Summary: Percy Jackson is falling. He decided to leave the Gods to deal eith thwir own problems, and leaves his world behind, with what little he still cares about. Dark!Percy OP!Percy
Disclaimer: I own nothing except for aome ideas and abilities that I believe are not canon.
AN: I dunno about the title. I have a lot of story ideas written down somewhere, so ill probably be making the first chapter for a lot of them. The most I will work on at once is three stories, nothing more.
Chaos [Cháos (Greek: χάος)]:
(Noun) - The formless matter that is to have said to existed before the creation of the universe. Complete disorder and confusion.
Percy was falling. As he fell he remembered the story that Daedalus had told him when he had been in the labyrinth. About the mortal who had wings of waz and tin, and tried to fly up by the sun, by the realm of the gods. He flew too close to the sun, and his wings melted. The story is eerily close to what his life has become. Percy remembered the immortal inventor fondly.
Unfortunately, as there is always a golden lining to a cloud, many forget about the black shadow that habgs below it. Percy was thinking about Daedalus, and remembered her.
She was his life, his star, his only, his Wise Girl. He woupd have done anything to get her back. He did to everything to get her back.
But it wasn't enough.
He recalls how they, the Gods, couldn't. No. Wouldn't save her. They could have, should have, but still, they didn't. And her death changed him.
For the better or worse? That is still up for debate.
So Percy trained. He trained harder than he ever had. He worked relentlessly on all the skills he had ever had, to the point of mastering them. Some of which he never knew he had.
He spent a few weeks in libraries, no doubt attracting attention from the Gods as he wasn't at camp often, but brished it off to Chiron and the God of Wine that it was his studying for school, as Annabeth would have wanted him to.
Ancient Runes, for example, was an unexpected addition to his arsenal, with his dyslexia and ADHD. He has a natural aptitude for them. He even invented a new set of runes, with the ability to prevent the Gods themselves from spying on him. It consisted of Greek Writing and Latin crossed with Egyptian Hieroglyphics, creating the most powerful rune set in existence, although he was working on adding Norse Runes to them as well.
He spent so much time alone working, seeking knowledge, it attracted the attention of the Gods. A Goddess to be exact. Athena. She visited him at one point.
The Gods were worried. Percy Jackson, savior of Olympus, was unable to be found. Well, not exactly. The Gods knew where he is, but cannot see him. They sent Athena to check on him, and maybe make him feel better, qs they didn't want him to feel bad about his loss. Athena appeared in Percy's room, attempting to contact him as the Gods had inexplicably lost contact with him a few days ago, when his apartment became unviewable, even to the Wind Gods and Zeus himself. She turned to the room she had appeared in and her eyes widen at what she could see.
The room she entered was nothing like it was before the Gods somehow couldn't view it any more. It had used to be an apartment building by the Empire State Building, not too far away from Sally Jackson's apartment where she lived with Paul Blofis. The apartment was decently large, and had a bathroom, a bedroom, a kitchen and dining room, and a few closets here and there. It was neat and tidy, and was only kept that way because of constant reminders from his mother and Annabeth.
Now, the room was a mess. The floor was covered with piles of books, about waist high. Although if one looks closely, it actually had a bit of a pattern to it, and was organized in a system of some kind. There were Post-it notes everywhere, some older than others. Sitting at a desk that was by the window, with a bowl of blueberries by him, was Percy Jackson.
Ooh, what Percy be researching? Find out next time, maybe.