A/N; Here it is, the epilogue. The finale. Hope you enjoy.
Sesshomarufan30: Thanks. And yes, things are good now. :)
Skykite: Aww, thanks! At least I found the strength to find a decent finishing line. Thanks for your kind words. :)
Also, read the ending A/N guys for news about a new SessXRin one-shot coming soon!
Chapter 22: Epilogue
"Mama. Is he back yet?" The voice of a 5 year old came towards Rin.
"Not yet, Taro. Perimeter checks take time." Rin sighed as she watched the open skies.
"When can I get to go?" He asked.
"When you're old enough." Rin said simply.
"I'm old enough, see?" Taro ran around the fields at his fastest speed.
Rin laughed at her son's attempts, "I see."
Taro returned to her side, breathing heavily, "Where are these emenies? I can take them."
Rin laughed again.
Full blooded and determined like his dad.
"Gone for now. But next time I might need your help." Sesshomaru's voice sounded a few feet away.
"Father's back. He's back he's back he's back!" Taro announced, before taking off after him.
He physically climbed up Sesshomaru's form until his arms could reach around his neck.
He said something to him quietly, which Sesshomaru responded in the same manner, before continuing his way forward.
"You know the kid remembers everything you say, right?" Rin muttered when Sesshomaru was walking beside her.
"Yes. I've been doing some thinking. Maybe it's time I... Set him free on InuYasha." Sesshomaru suggested openly.
"Who is Iuasha?" Taro spoke up, through Rin's sudden surprise.
"He is a... Dog demon, but an excellent opponent." Sesshomaru smirked towards Rin.
"Really? I wanna sees him!" Taro said, literally leaping out of his arm, back on the ground.
"Depends. Have you eaten yet?" Sesshomaru asked.
"No." Taro mumbled.
"Hm. Go find Akemi, she will make you something. I need to talk with your mother." Sesshomaru answered, glancing at Rin lovingly.
"Ew. Okay!" Taro said before taking off back to the palace.
"InuYasha, really?" Rin asked after Taro was out of sight, "That would mean..."
She trailed off at the suddenn realization.
"I thought it'd be about time we visited your second home. I'm sure you've been thinking about them the entire time you were away." Sesshomaru said.
Rin stared at him, her eyes still wide in shock.
Then, she smiled, tears forming in her eyes, "You'd do that?"
Sesshomaru nodded, "Yes. But I have an idea for our... Reintroduction."
"The ones in the red kinono. The one in the red-" Taro broke off as he was scanning the village, his parents watching from a safe distance.
"Yasha!" He shouted as he spotted him, taking off into the village.
The half-dog demon suddenly stopped in place at the quickly approaching scent and voice.
"Huh? Who is that?" Kagome wondered beside him.
"I don't... Agh!" InuYasha was suddenly cut off when the approaching child literally tackled him.
"Ah?! Kid, what is your problem?!" InuYasha sounded panicked as the young child crawled all over him.
"He's kinda cute." Kagome smiled happily.
"Kagome! A little help here!" InuYasha managed, his arms flailing unsuccessfully. Unsure of what to do. He definitely didn't want to fight back and hurt the child.
'It's definitely a demon. But.. It has familiar scents on it.' InuYasha thought to himself in the midst of the struggle.
"You is Uncle Yasha!" Taro finally calmed, climbing down his form until he stood before him now.
"Eh, huh? LIsten kid, I don't know who you are, but..." InuYasha trailed off, more scents approaching. Similar to the faint scents he caught on the kid.
He then looked down at the grinning child in realization, "Oh my gods. I cannot believe it."
"What? What is-" Kagome suddenly trailed off, turning her focus away from him.
"Mama!" Taro suddenly turned around to the approaching form, "Did you see me? I did it!"
'Mama?! But this was...'
"Oh my gods." Kagome gasped beside him, making him turn his concerns on her.
Kagome took a couple steps forward, "R-Rin?"
"Hey, Kagome." Rin smiled, almost shyly.
Kagome continued to slowly approach her, still staring in disbelief.
"Oh, Rin. It's been forever!" She finally smiled, pulling her into a long, overdue hug.
"Yeah. It was 5 years to be precise. I'm sorry I didn't visit sooner." Rin said.
"It's okay. I can tell how busy you've been." Kagome pulled away, smiling with happy tears in her eyes.
"Well, well. Sesshomaru. Never thought I'd see the day." InuYasha spoke up at the second approaching form.
"Same goes for you, little brother." Sesshomaru nodded.
InuYasha sighed, 'Well, he figured that out quick.'
"Yuri, Reiko, come on out. It's just a couple visitors." He announced.
A few seconds of silence, before two younger girls came out from behind him, glancing at the newcomers.
"Kids, this is your Uncle Sesshomaru." Kagome said, stifling a giggle.
"Don't go there." Sesshomaru muttered quietly.
"Your Aunt Rin. And your cousin... Um..." Kagome trailed off, looking at Rin.
"Taro." Rin smiled.
"Taro." Kagome repeated.
"What's with their ears though?" Taro finally asked his curiosity.
"Taro! Be polite." Rin snapped lightly.
"Sorry, mama." Taro said in a quiet voice.
"Don't tell me sorry." Rin smiled.
Taro looked over at the shy girls who looked his age, if not older.
He slowly approached them.
"Sorry Yuri, Reiko, and Uncle Yasha." He mumbled.
"It's fine, kid. We get that a lot." Inuyasha replied.
"You do?" He asked.
"Yes. But don't worry about it. Why don't you and the others go play. Just stay in the village." InuYasha said, before focusing on Rin and Sesshomaru, "It seems we have some catching up to do."
"Is that okay with you?" Taro asked the two younger girls.
They stared at him for a few minutes, as if still unsure about him, then exchanged smirks.
"TAG! You're it!" Yuri called out, tapping Taro's shoulder before the two girls took off running.
Taro stood in place for a couple minutes, staring after them in complete confusion.
The two girls slowed down when they felt he wasn't following.
They exchanged glances, before looking at him again, "Are you coming?"
Taro perked up, before taking after them, where they continued to run from him.
"Can't catch us!" Reiko called in the distance.
"Yep. They'll be at that for hours." InuYasha muttered.
"Well, let's get inside. We have loads to talk about." Kagome spoke up.
"So. How's the West? Considering the tim away, you're not trying to escape it are you?" Kagome asked, as they all sat around inside her hut.
"Well, no. It was Sesshomaru's idea actually. We are in full control of the Western lands, but InuKimi takes care of a lot of things for us. Especially since we left. It is amazing there. I feel kind of bad that I've felt so at home at that place, but never thought to come back here and visit." Rin explained.
"It is fine, Rin! You're a leader now. An even more reason you're so busy. It's just like me in charge of this village. I haven't exactly had the time to try and find you either." Kagome smiled.
Rin returned the gesture, "Yeah. Two kids. You've been busy."
Kagome blushed, "Rin!"
Rin laughed, "I'm kidding. Mostly anyway. My point was that we both haven't been able to find the right time to step away."
"I understand. It's nice to finally be able to." Rin said.
"You still don't say much, do you?" InuYasha suddenly asked, his focus on Sesshomaru.
"Not much to say." he said simply.
"Are you silent over there too? Kinda hard to lead without a voice." InuYasha commented.
"InuYasha!" Kagome called him out.
"I am very capable of speaking, thank you, InuYasha. But Rin has also been well on giving commands ad speeches of her own. They've kept us out of quite a few conflicts." Sesshomaru explained.
"See? That wasn't so hard." InuYasha sighed.
"You know you're lucky I took that necklace off of you, InuYasha. Or you'd be sitting out of this." Kagome spoke up.
Even to this day, he would tense at the word.
"Alright woman. I'll shut up." InuYasha sighed.
"Thank you." Kagome said calmly, before returning her focus on Rin.
They spent the whole day there.
Taro was adamant about leaving, but... Goodbyes were necessary.
"We'll visit again soon. Hopefully less than 5 years." Rin encouraged.
"Better. But maybe next time we can try to visit. I'm sure InuYasha could find it." Kagome said.
"Not happening." InuYasha sighed.
"What's the matter, InuYasha? Think we might attack you?" Sesshomaru spoke up.
"Yes!" He answered simply.
"We won't." Rin spoke up, "Our perimeter guards are more open. I decided it would be best to ask questions before killing."
"Thanks Rin. Real hero there." InuYasha muttered.
"He means goodbye, and he's going to miss you." Kagome sighed.
"Stop speaking for me, woman!" InuYasha said.
Rin laughed, "Goodbye InuYasha."
"Mama." Taro finally approached them after departing from Reiko and Yuri.
Rin wanted to laugh again, her son could barely keep his eyes open.
"That would be the signal." Sesshomaru sighed, before he transformed in front of the group.
He knelt down on the ground, and Rin helped Taro onto his back.
After, she turned back to Kagome.
"Bye. I'm going to miss you already." She gave Kagome one last hug.
"Going to miss you too, Rin. Be careful out there." Kagome said.
Rin breathed a laugh, pulling away, "That's what Sesshomaru is for."
After a few more seconds of goodbyes, Rin turned and made her way onto Sesshomaru's back, soon sitting with Taro, who was already passed out.
"I said it before, I'll say it again. You take care of her." InuYasha spoke up, glancing up at the giant dog.
'Of course.' Sesshomaru said simply, before turning and taking to the darkening sky.
Rin carried Taro to his room from there.
Yes, 5 years old and he already wanted his own room.
He hummed in his sleep, but didn't awaken when she gently set him down on his bed.
Rin had never seen him so tired.
Usually it took him a lot to get tired.
And at this early no less.
After a while of simply watching him, she made her way to the kitchen to grab something small to eat.
"And how as our visit to the outside world?" Akemi immediately greeted her.
"Great. It was nice to see Kagome again. And Taro had a couple new playmates." Rin explained.
"Oh. That must explain why he's not running the halls right now, annoying every dog demon in here." Akemi said.
Rin laughed, "Yes. He's quite worn out. And so am I, so... Good night. I'll tell you more tomorrow?"
"Sure. Go get some sleep." Akemi smiled.
"Thanks." Rin said simply, before they parted ways.
She made her way to Sesshomaru's chambers, partially wondering where he'd disappeared to.
Rin all but collapsed on the large bed, muscles instantly relaxing and revealing their pain.
She must have dosed off immediately after, because the next thing she knew, the bed was shifting beneath her.
Rin opened her eyes, turning to meet Sesshomaru's form.
"Hey. Where'd you run off to?"
"I told Mother we were back, and checked our status." Sesshomaru said absent-mindedly.
"Oh, yeah. I forgot." Rin said. Now that they were leaders, they had to check with many of the dog demons constantly for information, and tell them where they'd be at all times.
"Taro is asleep?" Sesshomaru asked.
"Just as we left him coming back here." Rin smiled.
Sesshomaru gently caressed her cheek, staring at her adoringly.
Rin returned the favor, wrapping her hand into his hair, bringing herself closer.
Slowly, their lips met, the kiss gentle and loving.
Rin hummed against his lips, which encouraged him to deepen the kiss a little.
She suddenly brought him closer, deepening the kiss even further.
Sesshomaru growled lightly, before switching his attention down to her mark.
"You want this, mate?" He asked, as he freshened the scent of her mark.
"Y-yes." Rin managed, pulling against his hair, encouraging the ministrations further.
Sesshomaru immediately replied by working on her kimono, undoing it from protecting her form.
He then slowly covered her body with his own.
Their kiss had deepened immensely by now.
Now Rin took her turn by undoing Sesshomaru's kimono.
They both gasped aloud when their bare bodies reunited.
"Beautiful, as ever." Sesshomaru spoke gently, his hands moving to caress her waist.
Rin groaned out loud when he immediately entered her.
He kept her pinned by her waist, but that didn't stop her from trying to reply to his movements.
HIs hands finally left her waist to caress other portions of her body, leaving it to do what it wanted.
"I have wanted you, all day." Sesshomaru spoke up.
Rin laughed breathlessly, "What? In front of the whole village?"
"Tempting." He replied, before kissing her again.
Their long awaited lust had them close already.
Rin's legs wrapped around his waist and tightened, bringing him even closer.
Sesshomaru growled lowly, and couldn't stop when he nipped roughly against her mark, nearly breaking skin.
This encouraged her release which joined immediately with his.
Rin moaned, her eyes falling shut in complete relief.
Now, she was really tired.
"I love you. You know that right?" Rin mumbled tiredly.
"Yes. And I love you, mate." Sesshomaru said after a few seconds, giving her forehead a gentle kiss as he made his way off of her. "I'm glad you had fun today."
Rin smiled, "Thank you. I can't believe I almost forgot about over there. This place really can grow on you."
"It's your home now. Your real home. And mine, and Taro's. Time can fly when you're happy."
"No kidding. But I guess there's nowhere else I'd rather be." Rin sighed.
Sesshomaru kissed her hair, "Go to sleep now Rin."
As if it were her one permission, she accepted, finally letting her eyes fall shut.
A simple, happy family. Most likely with future pups. But as a leader, you take one step at a time.
A/N: The End.
I know, I still think this story could do a lot better, but... I got over it too soon. I mean, I just found too many plot-holes in future ideas that were making me want to stop, but I found this as a good alternative.
Now, onto the good news.
I have written a SessXRin one-shot. It took me the entire day to write out, and I mean ENTIRE. I started writing it early this morning while waiting in line for 5 hours at college. Then I got home, and locked myself in my bedroom to finish it.
I think you guys will love this one-shot.
It might take me a day or two to type it out and go through some editing because... It's gonna be 7,000+ words long, but I really love how it came out, and I hope you guys will too.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed This story!
Finale reviews?