
Three weeks would pass before Leo was released from the hospital and into Pumyra's care. Amala had barely left his side since returning from Third Earth and the snow leopard was grateful that he was on the mend. Now the two were enjoying a quiet moment to themselves as Pumyra had left the room to confer with Doctor Ayla on what was the next course of action.

"I'm not sure that I could have survived this without you," Leo suddenly said.

"Leo, you had your family here. Despite what you think, they love you, and they were very worried about you. Your mother never left your side. I'm not even sure how she went to the bathroom," Amala gave him a look.

"That's not what I mean," he told her, reaching for her hand which she gave him.

"You're going to need to spell it out for me, I'm afraid," she said. They both knew that the snow leopard had an idea of what he was getting at and that she was obviously testing him. Amala had been top of her class at the ThunderCats academy and the graduation ceremony had been where they had met. He'd waited another few months to ask her out though as she was sent home to Third Earth for leave before she was to officially start her training under Pumyra's watchful eye.

"Look I know we haven't been together long and I know that this might sound crazy but I love you and I don't want to wait anymore," the litah semi sort of explained.

"Wait for what? Leo, you know that I love you too but you're starting to freak me out again. Unless you want me in the bed next to you, getting hooked up to your heart monitor, I suggest you come out with it," there was that no nonsense snow leopard he knew and loved.

"Sorry I'm late!" Sahara suddenly burst into the room.
"Better late than never sis," Leo chuckled as she closed the door behind her. Amala narrowed her eyes and looked back and forth between the two of them. They were up to something. That's when Sahara moved over to her and handed her brother something. The snow leopard remained quiet, absorbing everything they were doing. Her eyes went wide when Leo handed her the item that his sister had given him.

"I would have wanted to do this properly but Pumyra figures it'll be at least a few more weeks before I'm back on my feet properly. Amala, will you do me the honor of becoming my Princess?" Leo asked. The snow leopard looked down in her hand and there was a ring, gold with tiny diamonds circling a larger one, nothing too extravagant which was just her style.

"You crazy litah," Amala said, slipping the ring on before leaning over him and kissing him soundly on the lips. Sahara made a disgusted face until they pulled apart, mostly because they were setting off the heart monitor, which caused Pumyra to come running. When she came bursting through the door, she saw Amala moving away from her patient.

"Do I want to know what was going on in here?" The puma asked.

"I just asked Amala to marry me. I'm guessing from that kiss, she is saying 'yes'," Leo smiled for which he got a playful smack on the arm.

"Of course it means yes," Amala said.

"Congratulations!" Pumyra hugged her student and then her patient.

"I'm going to tell Mom and Dad," Sahara said. Before anyone could get a word in edgewise she took off looking for her parents. It had been a weird three weeks – learning she was to somehow prevent the universes destruction, learning that the Ancient Spirits of Evil were definitely alive and well, and that Wizz-Ra would be on hand to help, was a lot to process. Little moments like these she relished, fearing what would come next. She had every right to fear what was coming next for it would test her to her very limits and reveal to her just what she was capable of.

The End

So we have reached the end of our tale. Keep your eyes peeled next week for the next story in the series. Thanks for reading!