Hello My wonderful readers, How are you? I'm finally getting back into writing for all of my stories, and I do mean all of them. It may take time to update each of my stories, but I hope the waits will be worth it, I am doing Ten stories all at once after all. It honestly reminds me of the days I used to roleplay while maintaining like 30 characters all at once. Anyway this chapter I think was pure Impulse writing, somehow I got this idea for it and I just typed it out and honestly, I think I like this better than the one I had planned out. We'll see.
Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY
He felt like he was...floating, weightless. But there was a sensation of falling, yet not down, but forward. Eyes opening he found himself in a world of white, but the world wasn't some endless expanse, rather it was a tunnel he was floating forward through, where he saw the end of which as a shimmering portal of light.
"What is this?" He spoke out loud. But just as soon as he reached out for that portal of light, everything went dark.
Gasping out as he opened his eyes, he looked around a moment and realized he was in his dorm room, everyone was still asleep. "A dream?" He whispered to himself, laying his head back down. He then heard a soft sigh and for the first time felt a weight his chest. Looking down he was surprised to see the head of black and red hair nestled into his bare chest. Blinking he remembered last night and smiled softly at the sight of Ruby cuddled up on his chest like this.
It reminded him of his twin sister who was smaller than him and very affectionate with him, often doing things like this with him. Although that was when she wasn't being a lovable little brat that is. He reached a hand up and stroked Ruby's hair, hearing her murmur softly into the touch and nestle in a bit deeper. He smiled and sighed, leaning back and closing his eyes.
That dream... what was that? That tunnel of shifting, glimmering light and the shimmering portal. It felt so... peaceful.
His musings over that world were silenced as he heard a yawn and opened his eyes to see the others starting to get up. He rose up a little, propping himself up to not disturb Ruby too much.
"Hey, guys." He called out and got a round of mornings, hi's and everything else. "So I enjoyed that last night, the movie. We ought to do that more often." He said and a few others nodded.
"Indeed, I think everyone likes sharing their time together," Blake said, a subtle grin on her lips that instantly banished sleep from Pyrrha and Yang who shot her withering glares. Ruby by now was also rousing, opening her eyes she looked into the chest she as nestled on, then up at Jaune who smiled down at her. She smiled a little at him before rolling off to get on her feet.
"Well, no need to overstress ourselves trying to do this all the time though," Pyrrha said and Jaune snorted, getting their attention.
"Compared to being pulled in seven different directions all at once by seven sisters, this is easy." He commented, getting the rest of their attention on him.
"Seven? Didn't you mention that yesterday?" Yang asked.
"Yeah, I did. I was wondering why no one commented on it actually." He thought and the others shrugged a bit.
"I think we were all too dead tired to give it a second thought at the time. But still, Seven sisters." Yang spoke.
"All older than me too, my twin by a few minutes." He added and they just looked at him. "What?"
"Just what was your Mom thinking?" Weiss asked.
"Well, she was gonna keep going till she had a son, then I came along after seven daughters." He spoke, but the tone behind it was worryingly neutral. But then he perked back up a bit. "But hey, a big family is good though. But let's not focus on that, I think we have something to do today right?" He asked and after a moment they all nodded and started getting themselves together.
RWBY went to their dorm to get showered and dressed, this time packing proper gym bags with them, as JNPR was doing the same thing. They intended t spend their Sunday keeping his training going and now work on the ins and outs of his semblance with his aura fully recovered and allow his body to rest. Everyone packed and geared up, they left their dorms and was making their way to the training wing of Beacon where all the training areas were located.
"So this is the emblem you thought of?" Ruby asked.
"Yeah, I may have gone a little detail heavy," Jaune said and Weiss looked at it before quirking an eyebrow.
"A little?" She asked sarcastically.
The paper Ruby was holding showed a drawing of a sword point down, with small wings curved around the Crossguard of the sword, never touching the guard with the wings extending upward. The heavy details came in literally the fine details drawn onto the sword, such as engravings on the guard, pommel, the blade, and even the wrap of the handle. While the wings were small, they looked to be made of many feathers.
"It's fine, we can get an emblem made from this, though it may not be as detailed as this," Ruby said, taking a picture of it with her scroll and tapping out a few things.
"Sweet," Jaune smiled at that, thankful he was getting his own emblem now. They crossed over from the dorms through the courtyard on their way to the training area.
"Hey Fraud!" Came a shout and the group stopped. Jaune sighed while a few others in their group scowled. Turning they saw a few teams walking their way, other freshmen who held angry faces. "Mind telling us how you bribed the headmaster to let you stay even with faked transcripts? SOmething like that could be useful." Some of the group snickered while others sneered at Jaune.
"Well, Coffee usually works. That mug is attached to his hand for a reason after all." Jaune quipped with a smirk, gets more sneers from their offenders while some of their group laughed.
"Heh, funny guy huh? Bet it was really funny, wasn't it? All of us busting our asses at primary schools and home training to get where we are while you just wrote a few lines and you're in here like the rest of us, no effort. Bet that was really funny to you laughing at our struggle to get here." The 'leader' of this group remarked through gritted teeth.
Jaune's eyes narrowed at that, looking to the leader of this little coalition. He was about average height, had reddish-orange hair that hung loosely around his head and ears, brown eyes, light complexion. He wore a simple green t-shirt, khaki pants that tucked into high top leather boots, while he wore brown leather gloves. He had a belt that was geared with two symmetrical double-edged large short swords that had some kind of mechanical look to them.
"I didn't come here to make fun of your effort getting here. I came here for myself." He said, though left it at that, they didn't need to know his life story.
"Oh yeah? Then you won't mind showing us yourself you got what it takes to be here right?" He asked, grabbing the handles of the short swords on his belt. "I mean after all, if your ballsy enough to come here like you did, you must have something to back it up." Jaune's eye was twitching at this man. His words didn't mean much to him, but his attitude and tone just rubbed him the wrong damn way.
"Why should I? From where I'm at, you're no better than Cardin." He spoke and saw some glints of anger in them. "Well, you might be a bit better than him considering your facing me straight on and not doing that two-faced crap, so thanks there. But a bully is still a bully." He spoke and they gritted their teeth.
"Maybe... But you still have a lot of gall and shit to answer for just waltzing in here on fake transcripts, all of us take offense to that kind of thing ya know? So come on, prove it to us you got what it takes eh?" He challenged, standing his ground.
"Jaune, you don't need to do this, they're goading you," Pyrrha spoke.
"Yeah, they just want to throw their weight around. I say let them bark, bark doesn't matter till you bite after all." Yang said and the others were offering similar words.
However, Jaune felt those words since he knew this wouldn't stop. He let it go too far with just Cardin, and while he accepted the mess of his transcripts, if he let them keep talking and walking all over him, then it wouldn't solve his problems. Reporting to the professors and such didn't work, there weren't any real direct consequences that solved these issues, nor would there be. Sadly, while he felt happy his friends gave their support, they didn't understand the position he was now in and the pressures that came with. He was going to have to handle this himself, keep standing up for himself, and not allow himself to be a target or a victim, just like he vowed.
'To not be a victim.' He remembered his oath clearly and breathed, that's right, he did do that... so there was no reason to hesitate or back down. Dropping his bag, his friends were worried as he started stepping forward. "It's fine guys, this is something I have to do." He spoke and turned to look at the apparent leader. "I take it you are the leader of this...gang?" he asked, making them scowl at being called that.
"That's right." The other teen said, his smirk smug.
"Let's do this properly then, since you're the challenger, introduce yourself." He stated and the other teen just laughed.
"Alright then, Novi Ragna."
"Jaune Miles Hiro Luna Arc. First son and Youngest Child of the 19th generation of the Arc family line under our Founder Saint Arc. I accept your challenge. A One on One duel between myself and Novi Ragna. No outside interference from either side, a straight duel. Tournament rules, first to lose their aura. Are the conditions acceptable?" He spoke, his voice calm and tone confident as he spoke those words fluidly.
The gang of offending students seemed a little put off by that introduction and formal acceptance of this challenge, going so far as to state the terms. RWBY and NPR were almost as stunned, though also worried. Jaune's skills still weren't all that great, and he had just done a massive workout the day before. However this was also escalating as other students were now gathering, some on scrolls, no doubt contacting others or recording what was about to happen.
Novi just kept his smirk and nodded. "Aye, they're acceptable. So let's say we do this right here right? After all, it ain't a bad stage to prove you got what it takes." The intent behind what he said was clear. Either everyone would see him do it or fail.
"It's fine." He acknowledged. His friends were worried still, but they were now there as support. They did, however, notice some of the gang a little shifty so they spread out, forming a half circle while the gang did the rest, it was a wide area, bout as wide as their own training Arena Glynda taught them at. The students came t the edge of this circle and all watched as the fight was about to start.
[Headmasters Office]
"Ozpin, is this wise?" Glynda asked, having been notified of what was happening but Ozpin had stopped her. "I mean this could spiral out of control, I know he's probably trying to just shut down the rumor mill about him, but this is going too far. It's not a sanctioned match and you don't want us down there to oversee it." She said, motioning to the other professors who were there now also watching on a holo-screen.
They had been in a meeting when they were alerted, but Ozpin stopped them.
"I am aware of the dangers, but you heard him. Jaune Arc made it an official duel, and this I believe is more than just a simple attempt at a pre-emptive action to halt the rumor mill and murmurs among the student body."
"And what could that possibly be?" She asked.
"Easy. A self-proving." A gruff voice spoke and she turned to see a man with black swept-back hair and red eyes taking a swig from a flask. "After everything I've been told and heard about the kid, this is him proving to himself that he can do this. He's made his resolve, you can see it in his eyes. He's already committed to this and he's put his money down to show he's able to stand here on his own feet and that he won't be pushed around like this Winchester kid was doing to him. This will likely just have the added effect of shutting up the fodder for a while till they get bored."
"So he's risking potential serious injury, just to show he's not some fraud!? That's childish! Not to mention the bullying, if he had come to us-"
"I wish it were so simple Glynda." Ozpin picked up. "Truth of the matter is though, Jaune needs this, He's doing this fully knowing the consequences and aware of his own shortcomings. He made his intention known to us yesterday morning, it wasn't the words of a boy who strived to fulfill a simple legacy, but a young man with drive and compassion."
"Not only that, but whatever the result this may be the best time to handle this, or let itself be handled by those involved rather. Trying to be the overbearing authority figure can create problems in a tense atmosphere where the problems aren't actually being solved, which could complicate things. Such as breeding anger and animosity towards the kid and his friends who support him. And if you want to disregard the threat of potential physical conflict such as attacks by other students, then keep in mind that same anger and Animosity will carry over with them past these school's walls, making them magnets for Grim." Qrow informed and further arguments grew silent.
That was a serious point, they couldn't send them out knowing they were going to attract Grim like moths to a flame.
"So what, we just stand back and do nothing?" Glynda asked.
"No, we're observing and should it go too far, we'll step in. Qrow, if you would?" Ozpin asked and the man was already walking to the elevator.
"Don't have to tell me twice Oz. I'll handle it. But afterward, I want you to explain a few things to me." He said and left the others to watch on the holo-screen.
Bag pushed aside, anything he didn't need was stuffed into that bag. Jaune breathed as he stood near the center of their on the spot battle circle.
"So here we are, big old turnout just to see you ain't that something special!" Novi spoke with a laugh as he rolled his neck. "Make sure to put on a good show for them, wouldn't want to disappoint do you?"
"I'll put on a good show, just remember to put one on yourself. It'd be a shame if the challenger lost so spectacularly after all." He said, staying calm while Novi growled. He was still unsure about his chances, but he already accepted, this was his choice and now he had to deal with the consequences.
Drawing his sword, the shield formed on his right arm, the slight change in the weapon catching the freshmen's attention. Since when did he change it up.
"Let's see what you can do then, eh Fraud?" He asked drawing his short swords. The blades were segmented from the tip to the guard, and he guessed the blades could split open wider on either side, but for what. Well, he didn't have time to contemplate as he was already rushing Jaune.
Jaune raised his round shield and took the first thrust with the shield, which had a surprising amount of power behind it. He slashed several more times at the shield but then disengaged and tried to circle round his left side to attack his flank. But Jaune swung the shield back to ward off him getting close if he didn't want to get hit. Using the shield's weight to assist as he spun around on his foot and then stepped forward into an extending thrust at Nvi, the blade grazing his aura covered cheek which flared where he struck.
Novi jumped back away from Jaune but the Knight was gaining momentum and pressed it forward as he rushed the dual wielder. 'Every opportunity to your advantage', 'Your shield isn't just for defense, it's a tool that can deceive and attack as well', 'People often judge too quickly with their eyes, they see my weapon before they see my glyph under them'. Those thoughts struck him as he raised his sword high, Novi raising his short swords for a cross block, but left him open for a shield punch with the edge of the shield right to his chest.
Novi's guard broken, Jaune swung his shield back again to add force and momentum onto the high sword coming down into a hard swing, the shield swinging back practically pulling his body into the swing, thus the sword. The sword coming down across his neck, through the torso, to hip. Or would've without aura protecting him. Slightly dazed by the strikes, Novi was off balance so he came back with a return cut with the other edge, followed by a step-in shield bash with the face of the shield, sending him back.
Novi rolled back for several feet but got his feet under him and looked up at Jaune who had his shield forward, most of his body behind it, sword raised, point forward past the shield like a spear. His body still glowed from the impression of the strikes left in his aura, showing where he'd been struck as they faded. He got to his feet and snarled, pissed now.
He rushed at Jaune, channeling his orange aura into his swords that glowed, adding more force to them as he wildly struck at him, hoping to cut him. The ferocity and speed overwhelming, evident as he hooked his shield and ripped it from his grasp. "Your nothing without your shield!" He hollered, before laying into Jaune with several strikes that cut at his aura before he was thrown back while holding his sword.
Some of his friends gasped but stayed their ground as he got up. He breathed and took up a new stance. This was bad, the shield was blocking the mass of his strikes and giving him an element of surprise while he still underestimated Jaune. "Now we'll see if you're any good." He boasted and Jaune grimaced.
"Is that it? Have to take away an opponent's gear before you can win? What a joke." Jaune taunted and Novi's eye started twitching as Jaune stood to his feet and took a two-handed sword stance.
"Left plow guard," Weiss spoke, looking at Jaune as she recognized that guard as one of the few she had shown him from an Atlesian fencing treatise of two-handed swordsmanship.
"Want it? then come a take it." Novi said as he rushed again. Jaune gritted his teeth, hands holding the sword parallel to the ground on his left side, point forward. As Novi came in with fast swipes of his two shortswords, Jaune had to shift his sword forward into several hanging point guards to block, every time just shifting enough to block the core strikes while he took the grazing hits.
"That it?" Jaune asked with a smug grin that infuriated Novi and he reared back for a big strike but regretted it as Jaune kneeled and dived forward, cutting across his middle as he dove past him. Once past him, he rushed for his shield.
"Keh! Oh no, you don't!" He hollered while giving chase and suddenly the short swords split open laterally, aura conducting between the split pieces and something glowed in the handles, glowing red and white.
'Dust!' Jaune recognized and panicked. He was proven right as Novi activated the dost and flames came from the split portions of the left sword and wind from the right. 'Gotta get my shield!' He panicked.
"Block this!" He swiped both swords forward, the flame rushing forward while the wind-fed and directed the flames like a jet at Jaune.
"Jaune!" Several of his friends called out. Gritting his teeth, he saw his shield, needed to be near it, but he couldn't jump to it. He channeled his aura as best as he could throughout his body, trying to gain more speed. He didn't notice it until he was already there his body was trailing white light aura as he felt a sense of... driving motion, that was almost like it carried him until he was by his shield. Grabbing it up just in time to kneel behind it and block the jet of flames.
"Just like a fraud to go down in flames!" Novi hollered, only to bite his own tongue as he found the shield rammed right into his face in a powerful speed charge lined in streams of light through his own jet of flames that were now dispersed. Novi fell to his back and growled as he rolled back onto his feet. "Luthy..." He mumbled with his bit tongue. But was unprepared for Jaune's follow up. Coming in with a left high slash down to his right side that he barely stumbled back from, then to a forward step in thrust that was lined in streams of light that moved Jaune in fast to Novi, too fast to counter as the thrust struck center mass of his chest and then his aura surged before it broke.
Novi huffed on the ground as he looked up at Jaune with little wisps of light coming off his body as he looked down at Novi. "I win."
The crowd was silent a moment before they all erupted into cheers and hollering, there was some shouting and boo's too, but he rolled with it as she sheathed his sword to the shield then placed at the side. "Maybe we can do this again sometime." He said, holding his hand out to Novi to help him up but he smacked it away and got up on his own, sneering at Jaune.
"Whatever Fraud." He scowled and walked away. Jaune sighed as he turned and walked back to his friends who were all smiling at him, Ruby especially as she was practically bouncing.
"Jaune that was amazing!" Ruby cheered as she sped her way to him and smiled up at him.
"Indeed, I see you took my advice to heart on using your shield properly," Pyrrha spoke, more than happy with what she just saw from Jaune.
"And your use of traditional swordsmanship to ward him off was nice." Weiss gave him an approving nod.
"Not to mention you were taunting him to make him expose himself to your strikes and the deception with your weapons." Blake analyzed.
"Way to go, tiger," Yang said with a grin. "Gotta say, you looked mighty hot out there." The others all groaned at that.
"She's back...not sure if I should be happy or not," Ruby said and the others just laughed at that one while Yang pouted.
Off to the side Novi had picked up his swords and could hear the group praising Jaune. Biting his lip he turned and gathered what aura he had left, producing another Jet of flame and wind at Jaune and his group, a feral grin on his face.
"Wha!? No!" Jaune shouted as he heard the rush of air and fire. But as he was pulling his shield. A large male wearing a green robe with a copper broadsword on his back rushed forward, not a super fast movement, but quick and ready. "HA!" He hollered, swinging the blade from his back over and forward at the rushing flames, the air pressure alone dispersing the flames, shocking the others.
"Nice save Yatsu. Fox, if you would please." Spoke a feminine voice as the two teams Saw a dark skinned teen with scars, dark red hair and arm blade gauntlets rush at Novi, giving him a solid gut punch, knocking him out. The Gang of offenders gathered together but a female in cream, brown and tan colored clothes strode forward, looking quite fashionable actually as she tsk'd at them. "Now now. This was an official duel that he challenged and lost, fair and square, he was the sore loser going for a cheap shot after the fact. Maybe you should see him first, but consider this if he's willing to do that, is he someone you want at your back when you're surrounded by Grim?" She asked them and that made them all think before they grabbed him and took off.
The girl turned around and with the named Yatsu and Fox by her side they stopped in front of teams RWBY and JNPR, a fourth joining the three, she was wearing brown and black colors, with brown rabbit ears. "Got to say, that wasn't a bad little duel if I do say so myself. Name's Coco Adel, this is Velvet Scarlatina, Fox Allistair, and finally Yatsuhashi Daichi. Team CFVY."
"CFVY? Aren't you a second-year team?" Weiss asked trying to recall it herself.
"Yes, we are. But to the matter at hand. Arc correct? Rumor is your forged your transcripts." Coco spoke and the boy tensed before he took a calming breath and nodded. "Huh? You sure?"
"Yeah, pretty sure. Why are you asking?" He asked, now confused.
"Well, I just have a hard time finding a supposed fraud taking out a 'legit student who put in the effort to get into Beacon' like you just so publically displayed." She spoke with air quotes. Jaune blinked a few times before he smiled.
"I can honestly say yes I did."
"Hmmm, I guess that means the standards are either dropping, or you are just that good. Either way, it doesn't speak too well for most of this year's crop of freshmen, now does it?" She asked, a little louder so everyone could hear her. People were looking away and others were grumbling but now everyone was starting to disperse and making their way elsewhere to spend their Sunday. "That may take care of them for a little while, but they'll be back. Bst be ready for them."
"I'll keep that in mind. But why help me considering what I did?"
"Simple. If you weren't worth something, grim would have eaten you at Initiation." Coco said and Jaune just gaped at her.
"Coco! That's not very nice." Velvet finally spoke, she had a slight accent that was... well very nice to listen to actually.
"But no less true. Let the peons say what they want, but don't let them push you around. You did good today, but watch your back for more like him. Hear me?" Coco spoke and Jaune nodded. "Good. Now please, for the love of Oum explain to me what is that you're wearing!?" She asked, pointing to his outfit, the one he wore for combat classes and missions.
"Why does everyone pick on my clothes!" He whined and the girls of RWBY and JNPR giggled.
"Don't worry Coco, we'll be handling that here soon. We only just discovered what he was hiding underneath of it and like hell, we'll let him keep it hidden." Yang stated with a predatory grin as she looked at Jaune, who felt very uncomfortable. Pyrrha smiled a little forcefully, remembering what she did to the onesie that may have now bitten her in the as showing what Jaune's shirt covered.
"Be sure you do. If he's going to be the center of attention for a while, might as well look good doing it." She spoke and motioned to her Team. "Now if you don't mind, we're heading into Vale to restock on Dust. We'll catch you some other time." She said and bid them goodbye as they walked off.
The two teams also walked off and only once they had gotten into their training room did they talk.
"OH MY GOSH! Your semblance does have a pure speed aspect. We can race now!" Ruby had all but tackled him now and he chuckled a bit.
"I guess it does. I just felt I really needed to get to my shield otherwise I was toast." He said and the others nodded.
"Stress forced you to discover more about your semblance. But dd you feel any drain?" Blake asked and Jaune thought about it.
"Not much to be honest... But instead of the 'hit', my aura feels like it takes when I jump when I moved like that it felt like it was um...draining?" He tried to describe and Weiss nodded.
"So teleportation takes an immediate chunk out of your aura reserves, while this 'speed' has a constant drain on your aura while you use it. Makes sense actually. When I make a glyph that's meant to do something specific like explode, my aura takes a hit, while maintaining a glyph to keep something airborne is a consistent drain until I release the glyph. We'll just have to work on the applications. For now, this may be the safe way to use your semblance without drawing attention." Weiss remarked.
"Wait, what do we even call this? it's getting a little confusing here." Nra spoke.
"Actually I was thinking of calling the Teleporting Jumps, and that run I guess my dash?" Jaune spoke and they nodded.
"Short, simple, works." Yang nodded. "But still, when you dashed, you had all these streams and wisps of light coming off of you that just looked epic." She commented and Nora nodded.
"Yeah! You were standing there over him sword and shield held at your sides, looking down on him while those light wisps were like coiling and rolling off of you, which made you look super-heroic and then you just said 'I win' in a calm deep voice and it was the perfect moment and just plain Awesome! Our Fearless leader is becoming more and more impressive each and every day!" Nora went on and on.
"Hehe, thanks, Nora, but truth be told, I wasn't feeling so great during the fight and I almost lost there when he ripped my shield from me. If he had taken me seriously from the start I might not have won."
"But he didn't and you did, and that's all that matters now. You'll just have to be prepared the next time and be stronger." Blake said and Jaune nodded with a sigh.
"Well, let's get to work. Get changed and I guess we'll see how this dash works." He said and everyone nodded, grabbing their bags and heading for the attached locker room to change.
[Headmasters Office]
"Quite a surprise isn't it Glynda?" Ozpin asked and the woman nodded.
"Not that it's unheard of. But to Discover your semblance and then learn to use another aspect of it in just a few days. That's some remarkable growth."
"Indeed. Thankfully he'll likely be able to pass this off as his real semblance for the time being."
"What do you mean his real Semblance?" Qrow asked as he walked away from the elevator.
"It's part of the reason I recalled you back here for the time being. Seems young Jaune Arc has a rare semblance. He's a teleporter." Ozpin stated, watching as Qrow paused before sighing, pulling out his flash and taking a swig.
"And you were hoping I, with my connection to Raven who can create portals, will have some advice for the kid right?" He asked.
"I might. But the kid seems to have some idea of what to do with his semblance and even managed to unlock another aspect of his semblance. So why ask me?" He asked in turn.
"Because things may be moving quicker than we anticipated and I've decided to make an Investment in Jaune and his friends."
"That's another thing right there Oz. You make it a point to be formal with everyone, you only ever refer to someone by their given name if you ask permission to and it's usually a big deal when you do. Like big secret big. So whats the deal." He countered.
"... Like I said. Things may be moving quicker than we anticipated and I've decided to make an Investment, that being Teams RWBY and JNPR. Jaune's teleportation semblance, Ms. Rose potential ability to awaken her power, and finally Ms. Nikos as a possible... Inheritor, of Amber's power."
"...and what exactly is this investment."
"Unlimited access to a personal fully automated closed circuit training room, with a directive to train Jaune up properly and his semblance. Though no doubt the rest of them will train too. I can't do much more than that without tipping my hand. But I likely won't need to, they are all driven after all."
"Yeah I bet they are," Qrow spoke, taking another swig. "It may actually interest you that Jaune was Ruby's first friend coming to Beacon. As I hear the two are quite close as friends and respective Leaders of their teams."
"You don't say... Tell me Oz. I get making the Investment, but if you're preparing them for what lays ahead, you'll have to bring them into the know sooner or later. How much are you willing to tell them?" He asked and Ozpin remained silent a while.
"As much as they ask I suppose. When the time is right."
"Always were a cryptic one Oz," Qrow spoke but capped his flask. "I'll talk to the kid. Though I can't make no promises, I'll be on eggshells as is trying to talk about Raven without mentioning her directly in front of Yang."
"That's all I can ask Qrow. Thank you." The headmaster stated but Qrow waved it off as he left the office.
"Do you really think he'll be able to help the boy learn to use his semblance?" Glynda asked.
"He might be the only one on our side who can. We'll just have to wait and see," He finished as he closed out the recorded file of the duel and logged it into Jaune's records as his official semblance.
[Training Room]
Dressed the same as they were before, the two teams were all doing their own workouts for the day, getting their conditioning up for the day before moving onto their own standard training routines. Jaune and ruby, however, were talking as the ran around the perimeter of the large room.
"So the feeling is like almost being carried with momentum into the direction when you started the dash?" She asked.
"That's what it felt like."
"do you think you can control that feeling?" She asked and he thought about it.
"We could try?" He spoke, unsure. She nodded and they upped their speed into the run before she started to leave a trail of flower petals behind her.
Jaune was focusing on the feeling of his feet on the ground and his forward movement, trying to think, to grab that feeling again. He'd managed to get a straight dash with it so far, but now Ruby was wanting to see if he could turn. So he focused on his traction with the ground, knowing if he was going to have a chance at turning he'd need to keep his feeling of being on the ground.
His aura started to shimmer around his body and began to trail behind him as he experienced the sensation of his movement carrying him. He tried to keep his focus on contact with the ground through his feet. Beside him Ruby was smiling as she was kept describing the sensation of speed to him as she started ramping it up, willing Jaune on to follow.
The others saw the edge of the large area where the two were running, seeing the streams of white light and rose petals fluttering through those streams, catching the light for an alluring glow, as they ran together.
Jaune now focused on Ruby, keeping pace with her, following where she went as she was just slightly ahead of him to keep his eyes on her. It was odd, in the spandex shorts and the tight tank top, it showed off her form sure, the fact she was fit. But he could see her aura forming the rose petals that came from her body. It was...
He didn't even realize he wasn't focusing on his speed, direction or contact with the ground anymore. He was so totally focused on her that he was just following and now he was pushing her speed. 'So he can go faster. Does he even know it though?' She thought, seeing the glazed look in his eyes, but didn't want to waste it. Still having his eyes on her like that was embarrassing, but remembering the conversation Yang and Pyrrha had with the others, she couldn't help but bite her lip and blush a little. 'Let's kick this up a notch'.
Putting on the speed, her body started to become shrouded in a red aura and to follow, likewise, Jaune's body started to shine as if shrouded in light. The two raced around the room much faster and now the others were just watching the arcing and weaving humanoid forms of crimson and white light. Ruby took him around the room, then decided to see if his speed could match up. So she took him up the wall, and he followed. Now they were really amazed to see the two racing on the walls itself. "Damn Jaune..." Yang whispered and the others nodded.
However, Ruby started pulling away from Jaune while he wasn't getting any faster. 'So it does have a limit since it's not a speed semblance, but a speed aspect of his main semblance. I'll keep that in mind-!?' He thoughts were derailed as she miss-stepped on a light fixture and ending up tripping off the wall at speed. She cried out, but a sudden flash of light and she felt arms around her, holding her and then she was in the flash of light. But all she saw in that light was Jaune who had Jumped to her and snatched her out of the air.
The light blinked out and they were on the ground again, still and both breathing a little heavily.
"Ruby!" She heard yang called out to her and rush to her as Jaune set her down. "You're not hurt are you?" She asked looking her over.
"I'm fine yang really. I just stepped on one of the lights and well, at those speeds it throws you. Thankfully Jaune was there to catch me." She spoke smiling at the blonde who just scratched the back of his head with a slight blush.
'...Oh?' Yang's mind pondered those looks and reaction.
'Oh no... more competition.' Pyrrha thought.
'I might just have some entertainment out of this yet.' Blake was already contemplating how to use this now with a scheming smirk.
"So that's what that looks like," They all stopped dead hearing a new voice and turned to the door to see an older man with leaning against the door frame of the training room. "Yo."
"Uncle Qrow!" Ruby all but teleported herself to her uncle side and latched onto his arm while asking him, rapid-fire, if he missed her any. He lifted his arm, and she just kicked her legs out.
"Heh, nope." He ruffled her hair in what was an obvious lie and Yang came up to them.
"Sup ya dusty old Qrow?" She asked, crossing her arms lazily as she looked to the man that was her uncle.
"Not much. I was in town and Oz asked me to drop by, said I have some...experience, that could help someone who could use it. Having an excuse to see you two worked for me so here I am." He said while the others looked at him.
"Ruby. Aren't you going to introduce us?" Weiss asked her leader expectantly.
"Oh right! Everyone this is Mine and yang's uncle, Qrow Branwen, and the one who generally taught me to be awesome with a scythe."
"I thought that was all you?" Jaune spoke and Ruby shook her head.
"Nope, I learned it all from him well most of it. I designed my baby myself and how to use her specific parts and functions to their best ability." She stated and Yang shook her head at her weapon trigger, happy sister. "So who's the lucky person getting your help?" She asked.
"I believe you know him. He's been the talk of Beacon recently." He stated and Nora held up her hand!
"Oh oh! Is it that guy from Dust-it that posted the table lift challenge?" She asked.
"...what? No... wait, table lift challenge?" He asked, pulling out his scroll and searching the dust-it posts before he found it. "...I'm not even going to ask how that started." He said, sighing as he rubbed his head. "No, the one I'm talking about has become rather infamous around the student body of Beacon." He said, pointing to the middle where Jaune stood.
"Me? No offense but why would you be here to help me?" He asked.
"Because I have long-standing experience with someone who can use a semblance similar to yours." He said. "Oz asked me to give any pointers I possibly could to help you out."
"If Headmaster Ozpin was aware of someone like that, then why not send them?" Blake asked, the others agreeing.
"Criminal." He said simply and they dropped it. That would tend to cut off their ability to come to Beacon. "Anyway, come with me kid so I can talk to you. The person is someone in confidence so I don't want to break that, understand?" He asked.
"Yeah, I got it. I'll be back in a while guys." He said, leaving them in the training room as he left with Qrow. Something about the man had him on edge and he just couldn't understand what. But as he followed he saw they were moving away from the training wing.
"That's some fancy semblance you got there I have to say. Being able to be where ever you want when you want." The man spoke disinterested. "Then to discover a speed aspect of it in just a few days. really impressive." He went on, looking up at the sky.
"Is...there a point to this sir?" He asked ad Qrow sighed.
"I'm a friend of Ozpins, have been for a long time since I attended here. He refers to you by your given name. He doesn't do that with just anyone, he asks to do that before he will, and only to those close to him, apart of his plans for the future to improve our way of living, those he respects and so on and so forth. Point is, Oz sees something in you and despite your semblance, I'm trying to see it for myself. Call me a man of seeing is believing, but all I see is a kid." He said.
Jaune took some offense to that as he looked at the man. "I can't speak for Ozpin, but I've come to realize over the past few days why I want t do all of this, why I'll stick around despite the shit I'll have to put up if you're not going to help me, why bring me out here?"
"Well, to make the customary threat to the boy who my niece seems to have feelings for so you don't take advantage of her of course." He spoke with an evil glint in his eye. His hand reached back, grabbing the handle of his retracted sword. However, he stopped when he saw the widened eyes of the boy and hanging off his mouth ever so slightly.
"What? Nonono, Ruby doesn't like me! I mean we're friends. We help each other out, hang out, talk about things we have trouble with, and... and..." He slowed as he thought recently to the last few days, where Ruby was... well, more Ruby, but to him especially.
"You've got to be kidding me. Not another fucking Tai..." He mouthed as he smacked his forehead. One Tai was enough, now two? Wait... "Kid, let me ask you something, Does Ruby look at you a certain way? Like you're far away when you're right by her?" He asked.
"ugh, what? Oh, um... yeah...actually." His thoughts were very disjointed and Qrow sighed.
"Now pay attention, how many other females you know look at you that way?" He asked and saw the kid thinking.
"Well...there's Pyrrha." Qrow raised an eyebrow at this. What was it with people like Tai and this kid being as dense as concrete yet attracting women to them. "Yang has looked like that for the last two days." He added and Qrow's eyebrow was twitching. Not just his niece but also... "That's it I think. Weiss doesn't really like me I think and Blake is more solitary." He finished and Qrow sighed...
Then drew his blade and put it right at the kid's neck. "Now before we have our talk about your semblance I want you to understand something. Ruby and Yang mean the world to me. They're my family, so with how they feel for you, well that's their business, but you do anything to hurt them, I don't care how much Ozpin likes or respects you or whatever, I will come after you. We clear?" He asked, pressing the blade forward.
Jaune was in high gear panic with the sword at his throat, already sweating up a storm. But then something struck his mind. Qrow thought he'd hurt Ruby or Yang? A sudden surge of anger rushed through him and he pressed forward, his aura pushing the blade back as he straightened. "I won't be the one to hurt them, not now not ever." He spoke as he stared down Qrow who stared back. His gaze said just how much he felt and Qrow hummed a moment before retracting his sword.
"Alright then. Since we're clear, I don't mind now, it's their choices and lives to live after all." He stated and stepped back from the kid.
"You mean that's it? Just like that?" He asked, still rushed and not processing everything completely.
"Pretty much. I made my point clear, no need to complicate it, just so long as you know I will follow through on my end." He stated and sighed. "Now onto the matter at hand, your semblance. The person who has a similar semblance to you. She's a criminal who can create portals she steps through and travel distances anywhere she likes short to mid-range, thinks of this range like that of a large battlefield." He described and Jaune nodded. "However it takes her time, concentration and a physical action to create the portals. On the other hand, though, she has a long range feature where she can create portals between herself and anyone she has a special bond with, regardless of distance, could be clear across half the world, it won't matter."
"Bonds?" he asked.
"Yeah, like to family members is the easiest one, though I'd suspect she can make temporary bonds or artificial bonds, like injecting her aura into an object or person to create a 'bond' so to speak. I have little else idea of how it works, she won't explain how she specifically works it, nor will she I think. But my job's done, take care kid."
"Wait! What if I meet her?" He asked.
"...I hope you don't. But if you do, she makes black and red portals with her katana, wears same color clothes, long black hair with red eyes. Her name's Raven. But keep this to yourself unless you meet her, alright?" At his nod, he breathed. "Good. Now do me a favor and take a while to think about everything said before you go back." Leaving Jaune there.
"Why did I have to be the one to break the news to the dense fucking rock head again? First, it was Tai now it's this kid, both blue-eyed blondes, and again for someone related to me...I need a drink." He grumbled to himself as he made his way to the office.
Jaune was still spinning a little after the short but intense talk with Qrow, half of which only made a quarter as much sense as it did. But like the man said he found a bench to sit on and really just thought over everything he said. So he did, he reran the conversation through his head several times, including the little comments and mumbles. The result he came to was... well, intensely shocking...
"Ruby, Yang, and Pyrrha... all like me?"
Well? How is it?