ATE: My goodness, has it been a year since I last updated? (Looks at first review from the previous chapter) It HAS! Well, hopefully this update will cheer everyone up!
I'd like to thank miserymire, GlaresThatKill, nofilter, M aeeeeee, Mitsuo the Universe jumper, Lleu, RandomR15, TheLastApollo, katiealice15, Dragon of Yin and Yang, Cynder 7, Heaven-water-sister, Crow, Shiroyuki717, monica007234, DiddlySquishyCheeks, The Ever-Dreaming Kitten, and Ms. Sleepy Clover, along with all the Guests that have reviewed and everyone else that's read this story up until now.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Legend of Zelda or Nintendo. I only own my OC.
~*~Chapter 11~*~
Consciousness slowly returned to Sophia as her eyes fluttered open. The first thing she noticed was how uncomfortably warm she was, followed by the sight of the blue tinted ceiling above her, and then the sound of rainfall from beyond the room she was in. Slowly, she managed to sit up in the bed she found herself on as the multiple blankets that'd been piled on top of her fell into her lap, and as her gaze roamed around her surroundings she soon recognized where she was.
She was in a guest room, most likely the same one she'd used during her last stay in the palace in Zora's Domain.
Getting out of bed, Sophia found that her body felt a little weaker than she remembered; this confused her at first, but eventually she remembered what happened. She had come back to Hyrule a year after she'd left, wound up in a river in the pouring rain, was found by Sidon (who puberty had been very kind to, especially for such a drastic change to occur in such a short amount of time), which then lead to her getting hypothermia (she didn't fail to see the irony in this). It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the Zora prince had brought her back to Zora's Domain to recover.
Another thing she noticed was the simple dress she was wearing, though she was more than grateful that her pajamas had been the only thing that had been changed.
'Good thing I have a habit of wearing a sports bra to bed.' She thought.
Suddenly realizing that her necklace was so full display, she quickly shoved it down the front of her dress to hid it from view. She started feeling anxious about someone seeing it, but after awhile she managed to convince herself that whoever changed her hadn't noticed her wearing it.
Not wanting to stay any longer, Sophia left the room into the opened windowed hallway she remembered from last time she was there. Though she had heard the sound of rain from behind a closed door, she couldn't stop the frown that appeared on her face as she saw that it was still raining as hard as it had upon her return to Hyrule.
How long had she been unconscious? It couldn't have been a full day, but her body seemed to tell a different story since it didn't feel as weak as it should've if she'd just woken up hours after passing out.
'No point trying to make sense of it.'
With no particular destination in mind, she wandered down one of the hallways in the Palace and as she continued her walk, she started hearing a faint sound that caught her attention. Stopping momentarily, she closed her eyes in order to focus on trying to identify what the sound was.
'…Talking?' She wondered.
Brown eyes opening, Sophia's feet carried her down the hallway as she followed the sound to the source, and eventually she found herself standing before the large set of doors leading into the throne room. The talking was louder, but unfortunately it was muffled to the point that she couldn't make out what was being said—likely due to how thick the doors were. Curiosity got the best of her as she went to press an ear to the door listen better—
"What are you doing?"
Sophia jerked away from the door in surprise as she whipped around to find the owner of the stern voice, only for her eyes to widen at who she saw.
"Seggin?!" She exclaimed.
Sure enough, Seggin stood before her, spear in hand as he towered over her smaller form. Interestingly, he didn't look any different from when she last saw him. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't intimidated. She couldn't stop herself from letting out a nervous laugh.
"H-hey there. When did you get here?" She asked.
"I've been here this whole time." He told her.
How did she miss seeing him?
"Yeah! Yeah, I totally saw you there! That was a test to see if you were paying attention." She mentally cringed at her own words. There was no way he was going to by that—nope, totally didn't buy it now that she saw his expression. She averted her gaze away from the Zora's face. "Aaaanyway, I think I left something back in my room, so I'll be going now—"
Sophia froze upon hearing the out of place noise that came out of nowhere. Hesitantly, brown eyes returned to Seggin's face, but she didn't see anything unusual as he gave her a raised brow (or the equivalent for a Zora when it came to that facial expression).
"Uh…that wasn't you, was it?" She asked quietly.
All of a sudden, the stern expression on Seggin's face was shattered as he busted out laughing as if he'd just heard the funniest joke in the world. Sophia didn't know how to react to the sight before her, and it was almost as if she were staring at a completely different person instead of the Demon Sergeant himself.
"Seggin? Are you okay?"
Seggin managed to calm down enough, but there were still a few chuckled that made it through the cracks.
"I can't believe… You actually believed I was my father!"
Wait, WHAT?!
"You mean you're not Seggin?!"
"That would be correct, Sophia. I was always told by others that I'm the spitting image of my father in his youth, but your reaction to seeing me proves they weren't exaggerating."
"How do you know my name?"
The grin on Not-Seggin's face fell before he gave her a look—not one of confusion, but something more along the lines like he expected this reaction from her.
"You don't remember me? I would've thought you'd remember the times you and Prince Sidon spent playing with me and the rest of my Brigade when we were younger."
Sophia could've sworn that she heard that record screeching sound again.
That was the word she focused on due to how specific it was, and it hit by a ton of bricks.
"BAZZ?!" She exclaimed in shock.
"The one and only." He grinned before giving her a mock bow.
She was more aware that he only did it jokingly, but she couldn't stop from blushing. Like with Sidon, it would seem Bazz had grown attractive as well, which was something she couldn't deny.
"Unbelievable! You had me fooled for a minute there!"
"I did! I would've kept it up, but the look on your face was too priceless. That, and I'm sure a certain someone wouldn't appreciate me scaring you away."
Sophia was a somewhat confused by who Bazz was referring to and was about to ask, but suddenly she heard shouting coming from behind the double doors. Both Human and Zora turned their heads to face the doors as the voice got louder, as if getting closer to the door until it got to the point that she was soon able to make out the words being said.
"…more than…the law…to the letter…complaints! However, such information shall not be revealed until the opportune moment—!"
Without warning the doors burst open, causing Sophia to freeze in place and her heart seemed to stop at the sudden noise. Time seemed to come to a standstill as Sidon was revealed and whatever words he planned on saying came to a halt upon seeing her standing outside the throne room. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that he hadn't expected to see her, least of all so soon if his wide-eyed expression was anything to go by.
'But why is that his reaction?' She wondered.
Thankfully, Sidon seemed to recover from whatever shock he'd be experiencing as his expression visibly brightened.
"Sophie! You're awake!" The Zora prince exclaimed joyfully.
"Uh, yeah…" She lamely said in response.
Taking her eyes off of Sidon's towering form, she looked around him and could just make out the crowd of people gathered within the throne room behind him. She also noticed how they had all fallen silent, some murmuring while others were trying to listen in to their conversation.
Oh crap…
They were trying to listen in.
She returned her gaze to Sidon before lowering her voice.
"Sidon, could you…?" Sophia started, gesturing with her hand for him to perform a specific action. Thankfully, he caught on to what she wanted and gracefully knelt down so that he was leveled with her (or as close to it as he could), all the while patiently waiting for what she had to say next. "Is something wrong? We heard yelling out here before you…you know."
The Zora prince was quiet and looked as if he were contemplating something. He must've come to some sort of decision as he finally gave her an answer.
"All is well, my friend. The yelling was a disagreement between myself and the Council over a potential trade agreement we have with a nearby village." He told her quietly before giving her a gentle smile. "I'm glad to see you awake."
Something about Sidon's expression made Sophia feel something she was unable to identify, but she could feel her heart having a fun time in her ribcage. She didn't know what to think of it, but thankfully she was saved from that train of thought when someone spoke out.
"Sidon, did you say Sophia was here?" A familiar deep voice inquired.
"I did, father." The Zora prince replied, standing up and turning around to address the king. "Shall I bring her in?"
"Please do."
At this, Sidon turned back to her before offering a large hand to her.
"Shall we, my dear?"
Sophia's eyes widened at this as her face instantly grew warm.
What was with the sudden term of endearment?
This was something he hadn't done before; she knew he wouldn't have said such a thing as a child (for obvious reasons), but he definitely never addressed her as such when they met on the shore of Zora River—even before he realized who she really was.
Maybe it was a slip of the tongue and he said it to be polite.
Glancing up at him, she could see that Sidon seemed to look as surprised as she did upon realizing what he said. At first she was confused, but Sophia came to the conclusion that he probably realized his mistake by calling her that and was worried about making things awkward between them.
'Sorry, buddy, but you failed.' She thought.
Not wanting to make things worse, Sophia placed her hand in Sidon's, and before she knew it, she found herself being escorted into the throne room. As weird as it sounded, she couldn't help suddenly feeling like a princess with how her raised hand was cradled in the Zora prince's larger hand, though that thought was dashed away as she remembered everyone in the room. Soon enough, Sophia was before King Dorephan and without thinking twice, she removed her hand from her escort before kneeling out of respect.
"At ease, young one. You may rise."
Upon hearing the king's words, Sophia stood up and lifted her gaze. She was surprised to see that the Zora monarch relatively still looked the same as he did the last time she saw him, albeit his face was a little more wizened than she remembered. There was also a visible scar on his forehead that left her curious as to how he got it. Seeing Sidon standing next to his father, it was clear to see where the Zora prince got his height from.
"It warms my heart to see you alive after all this time."
"I agree." She replied. "But I'm surprised by the changes I've encounter so, especially over a year."
"A year!" The king guffawed. "You believe that it has been a year, but the truth is that 100 years have passed since your departure from Hyrule."
How was that even possible?
She could hear the quiet murmurings of the Zora in the room, but she couldn't make out what was being said. Though they were soon silenced as soon as King Dorephan made a gesture with his hand.
"Judging by your expression alone, you are clearly as confused as I am. Unfortunately, it seems we both lack the answers to this mystery." King Dorephan commented. "In the meantime, you are once more a guest within Zora's Domain."
"Thank you for your hospitality." She said. "I'll be sure to make the most of my time while I'm here."
"I'm sure you will." The king then turned to his son. "Sidon, perhaps you would like to show Sophia to her room."
Her room?
But she already knew where her room was, seeing as she'd just woke up in said room. Sophia must've missed the exchange between father and son since she found Sidon gazing down at her expectantly. Her face heated up in embarrassment when she realized he was waiting for her answer.
"Uh…lead the way." She said, hoping to save face.
Thankfully, Sidon seemed to pick up on how to awkward the situation was for Sophia since he wordlessly guiding her out of the throne room; upon exiting they passed by Bazz, who simply nodded to her in acknowledgement. Making their way down the hallway, she didn't have any trouble keeping up with the Zora prince, but after awhile she found herself growing tired from her frustratingly low stamina. Silently pushing herself forward, she continued following Sidon until they came to a spot where the hallways split in two different directions; she expected him to go in the direction of the guest rooms, but what she didn't anticipate was for him to go down the other hallway.
"Wait!" She called out, causing Sidon to pause before turning around to face her. "Where are you going? The guest rooms were down the other hallway."
"You're right. But due to certain circumstances, you've been given accommodation that is usually reserved for…special guests." He told her.
"'Special guest'?" Sophia raised an eyebrow out of skepticism. It didn't take her long to figure out what he meant since her eyes soon widened in shock. "Are you saying that the room you're taking me to is used for nobility?"
"In a manner of speaking. However, none of the rooms available have seen much use over the last 100 years, so it'd be a considered a waste if we didn't."
"But still, you shouldn't have to do that for me. I'm completely fine with the room I was in before—"
"Sophie, you needn't worry. This was a decision my father and I readily agreed on, so you shouldn't feel as if you're imposing on us."
She didn't know what to say to this, but she simply started following Sidon when he started walking again. However, she didn't make it far as a wave of fatigue washed over her and she found herself on the floor; trying to stand up proved futile and left her to lamely sit in place. She couldn't stop herself from mentally cursing her low stamina for leaving her in this condition.
"Sophie!" Lifting her gaze, she saw Sidon rush over to where she was before crouching down to be closer to her level. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. I'm just feeling a little weak, that's all." She told him.
"I apologize. I should have been more aware of your health after what you went through recently. Now that I think on it, perhaps it's a good thing our destination is your new room."
Without warning, Sidon suddenly scooped Sophia up in his arms—causing her to let out a yelp of surprise—before continuing down the hallway as if nothing happened. It also didn't help that he was a carrying her bridal style, much to her embarrassment.
"H-hey! What are you doing?!" She exclaimed.
"I'm carrying you, of course." He answered her innocently, his tone so nonchalant that he might as well had been stating the sky was blue.
"But you don't need to carry me! I can walk! Yeah, I can definitely walk!"
"That would not be wise. Despite your words, you're clearly in a state where walking would be considered detrimental to your health."
Okay, new plan!
Sophia needed an excuse to get out of this somehow. After some quick thinking she managed to come up with one, though it was one that she wanted to use. As much as she hated to admit it, desperate time call for desperate measures.
"But aren't I heavy?" She mentally cringed to the point that she was second-guessing herself on this decision. "I mean, I think I might've gained a bit over the past year!"
'Oh god, someone please end my suffering!'
"Nonsense! You hardly weigh more than a feather!"
…She didn't know whether to feel flattered or disappointed.
Flattered, because Sidon complimented her on her weight (or lack thereof); disappointed, because her plan didn't work like she thought it would. And she couldn't stop her face from getting warm from the prolonged exposure of being in this situation, what with her being held so close to the point that it could be considered intimate (all the while the size comparison most likely resembling a person carrying a cat). Sure, anyone reading something like this in a story or manga might get a kick out of something like this (and likely get overexcited). But being the one experiencing this kind of situation first-hand was a completely different story.
"Sophie? Are you well?"
"Your face is red."
Oh no! Not this cliché—!
Next thing she knew, Sophia felt something warm being pressed to her forehead, and it took her some time to slowly realize what was going on. That something warm was actually Sidon himself…pressing his forehead against hers!
As in the guy had to go out of his way to lower his head just to pull this action off!
And this entire situation had just gotten so much worse for her little heart to handle if the sound of it pounding against her ribcage was any indication!
"It doesn't seem like you have a fever."
Wait, who, what, where when why howisthisevenpossibleasdfjklASDFJKLASDFJKL$# !$# !$# !$# !$# !—!
has stopped working
Awareness returned to Sophia and the first thing she noticed was bumpy movement. Naturally, this confused her, but then she realized that she was still being carried by Sidon as he seemed to be rushing up a flight of stairs; another thing that confused her was the anxious expression on his face, implying that something happened to cause it.
But what and why?
As soon as she spoke, the Zora prince came to an abrupt halt as his head suddenly darted to look down at her in surprise. It was impressive how quickly that surprised expression changed as his face brightened up in relief.
"Sophie! You're alright!" He exclaimed.
"Uh, yeah, I'm okay…I think." She replied lamely. "What happened?"
"You fell unconscious, though thankfully it was only for a short while. I thought it might've been due to affliction."
It was obvious what Sidon was referring to as heat flooded her face, causing Sophia to quickly cover it with her hands. Why did he have to bring that up?
"I'm not sick." She muttered, wanting nothing more than to crawl under a rock and hide for the rest of her life.
"Then why is your face so red?"
'It's because you're so stupidly hot it should be a crime, but I'm not gonna tell you that!' She mentally screamed.
"Blood pressure! It's blood pressure" She blurted out without thinking, pulling her hands away from her face.
Cue mental facepalming when she saw the skeptical expression on Sidon's face.
"Blood pressure?"
"Yeah! I've been having problems with it for awhile now, but it'll go back to normal eventually!"
…Yeah, he wasn't buying it. His expression said as much as he resumed carrying her up the steps. Upon reaching the top of the steps, Sophia spotted the nearby open windowed balcony lining the hallway they were in and saw that it was still raining outside, showing no sign of stopping anytime soon.
Maybe a change of subject was in order.
"How long has it been raining?"
Changing the subject seemed to work as she watched Sidon glance out the opening, though what she didn't expect was the pensive look on his face.
"It's…been raining for quite some time now." He told her.
"But how long? It can't be more than a few hours, seeing as it was raining like this when you found me at Zora River. Or has it been like this all day?"
Sidon was quiet, as if hesitant to say anything, and it made her wonder what he meant by 'awhile'.
"Has it been a day?" Nothing. "A few days?" Still nothing. "More than a few days?"
"A few weeks, to be precise." He finally replied.
Her eyes widened at this!
"A few weeks?! How long was I asleep then?"
"You've only been asleep for the past two days, but that was due to you recovering from hypothermia."
"But how is it—!"
"It looks like we've arrived."
Sure enough, Sidon stopped before a set of double doors, and Sophia couldn't help but wonder what it looked like inside. The Zora prince easily shifted her around so that she was cradled in one arm so that he could use the one he freed to open the door; though the threshold was considerably taller than the average doorway, she did her best to suppress a laugh as she watched Sidon duck a bit in order to get inside. Once inside, the sight she saw before her took her completely by surprise.
The two were in an alcove like entrance way that had a set of deep blue curtains (probably there to provide privacy when closed) that were pulled to the of the opening to reveal the room beyond, the height of it tall enough to allow Sidon to comfortably stand up to his full height. The room beyond the alcove entrance was a lot bigger than what she anticipated, making her previous room seem like a closet in comparison; the room itself was very luxurious, decorated so elegantly that it left her mouth falling open in awe and her eyes widening to the size of saucers. In the middle of the ceiling was a large chandelier that looked like branches of coral wrought out of sterling silver that wrapped and weaved around a large crystal formation that bathed the room in a soft light.
Across the room was a balcony that (she assumed) must've shown an impressive view of Zora's Domain, but from her vantage point she could only see the heavy rainfall outside. Some distance before the opening leading to the balcony was what appeared to be a round pool of crystal-clear water that must've been 15 feet around, and she couldn't help but wonder why a room like this would need something that. Situated against the wall to her right was a large bed that must've been bigger than a king size, though there was no way of her knowing unless she got a closer look at it. She also spotted a large wooden wardrobe a foot or so away from a door that likely led to another part of the room.
Sidon carefully lowered Sophia so that she could stand on her own feet, which gave her the change to explore. No matter how much her eyes tried to take everything in, her mind was still overwhelmed by everything.
"What do you think? Is the room to your standards?" Sidon asked.
"To my standards?" She turned around to look at him, her eyes still wide in bewilderment. "Sidon, this isn't a room, it's a suite! This is too much space for just one person! I mean, what exactly did I do to earn something like this? I'm not exactly anyone important!"
The Zora prince let out a laugh, finding her reaction amusing.
"How humble! I told you earlier that you shouldn't fret over this."
Sophia trailed off, not knowing what to say that she hadn't already stated earlier. She knew there was no way she could win this argument, but it didn't feel right that she was being given such a room to stay in. Protecting a younger Sidon from that Lynel last year couldn't have been enough to deserve this level of luxury.
"Perhaps it would be best for us to sit down for a moment."
Sidon placed a large hand on her back before guiding her over to the bed, and Sophia wordlessly allowed him to do so. Upon getting a closer look at the bed, she realized that she'd been right about the bed being bigger than a king size, because it looked like it was an Alaskan king size bed—though the mattress looked too long for a just the average Human or Hylian—which was something she never thought she'd ever see in her life! Sitting down on the mattress gave her another surprise as she could feel it shift slightly below her.
A water bed?
It felt like one, but at the same time it didn't since it still felt solid enough to provide stability. It was a weird combination that seemed to defy the laws of physics, and yet somehow it was a thing. It was like the love child of a memory foam mattress and waterbed, if that was even possible; or maybe like a waveless waterbed.
"The bed is surprisingly comfortable." She commented.
"That's because it's a water bed. It is filled with water so that it conforms to the shape of your body to provide comfortable sleep."
"We have something like this back where I came from, though not many people own them due to the risk of flooding if the mattress gets punctured."
"You don't have to worry about that happening with this bed. The Zora even allow their children to jump on them to test out the durability."
Sophia couldn't help but laugh at this.
"You made that up!" She exclaimed, turning to face him.
"Did I?" He challenged, his gaze focused on her. "You have no way to prove it."
He was right. She didn't have a way to prove that, but it just sounded too absurd to be true. Even sitting down, Sidon still towered over her; realizing she was staring, Sophia looked away from the Zora prince, trying to find something more interesting as she felt her face heat up. It didn't take her long as her attention was drawn the nightstand next to the bed; sitting on top of it was a beautiful vase filling with a bouquet of familiar flowers, their scent having a subtle sweetness that reminded her of blue hydrangea.
"Blue nightshade…" Sophia breathed out, her fingers reaching out to lightly brush the petals of one of the buds. "I remember when we went out to pick some for your sister. As a surprise for when she returned."
"Is that so?"
Sidon sounded as if he didn't remember that. Then again, he had been young back then, so maybe that was the case.
"Yeah. You told me you made sure to get some to brighten her day and that they were her favorite. But we ran into trouble and…"
Her had shot to her left shoulder upon feeling a throb of pain that was dull enough to cause discomfort. Ever since that incident her shoulder would always act up whenever it rained, even when she was back home as it only served as a reminder of what happened.
"It still bothers you."
Sophia turned to look at Sidon, surprised by what he said.
"You remember that?" The Zora prince was silent, only seeming to confirm that he did. He didn't feel guilty about that, right? "Yeah, my shoulder just aches a little bit, but it'll go away after awhile."
Okay, time for a change of subject, but what should she talk about? It was at that point Sophia noticed the prominent scar on the left fin that bordered Sidon's face, and she wondered how she missed it when it stood out against his red scales.
"How did you get that scar?" She asked, unable to hide her curiosity.
Changing the subject seemed to do the trick since Sidon visibly lit up in excitement.
"It is a fascinating story that took place a few years back." He told her. "There was a giant Octorok that was terrorizing the fishermen near Hateno Bay. News of the fishermen's plight reached Zora's Domain, and I took it upon myself to personally slay the beast."
"How big was the Octorok?"
"It was the size of a mountain."
"No way! That has to be embellished!"
Despite her words, Sidon merely gave her a knowing smirk before continuing.
"My battle with the Octorok was quite a challenge, though it was a tricky creature that was capable of taking advantage of the situation. I had just dodged one of its attacks when it swallowed me whole!"
Sophia let out a quiet gasp in shock.
"Then what happened?" She was practically on the edge of her metaphorical seat.
"Many brave souls that had tried to slay the Octorok also suffered the same fate as I did, but I refused to be counted among them! After all, I had made a promise to the villagers of Lurelin Village. Inside the belly of the beast, I took up my Silverscale spear and fought my way out by stabbing at its stomach until I eventually pierced through it. The Octorok was in so much pain that it fled after coughing me up, though I received a deep cut on head from a jagged rock when I landed."
Sophia couldn't help but stare in awe after hearing Sidon's story. Someone else could've easily been ordered to go and take care of the giant Octorok, maybe even a small group, but instead the Zora prince willingly chose to do it instead and by himself no less! No doubt he probably earned brownie points with the fishermen due to his actions.
But one question kept buzzing around in her head.
"Why didn't Mipha heal it?" She suddenly asked.
Sidon eyes widened in shock as he sat frozen in place, and things were quiet between the two save for the sound of the falling rain. Sophia was left confused by his strong reaction.
"…Where is your sister? I should've seen by now."
The Zora prince's face morphed into a mournful expression that took her by surprise. What was…?
"Sophia…" This caught her attention since he hardly ever called her by her real name. "Mipha…left for the Divine Beast a long time ago."
"What do you mean? How long ago was this?"
"100 years ago."
This gave her pause as she tried to comprehend what he meant. When she'd last seen Mipha she had left for Vah Ruta, but why was she still there—!
"You don't mean…!" She gasped, realizing what Sidon was implying. "No, she can't be! You're joking, right? This is just a cruel joke!"
But that mournful expression never left Sidon's face.
"She said the Divine Beasts would help! Weren't they supposed to defeat Calamity Ganon?"
Sophia could feel her eyes well up with tears, but she refused to let them fall. However, nothing could've prepared her for Sidon's next words.
"Calamity Ganon was never defeat."
It was like a dam broke and she soon found herself crying uncontrollably as she futilely tried to hold back her tears. Too overcome by grief, she wasn't aware of the arm that wrapped around her shoulders before pulling her close to the owner. It was almost ironic that it was raining outside, because it seemed like the heavens themselves were mourning with her over the loss of a precious life. But as much as she wanted to, she couldn't deny the truth any longer.
Mipha, beloved princess and Champion of the Zora, was dead.
ATE: I'm more than aware of how much of a emotional roller coaster this chapter was. A few years back I lost a friend I'd known since childhood and I wanted to convey that emotion in the chapter. I'm sorry if anyone was upset with the ending, but I couldn't think of this chapter ending any other way. The truth would've come out eventually.
Anyways, feel free the leave a review and let me know what you think.