Unexpected Endings

The week following his break up with Pansy turned out to be a very long week. The witch was relentless in her efforts to make him "see reason". On Tuesday morning she approached him in the common room and acted as though he had not ended their relationship the night before, swooping in for a kiss before he could stop her.

Draco and Blaise were standing near the entrance of the Slytherin common room, waiting on Theo. Draco was still rather pissed at him, seething over his comments about Hermione from the day before, but there was little he could do about it. He saw Pansy come down the stairs from the girls dormitories and felt an overwhelming sense of satisfaction at being done with her. That feeling, however, was exceedingly short lived. He saw Pansy walking towards him and, before he could move, or really, do anything about it, she was kissing him. After his initial reaction wore off he pushed her away.

"Bloody hell Pansy! What the fuck are you doing?" He demanded, wiping his mouth to show his disgust.

"Kissing you." Her answer was simple and she seemed almost confused that he should have any reason to be upset by her actions.

"You can't do that anymore. We're done." She laughed. She actually laughed at him. A mirthless, almost cruel laugh.

"Oh Draco, we are far from done." He didn't even try to hide his fury.

"No we're not. We're over! I told you I've already spoken with my father. We're done." He really needed to send that bloody owl.

"We're not done." She said through clenched teeth, then left through the door before he could respond.

On Wednesday and Thursday she tried multiple times and in many different ways to negotiate her way back to being his girlfriend and when her tactics failed to sway him failed she became absolutely livid. She spent Friday screeching at him every free moment they had available, telling him he was a wretched bastard who had obviously cheated on her and she would have revenge. Fortunately, it was now Saturday and the whole school was distracted with Quidditch, Slytherin versus Gryffindor. He was supposed to be playing but had begged off instead, claiming to be ill. It gave him the perfect opportunity to sneak away to the Room of Requirement and devote more time to his task.

He had finally come up with a way to show that he was making progress towards his goal. He bought a necklace from Borgin and Burke's and cursed the thing. He intended to have Dobby deliver the necklace following the end of the Quidditch match. Since a house elf's magic worked differently than a wizard's he wasn't too concerned about Dobby being hurt in the process. His plan was to have it delivered to Dumbledore, who was probably smart enough to figure out that it was cursed and not touch the thing. Although, if he did somehow manage to touch it...well it wouldn't be good, but at least he wouldn't be dead and, more importantly, it would buy him some time. He had to figure a way around actually killing Dumbledore. He just did not have it in him to be a murderer.


Harry could feel his nerves rattle as walked down to the pitch. He hoped that tricking Ron into thinking he had taken Felix Felicis would be enough to help his friend's performance, but he wasn't confident. Even with Malfoy out of the game, he still wasn't sure it would be enough for them to win. Then there was the fact that Hermione was furious with him and wasn't speaking to him, which really put a wrench in his plans to shag her. He knew that they were supposed to be done with that part of their friendship, but he had grown rather fond of their arrangement, and he wasn't really ready for it to end. It wasn't that he wanted a relationship with her. They were far too different to ever make that work, but he very much had enjoyed having someone to fuck when the mood struck. Now, however, with her not speaking to him, he wasn't so certain he would be able to make that happen. Though he thought he might be able to change her mind once she learned the truth about the Felix Felicis.


"I still can't believe you gave him something Harry! You could be expelled." Hermione said, berating her friend as they made their way back to Gryffindor tower to celebrate the team's victory. She could not believe the idiocy of her raven haired friend. It would serve him right to get expelled.

"It did the trick, didn't it?" Ron demanded, defending Harry. They were both idiots!

"But that's the thing. I didn't put anything in your drink. I-"

"Yes you did! I saw you!" Hermione practically shrieked, interrupting Harry. She had watched him pour something into Ron's drink, she was positive he had spiked it with something. "And everything went right, the weather, Malfoy, Ron saving everything"

"No I didn't," Harry said calmly, pulling a tiny vial from his pockets, "see? I only wanted Ron to think that I put Felix in his drink, but I didn't. You did it all on your own Ron."

"You added Felix Felicis to his juice, that's why he saved everything!" Ron mocked in his best imitation of Hermione, "See! I can save goals all on my own!" Ron fumed at her, then stormed off.

"But you thought he'd given it to you too!" Hermione shouted after him. She felt frustrated at Ron's reaction. He had been just as convinced as she was, and honestly, he really wasn't an amazing player. He had played extraordinarily good that day, almost uncharacteristically so.

"Don't mind him, he'll come around." Harry was trying to calm her, she knew, but somehow his words only served to anger her more.

"Oh nevermind him, the git! I'm done!" She clenched her fists in agitation and resisted the urge to throw them in the air.

"Hermione-"She felt a hand on her arm, and turned to face Harry.

"No, Harry! I'm sick of it! He's such a child. I don't know what I'm supposed to have done. He's infuriating!" She yanked her arm from his grip and continued on towards the common room.

"I know, but he's Ron." Harry responded, catching up to her.

"That's no excuse!"

"It's not, he's a tosser, but he's also our best mate. You might feel better if you just forgave him."

"I'm not ready. I'm still mad."

"Fine, that's fair. To the party then?" Harry asked offering her his elbow as he did. Hermione laughed as she accepted his gesture. Harry always did have a way of making her feel better. He truly was her best friend.

"I'm going to go get us drinks. Find us a spot?" Hermione gave him a quick nod and a smile before turning to look for a spot to sit with her friend. Unfortunately her good mood was rather short lived. As she was looking for a spot her eyes fell on Ron wrapped around Lavender Brown, snogging, she assumed, but she wasn't certain. It was enough, however, to make her leave and seek sanctuary in her favorite empty classroom. The room was seldom used, the furniture coated in a thin layer of dust and laid about haphazardly, but it was quiet and had the most beautiful view of the lake, which made it the perfect place to escape. She sighed as she walked towards her usual perch, a teacher's desk positioned right in front of the window overlooking the lake. It wasn't even that she particularly wanted to be the one snogging him, not really. She was just so angry with him and after all of the grief he had given her and Ginny about snogging lately and her mixed up feelings about him and Draco, it was just far more than she wanted to deal with at that moment.

"Hi." She heard his velvet voice from behind, interrupting her thoughts, and turned from the window to greet him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, a smile gracing her features as she did.

"I could ask you the same thing." He replied, returning her smile and walking towards her. Her eyes drank him in as he moved across the room and made his way around the large teacher's desk she was leaning against. He was dressed simply in black slacks and a white button down, his house tie discarded for the day. His hair, lacking its usual slickness, fell into his eyes causing him to run his fingers through it, coaxing it back into place.

"Soothing a wounded ego and plotting revenge." She smiled to let him know she was joking and offered him the bottle of Firewhiskey she had swiped from the party. She noticed as his eyes went up in a momentary look of surprise before taking the proffered bottle.

"So, what are you doing here?" She asked again as he returned the bottle to her. She took another swig and turned expectant eyes towards him. She almost hoped that he was looking for her, that he would tell her that he wanted her, but she knew how ridiculous it was to want that from him. He had made it clear that he didn't want her, that the kiss had been nothing more than a horrible lapse in judgment. Merlin, she loathed her desire for him, but there was no denying it's existence.

Hermione wanted Draco. She wanted all of him. She had tried not to want him, had tried not to think about his lips on hers. She knew how wrong her attraction was. Never mind the fact that he didn't want her, there was the fact that she was fairly certain he was a Death Eater to contend with. Even if he wasn't one, his father was and, of course, her friends absolutely detested him. Nevertheless, she wanted him.

"Trying to solve a problem." She noticed that his expression darkened momentarily, but just as quickly it passed. He took the bottle back from her and took another swig.

"What's wrong? Maybe I can help."

"I'm not sure anyone can help. Besides, it's not anything you should get involved in." She pursed her lips to keep herself from nagging him and instead took the bottle back. She wanted to tell him that she was already involved, that she was actively fighting Voldemort, fighting his father. Instead, she took a healthy swig and offered it to Draco once more. He took it from her and took a swig, then set it on the desk behind him.

She watched as he moved in front of her, anxiously anticipating his next move. His eyes met hers as his hands went to her waist, drawing her closer to him. One hand moved up to her cheek, his fingers resting on her neck, guiding her forward until their lips met. He was once again tentative and gentle. She knew she ought to push him away, demand to know why he was kissing her if they were supposed to be pretending there was nothing between them, but she knew she wouldn't. She could feel his hand move down to her waist, pulling her closer as he continued to kiss her. The absence of their robes meant there was little between them causing the heat to rise quickly. She wanted him. Badly. She knew if he continued kissing her the way he was she wouldn't be able to maintain control.


For the first time Draco did not care that Slytherin had lost to Gryffindor. His mind was lost to thoughts of necklaces, curses, and Dobby as he wandered the halls. He found his way into an empty classroom, intending to take a few moments to himself before being bombarded by his angry teammates. So, he was pleasantly surprised to find a certain brunette Gryffindor already occupying the room. As soon as he saw her his thoughts drifted to their kiss, to the feeling of her body molded to his.

"Hi." He said walking towards her, hoping he didn't sound as nervous as he felt. He wasn't entirely certain that he was welcome, but his resolve to stay away from her had essentially crumbled. She turned from the window and he could see her eyes raking over him. He felt an unexpected appreciation for muggles as he took in the jeans, which hugged her curves and deep red jumper which made her pink lips all the more appealing.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, a dazzling smile lighting up her features. Merlin, he wanted her bad.

"I could ask you the same thing." He replied, walking towards her.

"Soothing a wounded ego and plotting revenge." He saw her smile and knew she must be joking, but couldn't help his surprise, though it was the bottle she produced moments later which surprised him most. He hadn't thought her the type. Nevertheless, he took the bottle of Firewhiskey from her and took a healthy swig before returning it.

"So what are you doing here?" She took a swig from the bottle as she waited for his reply.

"Trying to solve a problem." His thoughts drifted momentarily to Dobby who was delivering the necklace as they spoke. He told Dobby to deliver the necklace before Dumbledore retuned from the Quidditch match and to do so without being seen. He really hoped Dumbledore recognized the necklace for what it was and left it alone. He took another swig to stem his thoughts and focused back on Hermione. Trying to stay away from her the last three weeks had been torture and now that he had left Pansy it just seemed that much harder to pretend that he didn't want her. To pretend that he didn't need her.

"What's wrong? Maybe I can help." Of course the bloody Gryffindor would want to help. He knew as soon as he said the words what her response would be. It was one of the things he loved most about her. Part of him wanted to tell her, wanted to let her help, but he couldn't drag her into this.

"I'm not sure anyone can help. Besides, it's not anything you should get involved in." He saw her lips purse together and knew she was unhappy, but she didn't say anything. She took a swig of Firewhiskey and offered him the bottle. He took it from her and took a final sip, then set it on the desk behind him.

He was done with pretending. He wanted her and he was fairly certain that she wanted him as well. He moved in front of her, his eyes met hers as he moved his hands to her waist and drew her closer. One hand went to her cheek, his fingers drifting to her neck as he guided her lips to his. He could feel her lips smile as he kissed her, gentle at first, almost hesitant. With both hands back on her waist he drew her body closer to his, kissing her more deeply. His fingers found the edge of her jumper and wandered underneath to feel the silky skin hiding underneath. He heard a soft sigh escape her lips and felt it was his undoing. He kissed her more deeply, pressing his body to hers. He groaned when she responded by grinding her hips against his.

"I want you." He breathed between kisses, his hands disappeared further under her jumper, enjoying the warmth of her skin against his fingers as they explored.

"Then have me." He shuddered at her words, a groan escaping his lips. His hands traveled lower, down to her thighs. He hoisted her legs, wrapping them around his waist as he continued to kiss her. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted anyone. He knew it was only going to complicate things, but in that moment all he cared about was the feel of her in his arms and the way her lips moved against his. He was going to have her no matter the consequences, consequences be damned. He could feel her using her wand to seal the door to the classroom which had become their sanctuary as he rounded the desk. He pulled out his own wand to conjure a blanket and softened the floor beneath with a cushioning charm.

He knelt on the blanket, his hands gripping her thighs which were still ensnared around his waist. He kissed her fervently and she responded with equal fervor. He felt her fingers working quickly to undo the buttons of his shirt. Her hands felt like heaven as they moved over his shoulders and down his arms. His heart was hammering in his chest as her her hands traveled ever closer to his mark, certain she wouldn't want him once she confirmed what was there. Her fingers lingered on his mark and he could feel the question in her expression as continued to kiss her, but just as quickly it disappeared. All the tension fled his body as her fingers traveled to his hands, momentarily interlocking hers with his. He felt his shirt skim past his fingers as her arms went around his neck. He could feel her press her body to his and moaned at the contact. His fingers skimmed her flesh as he pulled her jumper over her head. The rest of their clothing followed in a similar fashion, scattered along the floor. He pressed his naked body to hers, relishing in the feel of her skin against his. He kissed her deeply, her hands twisting in his hair, soft moans escaping her lips as his fingers continued their exploration of her skin. He wanted her, needed her, needed to feel himself inside of her.

He pulled away just enough to catch her eye. She held his gaze for a moment then pulled him back to her, lips connecting in an urgent kiss. He felt her fingers wrap around his cock and groaned as she guided him towards her entrance. She moaned as he entered her, their lips never breaking contact. He felt her legs wrap around his waist, driving him deeper. He moved slowly, savoring the feel of her, inching deeper with each thrust. He could feel her moving against him, meeting every thrust, grinding her hips against his. He began moving faster, spurred on by her moans of pleasure. He pulled one of her legs over his shoulder, angling himself deeper inside of her. He could feel the tension building and knew he wouldn't last much longer.

Minutes later he felt her come undone, a look of pleasure on her face as she moaned his name over and over again. With a few more thrusts he felt the tension within him release in the most wonderful way. He buried his face in her neck as he came, his body quaking with pleasure. He groaned as she moved her leg back down to his hip and used her heels to take take his cock deeper, the feel of her orgasm increasing his own. He rolled to the side to avoid collapsing on top of her, his cock still nestled between her legs. He was out of breath, spent from fucking her, but he didn't want to let her go. He kissed her, lightly, his lips just brushing hers and felt his cock twitch at the contact.

He kissed her harder and rolled her onto her back. He could feel his cock harden as he continued to kiss her. He felt her legs wrap around his waist and slid his cock further into her. He moved slowly, pulling his cock nearly all the way out, then thrusting as deeply as he could. For nearly an hour he fucked her slowly, feeling her come on his cock again and again. He felt that delicious tension building and moved faster towards his release. He felt her come again and came undone, his orgasm rocking through him. He laid gently on top of her and rolled them to the side, his body never breaking contact with hers. He held her close, enjoying the feel of her in his arms, and although he didn't intend to, he drifted off to sleep.


Harry was looking forward to his night with Hermione. They always had a good time together, especially since she had started sharing her protective magic with him. The magic coursing through their veins encouraged their happy demeanor and meant that they usually had a lot of fun together. Harry snagged a couple of butterbeers from the table and searched for Hermione. He couldn't see her anywhere in the room. As he continued to search his eyes found Ron and Lavender snogging. He knew then that she must have left the party. He figured it was more likely for her to search out an empty classroom or go to the library than to head off for the dorms so he ducked through the portrait hole and made his way down the corridor, choosing to check a couple of nearby classrooms. He poked his head in several rooms before arriving at her favorite. As he peeked in his jaw dropped. Before he could say anything the door slammed in his face. He tried for several minutes to get the door open, using every unlocking spell at his command. When that failed he tried brute strength. When that failed he turned on his heels and headed back to common room, heading straight for his dorm.

Once in his bed, curtains drawn, Harry pulled out the Marauder's Map to confirm what he already suspected. Even though he was expecting it, his jaw still dropped when he found Hermione's dot under Draco fucking Malfoy. He couldn't believe that she would allow him to touch her that way. He wondered then if that was why she had quit shagging him.