A/N: I don't know how or where my love of this story reignited, but I'm going to ride the wave for a little while longer before I have to go write other things. Bleh.

I hope you enjoy.

A less than twenty minute ride into town later, Fitz sat in the parking lot of Harper Foods. His left hand rested on his steering wheel and his right held his cell to his ear. He listened as the robo-voice on the other end of the call ran down the last several charges on his credit card. The numbers were climbing higher and Fitz could feel his stomach tightening. This whole adventure had been his idea and now he wished that he'd thought it through. Nothing in him regretted tearing away from that sleepy old town he and Olivia called home, but he was starting to regret not thinking it through. If he were being honest with himself, though, he never thought she'd run with him. Ever. Despite everything that occurred the last few days, Fitz was certain that Olivia was a daddy's girl. She wouldn't say it out loud, but Elijah Pope's approval was something Olivia yearned. Slowly, but surely that was changing, though. Olivia Pope was becoming her own woman.

Fitz sighed, hanging up his phone and setting it down on the center counsel. He ran a hand through his sandy locks and then worked it over his jaw. He was stressed; thoroughly caught between expectations he'd impressed upon himself and the fear of being unable to deliver. He was going to have to do one of two things soon; use money from the joint account with his soon-to-be ex-wife or break into his trust. Either way, Fitz felt like he would disappoint Olivia. It was better to keep this all to himself.

Yawning, Fitz rolled his shoulders back and stretched his neck. Something somewhere cracked and he sighed; time to grab something for dinner.


When he returned from the store, the shower was still going. Steam billowed from beneath the door and he could hear Olivia singing. The invisible weight resting on his shoulders all but disappeared. He stacked the plastic bags up on the counter, taking out two steaks. Good, expensive steaks unlike the one she'd picked at earlier under his former frat boy advice. He left them to sit, to bring them up to room temperature so that he could grill them out on the deck. Next he went to work slicing up potatoes and asparagus, tucking them in foil packets to steam while the steaks grilled.

The shower cut off. Olivia's muffled voice continued to sound from the bathroom. He glanced at the clock above the stove to see that it was a little after 7pm. He yawned again. His eyes felt heavy, but he knew how much Olivia was looking forward to tonight and he was determined to make it right for her. He wondered if she knew that he was aware she was still a virgin. It'd been a drunken confession – one that was the opposite of what she'd been telling him all summer – but he still knew, though he'd already suspected as much. He wasn't the type to expect a woman to fall into his bed at a drop of the hat, but he could see in the hesitation in the way Olivia carried herself. She was shy with her body and responded to his touch like a woman who'd only known caresses over clothing.

He continued prepping their meal, Olivia's voice serving as the sound track. Once finished, he retreated to the deck, taking in its size with a slight smile. It was big enough to hold a hot tub, swing, deck dining set, and a propane grill. He fired up the grill, pivoting on his toes just in time to catch the most beautiful sight his tired eyes had ever seen.

Olivia stood before him, in the sliding glass doorway, her thick and curly locked perfectly coiffed and shoulder length. She wore a pearl white silk robe that cut just below her knees. It was tied across snug across her stomach. She smiled shyly.

"I don't stink anymore," Olivia said, fingers fidgeting with the robe sash. She glanced down, cheeks swelling.

Fitz's heart felt like it skipped a beat and despite the yawn curling deep in his belly, he smiled. "Hi."

"Hi…I see you've been busy." Olivia gestured to the grill.

"Just grabbed somethings for dinner. I thought we'd eat out here and then go inside. It's a beautiful evening."

Olivia stepped out onto the deck and Fitz took in her small size. The top of her head barely reached his shoulder. How did someone so small have such a large presence.

"Maybe we can go for a night soak after dinner?" The twinkle in her eye and curl of her lip said it all to Fitz.

"Will you ever stop trying to get into my pants, Miss Pope?"

She laughed, reaching a hand out and grabbed his shirt, pulling him towards her. Fitz watched as she stretched on her toes, lips pursed in search of his. He bent forward until their mouths met. The kiss was soft, romantic. It filled Fitz's heart with joy and he wondered what she would say if he confessed his love for her right now.

"I should get dinner done," Fitz whispered, pulling away.

Olivia's eyes fluttered opened. "Can I help?"

He nodded towards the glass deck set. "By sitting there and singing me something soft to cook to."

Her cheeks swelled, a slight tint of red creeping beneath her brown skin. "How about I turn the radio on inside?"

"And deny me the sweet pleasure of hearing your voice?"

Olivia smiled and stretched on her tip toes until her mouth was centimeters from his ear. Fitz took a breath, trying to hide the effect she always had on him.

"You'll get to hear it calling your name all night…" Her heels hit the wood and she disappeared into the house with not so much as a wink.

The yawn resting in his stomach boiled up and he rubbed his eyes, watching as she sashayed around the studio sized cabin between her fingers.

That girl was trouble.


She was self-assured. Nearly one-hundred percent certain that he was none-the-wiser to her little white virginal lie. It felt silly lying to him now, but she didn't know how to back out of it. All of those months ago when he'd expressed some hesitancy in pursuing their relationship due to her age, she'd tried to act older. More mature. Or rather what she thought was mature. Mature and experienced enough to keep up with Fitz. He was nearly ten years older than her and he'd already been married. . . . How could she compare? He wouldn't want her if he knew she was just a silly little girl.

The clang of glass against glass drew her gauge and silenced the loud thoughts rolling around in her head. Olivia looked up to find Fitz pushing away his empty plate. She looked down at her own half-eaten plate and pushed it away, glancing around at their surroundings.

Arkansas had never been a blimp on her radar. It was a state that she never even thought of let alone to visit, and now here she was, on the brink of giving herself to the man she was in love with. The sky was a mosaic of purples, blues, and retreating oranges; the green leaves of the forest that surrounded them taking in the fading light.

"What are you thinking, Livvie?" Fitz asked.

Olivia turned in her chair, her dark eyes meeting his grey. "I'm happy." It was a simple answer, but it held so much.

"Happy?" he repeated.

She nodded. "I'm relaxed. I'm not worried about my next accomplishment and how it's a detriment to my entire race if I don't make it. I talked to my mom and DJ. I haven't thrown up since this morning, and I'm here with you."

Fitz's cheeks swelled, prompting Olivia's to, too. She flexed her ankles, slid out of her chair and into his waiting lap. His fingers found the hem of her robe and he ran his fingers along her thighs.

"I love seeing you like this."

"Like what?" Her brows drew together.


She gave him a toothy grin before leaning in, capturing his mouth, sliding her tongue past his lips and drawing his tongue into her mouth. He tasted like sweetness – like the strawberries and champagne he'd surprised her with and she'd only taken a taste.

"Want to take this to the bed," Olivia asked, finally breaking away from his lips.

"Does that mean you'll show me what's under this robe finally?"

She nodded and shifted in his arms until she was straddling him, her thighs caging his. His hands seized her hips and she reached for the two buttons that held his polo closed. She undid them, her fingers trembling slightly. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and she smiled, kissing the right corner of his mouth and then the left before pulling away. Their eyes met and she despite the robe wrapped around her, she suddenly felt extremely bare. His gaze was unrelenting and she licked her lips, eyes falling to the space between them as he his right hand let go of her left hip. He reached for the sash, tugging on it. The robe gave way, sliding down her shoulders to reveal a white eyelet lace bra that held her pert breasts high.

She watched Fitz's eyes take her in, happy with the way his eyes washed over her and how his grip on her hip tightened. He dragged his eyes upward.

"You like?"

"When did you get this?" He asked.

"The other day when we went shopping."

"But I went with you and I think I would've remembered you trying this on."

Olivia laughed, drawing her bottom lip between her teeth. "I got it after you walked out, annoyed with me."

"I wasn't annoyed, I was –" His words broke apart of his tongue, cut in half by a yawn.

"Take me to bed?" she suggested.

Fitz obliged, lifting her easily into his arms. Her feet dangled off the ground and she felt dizzy as they made their way inside. Olivia traced the lines that gathered around his eyes, the corners of his mouth and cheeks with her index finger. He looked tired, but smiled back at her nonetheless. He slid the sliding doors closed with his heel and moved slowly, setting her down on the bed.

Olivia laid back, breath hitching as he drew the sash of her robe down to reveal a match pair of underwear.

"You're so beautiful, Livvie…" Fitz whispered, drawing his finger from the tip of her nose down her lips, between her breasts to the waistband of her underwear. "Are you sure about this?" he asked.

Something in Olivia shifted, she felt her heart speed up. The moment suddenly felt real. Too real. As if she'd been building everything up for this moment that was now scaring the shit out of her. What if he could tell that she was a virgin? What if she couldn't satisfy him? He'd been married for five years for heaven's sake. This had all seemed so simple the previous day when she'd jumped him and now….


She pushed herself up onto her elbows and then sat up.


"I…I have to pee," she cringed as the words came out, but skittered off the bed, nonetheless, making a beeline for the bathroom. She shut the door behind her, flicking on the light. Her eyes met the mirror and she glanced at her reflection, taking in her appearance. Gone was the vixen who'd slipped on the lingerie set, the self-assured woman certain that this is what she'd wanted to do.

In front of her stood the twenty year old girl who'd given a few hand jobs over the years, to boys she didn't truly like, and had been fingered a grand total of once before meeting Fitz. And it'd been highly uncomfortable, something she'd only done because she thought she should. Hell, she and Fitz had only done heavy petting the last couple of months.

A knock at the door drew her attention.


"I'm…I'll be right out! Get ready for me because –"

The bathroom door opened. Fitz stood in the doorway, a small smile on his face. "Liv?"

"Shouldn't you be undressed and waiting for me?" She tried, forcing a bit of bravado into her voice. She rested her hands on her hips, waiting for his answer.

He held out a hand. "Come on, Livvie."

She glanced down at his palm. "I'm..I, Fitz there's something I need to tell you."

"You're a virgin. I know, Livvie."

Her brows furrowed. "How do you…I?"

"You told me the other night when you were drunk. You asked me to be your first."

Heat budded beneath Olivia's skin. Shit. Why did she have to have loose lips while drinking?

She pushed past him, walking back to the bed. She sat down, suddenly feeling very bare, but not in the way she'd felt minutes ago, in the way that made her feel seen, but rather the way that made her feel insecure. "I…" she didn't know what to say. She crossed her legs, closing her robe in the process. "I've never…"

"Olivia, it's okay."

"No, it's not. You've – you were married," she stumbled over her words, "How am I, how can I. What if I'm not good enough for you? What if you want someone who knows what they're doing and knows how to- to make you happy. What if—"

Fitz walked over to the bed, bending down in front of her. She couldn't look away. He lifted her chin with his index finger. "Liv, look at me."

She shook her head.

"Olivia. Look. At. Me."

Tears pooled in her eyes and she couldn't believe she was getting so worked up over this. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

"Olivia, do you know how many times I look at you a day and think I'm not good enough for you."


"Shh, I'm talking now. You're listening." He nodded. "Okay?"


"I sit there and I watch you and I wonder when you're going to wise up and find a guy who can complement you. Who's good enough for you and not a divorcee with an insane family. And then I think…if she did find that guy, I'd end up in jail. You want to know why?"

"Why?" she asked as he wiped away her spilling tears.

"Because he's not taking my girl. He's not taking the woman I've fallen in love with."

"You love me?" she said, sniffling.

"I do. And I didn't think it was possible to find a real love. After everything that happened in my marriage, I thought it was impossible and then I ran into you."

She smiled. "I'm sorry I lied to you. I just thought…"

"I know. It doesn't even matter anymore. What matters now is that I'm going to go take a shower and when I get out, we're going to watch a movie or just sit and be."

"But –"

"When it happens, Livvie, it happens. I don't want to force something that we both will regret. We've both had a long two days. I'm tired, you started out the day in hell. Let's just be us and be together. Okay?"

The weight on her chest lifted and Olivia nodded. She gave him a soft okay.