A/N: Hi again! I haven't gotten my DVD set yet but I saw the deleted scenes on YouTube and when I saw the scene between Noah and Lucy, I just had to write something (even I have 3,000+ things to do for school). Sorry for any errors and for the multiple posts in getting this up!
*SPOILERS*: Season 1 deleted scene between Lucy and Noah
This was a mistake.
Not that she cared when she picked up the phone and called him. Inviting Noah over again after their disaster of a "date" was the absolute last thing she should have done tonight, especially with her emotions having gone haywire in 1934.
Normally she was not one to do this. She had chided Amy countless times for her suggestions about needing a hookup or a nice steamy make out to relieve some stress and unwind. She would normally roll her eyes and turn back to her books. Now, she would give anything for her sister and her ridiculous proposals.
But her guard was crumbling tonight and she needed to feel something. Needed to feel how someone, even a random man she had never laid eyes on until a few weeks ago, loved her as much as Wyatt still loved Jessica. Needed to forget that Wyatt played a role tonight and nothing more. Needed to pull herself together and convince herself that she was not, could not be falling for Wyatt.
(Even if there was really no use fighting it after their kiss in 1934).
She almost hated that Wyatt wasn't suffering through this ridiculous dilemma. Although she thought she saw something more in his eyes other than surprise after they pulled away from their kiss for a split second, and a longing look on the bed they later shared, it was tricks her traitorous mind was playing on her, confirmed by Wyatt's affirmation of having to convince Clyde of their relationship status.
But Wyatt dictating his proposal story, just about bringing her to tears, made her yearn for that closeness with someone (ignoring the little voice in her heart saying that she wanted that closeness with him. Right now.).
So with Noah leaning against the wall, and her sitting on the steps of her house, she practically begged him to tell her the story about how they first met, and she did not care the slightest bit about the hint of desperation in her voice. Running on the Golden Gate Bridge and checking up on him to see if he was okay after almost collapsing from running after her was an unexpected way to meet someone but once again, she didn't care. It was endearing and sounded like they were practically meant to be.
But she preferred the story of first meeting a sleeping soldier who called her "ma'am" multiple times and where she told him to stop calling her "ma'am" because they were pretty much the same age.
She wanted tears to come to her eyes with Noah's response to her question of what made him decide that she was "the one". She was stupid to even toy with the thought of her as "the one" for him right from their first meeting and honestly couldn't fathom her disappointment. Maybe it was unexpected disappointment of their "first meeting" story. Even so, she was getting very tired of being disappointed tonight.
He definitely knew her though, knew and loved the little quirks that made her Lucy, from eating food off his plate to cranking up John Denver songs. She playfully defended each of her "annoying" habits, pretending she'd done the same since her first date with him.
Not that she remembered, of course. She was playing a role now too.
But she'd rather play a role again in 1934.
She knew this didn't come remotely close to a solution, but she needed help putting the pieces of her heart back together, a heart that was speaking almost a different language from her mind at this very moment, her heart knowing that this was not a good idea, even if her feelings for Wyatt were like flames consuming her at this point. But Noah wanted her. It was plain as day as he walked closer to her and stood looking down at her, explaining how he knew she was it for him when she was gone for two weeks at a conference in Beijing. He had missed her little quirks and making him laugh, and he knew. She grabbed his hand to feel his affection for her, guided it to her face, closed her eyes, and leaned in, all the while pretending that it wasn't just a substitute for Wyatt's strong hand framing her face a few hours ago.
Pretending that Wyatt simply holding her hand was not a million times more comforting than Noah's caressing her face could ever be.
And as he knelt before her, almost pleading with her to come back to him, she kissed him, opening the floodgates and pouring all her pent up emotions and escalating feelings into that kiss. She didn't love Noah, but he was able to give what 1934 had left her aching for desperately: Love, affection, and everything in between.
Yes Noah, this was different. Because this kiss wasn't for you.
It was for her.
It was for Wyatt.