Hello my lovely readers!
I have a bit of an announcement/statement to make.
It really means the world to me that you guys have read and continue to read my Stranger Things fanfiction. I love the show, and I love writing for you guys. However, I have to be totally honest here. After I finished the first two stories, I started to run out of steam. I was able to keep going for a little while because the idea was still new, but then I lost the muse for this story. For all stories, really. I hit a rough patch right before college started, and I picked up a new interest that REALLY makes me happy.
So I started writing for the group that I fell in love with on Wattpad to cheer myself up on bad days. I admit that I literally never left that little safety bubble, and that was probably wrong of me. I shouldn't leave you guys in the dark when you've been so supportive.
After I got past that phase, I tried to keep writing "Beautiful Mess," but I quickly ran out of steam again. It's not because I'm bored of it or anything. It's hard to explain, but it's like... the passion for it runs out. And it's not gone forever. It comes and goes in waves. I'm going to continue the story. In the next few weeks, I'm going to try to find the muse for Stranger Things again and come up with some new ideas, but I need to guys to be patient with me until then.
Even though I'm working on my Originals story, it doesn't mean I'm able to just turn around and start on Beautiful Mess again, even if I want to to make you guys happy. I just don't know where to go, and I don't have the muse to figure it out at the moment. The reason I have been able to get back into the Originals story lately is because it's the first and only of its kind. Beautiful Mess unfortunately came after two forty page Stranger Things stories where I exhausted all of my ideas and muse.
I'm not giving up on Beautiful Mess. It will get finished. I just have to find the passion for it again. I know you guys probably have amazing ideas, but it's not all about that :( It's about the muse. Sometimes it runs out. Sometimes I still run back to that safety bubble (*cough* my BTS boys *cough) especially right now because my pet, Doc, is dying really slowly and it's depressing me.
I guess ultimately, I just want to say sorry. And if you read nothing else in this announcement other than the bold bits, that's fine lol as long as you know I'm sorry. And I appreciate and love you guys more than you know. I'm sorry for letting you down. I haven't abandoned you. Give me some time. Let me work on finding the muse again. Beautiful Mess will be continued as soon as possible.