Just an idea. Short. Somewhat crossover (HP & Naruto)

Severus leaves Hogwarts before graduating from it. Returning back from hidden countries he stumbles upon an infant- won't spoil it.

Guys, I'm so bored. I typed this up out of boredom. This is probably like every other Severus leave Hogwarts fic, but I wanted to try to write one. This will be possibly short; possibly long I have no clue. In advance please excuse errors, but kindly let me know if there are any. Enjoy!

Bold are AN's(author notes)

Italic are thoughts

Bold-Italic are letters, card information

Flashbacks are italic too, but with the break-line.


Year: Spring 1976

Tied by something; rather it be a red string known as fate, or something else...

A vow, a pledge, a promise…


All these words were adjectives; nouns even to describe one single meaning.

One single meaning; one single word-


Severus knew bonds could be severed; cut so severely that it would be impossible to put them back together. He learned it the hard way and the hard way is never an easy way to learn something valuable.

Something so valuable he learnt through his ex-best friend; the one he loved dearly. And, to think it began with a degrading term: "mudblood" a term he didn't even mean to utter. He sincerely regretted calling Lily Evans that, but at the time of the proceedings he was being humiliated by Potter and his merry Marauders, not only that Lily was smiling while he was being humiliated. That was the icing on the cake.

The straw that broke the camel's back. It snapped a cord within Severus spine. Leaving him to feel utterly miserable. He apologized, begged on his knees for forgiveness only to receive none.

That's what shattered the already messed up world he was so familiar with. His parents arguments, the beatings he received from his father, the bullying he received from the marauders, his mother's death, and lastly the beautiful smiling Lily while he hung from the air..

Severus siting within the darkness of the Slytherin dorms ; sat on his bed he had come to a decision. He quietly like a mouse reached out grabbed his trunk; throwing every single item he had out into the trunk: clothes, books-you name it. He had only one opportunity to leave now and severe ties with Hogwarts and the wizarding world Britian. One saving grace -a man he called mentor.

Closing his trunk, Severus hosted up his wand; pausing only to look at the ebony beauty before tucking it away. Looking around the room he could see his roommates asleep. He wasn't going to miss them all, but one he could probably call friend: Azreal Carrow. Azreal Carrow was a short slimmed teen with white skin, light brown sandy colored hair, and blue-grey eyes. He was a year younger than Severus, but he was the only other Slytherin that didn't want to hang with the crowd that believed in Voldemort, or as his followers call him "The Dark Lord".

With the thoughts of Azreal in his mind, Severus debated with himself, but digress and instead of leaving a letter of farewell right away he flicked his wrist shrinking his trunk; placing it in his pocket and exit dorms standing wthin the dim lit Slytherin common room getting one last look at it. Deep down he knew he would miss something about this, but like everything else it would pass like a phase. Taking a deep breath, in and out, out and in and repeat, Severus marched out of the Slytherin common room and through the passage that led to the whomping willow.

I just hope don't run into anyone..

his hopeful thought was answered as he reached the whomping willow kneeling only to poke the knot in the trunk. He didn't think he would cross here again not after that incident with Sirius Black. That incident frighten him terribly just thinking of it.

Don't be here, please.. Don't..

He sighed in relief-no howls, shrieking, nothing. Remus Lupin wasn't there. With that tremendous relief he trotted onwards pass the shack and to the Hogsmeade village that was beyond the shack. Hogsmeade at night was pitched black only lit was the lanterns, but Severus didn't need much light to travel from Hogsmeade to the Express station. However, he wasn't heading to the station, but to Diagon alley.

The Apothecary where potion ingredients, cauldrons, and many potion supplies were brought was usually closed at this hour, but sometimes it would be open...

The bell cling.

Samuel Woods a tall tan skinned man with a goatee beard; dark brown hair and huge brown eyes stopped what he was doing; putting down the last minute orders and headed to the front. "Welcome, late to have -" he blinked owlishly before rushing over and pushing Severus farther inside the shop. Severus was no stranger to the apothecary infact was a big help to Samuel's busy days. "Severus Snape, it late. I'm sure you already know that though and Hogwarts curfew-

"It fine, Mr. Woods. Curfew doesn't matter anymore, I'm leaving. I' m leaving and don't plan on returning to Hogwarts or here."

Samuel swallowed when Severus said something it was best one heed his words for the boy didn't say things lightly. "I see. There no telling you to stay if that is your choice. You helped me out in this shop the least I could do is offer you place to stay for the night."

Severus eyes widen. "I couldn't possibly intrude-.."

Samuel shook his head, not taking no for an answer. "I don't ask much of you, one night, Severus as a farewell."

Severus hesitated, but eventually nodded agreeing to Samuel's offer.

Samuel grinned a little bit, not quite reaching his eyes as he took out his wand warded the shop and prepared to leave with Severus to his flat that was right next to the apothecary.

"You remember, you slept in my flat before."

Severus blushed a little nodding. "Yes, I do."

Samuel walked from the lab to the shop floor. He just finished checking the potions Severus made that day. The boy was exceptional. "Hey, Snape? Severus, lad-..

Samuel blinked the lad was asleep; head on counter to be precise, bent over nearly falling to the floor. Unable to leave the poor kid, Samuel carried him piggy back to his flat. The kid was lighter than a feather-drastically underweight, skinny and deadly pale. Samuel frowned it was just an assumption on first, but now he could feel it wasn't and he didn't question. Didn't ask and didn't have the strength to wake up the sleeping boy.

He entered his flat and placed Severus on sofa he transfigured into a bed. "Sleep well, kid."

Severus however; remembered blushing scarlet as he woke up in Samuel Woods flat. Shaking his head out his own reverie Severus followed Samuel inside the flat. A single room flat with a kitchen and bathing area, but clean and Severus didn't mind as he crawled into bed after transfiguring his clothes into pj's.

He looked at his wand once again before tucking it away. He had a busy morning up ahead.

Samuel glance at the young teen. Already asleep, huh? He sat in a chair; briefly watching the teen. Severus looked peaceful asleep with all his worries gone, but Samuel knew that the teen's worries wont be finished until he left wizarding world Britain.

Morning came all to quickly for apothecary shop owner, Samuel placed a hand on Severus shoulders. "You come visit me when you decide to come back, alright?"

Severus smiled genuine, true smile. "Yes, sir. I will."

With a wave, Severus left the flat and walked the streets of Diagon Alley. He had one place to go -Gringott's wizard bank. Severus was just turning the corner up the steps to the snowy white bank; reading the infamous sigh before entering Severus took in a breath then with a encouraging push headed inside the marble walls. He headed straight for a long counter, directly for a goblin.

Griphook looked up from his stamping. "What can I do for you lad?"

Severus didn't hesitate. "I'd like few things done, but in private."

Griphook gave a long look; long nails tick agasint the desk before he finished stamping up the last of his work for now. "Very, well, follow me."

Once in a silent room with no interruptions or prying eyes/ears, Severus wasted no time in telling Griphook what he wanted. "Firstly, Griphook, sir.. I like to take my inheritance." After saying that he took out a letter which stated the following:

Dear, Mr. Severus Snape

We of Gringott's are glad to inform you of the Prince family inheritance you have come into. If you wish to claim this heritance please come to Gringott's between the first month and between the first three months after your 16th birthday. Doing this meeting we will discuss your inheritance. Show up with this letter anytime between that specified time frame. IF not, your inheritance will be closed off until you request use for it.


Goblin Griphook

Gringott's Wizard Bank

Griphook took letter and read it. "Ah, I see. Fortunately, I am the goblin that sent this letter. Now," handed letter back to Severus... "Your inheritance.."

Severus remained quiet as he took letter back.

"Let's see.." Griphook dug in huge file cabinet and took out not so huge folder. He opened it an flip through. "Prince inheritance...

The Prince inheritance wasn't much. No, it didn't have a lot of property to its name, one property located between the borders of England and Japan, but had a lot of money. Well, in Severus opinion it did. "Mr. Griphook," Severus began. "I like half the money to go into a muggle account overseas.." He took out a small card that read following:

Uchiha District, Konoha

Griphook took card and read, nodding as he handed it back. "Half the money to that location. Done. And, what of the other half, Mr. Snape?"

Severus thought for a moment before breaking it. "I like to keep it here just in case. on that I like to withdraw some money 34 thousand galleons transferred to the Apothecary and 10 thousand galleons to Hogwarts. and three hundred galleons for myself for traveling. "He wanted $350,000 to the apothecary and $10 thousand to be sent to Hogwarts and $300 for himself to board the plane. "I also would like the property to be remodeled."

Griphook nodded once more. "It shall be done. Will you be taking the lordship- Prince name?"

He could do that? From what Griphook just said he could possibly. "What does that entail ?"

"Emancipates you as an adult. You don't necessary need the last name, if you so do not wish it. However, the ring plus rights to the property is accessed only through the lordship."

Severus opened then closed his mouth. That was good. Real good. He open his mouth again, "I'll take lordship without taking the name. I 'll take the moniker Half-Blood-Prince."

Griphook smiled showing long elongated fangs. He stood up, "Follow me, Mr. Snape."

Severus did so. About an hour later everything was finished; Severus bowed to Griphook leaving Gringotts with his business taken care of. He walked out the marble walls and down the snowy steps out Gringott's doors. He had transactions sent to Samuel's apothecary, Hogwarts school anonymously, half his wizard money transferred to a muggle bank; having open one doing the Christmas break that longed past.

Christmas 1975 "Mudblood incident"

It was week Hogwarts students were leaving for Christmas holidays. Severus sat alone in the compartment; usually he would have had Lily, but lately she been hanging out more and more with her own house rather than him. Not only that she was still mad at him for the insult. Why won't she accept his apology? He knew he was going to an empty house, but knowing he didn't have a friend was worst than emptiness. IT was hell. He exit the train watching lifelessly as students chatted about among them he spotted Lily giggling to something Potter said; seeing that he turned away, but he was not expecting a visitor.


Severus looked up and eyes became saucers. Adorned in a red cloud black long cloak.. "Itachi?"

The man now know as Itachi 'hn'. "Well, let's go. I have plans for you today. First the register office and bank."

Severus with his trunk having been already shrunk he followed gladly after Itachi.

And, finally a start to a new life for himself. He looked at the Prince ring- made by Goblins it was set with moonstone in center with a gold band. Severus took his eyes from the ring and knew there was still some things he needed to take care of, but he could do that once he reach his destination.

With that thought in mind he headed to the Leaky Cauldron. Ordering a fast lunch Tom didn't question and he was thankful. "One lunch, lad. Six galleons."

Severus paid, took his lunch and found a table near the exit. Finishing up his meal, Severus looked at the time and stood up leaving the pub. With his wand he did the sequence to enter the muggle side of London. Taking in a brief breath Severus readied himself to take the next step in his journey. Calling for a taxi didn't take long, neither did paying the taxi man as he exit the vehicle standing before London airport.

Flight 9: Tokyo, Japan! Flight 9:Tokyo, Japan!

Severus took out ticket, passport and headed to his flight. This was it..

And boarded the plane.

Bonds can be severed, but new bonds can form and one Severus Snape knew that to be true.

"I'm coming, Itachi-san."

He knew to be true because he formed a bond with his mentor, Itachi Uchiha.

And, cut! Phew. Havent wrote an a while and this popped up in my head. R&R, but most importantly enjoy :D
