Large eyes, the color of molten chocolate, fixed on his face. He groaned, enjoying far too much what her hands were doing, yet still wanting more. When she broke eye contact and her head dipped, he forgot how to breathe and tangled his fingers in her hair, losing himself with every delicate lick…

Kyoya sat bolt upright in bed, confused and uncomfortably aroused. He quickly surveyed his blurry surroundings, half hoping the temptress from his dream would be beside him or in the en suite bathroom, fully knowing he wouldn't find her, yet still disappointed when she didn't appear. Obviously he knew that she would be safe in her apartment, tucked in bed, oblivious to his feel- imaginings. He reprimanded himself; he felt nothing for the girl, other than friendship. Just because he was having lascivious dreams about the woman meant nothing other than the fact that he was a healthy teenage boy, and she was the only girl at Ouran who wasn't a complete airhead and therefore required more observation than the predictable children of the elite families he had to rub elbows with. That was all. He chose not to think about the fact that these dreams were becoming a regular occurrence and were becoming more and more vivid each time. Grabbing the phone he always had on his bedside table, he checked the time; it was easier than trying to find his glasses and squinting at his alarm clock. 1:27 AM. Kyoya considered simply taking care of the aftereffects of his dream and staying up the rest of the night, but since it was earlier than he expected, he simply grumbled, rolled over, and pulled his sheets up over his head. He knew that attempting anything other than sleep at this moment would lead to him being groggy at school the next day, and he couldn't afford to make even a single mistake that might cost him the status of being the head of his class.


In Music Room 3 the next day, Kyokya stifled a yawn behind his black notebook. Despite falling back asleep that morning, the sleep he got was restless; he almost felt worse than he would if he had if he had simply stayed up the remainder of the night. Fixing his glasses on his nose, he shook his head. I really must figure out a way to control my urges better. Hedonism is an unnecessary distraction that I cannot afford, if I am to become the Ootori heir. Kyokya's thoughts were pushed to the back of his mind as the girl in question walked in, a Hitachiin on either arm, though her face advertised her displeasure at the situation to any and all observers.

"Haru-hiiiiii!" In tandem, the twins attempted once more to cajole the petite woman to bow to their whims.

"I've already told you, I will not spend my day off at your mansion playing dress-up while you get some sick pleasure out of forcing me into outfits I wouldn't be caught dead in where somebody might see me." The brunette's deadpan voice sent the twins into each other's arms, tears cascading down their faces as they lamented their mistreatment by the girl that was supposed to be their friend.

Out of nowhere, the twins were face-first on the floor, and the prince of the Host Club was whistling and stepping over them, arms spread wide and calling to Haruhi. "The evil doppelgängers have been vanquished once more, my precious daughter! Come greet your daddy!" Of course, being the twins, they couldn't leave Tamaki's actions unpunished. Quickly glancing at each other, they both snaked a hand out and grabbed an ankle, and Tamaki fell forward, cushioned only by a pillow hastily slid across the floor by Honey. When the twins glared at the tiny man, he simply shrugged and said, "I didn't want to see what Kyo-chan would do to you if Tama-chan's head cracked the marble," and wandered away for cake while the twins suddenly started to shake in fear at their brush with death- or worse.

Despite having graduated, Mori and Honey spent more time at Ouran Academy in the Host Club than they did their universities, simply because they would have missed their friends too much. In the year since Haruhi had stumbled into the Host Club's arms, the seven had become inseparable, and it just wasn't the same when any of the members were gone for any amount of time.

After demolishing a piece of cake in an impossibly short amount of time, Honey started to bounce around the room, swinging the ever-present Usa-chan as he went. "Kao-chan, Hika-chan, help Tama-chan up! The princesses will be here soon!" With the last words, he jumped into Haruhi's arms, hugging her tight. The doors to the music room opened seconds after, and Host Club began their daily duty of entertaining the rich and bored women of the Academy.

About halfway through business hours found Honey and Mori surrounded by women asking the duo about how their higher education experience was thus far. "It's great! Takashi and I are learning a lot of really neat things and meeting new people, but none of them are as nice as all of you ladies, right Takashi?" Honey beamed up at his cousin, waiting for a response. In a completely uncharacteristic manner, however, Mori was not paying much attention to his cousin; the attitude of one of the other hosts had caught his attention and was bothering him. "Yeah. Mitsukuni, I'll be back soon." He nodded at the girls surrounding them, and ignored his cousin's curious head tilt as he walked away.


"Something's bothering you." Not one to mince words, Mori stood next to Kyoya and got straight to the point.

While Tamaki might be Kyoya's best friend, Mori and the Shadow King were also rather close. Mori appreciated Kyoya's ability to appreciate silence, rather than fill it will endless prattle, and Kyoya appreciated Mori's ability to speak freely and succinctly on important topics, and yet hold his tongue when it came to sensitive information. "It's nothing of import, Mori-sempai, but thank you for asking after me. I am simply tired." He directed a small smile to the taller man.

Mori crossed his arms, staring down the younger man. "Your host smile doesn't work with me, Kyoya. Talk." Kyoya sighed at his friend's bluntness, and simply gestured to his office, hidden in the back of the room, behind a strategically placed column, so as not to be aesthetically displeasing.

"I'm simply having trouble focusing on certain things. And trouble forcing other things from my mind completely." Kyoya removed his glasses for a moment to rub his eyes, attempting to eradicate the picture of Haruhi's mouth doing inappropriate things to him that seemed to be burned onto the interior of his eyelids.

The older man nodded. "Ah. Haruhi."

Kyoya's head whipped up so quickly that he might have given himself whiplash, and he dropped his glasses. "I beg your pardon?" If he were anybody else, his jaw would have been hanging open. Instead, he gracefully scooped up his glasses and schooled his features back into perfect neutrality.

Mori shook his head at his friend and sighed. "Kyoya. The only people blind to how you feel about Haruhi are Tamaki, Haruhi herself, and you. Even the twins see it. They hang on her more when you're around just to see what you'll do about it." Despite the fact that he didn't frequently speak around the other hosts or their customers, it didn't mean he didn't enjoy having conversations with those closest to him. He knew Kyoya well enough to know that the man needed a second perspective on the situation. "You look at her when you think nobody is looking; I don't think you even know you're doing it. You're adding to her debt for minor things, or things that aren't her fault. You're trying to keep her around. Among other things." Mori leaned against the wall, arms crossed, letting his short speech sink in.

Kyoya sank into his office chair, running his hand through his hair. He wouldn't tell Mori everything that had been going on- he was far too private and prideful for that- but he decided that it wouldn't hurt to discuss the matter further. "I'm not certain how you came to this conclusion before I did, Mori-senpai."

"I'm not drowning under my family's expectations of me, and the higher expectations I have for myself. You're too focused on your life plan to see or acknowledge anything that doesn't fit it." Mori rolled his eyes at the Shadow King.

Kyoya contemplated this statement. "Hmm. I suppose you might be right, though I disagree with your statement that I'm drowning. However, should I concede the point and say that I might indeed have some sort of romantic intentions in regards to Haruhi, there is still one problem.

Mori tilted his head in confusion. "Hm?"

Kyoya looked up at his friend. "Her."

The older boy broke into a rare grin, and put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Haruhi might be oblivious, but you're the Shadow King. Do what you do best- convince her."


Author's Note: I'm not sure how long this is going to be, I'm currently only thinking a few chapters, but as I only came up with the idea tonight and have no real idea of what I'm going to do with the plot (I have some ideas, but nothing concrete as of yet), I'm not certain about length. I also have tried to write multi-chapter stories before, and ended up completely giving up on them for reasons such as writer's block and college and life in general, leaving them in whatever state of completion they were in, so I'm not trying to draw this out that much so that that doesn't happen again. Also, I know there's a sneak preview of some M stuff in the very beginning, and I'm sorry to disappoint those who thought they were diving headfirst into a lemon only to be denied, but this is a warning that I do plan to have more scenes of that nature later on. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this and plan to come back for more! To anyone who has commented on or PM'd me up to this point who has not received a response, I am truly sorry, but I've been on hiatus for around four and a half years now, but I want to be better, I promise! Until next time!