"Master Bruce I would like to speak to you for a moment." Alfred announced to the tall, dark haired man. It was a family training day. Where the bat boys and Bruce would take a day off to bond and train. Bruce was currently standing off to the side while Jason sparred with Tim, the taller cracking jokes and innuendos. The same with Dick and Damian, except no innuendos on Dick's part, only bad jokes and puns. Both smaller boys retorting to the taller ones.

Bruce looked over to Alfred with an interested look. Though he was mildly worried. Bruce hoped that there wasn't some super villain that needed their asses beaten today. He wished to spend some well deserved time with his sons. So the tallest man nodded to the butler and followed he to out of the the boys hearing range.

"Master Bruce I have a request of you." Alfred stated to the head of the household. Bruce raised a brow. Now this hasn't happened before. "My granddaughter will be arriving to Gotham within the next 36 hours, and needs a place to stay while I help her settle into the States. The visit will last 3 to 4 weeks." Alfred informed him.

Bruce had a thoughtful expression. He knew of Alfred's family, but they were average people who live in Bolton, England. So basically left they alone. Though he hadn't realized that his daughter, Maven, had a child.

"How old is she?" The taller asked curious to know.

Alfred smiled a little at the younger man. "A year younger then Master Damian. Twelve." He informed, a little bit of a proud gleam in eyes for the pre-teen. Bruce caught this and seriously thought of it. As long as she stayed away from the Bat Cave. Then he had no problem with it. He old Pennyworth this much.

Then they came quickly to the realization is that they have to tell the boys. They decided to just be blunt about it and tell them right away. So the duo went back to the sparring brothers and called a halt. Announcing they had news that they could not defy. This rose some eyebrows and got some suspicious looks.

"My granddaughter will staying here with us for the next few weeks. Please to do behave yourself with her." Alfred told them, leaving them surprised. They didn't realize that Alfred had family, let alone a granddaughter.

"What's her name? How old is she?" Dick questioned first, earning some looks from the others who were going to ask, but weren't quick enough?

"Her name is Titania Pennyworth. She is 12, Master Damian's age." Alfred informed, and the boy mention tsked in annoyance.

"Don't compare me to some damsel." Damian hissed at him. Earning a smack on the back of the head from Dick.

"You never know little bird. She might be like you." Dick pointed out positively. Tim just groaned and rolled his eyes.

"No one's as bad as the hell spawn." He muttered to himself under his breath. Yet Damian somehow heard and shot Drake a nasty look.

"Actually, Titania also loves animals." Alfred put in. Dick sent a smug look to Damian, while the youngest look hella annoyed with the whole thing. Jason was indifferent to the situation, and as long as she too much of a stuck up, he really didn't give a shit either way. And Tim just hoped that the girl wasn't like the hell spawn.

Thankfully, Tim's wishes were granted. She was just about as opposite to Damian as one could get. The only thing they really seemed to have in common was their huge unwavering love for animals. And their vast knowledge of them. That and animals seemed to be magnetized to them.

Around 2 in afternoon the next day, there was a knock at the door and Alfred went to answer it. The bat boys all curious about their new little guest, stuck close to the entrance to see the granddaughter of their butler.

The large heavy door swung open to reveal a tiny pre-teen, maybe 4'7'', with long wavy hair, flowing down to her lower back. It seemed blue, being so black. She had light emerald green eyes, and flawless ivory skin. The bluet wore a simple yellow a-line dress with full sleeves and a halter neckline. It was tight around her waist and developing bust, then was loose around her hips and thighs, flowing down to her knees. A thin, navy lace covered the entirety of the dress and hung off the end skirt and sleeves slightly. On her feet were simple black ankle boots with an one inch heel.

Behind her was a navy hard suitcase with white roses and a simple dark leather barrel bag on top of it. A small black cross body on her, while a computer bag hung from her left shoulder. She looked around the entrance hall, with wonder and nervous excitement sparkling in her wide green eyes.

Damian lightly scoffed to himself as he hid up in the rafters, watching her. How could Grayson possibly compare him to her. When he looked down at her, the youngest found that Titania was staring directly at him. Damian was caught off guard by her confused expression, her head cocked to the side. He scowled darkly at her and she looked hurt. But hid it well.

"Titania what are you looking at?" Alfred questioned his granddaughter as she looked up at the rafters. The old man already knew that Damian was up there due to sheer experience and knowledge of the boy. He also knew where the other three were hiding as well. Though he didn't see the need, it wasn't as if she was going to harm them.

The bluet responded, not taking her eyes away from Damian. "Grandpa, why is there a boy in the rafters? How did he get up there?" She questioned and heard laughter coming from a couple of different places. Alfred shook his head at the older three. While above them Damian cursed to himself. How could she have spotted him. Either she was highly trained or it was just plain dumb luck. The teen refused to believe that he was losing his edge.

Just then, Bruce came into the entrance, looking like the billionaire he was in a custom tailored suit, a clean shaven face and slicked back hair. The tallest man walked up to Titania, and only then did she look away from Damian. Her eyes were wide with awe for the man in front of her.

He was tall, at least a foot and a half taller than her with large muscles and a square jaw. Glossy black hair slicked back, and strong, beautiful ice blue eyes. He reached out his hand for a shake, and Titania silently marveled at how big and rough his hand was against her's. Her entire hand fit in his palm. And his grip was firm, but gentle. As if all too aware of how fragile her hand was. Of how fragile she was.

"Bruce Wayne. A pleasure to meet you." He greeted, his deep voice was easy and fluid. Titania smiled widely at him.

"Titania Pennyworth. The pleasure is all my Mr. Wayne." She replied, genuine about it. They released the other's hand, Titania's wrapping around her suitcase handle. "Mr. Wayne, do you know the boy in the rafters?" She asked, eyes alit with curiosity. Her face hiding no emotion. Something all of them were unfamiliar with, though it wasn't undesired.

Bruce raised an amused brow, his eyes glancing up to where Damian was pouting about being discovered by her. "That's my youngest son, Damian." He paused, looking up to him, and raised his voice. Calling to all of his sons. "Why don't you come out to greet our guest." He suggested, though all the boys knew that it was an order. So they all came out of their hiding spots, some more begrudgingly then others.

Dick practically bounced over to the trio, a grin on his face, Tim close behind, smiling. Jason strolled down the stairs, still snickering over the fact that Titania almost instantly spotted Damian. And Damian took turns between glaring at Jason and Titania, as he climbed down and joined the others.

The only female looked at the group of young, handsome, guys in front of her with interest. They introduced themselves by age.

The oldest was the second tallest, somewhere around 5'10''. With floppy black hair and bright baby blue eyes. His name was Richard Grayson, or Dick for short. He was packed with muscles, yet still very lean.

The next was the tallest of the 4 sons. He has wild black hair with a tuft of white hair at the front. He was tall, not as tall as Bruce, but looked to be packing even more muscles. His dark blue eyes had a wild glint to them and he introduced himself as Jason Todd.

The second youngest was a Timothy Drake, or Tim. He was barely a foot taller than her with greasy black hair. Long in the front and short in the back. He was wiry with muscles and had dark circles under his eyes, as if he didn't sleep enough.

The youngest of the four was Damian Wayne. He grunted his name and glared at her. Though it was redirected tot he ground after receiving a look from his father. His crew cut was spiked up and his was surprisingly very lean with many muscles and was just a little shorter than Tim. He shared his father's beautiful ice blue eyes.

Despite the look from Damian, Titania gave them all a bright smile. "You probably already know, but I'm Titania Pennyworth. Alfred's granddaughter. I hope we can get along during the time I'm staying here." She chirped and received agreements from most of the males in the room. Damian still too butt hurt about to being found to really say anything.

So far the people of the house liked Titania, Damian notwithstanding, and were curious to see how the next few few were going to play out.