'I don't like all this fucking attention. I just want to crucio the bastard,' Harry thought to himself glaring at the stupid looking reporter in front of him, who was asking him equally stupid questions.

Harry chose to ignore him and walked around him.

'Now Potter that's not very nice,' a voice whispered.

Harry jumped and looked around trying to find the source of the disturbance but couldn't see anyone.

"Who's there?" Harry stated sounding more braver than he felt as he glanced around pulling out his wand.

A quiet laughter filled his head and Harry recognised it. "Where are you Tom?" Harry queried out loud.

'Oh do stop talking out loud, I'm using the link to talk to you,' Tom replied sounding as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.

'Oh, right,' Harry replied blushing and feeling incredibly idiotic.

'Don't worry about it,' Tom stated as he was hit with a wave of embarrassment coming through the link.

'What are you doing in my head Tom?' Harry suddenly asked.

'Just the usual, figuring which evil day dream to send through to you, that sort of thing,' Tom replied smirking to himself.

'Ah,' Harry replied not knowing what to say to that.

'I must be off, Death Eater meeting and all. Bye bye,' Tom stated suddenly.

'Yeah later,' Harry answered very confused as to why he couldn't even be bothered insulting the most evil wizard of all time.


'That boy is so tiresome sometimes I wonder why he has to think so much," Voldemort thought to himself.

He had been listening in on Harry's interview with a journalist most likely and Harry had been complaining in his mind. Voldemort had almost laughed out loud when Harry had thought to himself that he would crucio the guy. So he thought a bit of teasing was in order.

When Harry had spoken out loud to what was most likely nobody, Voldemort had laughed quietly which only intensified the worry that was coming through the link.

Lord Voldemort had enjoyed the little chat and had begun thinking to himself what if he could get Harry Potter on his side then the war would be won immediately but then had realised the time and had had to go to a Death Eater meeting and Lord Voldemort had closed the link rather reluctantly for someone who had been chatting to his worst enemy.

At the meeting Voldemort could barely focus on the meeting. 'I'm surrounded by idiots. They can't even keep a legitimate conversations. I hate that they grovel even Lucius and Severus. I practically raised both of them.'


Harry has been experimenting with the connection between himself and Voldemort. He had found that he can gain entry into his mind whenever he is feeling extreme emotions and when he isn't focusing on his occlumency shields. Harry had decided to look and see if he could watch the meeting from inside Voldemort's head. As he was watching the least important meeting, and he heard voldemort being sentimental.

'Tom, being sentimental are we?' Harry decided that pay back for teasing him earlier was in order.

'No, Potter. I don't get that way.'

'It sounded like it. You miss being in your old body don't you? You miss your friends and your surrogate sons. You hate that you can't do anything about it because they are terrified of you. Ammit it, Tom. You can't hide things from me.'

'Fine, you are right. I do hate the fact that everyone I held dear is either dead or afraid of myself. Even my own sons -they are my sons. Severus was abused and Lucius's father Abracus neglected him and hated him because I liked his son more than him- are terrified and betrayed me. I don't blame Severus I did kill his love of his life. Now get out of my mind before I kick you out'

Harry felt sadness and anger coming from Voldemort though the connection. 'Tom calm down. I can help you; I have been experimenting with a new potion/spell combination. It is supposed to fix your problem.'

'Why did you do that and offer to help?'

'Because I know what you are going through. I'm abused be my only family, I'm being manipulated by the old coot who pretends to care about me and that goes for my so called 'friends'. I know what it means to feel alone and if I can't change my fate then I want to help change someone else's even if it is you.' Harry then left his mind


He looks around the room and he sees his old friends and who he considered family. He starts to tear up. He cast a silent tempus charm; puff of smoke and he noticed and the whole room flinches. 'Thank merlin this meeting is over' he thought to himself barely holding back the tears threatening to burst out.

"You are all dismissed" Voldemort leaves the room as fast as he could. Apparating to Slytherin Castel he fall to his knees and cries. POP! Voldemort was barely aware of his surroundings. All he felt was arms surround him. The mystery person was whispering comforting things in his ear and rocking him back and forth. Instead of cringing away from the man he leaned into the touch and he felt a warm feeling run through his own body. He felt safe but he couldn't stop crying. Soon enough he had cried himself to sleep.


As soon as he left Voldemort's mind he felt a very deep pain come through the connection. He searched through the bond and found where Voldemort was he reached out with his magic and apparated to the place where Voldemort was. He got there only to find him on the ground crying. He got down next to him putting his arms around the older man's waist. He whispered how everything will get better and not to worry; that he would take care of it.

Harry felt Voldemort lean into his touch and relax. He just let the older man find comfort in his touch and waited till he had fallen asleep. He called out to Nagini.

Hello, Hatchling. What isss my massster doing in your armsss?

Nagini can you ssshow me to Tom'sss room? I will leave after I put him in bed. Pleassse dont tell Tom I wasss here.

Yesss I will Hatchling. I won't tell him. But how are you and why are you here?

My name is Harry Potter. I felt distresss from my mate. I came to comfort him. I came into my creature inheritance when I turned sssixteen. I'm a rare Griffin ssspeciesss. Tom isss my sssubmisssssive mate.

Why haven't you told him? Follow my to hisss room

I haven't told him becaussse I haven't fully accepted it yet myssself and I won't deny him but I'm just not ready yet. Harry picks up his mate and follows Nagini to Voldemort's room.

But you will tell him sssoon, right?

Yesss Nagini. I will. They get to Voldemort's room. Harry walks in and lays Voldemort on his bed and pulls the blanket over him. I will see you later Nagini.

You better, Hatchling. With that Harry apparated back to Grimmauld Place.