Yeah I've been gone a while, some good stuff happened, more bad stuff happened. But that's good for you guys, I always write the best when I feel the worst. Lol. But I'm actually writing my own book now, it's a Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Worldbuilding thing, and I don't know where to post it (if I decide to) any of you guys have any ideas? Anyways I've started writing this a while ago but idk when I'm gonna finally post it so, um, hopefully it's still 2018. But um, read it, and shit, hope you enjoy and all that crap.

So another update because it's been a while since I started this chapter, I'm somewhat ashamed to say I'm only here because some guest called me dead in the reviews of this story and I was insulted. But either way I must admire his genius as his insult is what prompted me to finish and upload this chapter. At the moment though I've been juggling a great many things like video games, learning french indpendently, video games, possibly writing a Brave fic, video games, summer jobs, some more video games, gender dysphoria (shh that last one's a secret to almost everybody I know irl), and yeah a couple video games.

But hopefully I don't die like the author of The Observer Effect which I got mad at because their story was beautiful and I was sad to see it unfinished.

Jack's POV

I couldn't believe it, I know some people use that phrase as a figure of speech, but in my case I was being literal. My entire body was shaking and I was hyperventilating, I looked around me but my eyes refused to understand. Some said seeing was believing but what I saw only confused and scared me. Floating islands? Chess pieces the size of buildings? Dice the size of buildings? Overgrown flora towering over me? Did I mention everything was floating?

"-Jack! Jack!" Alice violently grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

I mumbled in return, "what?," another shake, "what?," another shake, "WHAT?" and shoved Alice back.

Her face morphed from shock to anger, "Calm down!"

"Alice, they're-they're floating! And the pipe?" I gestured wildly at the empty space above us, "Where are we?! We fell, and now we're here… where'd we come from? It's just air!" I ranted, not stopping to take any breaths.

"Jack, I said calm down!"

"The plants they're huge, why is there a bishop the size of the mansion?" I shook my head and sat down.

"Jack, this is Wonderland!" Alice said with an excitement of a young child showing a parent something they found, kneeling next to me.

"I gathered as much."

"What's the problem, we're safe from the constable, and I can finally show you that Wonderland is real!" Alice's last words echoed within the walls of my head and seemed to calm me down, I could feel the beating of my heart recede.

"I," I faltered, "I never questioned its reality, Alice, I believed you."

"Then why are you acting like this?" Alice asked with the steel coming back into her voice.

"I," I faltered, taking one last look around me before locking my gaze with Alice's, "I'm okay." I got up and dusted myself off.

Alice was shocked by my change of heart, "Are you certain? You went mad for a bit there."

"It's fine, I'm fine now, just very shocked," I stood next to her.

"I understand," was all Alice said before she came in close for a hug, which I gladly returned.

We pulled back and looked at each other for a moment before I had to speak up, "So, what now?"

Alice shot up, "Well!" before realising her outburst was a bit much, "—excuse me, I'm just so glad to be back," the corner of my mouth twitched upwards at this, "but I think we should just follow the follow the path and see where it takes us."

"What path? Those ladders and slides there?" I pointed at what looked like a mess of brightly coloured and winding horizontal slides that snaked up and down and around other slides and a great many, mostly horizontal, ladders. The ladders themselves had candy apple red side rails and each rung was a different part of the rainbow.

Alice nodded, "An astute observation, Jack." I bit back a retort at her smirk and instead chose to walk over to the side of the small island we fell on, being extra careful to not come too close to edge.

"And exactly how are we supposed to get from here," I pointed at my feet, "to there?" I finished, pointing at the nearest ladder, easily more than a hop, skip, and a jump from where I stood. Alice didn't respond, she instead chose to don an impish grin and, lifting her chin in the air, bounced over to me on the balls of her feet. I rose an eyebrow at her, my eyes most likely reflecting my clear amusement.

"Like this," she near whispered and hopped off the ledge. My heart dropped and I almost chose to jump and try to catch her before the unthinkable happened. She did a quick twist mid air and flew upwards a bit before the skirt of her dress ballooned and she slowly drifted towards the ladder.

Gracefully landing one foot on a shining blue rung she turned to me and waved, giving a second to let my heart slow, I responded, "In case you haven't noticed, I don't have a dress."

This troubled her, I could tell by the way she furrowed her eyebrows and bit her lip slightly. But then her expression glowed and just looked at me, "The first time I happened upon Wonderland I was very young, I was so small I had no way of getting anywhere," I gestured for her to continue, "so being the child I was I wished I could do these things and willed it so."

"You're telling me that you want me to wish I can," I hesitated thinking of an example, "grow wings! And just jump?"

Alice's face soured at my disbelief, "You've already invested this much faith in me and it's all turned out to be true so far, why stop now?" My face softened at the truth in her words and I took a step closer to the edge, "And I didn't just imagine my dress doing this, my wish was to get from point A to point B, the intent must be strong, or I doubt it would work."

I didn't respond, just taking another small step towards the ledge, looking down at the endless white that waited below. "Lovely…" I muttered to myself, although I don't doubt Alice may have heard me. The bright green tufts of grass underneath my leather boots being the only thing between my precarious position and slipping to my imminent death.

I stood there shifting my weight from my heels to the balls of my feet over and over before Alice spoke up, making me jump, "What are you waiting for?"

"Shove off, you weren't a fully aware and god-fearing adult when you jumped off a floating island in the middle of nowhere," I bit back. Alice chose not to respond and I hesitantly inched forward.

"Just jump already!" the shout from a fairly exasperated Alice startled me and before I knew it had jumped off the edge.

I yelped and in a fraction of a second began to repeat in my head how much I wanted to be there on the ladder right next to Alice. My stomach was the first to feel my descent as I began to fall, but I only thought even harder, I felt how much I wanted—no, needed to be right next to Alice, with Alice. And time began to play again, I was sharply yanked out of my fall and brought back into the air as I flew right into Alice and managed to grab onto one of the rungs and wrap my leg around another.

Alice again stood on the ladder before helping me to my feet, which was much harder than it ought to be causing me to look over my shoulder.

"Someone must have heard about your wish to grow wings," Alice joked, eyeing the brown and white speckled feathers adorning the new appendages.

Once again I fought the dizzying feeling that swept through me.

Screw you guest for saying I was dead.

P.S. y'all can thank that guest for this chapter

P.P.S 6 months isn't even that long, I consider at least a year. I've seen plenty of 1year stories come back

Also I'm trying to keep dialogue consistent but I'm having trouble recapturing the old english mood I had when I first wrote this, lmk if you really notice anything or have any tips for me.

Also y'all comment n shit to keep me sane (and even raise me from the dead to write a chapter in 15 minutes (I hope that last bit isn't too obvious, but I have another story to tend to sry not sry))