
Rock Band AU! Because my brother was playing Guitar Hero on our PS2 while waiting to load another game on his PS3 .w. Also, because Kakyoin's favorite musician is Sting and "Fields of Gold" is a sweet song that gives me the same vibe as the "Last Train Home" ending. Lastly, content warning for mentions of smoking.

Well, it's been great participating in JotaKak Week this year! Hope you enjoy!


Day 7: Travelling | ANYTHING YOU WANT

It's a love made of little moments.

Each day that Jotaro closes his eyes to the world, he has the space to process every second he's spent in it. Before he dreams, he remembers his father up on stage before a concert in New York, smiling around the saxophone at his lips, and how the drum technician glanced over in interest to the bounce of his knee and the tap of his fingers, how she smirked and asked if Jotaro wanted to give it a try.

He remembers years that followed, countless days spent enraptured with drum lessons, music classes, how he joined his high school band and caught the violet eyes of a transfer student who had come to watch their baseball team at nationals. He remembers the footsteps that trailed up to him afterward, and the sense of being drawn closer to him, until the admiration in this stranger's eyes rang as clear as the introduction on his lips: the name, Kakyoin Noriaki, and the words that followed.

"Would you be interested in forming a band with me?"

He remembers rehearsals for their school's talent show in a garage sprawled with dusty game cartridges and empty tubes of acrylic paint, long pale fingers poised to strum melodies with an emerald green pick. He remembers sounds of laughter at repeated screw-ups and frustration over issues with amps, the faces of the bassist and the lead singer who left them upon realizing that Jotaro would not return their feelings, and how Noriaki had been there for him after graduation to tell him it would be okay. Jotaro remembered slipping up, calling his friend by his first name instead of his last, and how the taste of that sound felt just about as right as the fit of Noriaki's mouth against his. He remembers Noriaki's heartbeat pressed to his in something like a perfect rhythm between them, whispering the soothing comfort of a promise, that people will come and people will go, but hell if he wouldn't fight to stay as long as he could at Jotaro's side.

And when Jotaro wakes up in his bunk on their touring bus, he can witness the ever-changing beauty of life, how the scenery moves beyond their windows, always changing, but always the same. His eyes can flicker to the bunk across from his, over curls of red hair lengthened by time, shoulders that have carried the weight of his favorite guitars over the years, hands that have played not just concerts but private serenades just for Jotaro on quiet nights after shows.

It's a night like this one, as they all wind down after a show in Cairo, when their current lead singer Polnareff dials his voice back quieter than its usual boldness, offering a cigarette and a light as they stare out into the evening sky.

"Tonight's the night, isn't it?" Polnareff elbows, with a teasing smile.

Jotaro nods over the drag of his cigarette, exhaling, "Yeah."

"So exciting!" Polnareff grins, stubbing his cigarette out into the ashtray next to them. "You better throw me the garter at the reception, then. Or is it the bouquet?"

Jotaro breathes a laugh through his nose, "He hasn't said 'yes' yet."

"'Yet', eh?" Polnareff echoes playfully, nudging further. Jotaro elbows him back with a snort, putting out his cigarette as well, before leaving to meet up with Noriaki.

Their rendezvous is not at a special spot, but it's a lovely view of the Nile from where Noriaki stands, soaking in the busy sounds of the city around him. That's where he, too, is thinking of the history between him and Jotaro. He thinks of how the magnetism was immediate, the moment he saw the passion and energy in Jotaro's performance that day. But the soothing, secure weight of affection had materialized so slowly that he eased into love more than fell into it. It came with the realization that Jotaro did not often smile at others, but would smile so naturally in Noriaki's company. It came with late night conversations as they struggled to get homework done after rehearsals, empty juice boxes and sometimes beer cans tossed into the trash can near Noriaki's room door. It came with Noriaki singing songs from Sting on the way to school so often that Jotaro would be pleasantly humming "Fields of Gold" for years to come wherever they walked together.

And now, those same lyrics greet him from across the way, in a low, gentle timber that wraps around his ears the same way Jotaro's hands wrap around his own. Noriaki pulls him close, and they dance next to the Nile, swaying to this long-loved song, as they try to burn the feeling of each other's kiss into their skin for centuries to come, try to preserve the feeling of a cool metal band sliding onto Noriaki's warm hand, the adoration in Jotaro's eyes. They archive this moment amidst the collections of sweet seconds spent in each other's arms, the fleeting but beautiful minutes they will spend together for the rest of their lives.

"Will you marry me, Nori?"

"Yes," Noriaki answers softly, framing his fiancé's face in his hands, "Jojo."