights were still on, maybe she would wait just a while later.

The sky was completely dark by the time Hermione made it home, she couldn't help but notice that almost every light in the house had been turned on. He has been looking for me, she thought to herself. She quietly eased the back door open hoping against hope that he was asleep. Almost cat-like she snuck up the stairs to her room, she let out a soft yelp of surprise when she saw Frank sitting on her bed. "I thought I told you not to leave the house?" he said fiercely. He stood up and crossed the room to where Hermione was standing. Cowering against the door knowing what was coming Hermione braced herself, Frank's hand swung down and slapped her across the face with a force that sent Hermione into the hallway behind her. Getting to her feet Hermione ran down the hall into the bathroom. Carefully pulling back the shower curtain she hid in the bathtub. Maybe he won't find me this time, she thought, maybe this time he will go downstairs for a drink instead of look for me. Franks footsteps echoed down the hallway, getting closer and closer, "Hermione" he said, "your fifteen now, you don't need to hide from me". Hermione shrunk back in the tub a little more still praying that he would leave her alone and go for a drink instead. Suddenly as if it was a curse an owl swooped into the bathroom and landed on the tub next to her, her hiding place given away. A quick glance at the untidy scrawl and she knew it was from Ron, He had the worst timing ever.

"I know where you are" Frank laughed, "I bet you hate being part of such an unnatural world". He stomped into the bathroom and ripped the shower curtain back. Reaching down he pulled her up by her hair, "I've imagined you in the bathtub many times, but never fully clothed". He dragged her into the hallway by her hair. Hermione whimpered, knowing where he was taking her, down the stairs and into the living room they went. Finally, Frank let go of her hair, he leaned down and caressed her face, "you look so much like my Jean" he whispered "You're growing up so nicely". He leaned down and planted a kiss on her lips, hard and demanding, Hermione could taste the alcohol on his breath. Struggling to get away she pushed against his chest, he had never done this before. She stiffened as his hand slid down her side. I've got to get away she told herself. Her wand was locked away upstairs, Hermione liked to follow rules and she wasn't allowed to do magic outside of school.

Frank ran his hand down her chest and slid to the buttons on her pants, slapping Hermione across the face when she tried to get away, "You deserve this you fucking little slut" he told her, "walking around in your shorts all the time, you know what you're doing." He took his belt and tied her hands to the board above the sofa, then he slid her pants down past her ankles leaving her in her lacy blue panties. "See look at you, you dirty bitch, you wanted to get fucked" he sneered. He pushed her shirt up roughly revealing the matching bra. Just as he was starting to reach into her panties, the doorbell chimed. Frank looked up from Hermione confused, like he'd forgotten where he was. The doorbell chimed again, Frank decided to ignore it." If you scream", he told Hermione "ill make sure you never see daylight again." He reached up and put his hand around her throat as he pulled down her panties, suddenly the door was blasted open, the knocker hitting Hermione and cutting her head. Losing conciseness Hermione looked into the face of her savior. Severus Snape stood in the doorway, looking murderous. Hermione tried to speak, but everything went black.