A/N I don't own any of these characters, and I have taken some liberties and changed a few things from the original world as written by J.K Rowling.

The mane of brown hair, frizzier than ever after the shower she'd taken, hummed softly. Up and down, like gentle waves of silken, albeit bushy tresses. The pile of paperwork around her all had different titles and form numbers, each looking just as important as the next. Elvish Rights, Enslavement of Elves, Purchasing an Elf, Wandlore, Wizarding Rights to Wands, on and on things of different titles though the same nature. Though none of them were forms that the sleeping woman herself was filling out. No, each one of them were research for the young woman.

At a mere 20 years old, the young woman had done more, seen more, than many her age had. Though all knew, mostly, of the horrors that she had experienced. Indeed Rita had tried, and failed, to make a pretty buck off of those horrors. Through a series of intelligent moves, and quite a bit of research, that had been shut down in its prime. It helped that for the last, and final time, she used her unregistered animagus status against her.

None of that though had anything to do with why she was sleeping on a pile of paperwork surrounded by various books and legislation in a little flat in Horizont Ally. Since Ron had stormed out, almost a week ago presumably to stay with Harry and Ginny or a while, she had been falling asleep her desk more and more lately. With no one to bug her to go to bed, she often read over the different statutes, laws, and backgrounds until her eyes refused to open any longer.

Tap, tap, tap.

The sudden small knocking made her gasp awake. Brown eyes dark with sleep deprivation. Immediately her small hand grasped at the wand beside her. Immediately her wide eyes darted around the confines of the small living area. Seeing nothing but dark shadows on the pale blue walls, she sighed, chalking it up to having fallen asleep at her desk again. Putting down the quill she had all but crushed in her hand, ink stains making her click her tongue, the girl stood to shove off.

Tap, tap, tap.

"Oh, that one definitely happened." A few brief strides and the same ink stained hand yanked the door open. It was her wand hand, but with it grasped in her left, and the ability to perform an array of nonverbal spells, she didn't worry about pulling the door open at 3 in the morning. "What the?" There was no one there. Tricks? Honestly. "Honestly Ronald if you've had too much fire whiskey and you're thinking that I'll forgive you."

"Excuse me Miss but Abby is not being Mr. Weezy. Abby is being Abby." The small high pitched voice brought her attention down about three feet. The large, green eyes that stared up at her made an audible gasp leave the young woman.

"Dobby? But you," She swallowed hard, hand trembling as it rose to her lips. The scar on her arm burned bright, vividly, for a moment.

"No miss! Abby, but I is knowing Dobby or well." The little house elf pulled the pretty hat off her head. It had been cared for meticulously even if the knitting was quite off. She wore a neat little skirt, a deep red, and a matching ballerina top. The only thing that stood out, the mismatched pair of socks on her feet. One black, old faded, the other a hand knitted maroon. The little elf wrung the knitted cap in her knobbly, tiny hands. "I is Dobby's daughter Miss and you is being Miss Hermione Granger."

"Dobby's daughter?" Her voice echoed the pure awe and disbelief she felt at the statement. "I didn't know he had a daughter." The little elf looked proud, not only that she had found Hermione but that Hermione knew Dobby.

"Yes, Miss! Dobby and Abby's mother got together long ago. Abby's mother, Afink worked together at Hogwarts miss. It is not normal for house elves to fall in love. We is not often breeding you see. But Abby's mother, Afink she is always being captivated by Dobby and his freedom."

"I, oh, um won't you come in? It's cold out." Hermione wasn't sure what she needed to expect. Whether or not the small elf would throw herself in a fit of tears and torture as Dobby often had. Instead, her green eyes only watered slightly as she bowed, her long nose touching the floor for a moment as the two of them settled into Hermione's small parlor.

"Tea?" Hermione wasn't sure what to offer a house elf. Her interaction with them had been rather limited in the last.

"No thank you Miss. I is not needing anything at the moment." About that time Crookshanks had awoken, puttering about the parlor area eyeing the house elf for a long moment before giving Hermione a soft 'meow'. Almost as if to let her know that everything was alright.

"Not to be rude Abby," Hermione sat down on the small sofa, at the opposite end of the elf who held her tiny hands out toward the fire. Crookshanks had taken up his desired place in her lap. "Not that I mind in the least but, what is it that's brought you here?" For a long moment Abby didn't say anything, just looked at Hermione with her large green eyes, blinking. Though it seemed as if she were trying to figure out where to start.

"After the Battle with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named," Abby's thin chest rose as she sniffled. "Afink decided she would have freedom too just as Dobby had! Mistress McGonagall was good to us, Afink and Abby but when Abby came of age she decided nope! Abby is going to see the great people who Abby's father who spoke so highly of them all. I is thinking to myself, Abby, who would Abby to like work for! And I is coming to you Miss Granger."

"Me?" Hermione all but sputtered at Abby's sudden exclamation. "You, you want to be a slave t-t-to me?" What had Dobby told his child? Surely had had mentioned how she start S.P.E.W, how she felt that house elves shouldn't be paid. Hermione took another look at Abby, she was wearing clothes. The house elf wasn't a slave, she was free. Had she been born that way? With no 'true' master to keep her. Was Hogwarts her master?

"Not a slave no Miss. Abby is wanting paying of course. 1 Galleon a week and 3 vacation days a month. Abby is knowing though that if anyone is worthy of having an Elf it is Miss Granger." Abby's little chest was puffed out once more. "So, what do you say Miss? Can Abby come and work here with her?" Hermione softened at once. It warmed her heart to see that there was an elf out there, much like Dobby who was wanting to be paid. She hadn't expected much, but three vacation days a month was quite a bit as far as house elves went.

"Yes of course Abby!" Hermione felt real enthusiasm as she spoke. After all, she was dreadful with food charms still. "When can you start?"