It took forever to get Aunt May to calm down.


"Please, Aunt May, you have to understand it was to keep you sa-"


They had been going back and forth like this for an hour.

"I was given these abilities and I can't just sit back and watch people get hurt when I know I can do something to stop it!" Peter tried to explain to his fuming aunt.


"Yes, it is my job! And would you please stop yelling at me? It's not helping situation!"

Aunt May took a deep breath.

"Peter, I lost your parents and I lost your uncle and there is no way in hell that I'm going to lose you too."

Peter looked down, feeling guilty.

"You're not going to lose me, Aunt May, I promise. And I'm doing this because of what happened to Uncle Ben. Every day I save somebody else's uncle, and if I had become Spiderman sooner, I could've saved uncle Ben too."

Aunt may shook her head.

"But what about the lying, Peter? We never lie to each other. Here I thought you had an internship at Stark Industries."

"Well, I kinda did. I do work with Mr Stark, but as Spiderman. He built my suit, he lets me be the friendly, neighbourhood Spiderman, and every once in awhile he'll call me on a mission."

Aunt May looked startled.

"Mission? What kind of mission?"

Peter sighed.

"You know that retreat I went on a few months ago? I was actually in Berlin fighting with the Avengers. Well, against the Avengers. Actually, it was- nevermind, you get the point."

"The Avengers? Oh god, Peter, what were you thinking?!"

"It's okay," the young superhero explained, "it wasn't really fighting. Nobody wanted to hurt anyone, it was more of an argument that got a bit hands on"

"Still, I don't want you hanging out with those people! They're all adults, and they're dangerous! You remember what happened 8 years ago, they practically destroyed New York!"

"May, they didn't destroy New York, the aliens did."

This only seemed to make the woman more angry.

"Aliens, Peter! I don't want you fighting aliens! I don't want you fighting, period!"

"Well, that might be a problem."

"What do you mean?"

Peter smiled timidly.

"I've kinda been asked to become an Avenger."

Aunt May took a couple steps back, shaking her head.

"No way. Uh uh. This isn't happening. My nephew, an Avenger? I won't believe it. You're just a kid, Peter, you can't be expected to do this."

"I told them no."

She looked up.

"You what?"

"I told them I didn't want to become an avenger, not yet anyways. I thought it would be best to finish highschool. Plus, I would have to live upstate in the new Avengers facility, and I don't want to have to leave you."

Aunt May looked at Peter hard for a few seconds, then looked away.

"I love you, you know that?" She sighed.

"Yes Aunt May, I know."

Peter started smiling, knowing the argument was coming to an end.

"But this doesn't mean I'm not still mad at you," Aunt May chided.

"I know. But you can't stop me from being Spiderman," Peter said, "it's who I am."

"Peter, I know I can't stop you. I wish you wouldn't do this, but there's no point trying to fight you. We do have to set some rules, though."

The boy was surprised his aunt gave in so easily.

"Yes, of course! Thank you Aunt May!"

"Oh, don't thank me yet. I want you to be home every night by 1:00, and I expect your homework to be done before you go out. And you're grounded for 10 years. No parties, no sleepovers with Ned, nothing." Aunt May lost the sharp edge to her voice. "I want you to suffer."

Peter decided it was safe, and went over to hug his aunt.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," Aunt May replied. "Now go make dinner, I need to sit down and digest the fact that my nephew is a superhero."

For an entire month, Peter returned to living his normal life. He was back to school full time, and Aunt May hadn't brought up his nighttime activities again. As Spiderman, Peter only had to deal with the usual muggings, robberies, and theft. He was even allowed to hangout with Ned after school sometimes. He hadn't heard a word from Mr Stark, but he knew that he could always get in contact with the Iron Man if he needed to. It almost felt like the Vulture had never happened, but Liz's absence was painfully present as he walked the halls of Midtown high. Sometimes Peter wishes he had told her the truth about who he really was, to make her understand why he did the things he did. That leaving her alone in the middle of the dance was for a good reason (although there was a chance the reason being to take down her father would not be taken well).

This is exactly what Peter was pondering when he heard his name being called from across the hall.

"Hey Peter! You coming to debate club today?"

Michelle was smiling at him.

"Or are you too busy staring blankly at your locker?"

Peter shut his locker door and walked over to where his friend was standing.

"Ha-ha, very funny. And yes I will be there, so you better prepare some tough questions."

"Will do," Michelle said, then looked down. She shifted uncomfortably before continuing, looking slightly embarrassed. "Hey, I was wondering if y-"

She was cut off by a shrill ringtone. Peter quickly patted his pockets, looking for his phone.

"Sorry," he apologized, turning away. "I've got to take this."

"Oh yeah, no problem. See you later."

'Odd,' Peter thought. 'She looked kinda relieved.' His attention was drawn back to the phone is his hand.

"Tony Stark calling" The screen read.

Peter sucked in his breath. Whatever this was, it was probably important. He quickly ducked into a side hallway and answered the phone.


Mr Stark's voice came through, tense and serious.

"Peter, hi. I know you said no to joining the Avengers, and I know I said the i respected the decision, but I'm taking that back now. Something's come up."

"Wait, what? What happened?" Peter asked, surprised.

"It's too hard to explain on the phone, but I need you at the Avengers facilities as soon as possible. Happy should be waiting outside for you."

"Happy's here? But what about aunt may?"

Tony sighed. "I don't know, tell her it's an emergency. Which it is, in fact. Which is why I am going to hang up now and you are going to get in that car. See you soon."

The phone beeped as the call was ended.

Peter stood in shock for a second. The Avengers needed him. He would have to drop everything to go. He's already missed enough school at this point that missing any more might result in him having to redo junior year. Peter ran his hands through his hair. There wasn't a choice to be made. He had to go, and he had to go now.