Tweek's phone buzzed, awaking the sleepy boy from his Sunday slumber. The new sun was bringing golden rays into his room, and Pepper was chirping softly. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, yawning and stretching a bit before grabbing his phone. The notification took over his phone, a text from Chris. ‹ hey, twee, there's a carnival going on in Denver today. Want me to come pick you up? xx › He smiled at his phone and replied ‹ of course! only if ur driving › and he stood up. Tweek walked over to Pepper's cage and smiled, whistling a little and telling him good morning, to which he got a small chirp. In the past week, Tweek's gained the little bird's trust rather quickly. Pepper was becoming a well-accepted member of the household, with even his parents adoring him. Tweek smiled before heading to the bathroom.

Tweek returned to his room after a shower to find his phone lit up with notifications from Bebe, Clyde, Pete, and even Henrietta. I wonder why i'm so popular all of a sudden, he thought, as he sat down on his bed and began to read them. ‹ Are you and Chris going to the fair today? If so, Clyde and I were thinking about going too! It could be a double date! › Bebe's text made him smile again, and he replied ‹ maybe, bae. c: › The next was from Clyde, who…for some reason had sent him a video. Interested, Tweek hit play.

A campfire out in the woods was lit and alcohol bottles were being passed around. Cartman, Craig, Kenny, Token, and Stan were all surrounding it, laughing and telling jokes. It was clear they were all very, very wasted. « so, Craig… » Cartman started, and the camera jumped to focus on the practical stick figure of a guy. Craig raised an eyebrow and Cartman continued, « How's Red? Get any ass lately? » Craig sighed and his head slumped backwards, looking up at the sky. Cartman scoffed and pressed more, « How the fuck are you sighing? You're with one of the prettiest girls at our school. You're not queer, are you? » Craig rolled his eyes, still not using his words. « You ARE gay! » Cartman exclaimed, almost falling over when he stood up. « Cartman, shut up! Why are you even bugging him about it anyway? » Stan tried to come to Craig's defence, and Clyde chimed in, « Stan, i mean, we've all been thinking the relationship is a sham, right guys? They barely even ever hold hands! » Token glared at the person behind the camera, Kenny looked a bit worried and was fumbling with his parka, chewing on the strings. Craig took a big swig from his bottle before speaking. « Alright, listen, but this stays here. » All eyes drew to him. « Red and I aren't dating, not for real at least. » Cartman's eyes lit up and he started shouting « I knew I was right! » over and over again. But the camera stayed on Craig, who was staring into the fire. Token was whispering to him inaudibly, Craig looked like he was about to cry, and the camera shut off.

What even was that? Tweek thought, trying to wrap his mind around the video he just saw. Craig and Red aren't dating? Then why were they always together? And why was Craig almost crying? So many emotions rushed throughout his body, and he suddenly felt sick. Why was he busy worrying or caring about Craig's relationship? I have a boyfriend, why do I care? Tweek thought, but something in the back of his mind reminded him, almost too real, as if someone was speaking to him, you love him, too, you idiot. He shook his head and went to brush his hair. Maybe getting ready would help him take his mind off of things. Pete and Henrietta's texts were left forgotten.

A knock on the door and the chime of the doorbell summoned Tweek downstairs. He was dressed rather casually, with some comfortable pants and a green hoodie over his cactus ringer tee. Chris smiled as the door opened, and hugged the blond. « Are you ready to go? » He asked, and Tweek shook his head. « I want you to meet Pepper. » Chris smiled again and followed Tweek upstairs. As the door opened, Pepper's chirps could be heard, calling for his friend. Chris's eyes widened and he went right over to the cage and opened the door. « Step up, » He commanded, and Pepper listened, hopping up onto his finger. Tweek smiled and sat on his bed, watching his boyfriend whistle, talk, and love the new companion. Chris sat next to Tweek, Pepper in hand, and kissed the blond's cheek. Tweek smiled and pressed his head into his shoulder, closing his eyes as Chris continued whistling. He didn't realise whether time was passing quickly or if he had fallen asleep, but Chris was nudging him softly, telling him it was time to leave.

Cotton candy, popcorn, hot dogs, and elephant ears. The scents were overwhelming, attacking the senses from all sides. The screams of adrenaline and the laughs from children chasing each other around filled the air. Normally, Tweek wouldn't want to come here. His anxiety sparked around crowds and he often had hallucinations in loud places. But with Chris, he seemed calmer than he would have been without him. « Why don't we start with the dragon coaster? » Chris suggested, knowing a bit too well that the Dragon ride was the only roller coaster that Tweek could stand without getting a panic attack. Flustered, Tweek nodded and the two stood in line. Soon enough, they were being thrown in a crooked circle with ups and downs. While the ride lasted a fraction of the time than what Tweek remembered it did from childhood, there was a small smile that wouldn't go away without a fight.

But then, it happened. The thing Tweek was worried about. As they got off the ride, and as Chris kissed his forehead through laughs, Tweek peered to the side, and an all too familiar figure looked at him. Craig. What was Craig doing here? Why was he here? His ice blue eyes pierced into Tweek's skull and froze him to his core. Chris blinked and looked at him, saw him staring. « Twee, what's up, what do you see? » Tweek broke through the inch-thick ice and looked away from Craig. « O-oh, just..someone from my school. » He said shyly. « Do you wanna talk to them? » Tweek hesitated, but then thought it may not be a bad idea to introduce Craig to Chris. « Uhm, sure.. » Tweek looked back at Craig and waved. Craig motioned for him to come closer. The pair joined Craig at a small metal table near the coaster.

« So, Who's this? » Of course that's what Craig had to ask. Tweek faked a smile and replied. « This is Chris, he's… » He paused for a second, and tried to pass it off as a stutter, « M-my boyfriend. » Craig seemed taken aback, but smiled painfully, unnoticed by the others. « Nice to meet you, » He said as he took a sip from his Harbucks hot chocolate. « Oh, did you get that downtown? » Chris asked, and Craig nodded. « That's my parent's coffee shop, down the block from Tweek's. » Craig blinked, « Cool. Is that how you know the spazz? » Chris looked confused for a second, but nodded. Craig offered the hot chocolate to Tweek, who was shivering slightly. He took it and drank a little before surrendering it back to it's owner. Chris tried to start up a conversation again, « Have you met Pepper? » Craig raised an eyebrow, « Who's that? » Tweek cut in, « Oh, I uh, my parents got me a parakeet.. » he grew quieter with each second he spoke. Craig blinked again and smiled. « You've always loved birds, that's great. » Tweek smiled sheepishly and kept his gaze averted. Craig peered behind them and noticed Ruby running towards the table with an elephant ear in hand, with Red following closely behind. « Uh-oh, look out you guys, Ruby the destroyer of worlds is coming close. » Ruby scoffed, and stuck her tongue out at her older brother, Red snickered. At the joining of a fourth and fifth member, Tweek stood up. « It was nice to see you again, Craig. »

It was nice to see you too, fucking liar. Craig's thoughts hissed at him at the pair's departure. Ruby was midway through her elephant ear and Red had wrapped her arm around Craig's, texting someone. In what seemed like a second, Ruby ate the rest of her treat and shot up from her seat. « I'm gonna ride the dragon! » She said, running away from the table, but still in viewing distance of her protector. As soon as the little gremlin was out of earshot, Craig hissed, « Fuck. » Red's attention went onto her friend. « You wanna talk about it? » She tilted her head, and Craig's eyelids drooped. He sighed and placed his head on the table, that had probably not been cleaned in days. « Of all fucking people I could see here, I have to see Tweek and his broad-shouldered boytoy. » Red scoffed and pushed his face lightly. « At least he's having fun, he looked happy. » Craig didn't think this time before words flew out of his throat. « But he isn't having fun with me. » Red smiled almost evilly, « You like him, you really like him. » Craig groaned and pulled his hood over his head. She was fucking right, why did she have to be right? Why did seeing his best friend happy make him so angry? He should be happy that he's happy, not wanting to replace the one who made him happy. « He didn't even tell me he had gotten a bird, do you know how much that hurts? He used to tell me everything. » Pain was ringing in his voice, and Red pushed her hand under his head to run her finger against his cheek. Craig looked drained of his life force, way more than usual.

« Is this what it's like to be dead? »