A/N: Wow, it's been a really long time since I've done anything. I can't even apologize enough…I just haven't had the time or the inspiration to do anything when I did have the time. Ugh. Real life sucks. Enjoy this fluff while I try to find my muse again.

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, all rights for the characters go to its creator!

"Oi! Watch out!"



A game of tag that had gotten a bit out of hand, a half-hidden rock and a clumsy miko meant certain disaster. Kagome screamed as she ended up falling, hands flailing uselessly, hitting the grass and rolling down the hill towards the trees, and she squealed when she crashed through the bushes. Then she felt her eyes go comically wide when she fell past those and saw the ravine that was hidden by that small barrier of bushes and trees.

She could have sworn her heart got stuck in her throat as she went airborne, her forward momentum sending her right over the edge, and she saw the drop, and the rocks and…were those whole fallen trees?! With broken branches pointing straight up in welcome?

Why not?! CRAP!

"EEP! Umph!"

Her terrified squeak was cut off when she suddenly hit something hard, silk and silky silver hair flowing elegantly around her as her savior caught her neatly around her waist. Of course, she couldn't be that coordinated, and she smacked her face right into his belly, her arms locking around his waist in what would have been a death grip if he'd been human.

In a blur of motion that left her stomach still falling towards the ground, they shot back upwards, up out of the ravine, over the trees and back into the clearing where the game had begun.

As soon as their feet had gently touched the ground, she felt Sesshoumaru's arm loosen around her waist, but she refused to let him go, her brain still frozen in fear and her body still trying to follow the fact that they weren't still falling and weren't about to die a horrible death. Finally, her eyes, which had been squeezed shut, popped open again as her mind restarted, and she realized she still had her face pressed against his belly. Jerking upright in his hold, she felt her face start to burn.

Certain she was red as a tomato, she glanced up at the demon lord, completely embarrassed and awkward. Her thoughts scattered, and her mind refused to remember how she had just been holding him. Instead, she focused on how glad she was that Sesshoumaru had started trusting them enough to remove his armor after they had stopped for the day. Otherwise, knowing her, she'd have ended up getting impaled on the spikes or breaking her nose face planting against it.

My klutziness would trump the elegance of Mr. Perfection, I just know it! She thought, almost groaning as her embarrassment doubled and she felt her face get even hotter. Her eyes were still on the calm gaze of the demon who held her, then she saw one elegant eyebrow rise slightly, even that tiny movement graceful. She suddenly burst into motion, stepping away from him as her hand moved wildly, almost shouting at him with forced warmth. "Thank you for saving me!"

She had meant to rub his arm, for whatever reason…she didn't know. Congrats for being awesome? But she was too embarrassed and too intent on not actually looking anywhere but his eyes that her hand ended up running up and down his belly. Realizing her mistake, she froze, her head starting to swim as it felt like all the blood was running into it and making her cheeks light up like neon lights, sure he'd start glaring at her for being so familiar with him.

But then she blinked, her embarrassment forgotten as she tilted her head in fascination. His eyes hadn't flashed with anger, or narrowed in annoyance as he frowned.

Instead, his face went blank, and his eyes…crossed? Yeah, she was sure they had crossed slightly. What's with that?

It just lasted a split second, though. Almost as soon as her hand stopped moving, his eyes blinked, and his face returned to its normal stoic mask.

Her curiosity taking over, she couldn't resist trying it again, and she started rubbing his belly again, just a little so she didn't automatically sign her own death certificate. But he still didn't get angry or annoyed, and this time she could see the transformation clearly. His face relaxed completely, his eyes crossed a little, and she could actually feel him sway slightly on his feet.

Impishly, she hid a smile and started rubbing his belly even more. His reaction reminded her so much of one of her friend's dogs, who'd always roll onto his back for belly rubs and end up falling asleep almost immediately, completely content.

So even dog demons love belly rubs, huh? Who knew?

She nearly laughed, but that would spoil things and bring Sesshoumaru back to himself, so she bit her lip as she grinned, focusing all her attention on the demon lord in front of her. Her hand kept up its rubbing, and he started swaying even more, until he finally fell to the ground at her feet, flopping onto his back on the grass.

Snickering just a little bit, she knelt down beside him, her hand going back to his belly. A heartbeat later, his eyes had closed and she could have sworn one of his legs twitched a little each time her rubs went towards his side.

Then she became aware of choking sounds coming from someplace behind her, and she looked around, meeting the shocked faces of her friends. Miroku looked like he was trying not to die from holding back laughter, Sango and Shippo were standing with their mouths gaping open, and Kirara was rolling around on the grass in her version of laughter.

Jaken was on the grass as well, but it seemed he had fainted dead away. Rin looked like she wanted to jump in and rub Sesshoumaru's belly as well. Ah-Un was watching them in fascination, both pairs of eyes wider than she had ever seen before.

And Inuyasha was turning the most interesting shade of purple she'd ever seen on a person before, choking and spluttering as he tried to speak but couldn't get his mouth to work properly. Finally he just focused on his anger and forced the words out, screaming in a high-pitched voice, his hands waving crazily in their direction.


That's when Sesshoumaru's eyes shot open again, and he sent a hate-filled glare in his half-brother's direction, not moving from where he lay on his back in the grass. He had no intention of getting up. When his belly rub didn't start up again, he looked over at Kagome, nearly rolling his eyes as he huffed in annoyance, seeing that she had fallen over in a fit of giggles.

Human females.

He glared up at the sky, then noticed that the sun was nearly touching the treetops. Soon it would be evening, and time for dinner. Kagome usually went for a short walk for some "alone time" before she got the children and herself settled for the night. Perhaps he'd invite himself along and make his presence known this time.