To Change a Changeling

Pony's Log Number 717: Even when a pony, or changeling, seems to be resistant to change, deeming them a lost cause can have even more serious consequences...

It was a lovely day in the surrounding area of the newly renovated changeling hive. Suddenly, a familiar lilac unicorn, cerulean blue unicorn wearing her cape and hat, and a pink earth pony appeared. The earth pony was riding on the lilac unicorn's back.

"Ha! Straight to the changeling hive!" Starlight boasted, "I told you I could do it."

"Well, not exactly straight, Starlight," Trixie pointed out as she walked up to the lilac unicorn, "We've been popping all around Equestria, and we still have to walk."

"She's got a point, Big Sister," Diamond Tiara added as Trixie was pouting, "It took you twenty-five minutes to get here." Starlight just scoffed in reply.

"It's like twelve steps away," said Starlight, "Before Chrysalis' Mario empowered throne was destroyed, the closest magic would've gotten us was waaaaaaaay over there." Starlight pointed to their original spawning point. Trixie and Diamond Tiara looked back and saw the original spawning point was only roughly twenty yards away.

"Wow, what a difference," said Diamond Tiara as she hopped off of Starlight's back. Starlight then hopped forward. While Trixie still looked annoyed, she quickly hopped after Starlight.

"Hey! Wait up!" Diamond Tiara called out before using her locket to teleport beside Trixie, startling her.

"Did…did you just teleport?!" Trixie asked in shock.

"I'm can only do it a few yards," said Diamond Tiara, "But I hope to increase my distance over time. Hey! I did learn how to do this too with combining my love magic with the magic from my locket!" Diamond Tiara concentrated and soon her body glowed light blue and she was now floating in the air.

"Yes! I did it!" said Diamond Tiara as she did some loop-de-loops in the sky, "Woo-hoo!" Trixie's jaw literally hit the floor, even Starlight was shocked.

"It took me years to master that floating spell!" said Starlight, "And you learned it in just a few weeks!" Diamond Tiara just giggled.

"I…guess so," said Diamond Tiara as she floated back down and her body glow disappeared, "I just found the spell really easy to do." Starlight and Trixie were speechless for a few seconds.

"So…on a scale of one to ten," said Starlight to Trixie, not wanting to think about it any further, "how happy do you think Thorax is gonna be about our surprise visit?"

"Definitely ten," Trixie replied, "I mean, who wouldn't be happy at the chance to marvel at the overwhelming talent that is the Great and Powerful Trrrrrixie?!" Trixie stood on her hind legs, posed, and tossed some mini fireworks around herself.

"What is it with some ponies needing an ego to feel good about themselves?" Diamond Tiara asked annoyingly.

"Look who's talking former Spoiled Rich filly," Trixie retorted, but soon bit her lip when she saw Diamond Tiara on the verge of tears. Starlight glared sternly at Trixie. The cerulean unicorn had carelessly forgotten how sensitive the filly was to being reminded about her…rejection.

"Sorry…" Trixie said quietly.

"Trixie," Starlight reminded her as Diamond Tiara wiped her eyes and recomposed herself, "we're coming to offer Thorax encouragement and support. His letters make it seem like the responsibilities of being a changeling leader are a little overwhelming."

"Yeah, Big Sis," said Diamond Tiara, "I'm sure seeing us will brighten his day."

"Yeah, I know," said Trixie, "That's basically what I said."

"Not really," Diamond Tiara muttered to himself.

"He's dealing with the wants and needs of his subjects," Starlight continued to explain, "Redesigning the hive, a dread maulwurf wreaking havoc outside…"

"It does sound like a lot," said Trixie, "but are you sure that last thing is real?"

"The dread maulwurf?" Starlight replied, "Sure it is. Thorax said it's like half-bear, half-mole, half-raging-pile-of-claws! But now that the changelings don't feed on the love of everything around them, plants have started to grow back. But this mualurf keeps eating them all up."

"No wonder Miss Cheerilee said he's as big as house," said Diamond Tiara.

""Maulwauf" Uh-huh," Trixie remarked in an unconvincing tone, "You're both just trying to scare me, but it won't work. Because not only am I the Great and Powerful, I am also the Unscareable Trixie!"

"Says the pony who screamed so badly when she first saw Thorax, Big Sis had to seal you in a bubble to shut your mouth," Diamond Tiara remarked. Trixie snorted.

"Well, changelings don't scare me anymore," said Trixie smugly. Diamond tiara then noticed a renegade changeling with red marking behind the cerulean pony.

"Then that renegade changeling right behind you shouldn't faze you," Diamond Tiara pointed out as Starlight cringed. Trixie turned around just as the renegade changeling roared at her.

"EEEEEEEK!" Trixie screamed and rushed behind Starlight, "Please tell me Thorax mentioned also mentioned a terrifying-looking changeling who greets visitors but is actually nice!"

"Nope," said Starlight meekly.

"'Fraid not," Diamond Tiara added timidly.

"And I'm not nice," said the changeling menacingly and charged at the two ponies from the sky. Diamond Tiara narrowed her brow before spin jumping into and then used her momentum to home attack the changeling. But the changeling knew how to handle the attack and raised a fore-leg in front of himself to block the attack. Diamond Tiara grunted from being blocked as she flipped and landed squarely on her four hooves. She then gasped as she looked at the changeling once again.

"Starlight! That's the same changeling who posed as Dad!" said Diamond Tiara and then added in a panic, "And wanted to turn me over to Chrysalis! He's come back for me! EEEEEK!" Diamond Tiara lost all her courage and ran behind Starlight for protection. Starlight immediately went into big sister mode and fired several magic blasts at the changeling, but because the changeling was flying, he avoided all the attacks easily.

"Starlight," said Trixie as she rushed forward, "you got us here. I'll take us home." Diamond Tiara saw the changing grab a large bag and flew toward them.

"I'm predicting an epic fail and we're immediately bagged right after," Diamond Tiara remarked bluntly as Trixie lit up her horn.

"Teleportation spell, go!" Trixie called out, and one second later, the three ponies were bagged and dragged away.

"Did I save us?" Trixie asked.

"Nope," Starlight squeaked.

"Just as I predicted," Diamond Tiara remarked before crying out, "We're doomed!"


Starlight only cringed in reply, especially as Diamond Tiara started to hyperventilate.

(Main Theme)

As the renegade changeling continued to drag the bag along, poor Diamond Tiara was still panicking and hugged herself as she rocked back and forth.

"It's all over! It's all over!" Diamond Tiara cried out dramatically, "I'm gonna be love fodder to whomever we're being taken to. I'm doomed! Doomed I tell you! That's it for me-e-e-e-e!"

"Chill out, Di," Trixie retorted indignantly, "You sound like Rarity." Diamond Tiara stopped crying and blinked.

"Wow, didn't think spending seven days in a row with her would have an influence on my behavior," Diamond Tiara pointed out, "then again, I do have this strong urge to sit in a fainting couch right now." Trixie and Starlight both rolled their eyes and gave her no reply.

"Getting back to the situation at hand," said Trixie bluntly before giving Starlight a panicked look since she was sitting on top of the lilac unicorn, "What are you waiting for?! Use some magic to get us outta here before your little sister becomes Rarity 2.0!" Diamond Tiara scoffed indignantly, but it went unnoticed between the two mares.

"Calm down, "Unscareable Trixie"," Starlight replied sarcastically, "We have to find out what's going on. Thorax might need our help."

"Starlight, while I agree with your concerns and I am worried about Thorax, there's just one problem," said Diamond calmly before blurting out, "Do you want to see me become love fodder?! I have a high concentration of love magic in me if you've forgotten that!"

"And second of all," said Trixie, "We need our help!" Trixie then made her horn glow as she chanted, "Teleportation spell, go! Teleportation spell, go!" She then gasped, "Teleportation spell—!"

"Ugh! Why do you keep doing that?" Starlight retorted irritably, "You know it doesn't work that way."

"Yeah, you don't see me reciting spells aloud when I do magic," Diamond Tiara added, "You sound like a cliché comic book superhero when you do that!"

"I know, but this is my process," Trixie replied.


The three ponies tumbled out of the sack. Starlight landed on her stomach while Trixie landed on Starlight's back upside down. Diamond Tiara landed beside Starlight on her stomach as well.

"I've captured these trespassers!" said the renegade changeling.

"Please don't hurt me! I'm too young to be love fodder!" Diamond Tiara pleaded as she knelt on her hind knees. There on a rather large floral throne was Thorax and some other changelings were sitting around it.

"Starlight! Trixie! Di!" said Thorax, "It's okay, Pharynx. You can let them go."

"But they were lurking on our grounds!" Pharynx protested, "In the old days, I would've already feasted on their love. Especially this little filly, who has just as much love as the goody-goody prince I had to impersonate one time too many!" Pharynx got in their faces to make his point. Starlight looked intimidated while Trixie gave him a skeptical look. Diamond Tiara was outright terrified.

"EEEK!" Diamond Tiara shrieked as she rushed to Thorax and hid behind him fearfully. She followed Thorax as he got between her and Pharynx.

"Well, that's why they're called the "old days"," said Thorax, "because they're old. We don't do that anymore." Some celestial music was played as the view zoomed out so show a much more floral changeling hive. Then Thorax added sternly, "And if you lay a hoof on Di, you're gonna answer to me!" Diamond Tiara was immediately swooned at seeing Thorax defend her. Pharynx took notice.

"Is she your betrothed or something?!" Pharynx asked, rather stunned but also skeptical.

"Sadly, she's too young," said one changeling, "but if she was of age, we would all recommend Thorax to make Diamond Tiara his betrothed."

"Di would make a great queen for Thorax," said a second changeling.

"Yeah, she's very wise, brave, strong," said a third changeling, "and very compassionate and caring." Diamond Tiara was blushing full force at all the praise. Pharynx blinked.

"Thorax…betrothed to food…" said Pharynx and then scoffed loudly, "That's just sick! Dah! I liked the old days better." Pharynx stomped off with a huff. Thorax watched him disappear before addressing the three ponies.

"Uh, what are you three doing here?" Thorax asked.

"We just wanted to surprise you," said Starlight and the added sheepishly, "Surprise."

"Can't I come see my sweetie when I miss him?" Diamond Tiara added. Thorax chuckled and gave the filly a hug.

"Well, it's glad to see you!" said Thorax, "I'm sorry about the welcome committee." Just then in the foreground, Pharynx hissed loudly at two changelings, scaring them off.

"I thought Ember helped you get more assertive so you could deal with all the renegade changelings who didn't wanna change," Starlight asked.

"Oh, she did," Thorax answered, "Really helpful. I was able to convince all of them to change, except for one of them…My brother…"

"Your brother?" Starlight Glimmer remarked.

"Yep," Thorax answered, "Pharynx is my elder broodmate."

"I feel ya, sweetie," said Diamond Tiara to Thorax, "There's always one bad egg in every family. Pfft. Mine disowned me if you remember."

"Ha!" Pharynx cried out as he walked up to a bush and angrily began to rip it to shreds. Trixie gave Pharynx a skeptical look while Diamond Tiara gave him a disapproving one.

"Oh, yeah," Starlight said sheepishly, "You guys have the same…um…eye shape?"

"What a ridiculous comparison!" Pharynx retorted, "We are noting alike!"

"You could say you're like water and oil," Diamond Tiara remarked, "At least that's accurate."

"You mean water and slime!" Pharynx snapped before stomping off. Thorax just sighed sadly until he heard the sound of something cracking and Pharynx started grunting.

"Stop doing that!" Thorax ordered.

"The hive looked better with holes," Pharynx grumbled and then hissed at a changeling that was nearby, scaring it, and then stomped off with huff.

"Ugh. Well, how about I show you the rest of the hive where it's less loud and bangy?" Thorax suggested. Trixie and Starlight shared concerned looks with each other as Diamond Tiara walked up and held one of his fore-hoofs.

"Lead the way, sweetie," Diamond Tiara replied, giving him a cute smile. That got Thorax to chuckle as he led the three ponies to another part of the hive.

"There've been a lot of changes since you were here last," said Thorax, "I'm trying to start some new activates since the only thing we did before we hunt and patrol."

"What kind of activities?" Diamond Tiara asked curiously.

"Swing Dancing," said Thorax as two changelings were seen dancing with each other while a few others sit and watched.

"Hey! Twilight's Mom taught me how to swing dance," said Diamond Tiara, "we should dance together handsome!" Thorax chuckled timidly.

"Maybe later, Di," said Thorax as he showed them a large table filled with various foods on it, "There's also a once-a-week potluck lunch." Thorax then walked over to a table where to changelings were covered in paint, "Ooh! And who can change shape and organize craft time?" Thorax then changed into a flamingo, "This guy!" The two changelings behind Thorax lifted a sheet of paper showing drawings of the three ponies. Surprisingly, Trixie was drawn without her cape and hat.

"Very cool," said Diamond Tiara, "and nice drawing guys! You actually got my good side!"

"You mean you actually have one?" Trixie remarked with a teasing smirk. Diamond Tiara glared.

"And where would yours be?" Diamond Tiara remarked.

"Why you—" Trixie spluttered over-dramatically, getting red in the face. Starlight snickered and giggled to herself.

"I am really impressed, Thorax," said Starlight, "The hive, all the activities…"

"Gah!" a changeling named Sclerite cried out as she walked up angrily to Thorax covered in blank ink. Thorax returned to his true form, "He did it again! Pharynx dumped an entire can of blank paint on me!"

"I didn't know he was into Goth type colors," Diamond Tiara remarked.

"He's not! He's not into any type of coloring at all!" Sclerite continued angrily and looked at Thorax, "He said my fuchsia color wasn't "intimidating to our enemies"! What enemies?!"

"Good point," said Diamond Tiara, "Any color can be intimidating if you're assertive enough. Even Fluttershy knows how to make pastel yellow look scary. The only threat I've seen around here is Pharynx. No offense, sweetie." Thorax sighed.

"None taken," said Thorax as he faced Sclerite, "I am so sorry. I promise I'll talk to him."

"You're the ruler of the hive, Thorax!" said Sclerite angrily, poking his chest, "You need to do more than talk!" Sclerite stomped off angrily as Trixie took a step forward.

"Well, maybe not everything here is amazing," said Thorax sadly.

"Seriously, Thorax," said Starlight, "What is up with your brother?"

"Yeah," said Diamond Tiara, "he acting a lot like…how I used to…"

"Were you really that bad when you were Spoiled's daughter?" Thorax asked. Diamond Tiara couldn't help but shed a few tears as she gave him a sad and guilty nod. Thorax gestured for Di to come over as he gave her a comforting hug.

"Ugh, Pharynx used to be head of patrol," Thorax explained to everypony as Diamond Tiara calmed down and wiped her eyes, "And as you already figured out. He was Chrysalis's choice when it came to impersonating Mario. Too bad he was always too aggressive to keep from blowing cover, but that's not the point. Now we're peaceful and there's no need to patrol or impersonate ponies, for infiltration purposes at least."

"Really, no need to patrol at all?" said Diamond Tiara, "Even a good ruler needs some protection for his kingdom."

"Says the filly whose mother and father never have protection and made it so easy for Starlight to break in and change time and history as we know it," said Trixie smugly. But then regretting it when she saw Starlight snarling at her.

"Right, don't bring up your past, my bad," said Trixie feebly and smiled apologetically. Starlight just rolled her eyes.

"I honestly don't see the need for a patrol," said Thorax, "so Pharynx just stalks around the hive making everyone miserable. The other changelings are sick of it, and if I can't get him to accept love and friendship and change like the rest of us, everything I've done here is at risk." Starlight and Diamond Tiara exchanged looks with each other.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Starlight asked.

"I sure am Sis," said Diamond Tiara with a smirk. Then she and Starlight gave Trixie a smile. Trixie could tell by their smiles exactly what they were thinking.

"Uh-uh," said Trixie and shook her head.

"Hmm?" Starlight and Diamond Tiara hummed encouragingly as the former gave her a bigger smile and Diamond Tiara added sparkly anime eyes to her smile.

"Uh-huh," Trixie conceded with a large eye roll.

"We know a thing or two about what it's like to be outsiders," Starlight told Thorax as Diamond Tiara nodded in agreement, "Maybe we could talk to him for you."

"Thorax, if there's anypony who can help your brother," Trixie added, "it's me."

"Excuse me?" Diamond Tiara remarked indignantly.

"And with Starlight and Di helping, it might take slightly longer…" Trixie continued boasting.

"What?!" Diamond Tiara spluttered.

"…but I guarantee you we can do it," Trixie finished. Starlight rolled her eyes and groaned loudly. Diamond Tiara just gave Trixie a disapproving look and shook her head at the cerulean unicorn. Before either pony could say something to Trixie, two changelings appeared carrying some shrubbery in their fore-legs.

"Thorax, we're ready to start work on the trail of plants to lead the maulwurf away," said one changeling named Frenulum.

"Oh, I have to head outside," said Thorax as he stared to hover in the air, "You sure you're okay handling Pharynx?"

"Absolutely," said Starlight.

"Positively," Diamond Tiara added. It was then a scream was heard. The group looked to see Pharynx throwing a temper tantrum as he started to rip apart some greenery nearby. The three ponies blinked.

"Yeah…we totally got this," said Trixie as she chuckled nervously.

"Yeah…we're in trouble…" Diamond Tiara groaned to herself. As Thorax took his leave, Pharynx continued to grunt angrily while ripping apart the vines. Starlight, Trixie, and Diamond Tiara just watched him in the foreground.

"So, how do you wanna play this?" said Trixie, "I'm thinking "good pony/bad pony"." You yell and blast him with magic, Di uses her fire Ponymon attacks since they're super effective against bugs, while my natural charisma will convince him that—" Trixie soon realized that neither pony was listening to her and she was left alone.

"—Uh, Starlight? Di?" Trixie called out, but the two ponies were already approaching the still grumbling changeling.

"Hey, Pharynx," said Starlight, trying to be friendly with Diamond Tiara timidly at her side, "I know when we first met, it didn't go so well."

"I put you in a bag and I made that love filled filly scream for her mommy," Pharynx remarked, "I thought it went great." He then continued to grunt as Trixie gave him a skeptical look while Diamond Tiara snorted.

"Do you really need to resort to bagging us and scaring me to make yourself feel good?" said Diamond Tiara. Pharynx just ignored her and continued ripping up the vines.

"Right," said Starlight, trying to find another subject of conversation and cleared her throat, "So…not a big fan of the vines, huh?"

"Care to share with us why, Pharynx?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"They're a safety hazard," Pharynx explained, "An enemy could hide in them or use them as weapons. I don't even know why they're here."

"Because they're pretty?" Starlight suggested.

"That's ridiculous," said Pharynx and stomped off.

"Guess you're not much into décor," Diamond Tiara remarked, "and that perfectly fine."

"Really?" said Pharynx.

"Oh, totally," said Starlight, "We get you. But…" Starlight cleared her throat again, "…maybe don't express how you feel by destroying them?"

"I don't take advice from ponies," Pharynx snapped, "The only thing I take from you is breakfast. At least I used to. I get quite a hearty meal from that little filly over there." Diamond Tiara shuttered but then glared at Pharynx and snorted.

"You're not getting any meal out of me you big bully!" Diamond Tiara said sternly, "besides, do you really think Thorax won't get mad at you for trying to feed on my love? Or the fact you keep trying to wreck all his hard work" Pharynx growled.

"I don't take orders from that goody-four-hooves!" Pharynx yelled, "And I don't care if he worked so hard to make this place all pretty and whatever! So zip it or I'll feed on you right now!" Diamond Tiara narrowed her eyes and stood her ground.

"Do it," said Diamond Tiara bluntly. Trixie and Starlight's jaws hit the floor. Pharynx was also stunned.

"Huh?!" Pharynx exclaimed.

"Do it," said Diamond Tiara sternly, "If you don't care about Thorax at all, then what's stopping you from feeding on my love? I can't stop you so…what's holding you back?"

"Nothing's holding me back!" Pharynx yelled, "I can feed on you right here, right now!"

"Then what are you waiting for?" said Diamond Tiara, "I mean you don't care about Thorax and you don't like the idea of us being betrothed to each other when I'm older…" Diamond Tiara just remained calm as Starlight and Trixie cringed and held their breath. But to their surprise, Pharynx didn't do anything. He just kept glaring at Diamond Tiara.

"You know I could've escaped by now," Diamond Tiara pointed out, "What are you afraid of?"

"HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!" Pharynx hissed loudly and stomped off. Diamond Tiara just shook her head.

"Yeah…that's what I thought," Diamond Tiara remarked. Starlight then rushed up to her.

"What were you thinking?" Starlight asked.

"Calling his bluff," Diamond Tiara remarked, "Thorax is his brother after all. Do you really think he'd risk upsetting his own brother for a quick and easy meal? The fact he just stomped off means that his bad attitude is just front. He's hiding something and doesn't want to open up about it. If you get where I'm going with this…" Starlight and Trixie blinked and the latter then smirked.

"I gotcha," said Trixie, clearly impressed as she rushed off toward the still grumbling Pharynx, "You know, you're a lot like the three of us!"

"Doubt it," Pharynx remarked bluntly.

"It's true," Trixie continued, "Do you know who Twilight Sparkle is?"

"No," Pharynx answered plain and to the point.

"Seriously?!" Diamond Tiara remarked, "She's the princess of friendship and you were posing as her husband and my dad!"

"Puh!" Pharynx replied with an eyeroll.

"Well, to jog your memory," said Trixie, "She's the most well-liked, studious, do-goodiest pony in Equestria. She's also Prince Mario's wife and the mother of the little bundle of love you refuse to eat."

"Ugh! She sounds awful," said Thorax, "And if I didn't despite Mario before, I certainly do now." Diamond Tiara gave him a death glare, but it went unnoticed.

"Oh, you hate her. I used to," said Trixie, "She made me unsure about my place in the world, which led me to act out against her." Diamond Tiara then caught on to what Trixie was doing and played along.

"I used to blackmail and manipulate other ponies, even my own family, into doing exactly what I wanted," Diamond Tiara added smugly, "I believed I was better than everypony else because I was had lots of money and made it my goal to destroy the lives of anypony who made me look bad."

"And I used to be a dictator who ran a village with an iron hoof," Starlight added with a smirk.

"Really?" said Pharynx, "Hmm. Maybe you three do understand me. I mean, who would've thought such a small filly could have so much power over others?! She's okay in my book." Diamond Tiara smiled, but deep down it bothered her she had earned Pharynx's respect for all the wrong reasons.

"Yes! We do," said Starlight, "But now, Trixie has come to terms with being second-best…" Trixie froze and blinked as Diamond Tiara snickered, "…Di has realized that she doesn't need to be a spoiled brat to feel good about herself…" Now Diamond Tiara blinked and Trixie snickered.

"Way to be direct with the facts, Sis," Diamond Tiara remarked annoyingly.

"…And I no longer control ponies against their will. And our lives are so much better for it," Starlight finished.

"We found that there are more important things in life besides power and control," said Diamond Tiara, "such as love and friendship."

"Wow," said Pharynx, "So all three of you are losers. Stay away from me, or I'll do to you what I did to the vines." Pharynx didn't resist into Starlight's face to make his point as Diamond Tiara and Trixie glared at him.

"Oh please," said Diamond Tiara indignantly, "Your threats mean nothing to us. I gave you a chance to feast on my love and all you did was have a temper tantrum."

"HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSS!" Pharynx hissed loudly and angrily in Diamond Tiara's face.


"Give it a rest!" Diamond Tiara remarked as she slapped him across the face, "You don't scare me anymore." Pharynx was stunned for a few moments before he just scoffed and walked off irritably. Trixie was most impressed.

"Way to stand up to Pharynx, girl," said Trixie.

"Thanks, but Pharynx is still using his bad attitude to hide what's really bothering him," said Diamond Tiara, "He's clearly not trying to sabotage Thorax and he clearly doesn't want to upset his brother either otherwise I'd be drained of my love right now. I just wish I knew what his problem was…" Diamond Tiara rubbed her chin and began to think, but she didn't have long to do so when Thorax arrived behind the three ponies.

"Well, "Operation: Lead Maulwarf Away" is coming along," Thorax told the group, "How'd it go with Pharynx?"

"Your brother is, um, challenging," Starlight replied as Diamond Tiara just smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, that bad, huh?" Thorax said in disappointment.

"It wasn't great," said Starlight.

"Pharynx's behavior is so confusing," said Diamond Tiara, "On one hoof, he seems like he's got genuine concerns, yet he acts like a bully to others about it."

"You wanna talk it out?" Thorax asked, "You can come with me to the feelings forum." Diamond Tiara gasped excitedly.

"You actually set up a real feelings forum?!" Diamond Tiara exclaimed, "I've been trying to set something like that up in Ponyville for almost a year, but…nopony seems to trust me like they do with Dad with talking about their feelings…" Thorax chuckled.

"I'm sure that's something we can set up for you at a later time," said Thorax, "But for now, allow me to escort you to our forum." Diamond Tiara wrapped a fore-leg round one of Throax's fore-hooves. Starlight and Trixie looked rather puzzled and skeptical.

"The feel-like-what-now?" Thorax asked.

"Oh, it's a place for changelings to express their feelings so we all gain a better understanding of each other. Mario gave me the idea after he told me that sometimes you all get together to share your own personal feelings, issues, and concerns with one another. He says you're all very close because of it. And our feelings forum has really helped bring the hive closer together." Diamond Tiara smiled widely while Starlight and Trixie shared skeptical feelings with each other.

It wasn't long before Trixie, Starlight, Diamond Tiara, and Thorax were sitting in a large circle with some other changelings. The leader of the forum, named Tymbal, wore a hippie style vest, glasses, and a similar style headband. One green changeling was standing in the center of the circle as spoke what was on their mind.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm a blue changeling," said the green changeling, "Sometimes I feel like I'm a purple changeling. But here I am, a green one."

"You can be anything you want to be," said Tymbal, "Be blue one day and purple the next. Be both on the same day!"

"But then I feel like I'd be living a lie," the green changeling replied insecurely.

"Not necessarily," said Diamond Tiara as she put on her brown glasses, "Far too many ponies and creatures judge someone by the outside surface, or color in this case. But the color we are on the outside doesn't truly define who you are on the inside. Just like a pony's cutie mark doesn't define who they are or what their destiny is meant to be. On the surface, you are a green changeling, but that doesn't mean on the inside you have to be green. You can be any color your feel as long as you stay true to who you are. Don't disregard the fact you are green, embrace it as part of who you are and allow that confidence to help you show your true inner colors on the outside." Tymbal and the green changeling were most impressed.

"You're right," said the green changeling, "being green doesn't mean that I'm green on the inside. I can proud of being green and be any color I want on the inside. Thank you, Di."

"I'm glad I could help you see things in a more positive perspective," Diamond Tiara replied in a rather professional tone. Starlight and Trixie were left completely speechless.

"Such wisdom and maturity for a filly so young," said Tymbal, "You understand our purpose here and what we are trying to accomplish." The other changelings smiled and applauded the tiara-wearing filly. Diamond Tiara smiled sheepishly.

"It's no big deal, Tymbal," Diamond Tiara answered modestly, "Prince Mario taught me everything I know about understanding and empathizing with others. I'm glad I could help."

"Sit next to me, child," said Tymbal, "Your insight might prove very helpful." Diamond Tiara moved over so she was sitting at Tymbal's right side. Tymbal then stood up and approached the green changeling, "It's very brave of you to share something so personal. Does anyone else have similar concerns?"

"Please do not be afraid to speak up," Diamond Tiara replied, "This is a safe environment where you can speak your mind without fear of judgement."

"I used to have similar concerns," said one changeling and then held a self-made pot in his fore-hoof, "but craft time has given me such a creative outlet. I feel great now!"

"Uh-huh," said a second changeling beside the first, "Everyone loves craft time." The other changelings chattered in agreement.

"Very good," said Diamond Tiara, "Arts and crafts are a great way to channel our energy into a positive outlet. Just as long as you remember not to use those outlets to hide or avoid what is bothering you. After all, with communication comes understanding. Allow craft time to allow to sort out your hurt or troubled feelings so you can talk to the changelings who wronged or upset you in a calm and reasonable manner." The changelings all oohed and ahhed at Diamond Tiara's wisdom. Starlight was still stunned while Trixie was now feeling rather disturbed.

"I feel like I'm listening to an adult psychiatrist right now!" Starlight whispered to Trixie.

"Now I'm fully convinced Mario is brainwashing that little filly," Trixie whispered back to Starlight.

"I heard that!" Diamond Tiara snapped before adding in a calm tone, "But you all see my point that arts and crafts are a good way to help you channel your negative emotions into something constructive."

"Everyone agrees with that Di," said the green changeling.

"Well, everyone except for…you-know-who," said the first changeling bitterly.

"Yeah," said the second changeling, "you-know-who spends all his craft time making spears." Thorax was starting to look rather uncomfortable as Starlight and Trixie has concerned looks on their faces.

"Hmm…I see…" said Diamond Tiara, feeling like she had stumbled upon another clue regarding the renegade changeling, "is there anything else you would like to share with the group regarding Pha-I mean…you-know-who?"

"He's scary and intimidating," said the first changeling, "You-know-who makes me uncomfortable."

"He makes us all uncomfortable," added the green changeling.

"Everyone, please!" Thorax called out, "I understand Pharynx can be challenging at times."

"That's an understatement," said the first changeling.

"He teaches little changelings to growl and hiss!" said the green changeling.

"My soup's too hot!" shouted a third changeling with a bowl in front of them. Everyone stopped grumbling and looked at him. Even Diamond Tiara looked rather puzzled.

"What?" said the third changeling innocently, "I thought the feelings forum was for sharing our problems."

"Uh…." Diamond Tiara said slowly, unsure of what to say.

"It sounds like your lame "feelings forum" is for talking about me behind my back!" Pharynx snapped as he arrived looking more agitated than ever.

"That's not what's these changelings are doing, Pharynx," said Diamond Tiara as the other changelings backed away.

"The feelings forum is for talking about anything that's bothering you," said Tymbal, "Is there something you'd like to share, Pharynx?"

"Yeah, Pharynx," Diamond Tiara added, "if you share what's got you so grumpy and upset with the others, we can come to understanding as to why you feel this way and maybe come up with a solution." Starlight couldn't help but smile.

"Di really is becoming a lot like Mario," said Starlight to Thorax and Trixie, "if she can get the other changelings to empathize with Pharynx, we might be able to finally get Pharynx to accept love and friendship and the changelings, in turn, will accept him."

"It's worth a try," said Thorax hopefully, "Di really seems in her element right now."

"But that's only if Pharynx is willing to speak up," said Trixie, "even Di wasn't able to pull that off."

"Actually, there is something I wanna say," Pharynx replied.

"The floor is yours, Pharynx," said Diamond Tiara. Pharynx wasted no time speak up.

"The changelings used to be a fearsome swarm!" Pharynx said sternly, "Now we sit around talking about our feelings so much, you can't even stop a maulwurf from eating all your "pretty plants"! I could've sent that thing packing before, but I guess now we'll just try to lead it away and hope that keeps us safe!" The other changelings looked rather glum, especially Thorax. Diamond Tiara did Cadance's breathing technique before speaking up.

"I think I see where you're coming from Pharynx," said Diamond Tiara.

"Oh really?" Pharynx remarked with an eye roll.

"You're concerned about the maulwurf attacking the hive," said Diamond Tiara, "and you clearly don't agree with how Thorax is handling how to drive it off. Correct?"

"I guess," Pharynx said bluntly.

"While I cannot agree or disagree with your ability to drive it off alone," said Diamond Tiara, "I would have to agree with you that trying to simply lure it away would be rather difficult since the hive is covered in greenery."

"Glad you figured that out," Pharynx said sarcastically.

"Well, I appreciate your concern that you would rather have the changelings fight the maulwurf off," said Diamond Tiara, "You also need to understand that fighting doesn't always have to be the best answer and Thorax would agree with that. Sometimes the smarter solution is finding other alternatives to fighting."

"Oh please," said Pharynx, "This is what I'm talking about! If you honestly think just sitting here waiting for that thing to attack us a smarter solution, then you're all fools!"

"I'm not saying we should just sit around, Pharynx!" Diamond Tiara but the renegade changeling was already flying off and ignoring the filly, "Pharynx! Come back! Will you just listen?!" Diamond Tiara then sighed as Pharynx disappeared.

"I don't feel safe with him around!" the first changeling remarked.

"I'd feel safer if he were gone!" said the green changeling.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Diamond Tiara called out, "everyone please calm down! Pharynx did bring up and interesting point. While you don't have to fight the maulwurf, maybe it would be wise to consider having some sort of defense set up for worst case scenario?"

"Are you crazy?!" the second changeling retorted, "We spent our whole lives doing nothing but hunt and patrol and you want us to do that again?"

"And to think we thought you were a wise filly!" said the first changeling. The others began to grumble. Diamond Tiara felt hurt, but attempted to damage control.

"That's…not what I'm saying!" said Diamond Tiara, "Not all the changelings have to patrol. Just have a few volunteers who would be willing to help protect and defend the hive. I believe that is all Pharynx wants. If you would be willing to compromise with him, I'm sure he…"

"FORGET IT!" all but Tymbal shouted, making Diamond Tiara flinch.

"Thorax, Pharynx needs to go!" shouted the second changeling while the others nodded in agreement.

"I can't do that," said Thorax firmly.

"We want him banished!" they all yelled and started arguing.

"Everyone please! Please listen to me!" Diamond Tiara pleaded but she was left unheard. The third changeling then slurped their bowl of soup.

"Hey, my soup's cooled down!" said the third changeling, "These feeling forums are great for solving problems!" No one else agreed since all but Tymbal were still arguing and poor Diamond Tiara felt completely shut down. Then…


…Tymbal rang a gong to get everyone to stop arguing.

"Everyone, please," said Tymbal, "If we are interrupting each other, we are not affirming each other." The rest of the changelings continued to argue and Diamond Tiara felt more defeated. Tymbal's patience quickly hit its limit.

"That's it! Feelings forum is over!" Tymbal shouted angrily. The other changelings just stomped off, grumbling with each other. Poor Diamond Tiara and Thorax both looked very upset. Starlight and Trixie shared worried and concerned looks with each other.

A few minutes later, Starlight, Trixie, and Diamond Tiara were walking off to another part of the hive. Diamond Tiara hadn't said a word since Starlight told her to come with them. For the moment, Starlight was in deep thought.

"I…" Starlight said slowly and then sighed, "I want to say something, but it goes against everything I've been taught as Twilight's pupil." Diamond Tiara quickly looked at her with interest.

"Ooh! Then, by all means, say it," said Trixie with interest.

"Get serious, Trixie," Diamond Tiara snapped, "I don't think it's anything as scandalous as you think. Anyway, what's up Sis?" Starlight looked insecure for a moment and then released another sigh.

"I think Pharynx is a lost cause," Starlight said aloud.

"What?!" Diamond Tiara exclaimed in disbelief.

"Mm. I'm all for second chances," Trixie added, "Third, even. But he just seems like a bad bug."

"What?!" Diamond Tiara shrieked.

"You don't agree?" Starlight asked.

"Of course not!" said Diamond Tiara, "You're both giving up on him too easily. He's acting out because he doesn't think Thorax should be simply try to lure the maulwurf away from the hive. While I don't necessarily agree that just fighting it is the best or only solution, the hive doesn't exactly have any means of protecting itself against any predators or creatures. Even the most peace-loving kingdoms need to be able to defend themselves and that's all Pharynx is trying to do, but isn't going about it the right way and upsetting the other changelings."

"We get that," said Starlight, "But any idea of protecting themselves seems to trigger bad memories of when patrolling was all they were allowed to do."

"Well, I was gonna say before I got shut down that they only need to select a few volunteers to do so," said Diamond Tiara, "After all, what's so evil about protecting the hive?"

"True," said Trixie, "But you have to admit that Pharynx isn't exactly getting his message across."

"And his behavior has gotten the changelings so upset that they don't want to hear him out," Starlight added.

"Or empathize with him," Diamond Tiara added with a sad sigh, "And while I'm down for protecting your family and all. Thorax is being way too lenient with Pharynx's behavior. Even Dad isn't afraid to put his hoof down on a family member if they are upsetting everypony else."

"Don't we know it," said Starlight and Trixie wearily.

"And Thorax has a duty to the whole hive," said Starlight, "not just his brother."

"That is true," said Diamond Tiara, "and the other changelings are getting rather agitated at the fact Thorax isn't dealing with him or his behavior."

"If he keeps sticking up for Pharynx, the hive might decide they don't want Thorax as their leader," said Trixie.

"That's completely…actually very true," said Diamond Tiara in realization.

"I think he might have to kick Pharynx out," said Starlight.

"Is that really our only option here?" said Diamond Tiara, "Couldn't we speak to Thorax about being bit more assertive with him? After all, I did prove that Pharynx wouldn't defy Thorax if it meant hurting his own brother."

"I don't know," said Starlight, "Thorax said Ember taught him plenty about being assertive. If he's not being assertive with Pharynx, it's not a matter of whether he can be assertive, it's a matter of choosing not to be assertive with him. He needs to think what's best for the hive, stop thinking about himself, and banish Pharynx. But I don't wanna be the one to tell Thorax that." Starlight then walked off, looking rather upset. Diamond Tiara felt just as bad.

"Me, neither," said Trixie, "But somepony probably should." Trixie quickly moved to the foreground so she was in front of Starlight, "I nominate you!"

"Ugh!" Starlight groaned loudly.

"Never mind! I'll do it," said Diamond Tiara, "I think I have a better chance of getting Thorax to see sense."

"And if he doesn't?" said Starlight.

"Then we'll just have to give him some tough love," said Diamond Tiara firmly, "If he can't convince Pharynx to stop disrupting the hive, then he's has to go. But hopefully it won't come down to that…Thorax actually takes what I have to say seriously and I don't want to hurt him, but he can't get his priorities straight. then he's gonna have to make a tough choice. Now come on." Diamond Tiara walked forward bravely as Starlight just looked worried and followed close behind. Little did any of them know that a certain renegade changeling had disguised himself as a rock and had eavesdropped on the entire conversation!

Soon, Starlight, Trixie, and Diamond Tiara approached Thorax's throne. Diamond Tiara went to step forward when Starlight raised a fore-leg to hold the filly back.

"Thorax, we have something to tell you," Starlight said gently.

"It's about Pharynx, isn't it?" Thorax said slowly.

"Mmmmmmmmaybe?" Trixie said in a hesitant tone and smiled sheepishly.

"How'd you guess?" Diamond Tiara asked, looking the most calm of the three ponies.

"Look, I know he's an aggressive warrior type," Thorax replied before any of the three ponies could say anything further, "but when I was little, every young changeling wanted to be like that."


Three young changelings smirked as they attacked a collection of stuffed pony dummies that were on the ground. Young Thorax was sitting a short distance away playing with some dolls.

"…Every changeling except for me," Thorax narrated, "The others would pick on me for not wanting to fight." It was then the three other changelings approached young Thorax.

"Look at the little grub playing with his dollies!" the leader of the three changelings teased. The other two young changelings laughed, making young Thorax feel sad. Then young Thorax cringed as the three changelings deviously approached him.

"Step away from my brother!" yelled a voice. The four changelings looked to see that it was young Pharynx. He glared at the three changelings and stomped his hoof firmly on the ground.

"But Pharynx never let them hurt me," Thorax continued as the three young changelings backed down.

"We were just complimenting his dollies," said the leader of the three young changelings. Young Pharynx then turned into a giant bug and roared at the three young changelings. The three changelings shrieked and ran for their lives. Young Thorax walked up to his brother.

"Thanks, Pharynx," young Thorax and held a fore-leg for Pharynx to shake, but Pharynx grabbed it and started making young Thorax hit himself.

"Why are you hitting yourself?! Stop hitting yourself! Why are you hitting yourself?!" Pharynx taunted.

"Ouch! Cut it out, Pharynx!" Young Thorax complained.

"They're right, you know," said Pharynx sternly, "You need to have tougher skin." Pharynx walked off, leaving Thorax alone and looking rather glum.

End Flashback

"Aw, that was a really sweet story," said Trixie, "until the end."

"Yeah, Spoiled Rich used to do the same to me back when I little," said Diamond Tiara, "other high class ponies would make fun of me. She would stand up for me, but then say to my face that if I wasn't such a disappointment, ponies wouldn't be picking on me. And you know from my stories that it turned out she never loved me at all!" Trixie and Starlight gave the filly sympathetic looks.

"I'm well aware of your situation, Di," said Thorax, "But I know Pharynx loved me in his own way, and I know there's still good in him. That's why I keep sticking up for him. Anyway, what did you wanna talk about?"

"Me?" Trixie spluttered, "Oh, nooo. But, uh, Starlight has something she—"

"Hey, I said I'd tell him—mmph?!" Diamond Tiara was cut off when Starlight put a fore-hoof over her mouth and also covered Trixie's mouth as well.

"Actually, Thorax, Um, never mind!" said Starlight quickly, "C'mon, Trixie, Di, we got a…thing to do." Starlight then used her magic to pick up both ponies and then ran off. Thorax gave the three a puzzled look until he saw Diamond Tiara reappear via teleportation.

"Chicken…" Diamond Tiara remarked before approaching Thorax.

Back with Starlight, once she felt they were safe distance away, she set Trixie back down.

"What are you doing?" Trixie asked in a whisper, "I thought we agreed you, or Di, would tell Thorax he had to kick his brother out of the hive!"

"Maybe we don't have to and…wait, where's Di?" Starlight asked.

"I saw her teleport out of your magic grip and went to speak to Thorax," Trixie replied plainly.

"And why didn't you say something before?!" Starlight demanded.

"Gee, I don't know, maybe I was still in shock that you backed out of telling Thorax what you said you were going to tell him and carried me off," Trixie remarked, not hiding her sarcasm in her tone. Starlight groaned.

"We need to get Di out of there before she…"

"I can't believe you would even suggest that to me!" Thorax yelled angrily.

"Well, either you need to consider some possible protection for the hive, or lay down the law that Pharynx needs to get his act together or you'll have no choice but to banish him!" Diamond Tiara yelled back.

"Look if you don't wanna help me with Pharynx, then I'll handle this myself!" Thorax snapped.

"Yeah, and when the hive decides to banish you BOTH, don't come crying to me!" Diamond Tiara shouted before groaning loudly. Starlight just cringed as Trixie had a blunt look on her face.

"I think you're too late," said Trixie as Diamond Tiara appeared looking very steamed.

"Ugh, and here I thought only Aunt Applejack had issues with unreasonable family loyalty," Diamond Tiara muttered before speaking to the two ponies, "Being assertive has turned Thorax into a stubborn mule! He wouldn't consider anything I had to say! He's so focused on defending his brother that he's willing to put him before the rest of the hive and that's only going to get him removed from leadership or worse! And if that happens, all Thorax has done to make the changelings peaceful will be lost and Chrysalis, Celestia forbid she ever returns, will be able to regain control and the changelings will once again be a threat to Equestria!" Diamond Tiara then panted heavily as Starlight and Trixie shared worried look with each other.

"Okay…normally I would say you're overreacting, but…I can totally see that happening," Trixie remarked.

"Same here," said Starlight, "But fortunately, I have a plan."

"If it means going over Thorax's head, I'm all for it," said Diamond Tiara angrily, "Being reasonable doesn't seem to be working. That stupid stubborn mule! I don't even know why I ever liked you…"

"Easy Di, just come with me," said Starlight and then turned to the cerulean unicorn, "Trixie, get Pharynx and meet us at the hive entrance. I'll explain everything." Starlight then used her magic to teleport herself and Diamond Tiara away, leaving Trixie alone…and rather confused.

"And how am I supposed to know where Pharynx is?!" Trixie called out.

"I just saw Pharynx," said a changeling that happened to be passing by.

"Oh! Well, that was easy," said Trixie smugly and headed off to find and speak with the renegade changeling.

A few minutes later, Starlight and Diamond Tiara were working together to lay a path of foliage directly to the entrance of the hive.

"Think this will be enough?" Diamond Tiara asked as she lay down a few more clusters of leaves on the ground.

"Plenty," Starlight replied. It was at that moment Trixie arrived.

"We'll just use one problem to solve another," said Starlight to Trixie as Diamond Tiara stood beside her, "We switched the trail of plants around to lure the maulwurf here. The changelings may not be able to stop it anymore…"

"Thanks to a stubborn, overly loyal dumb head," Diamond Tiara remarked bitterly.

"Ahem," said Starlight firmly.

"Sorry," said Diamond Tiara hastily.

"As I was saying," Starlight continued, "The changelings may not be able to stop it anymore, but Pharynx certainly can. When it attacks, he'll save his brother, showing everypony his good side, the others will accept him, and Pharynx will finally let love and friendship into his life and transform!" Starlight then panted to catch her breath before Diamond Tiara stepped forward.

"I'll admit that this idea is kind of risky," said Diamond Tiara, "But the changelings need to understand that you still need to protect yourself from threats and Pharynx can show them how it's done. So…if everything goes according to plan, it will help everyone." Trixie just stared at the two ponies and winced.

"Wow," was all Trixie could say.

"I know, right?" said Starlight excitedly, not realizing Trixie was looking rather nervous, "Great idea? Where's Pharynx?"

"He's gone," Trixie replied. Diamond Tiara blinked and froze.

"Gone like gone to the throne room?" Starlight asked.

"Gone like gone!" said Trixie, "One of the changelings said Pharynx left the hive for good!" Some changelings in the background cheered happily. Starlight gasped.

"Then who's gonna stop the dread maulwurf we're leading here?!" Starlight exclaimed. Now the changelings in the background started screaming and hugging each other fearfully. Starlight winced as she realized her plan was about to backfire.

"UGH!" Diamond Tiara cried out as she squatted down to the ground and put her fore-hooves over her tiara, "I should've known this plan was gonna backfire, but since I was so angry with Thorax, I went along with it! I should've known better. Big Sis, I love you and respect you. But whenever you make a plan on the fly, it always has holes in it!"

"She's right about that," Trixie remarked.

"Thanks for cheering me up," Starlight remarked sarcastically.

"You're welcome," said Trixie, either ignoring or was clueless to the lilac unicorn's sarcasm, "So what next?" Before Starlight could answer, Diamond Tiara sighed loudly and stood up.

"It's our fault the maulwurf is coming this way," said Diamond Tiara, "We need to tell Thorax about this as soon as possible."

"Okay…here's a better idea," said Trixie, "We don't tell Thorax what happened and just go find Pharynx ourselves and try to lead the maulwurf away so Thorax never knows this happened." Trixie then looked to see Starlight and Diamond Tiara were gone.

"Oh, come on!" Trixie cried out, "What ever happened to good old fashioned covering up your mistakes and fixing them before anypony notices?!" Since Trixie knew she wasn't gonna get an answer, she rushed off bitterly to catch up with the other two ponies. By the time she did so, Starlight and Diamond Tiara had arrived back at Thorax's throne.

"Thorax, there you are!" Starlight panted.

"There's something we need to tell you," Diamond Tiara panted as well.

"Pharynx is missing!" said Starlight. The changelings nearby all cheered. Trixie was most annoyed.

"Wait for it…" Trixie muttered since she knew what they would do next.

"And the dread maulwurf is coming this way!" Starlight and Diamond Tiara said together. Trixie raised a fore-leg to command the changelings to react. Right on cue, the changelings started screaming.

"Told ya," said Trixie as a matter of fact.

"That doesn't make any sense," said Thorax, "The trail of plants should have led the dread maulwurf away." Diamond Tiara gulped as Starlight gave a nervous laugh.

"Well, because…" Diamond Tiara began.

"I'll tell him little sis," said Starlight, "We might have relaid them to lead it back toward the hive."

"Why would you do that?!" Thorax asked in shock and disbelief.

"We thought if Pharynx saw you were in danger, the loving, caring side of him would come out when he protected you!" Starlight explained.

"Plus I went along with it because I was angry you refused to listen to my idea about having some protection or self-defense around here," said Diamond Tiara, "And if the changelings saw Pharynx selflessly defend the hive, they would be more willing to keeping him around. Instead…"

"But instead, he's out there alone somewhere between us and that rampaging monster?!" Thorax said firmly as he hovered into the air, "I have to save him!" Thorax quickly flew off.

"Wait Thorax!" said Diamond Tiara.

"We're coming with you!" said Starlight.

"Of course you both are," Thorax replied, not hiding the fact he was angry, "This is all your fault!" Starlight and Diamond Tiara looked ashamed.

"Oh, don't be too hard on Starlight and Di," said Trixie in a rather condescending tone, "Their hearts were in the right place."

"You're coming, too!" said Thorax sternly.

"Oh. Right," said Trixie, "I mean, I was gonna volunteer anyway."

"No, you weren't…" Diamond Tiara muttered, feeling very agitated at Trixie's efforts to save her own flank.

"Who else is coming?" Thorax asked. The other changeling either gave him blank looks, cowered back, ducked and cover, and other means to avoid eye contact or emphasize that they didn't want to help. Thorax groaned.

"Ugh," Thorax said in defeat, "Fine." Starlight then took a step forward.

"Oh, sure, you could all stay here, not help Pharynx and he won't bother you anymore," said Starlight as she stood before the changelings, "It's your choice. But remember when you didn't have a choice! When you were forced to obey Chrysalis! You might have been unstoppable, but you weren't free to choose! And now you are, because of Thorax! Well, it's his brother out there, and now it's your chance to prove you're just as strong embracing love as you were feeding on it! Now is your chance to show what changelings can really be! Not because you have to, but because you choose to!" There was a long silence. In fact, the only reply was just a bunch of stares and a cough from a random changeling. Diamond Tiara was most indignant.

"Are you really going to just stand there after everything my Big Sister has said?" said Diamond Tiara sternly as she stepped forward, "I know that Pharynx has caused you all a lot of grief and a lot of you would rather he'd be gone than here right now. But at the end of the day, Pharynx is changeling, just like the rest of you. Just because you no longer feed on love and want to patrol anymore doesn't mean you still don't look out for each other. True friends don't abandon each other, even when they are being difficult. I can't tell you how many stories Mario has told me about having to help out or stick up for somepony even when they were being difficult and stubborn. Whether you think they deserve it or not, even if you don't consider them a friend, helping them is always the right thing to do. It's easy to love and care for someone when they return the favor and treat you kindly, but it's another when they are rude and mean to you. To truly love and care for one another is when you help those even when they aren't nice to you or thank you for caring. I wouldn't be the pony I am today if somepony hadn't cared enough to reach out to me. I used to be just like Pharynx, ruining other pony's lives and making them miserable, especially three particular fillies. Yet when I was hurting and needed a friend, these three fillies helped me, even when they had every reason to wish I was out of their lives forever or deserved to be alone and miserable. But because they cared, I realized the error of my ways and changed for the better. The same can happen for Pharynx if you just reach out to him and try. Even if he refuses to change, then it's his loss, but you can feel better about yourself knowing you made the effort to try. You made the effort to care! You made the effort to be a loving and caring friend! So who's with me? If not for him, but for the sake of love and friendship?"

"That was an amazingly epic speech, Starlight and Di," said Trixie as they were in some wasteland outside of the hive, "I just can't believe not a single changeling was moved by either one." Starlight just had her head low, looking rather agitated. Diamond Tiara looked just as upset.

"Funny how I go from being wise to just a joke with the changelings for standing up for what I believe in," said Diamond Tiara.

"It's not that Di," said Thorax, "It's only cause it's Pharynx. And I honestly can't blame them. If he wasn't my brother, I don't think I'd be here. We're gonna have to face the maulwurf by ourselves." Diamond Tiara huffed as she put on a determined look on her face.

"I'm ready for anything," said Diamond Tiara, "Dad taught me more than just Ponymon battle tactics."

"Hopefully you won't have to fight, Di," said Starlight, "maybe it'll be long gone and we'll find Pharynx out here alone!"


Suddenly a loud growl was heard and in the distance were some purple claws moving about as Pharynx was seen engaging in a battle with the dread maulwurf, which had purple fur with large buck teeth and giant, sharp, yellow claws. The group of four were stunned at the sight.

"Or maybe not," said Starlight meekly as they rushed to go help Pharynx out. Pharynx then transformed into a large bug and charged at the maulwurf. While he was able to pushed the maulwurf back a few yards, the maulwurf swatted his claw at Pharynx, knocking the changeling back and making Pharynx turn back to normal form. It was then a pink glowing ball of raw power charged the maulwurf at high speed, making it groan angrily as the maulwurf was shoved back several yards back and knocked onto its back. The spinning pink ball then jumped back towards Pharynx and made a landing in front of him. He was shocked to see the one responsible for the attack was Diamond Tiara.

"I had no idea a pony could pull off a move like that!" said Pharynx in surprise.

"You'll find I'm full of surprises!" said Diamond Tiara as the maulwurf did a swipe at her. Diamond Tiara cartwheeled to the side to avoid being struck. Then she went for another homing attack at its belly, making the maulwurf roar in anger.

"Pharynx!" Thorax called out as he, Starlight, and Trixie approached.

"What are you doing here?!" Pharynx asked.

"I'm here to save you!" said Thorax.

"Get outta here! Let me handle this!" said Pharynx, "And take your wife with you before she gets hurt!" The maulwurf did some multiple swipes as Diamond Tiara, who avoided each attack by doing several backflips, followed by a high backward somersault once she was out of attack range.

"We're just friends," said Thorax, "But you gotta admit that triple backflip followed by the backward somersault was pretty cool."

"For once, I agree," said Pharynx, "But she's no match for that thing! Now get out of here!"

"We're not leaving you!" said Starlight as she and Trixie slid down a slope to join the battle. Trixie then tossed multiple smoke bombs at the maulwurf to stunned it while Starlight fired a strong magic blast at it, but all that did was make the maulwurf very angry. Everyone flinched.

"I may have forgotten to mention in my letters that maulwurfs have really thick hides!" said Thorax worriedly. The monster then roared again as Pharynx went for a side attack, but the maulwurf grabbed Pharynx by its teeth and chucked him to the ground.

"Pharynx!" Diamond Tiara called out as she, Starlight, and Trixie rushed up to him.

"I thought you said you could beat this thing!" Starlight remarked.

"Yeah, with the rest of the swarm! Not alone!" said Pharynx.

"Looks like we're gonna be to bring out the heavy artillery!" said Diamond Tiara as she reached inside of her mane and grabbed a light blue flower.

"Great! You're actually gonna try asking it out for a date!?" Pharynx complained.

"Uh, no," said Diamond Tiara, "This isn't any ordinary blue flower."

(Cue "power up" fanfare)

(Cue "Ice Flower" fanfare)

Diamond Tiara's body changed so that it was now in various shades of blue. She then stood on her hind legs and magically made giant ice balls appears from her fore-hooves and fired them in rapid session. While, the ice balls weren't doing any damage, they were creating a large wall of ice that was slowly starting to freeze and encase the maulwurf inside of it.

"I can't believe this is actually working," said Pharynx, "If she can't trap it inside of ice block…"

"…it won't be able to move and we can find a way to get it away from the hive," said Thorax excitedly. Just as the ice flower wore off, Diamond Tiara had managed to seal the maulwurf inside of a large block of ice.

"Alright, you did it, Di!" said Starlight excitedly.



The maulwurf broke out of its ice prison easily and roared at them.

"No!" Diamond Tiara cried out and before she could react, "EEEEEEEK!" The maulwurf swiped its claw at Diamond Tiara, knocking her back several yards before she tumbled hard into the ground and her tiara dropped off her head.

"Di!" Thorax cried out as he rushed over to her with the rest of the group behind her. Diamond Tiara was battered as she lay still for several seconds. Thorax began to fear the worst as tears pricked his eyes. Starlight and Trixie looked just as worried. Then Diamond Tiara gave a loud groan as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Okay…that hurt," Diamond Tiara said weakly. Thorax just sighed with relief as he helped the filly to her hooves.

"Are you alright?" Trixie asked with concern as he gave the filly her tiara back.

"Battered, but not beaten," said Diamond Tiara bravely, "what's are next move?" Thorax, Starlight, and Trixie were taken aback that Diamond Tiara was so eager to jump back into battle after such a heavy hit.

"Forget it, Di," said Pharynx, "We can't fight it alone."

"Good thing you're not alone!" said a voice. The group looked up and there on the cliff and hovering above it were several changelings who were ready for action. Pharynx was stunned while the rest of the group smiled excitedly.

"I told you both they were epic speeches," Trixie bragged. With Thorax, leading the charge, the changelings then gave a battle-cry as the charged the maulwurf and attempted to knock it over. However, the maulwurf attempted to swipe its claw at the swarm, forcing them to fall back. But the changelings would not be deterred as they put on some determined looks and charged at the maulwurf's face once more for a combined punch to the face. Some changelings then charged at its feet so they could knock it over. Just as they were about to dog-pile it, the monster roared and forced the changelings to fly away and scatter.

"It's no use," said Thorax, "We're out of practice and he's too tough!" Pharynx then flew off as Trixie used her magic to lift a rock and threw it at the maulwurf, but it rock simply shattered and made it angry. Diamond Tiara then went for several homing attacks, but the maulwurf was able to use its arms to block her attacks. Diamond Tiara soon landed back next to Starlight, panting heavily to catch her breath.

"And strong!" said Trixie, "Too bad we can't get it to fight itself!"

"That's it!" said Pharynx as looked at his brother, "Thorax, remember when we were young and I made you hit yourself?"

"Now is not the time to make fun of me, Pharynx!" Thorax remarked and then blinked before he realized what his brother was actually trying to say, "Oh, right! Of course!" Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes.

"I didn't know Thorax was so slow on the uptake," she remarked instinctively

"I can hear you, Di," Thorax retorted irritably. Diamond Tiara flinched and covered her mouth.

"S-s-sorry, sweetie," said Diamond Tiara, "I didn't realize I said that out loud. Anyway, I can help!" Diamond Tiara then used the magic of her amulet to her body glow light blue so she was now floating in the air. Diamond Tiara then rushed up to maulwurf and stood next to his shoulder. The maulwurf roared and tried to swipe at the filly, but Diamond Tiara moved out of the way so it smacked its own shoulder, making it groan in pain.

"Missed me!" Diamond Tiara called out as it moved to the other shoulder. The maulwurf went for another swipe and hit the other shoulder.

"Missed me!" Diamond Tiara called out again from the top of the creature's head. The maulwurf went for the attack. Diamond Tiara dodged, making it bonk itself on the head, leaving it dazed.

"Didn't you mommy tell you to think before you swipe?" Diamond Tiara taunted as she stood by its foot. The maulwurf swiped at her, Diamond Tiara floated off so it scratched its own foot.

"Oh! I don't care what kind of creature you are," said Diamond Tiara as she floated back to Starlight and Trixie, "That's gotta hurt." The maulwurf roared in pain as it held its foot and bounced about. Pharynx laughed.

"That's the right idea!" said Pharynx, "Our turn bro!" Thorax smiled and followed as they started to fly around the maulwurf making it swipe and hit itself constantly.

"Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?" Pharynx taunted.

"Yeah, maulwurf, why are you hitting yourself?" Thorax taunted as well as he flew past the maulwurf's face. The maulwurf smacked himself in the face. Thorax hovered over to the stomach area.

"Why are you hitting yourself, huh? Huh? Huh?" Thorax taunted some more. The maulwurf swiped, missed the changeling, and smacked itself hard on the stomach. It winced painfully as it fell forward and landed on its stomach. Pharynx then landed on the maulwurf's arm and hissed menacingly at it. The maulwurf went to bite Pharynx, and ended up biting down on its own claw.

"Ooh. That looks like it hurts," Trixie remarked as Starlight and Diamond Tiara smirked in agreement. The maulwurf roared in pain and then dug a hole underground to escape the two changelings. It had had enough.

"We did it! It's gone!" Starlight said happily.

"Great job, everyone! Nice work!" Diamond Tiara called out as all the changelings cheered. Thorax and Pharynx then landed before each other.

"What were you doing out here?" Thorax asked.

"Leaving," Pharynx said bluntly, "I'm done with all of you."

"Oh," Thorax replied before adding in a casual tone, "It's just, why bother fighting the maulwurf then? You coulda left it alone.

"Well, I couldn't just let it attack you!" Pharynx remarked.

"Just like you didn't attack Di, even though I said she's just a friend, not my queen-to-be," Thorax said plainly.

"Puh! Not my fault you have weird tastes in girls, bro," Pharynx replied indignantly, "You saw her actually trying to fight that maulwurf! She's nuts!"

"Hey!" Diamond Tiara retorted before pouting indignantly. Trixie and Starlight snickered.

"My point, Pharynx," said Thorax, "was that I thought you were done with us, and you didn't care."

"I never said that," said Pharynx sternly, "The hive is the thing I care about most."

"Well, you certainly don't act like it," Thorax retorted.

"Well, I'm sorry if I don't get excited about pretty flowers and feelings circle and—" Pharynx snapped but was cut off.

"It's a feelings forum," Thorax corrected.

"Whatever," Pharynx replied, "It doesn't matter. Even if I do care about the hive, I obviously don't have a place there anymore." It was then two changelings stepped forward.

"Actually, you do," said the first changeling, "Diamond Tiara tried to suggest the idea of having some sort of protection for the hive. She said that was why you were acting so grumpy all the time."

"Really?" said Pharynx as he looked at the filly, who simply gave him a smile and a nod.

"But we didn't want to go back to patrolling all the time so we…heh…didn't want to listen to her," said the second changeling sheepishly, "Or try to understand why you were acting the way you were."

"But then she reminded us that, even though you've been…difficult, you're still one of us," the first changeling continued, "Because we've been wrong. Um, the hive may be a gentler, nicer place…"

"…but that doesn't mean we won't have to defend ourselves," said the second changeling, "clearly."

"And who better to help us do that than the only changeling who never stopped protecting us?" Thorax suggested. The others chattered in agreement. Pharynx was rather speechless for a few moments.

"You all want me to stay?" Pharynx asked, rather touched.

"Unless you still want to leave the hive," Thorax answered with a teasing smirk on his face.

"Why would I want that?" said Pharynx, "I love the hive!" The others cheered. Suddenly, Pharynx began to glow and was quickly encased into a cocoon. He then transformed as the cocoon opened up. The others oohed and aahed as Pharynx was now light green with some shades of red and was just slightly shorter than his younger brother.

Anypony else getting a Mario and Luigi parody with these two brothers now?

"Oh wow!" said Diamond Tiara in amazement.

"He did it! He transformed!" Trixie said excitedly.

"I always knew you had it in you!" said Starlight.

"Really?" said Pharynx, "Because I thought you said I was a lost cause and you were going to tell Thorax he should kick me out." There was a long pause as the changelings all looked at Starlight, Trixie, and even Diamond Tiara. Even Thorax gave them knowing glares.

"Oh! Starlight! How could you say that?" Trixie remarked in mock-shock.

"Ugh! What?! That's—! I mean—! But you—!" Starlight stuttered.

"Don't you dare throw Starlight under the carriage Trixie," Diamond Tiara said sternly, "You agreed with her after all." She turned to Pharynx, "I don't know how much you heard, but a lot of the changelings wanted you gone because of your bad attitude and Thorax defending you was making the situation worse. We were afraid he would be banished too because he kept putting you ahead of his duties to the hive. When I confronted him, he made it clear he was willing to take the risk because he believed there was still good in you, even after I tried to suggest a better alternative." Thorax smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Lucky for us, you weren't a lost cause," said Thorax.

"Lucky for me, you didn't give up on me," said Pharynx. The other changelings gathered around him and began to chat. Thorax, Trixie, Starlight, and Diamond Tiara watched the scene with smiles on their faces…for a few moments.

"Soooo…glad everything worked out," said Trixie.

"Yeah!" said Thorax before adding sternly, "Let's talk about how you three not only led the maulwurf to the hive but also drove my brother away from it!" Trixie cowered down and hid behind Starlight, feeling ashamed.

"Hey, I already explained he probably eavesdropped on us because that was a private conversation, and misunderstood what we were saying, Thorax!" Diamond Tiara said sternly.

"Fine," said Thorax firmly, "but you still thought it was good idea for you three go behind my back and put everyone in danger!" Now it was Diamond Tiara's turn to squat low and hid behind Starlight, looking ashamed and very guilty.

"We are so sorry about that," said Starlight, "but I would like to point out that our admittedly terrible plan did bring everything together in the end." Starlight then chuckled nervously.

"We only meant the best, sweetie," Diamond Tiara added, but Thorax still kept glaring at them.

"Hey," Pharynx called out, "Do you guys want to hear the story about how I used to make Thorax hit himself?"

"Oh, absolutely, yes, right now!" Starlight pleaded in a relieved tone.

"Yes, yes, you must tell us that story," Diamond Tiara added in a similar tone. She and Starlight were both grateful for a chance to get the awkward attention off themselves.

"Well, when we were young," Pharynx began, "every changeling wanted to be a warrior. Except for Thorax. He was a little weak. I had to protect him…" As his voice faded out, the others just sat and listened quietly to the story.

The sun had already set and Thorax was sitting quietly in his throne. He was feeling rather exhausted from what had turned out to be a huge celebration party. All the changelings wanted to let Pharynx know that they were sorry for not understanding him and to celebrate the fact he had accepted love and friendship into his life. While Pharynx was still brash in nature, he wasn't mean spirited about it. The changelings seemed to get a good laugh whenever he teased or played a prank or two on Thorax. While Thorax got annoyed after a certain point, he knew it was because Pharynx cared. Plus, he made Pharynx a promise that they would set up shifts for changelings to volunteer in helping keep the hive safe from predators or other threats, In exchange, Pharynx promised not to destroy any more greenery or vines…as long as they weren't a danger to the hive. Thorax thought it was fair compromise and the other changelings accepted his terms.

As for Starlight, Trixie, and Diamond Tiara, Thorax was still upset with them for putting the hive in danger. As punishment, he had the three ponies be the wait staff during the party and then had then clean up the party mess themselves. Starlight and Diamond Tiara made the best of it while Trixie grumbled miserably about getting caught up Starlight's crazy schemes. While Thorax felt the punishment fit the crime, he had to admit one thing as his anger settled down, he couldn't put all the blame on the three ponies for what had happened. Diamond Tiara had made a legit point that he chose to disregard. He began to wonder if he would have done the same thing if he felt like no one was listening and he thought he was in the right.

Maybe I wouldn't have gone so far as to put the whole hive at risk Thorax thought.

"Um, excuse me," said a timid voice. Thorax snapped out of his thoughts and saw that Diamond Tiara was standing in front of him.

"All done with the cleanup, Di?" Thorax asked her bluntly.

"Yeah," said Diamond Tiara, "Anything else?"

"If you promise not to go behind my back again, I think we're good," said Thorax, giving her a reassuring smile. But Diamond Tiara didn't feel better and looked at him sadly.

"Okay…again, I'm really, really sorry," said Diamond Tiara and she started to cry. Thorax walked up and gave the filly a hug.

"Please don't cry, Di," said Thorax, "I'm sorry I got so angry. You did have a good idea and the hive now understands that protecting the hives doesn't mean going back to doing patrols all the time. I'm gonna get to work on creating shifts so those who want to volunteer for the patrol don't have to make it their entire life and Pharynx is okay with that."

"That's good," said Diamond Tiara as she wiped her eyes, "but are we going to be okay?"

"What do you mean?" Thorax asked.

"Well, we did get into a fight…" Diamond Tiara pointed out sadly.

"Hey, we both said some harsh things we didn't mean in the moment," said Thorax, "I know you're sorry for what you said and did. I'm sorry for not listening to you. I guess I just wasn't ready to accept the truth that I might have to banish my brother if he doesn't behave. I do have a duty to the hive and I was putting him first. Pharynx appreciated the loyalty, but even he gave me a hard time for doing that…and made me hit myself in front of everyone. Can you forgive me?"

"I already have," said Diamond Tiara, "and I hope you know I mean this as a friend when I say I love you." Thorax chuckled.

"And as your friend, I love you too," said Thorax as he pulled her in for a hug, "Feeling better?" Diamond Tiara smiled, gave him a nod, and then sighed.

"I really wish I was old enough to be your betrothed," said Diamond Tiara, "I doubt I'll ever find a special somepony back home. Most of the boys in class are too immature or they still think I'm evil."

"Don't sell yourself short, Di," said Thorax, "You are a sweet and lovable filly and the right colt will love you for who are really are." Thorax gave Diamond Tiara a wink, making the filly giggle.

"Di! Are you done talking to Thorax yet?" Starlight called out from out of view, "It's time to go home. Trixie fell asleep on my back and she's getting really heavy!" Diamond Tiara hid a snicker.

"See ya later, sweetie," Diamond Tiara told Thorax before rushing off to find Starlight. Thorax waved goodbye to the filly and watched her disappear before sitting back on his throne and sighed.

"She'd make a great queen if she was old enough," said a voice.

"Yah!" Thorax yelped. The voice then chuckled from a nearby collection of vines and revealed itself to be Pharynx. Thorax was indignant.

"Was the eavesdropping really necessary?" said Thorax.

"Hey, just looking out for my brother," said Pharynx, giving him a playful jab to the shoulder.

"You mean you're hoping I'll do something stupid so you can tell everyone else about it," Thorax remarked.

"Hey, is it my fault you always make a fool of yourself whenever you're around girls," said Pharynx, "Remember your big crush on Gypsy?"

"I'd rather not," Thorax said bluntly. Pharynx laughed.

"I remember it like it was yesterday," Pharynx chuckled as he sat next to his brother, "Like how she used to slug you every time you gave her goo-goo eyes and how about that time…" Pharynx continued to share his memories about how Thorax humiliated himself. Thorax just sighed and gave a loud groan as Pharynx talked on and on for hours.

That's big brothers for you…

You can't live with 'em, and you can't live without 'em!

And that concludes an adventure to the new changeling kingdom. Many might be curious why I had Diamond Tiara be the tag-along instead of Mario or even Shenran. Well, you all know by now that Diamond Tiara has quite a crush on Thorax and I wanted to show that the filly is getting some crucial character development. If you've been reading since her reformation, she's not only growing as a pony, but also in maturity. That is why she had so many moments of wisdom in this chapter. After all, the show never truly shows that Diamond Tiara why her cutie mark means leadership. And this chapter is a good example that she does have those qualities.

Also, you'll noticed that I did my best to avoid making it seems like Diamond Tiara's advice was being disregarded simply because she's a filly. Rather, her advice was ignored because the changelings didn't want to do anything that reminded them of their past and Thorax clearly was being too loyal to Pharynx for his own good. In the end, her advice was ignored due to short-sightedness by the hive rather than the typical "we don't take young ponies seriously" situation, which happens far too often with the CMC.

And you can see that Mario has been teaching Diamond Tiara other ways to defend herself. I hinted that she was more agile at the season ix finale. So here was a follow-up to that along with some additional skills she had learned. Plus, you also got to see that Diamond Tiara learned to float in the air the same way Starlight did in the season five finale. I wonder what else she'll learn in the future?

Next Time: Rainbow, Pinkie, and Mario help Daring Do when negative criticism is about to bring her career, as a writer and an adventurer, to an end. With good friends, Mario was able to conquer his own case of negative criticism. Can he and his friends help Daring Do overcome her own?

Peace Pony Fans!