Chapter 10 for The Quest for Power is finally here! Thank you to everyone that is now currently reading this and has stayed committed to this story. I've been absent for a little while because of academic commitments, personal life and new creative muses. I am happy to get this chapter out and able to bring this to you guys. Let me know how you feel about the story and where you guys think its going to go. Please enjoy the chapter! One Love.

'It's time to wake up child.'

*Gasp* With a rush of air he awoke and seemed to be covered in a cold sweat, it felt as if he body was chained down and locked in place. His beautiful gems searched all throughout the room looking to process as much as he could through with his returning consciousness. His nose took in the smell of medicine and cleaning fluid he was in a hospitable, just perfect. The eyes of the man looked to his right and noticed sun shining through the window illuminating the sky in a beautiful form.

'Wait a minute?' Thought the man in confusion and apprehension wasn't he residing in the underworld at the current moment? Last he remembered the underworld was overseen by a sky painted with the wrath of the original Satans. Sitting up and taking a moment to sense out any energy signatures and realized that he was in fact still in the underworld with the evident sense of demonic energy running around the world. He did not know what was going on but honestly, he was too exhausted to even care.

As he was debating on falling back a sleep his room door was opened gently and from it, he saw a mop of gold hair enter the room. He knew the signature of the newest entrant like he knew the back of his hand, but the boy felt timid and worried. The young child walked in the room and the man could see the golden blonde hair and dark blue eyes of the child. The boy wore garments befitting a devil of noble descent, red and gold dripped from his clothing as he walked with worry and apprehension in his eyes. The boy looked to be no older than thirteen years old in terms of humans and had yet to gain true confidence within himself.

'Ruval has come to see me it seems,' Thought the man as he could smell the boy's lingering scent throughout the room.

The patient stared into the surprised eyes of his visitor for a moment both did nothing but stared upon each other. For the youth his thoughts were transparent as if they were being spoken to the elder man, the boy couldn't believe it. He held hope that this moment would come but he still couldn't believe it, it was surreal for him to look into those powerful eyes again.

"This isn't a dream Ruval you can stop pinching yourself. I am awake again." Spoke the elder blonde with a small smile on his face and now he just waited.

"ANIUE!" Shouted the young child as he lunged at the man and wrapped him in a hug filled with brotherly love and happiness. He couldn't describe the emotions he felt when he heard the voice of his idol and elder brother after so long. The man was immovable and impervious to the young Phenex and to see him in such a state seemed wrong and unnatural to the young child.

"I've missed you so much, I came by every day to see you and check on you to see if you would wake up. The doctors said they weren't sure if you would wake up, but I always believed in you Aniue. I knew you would come back. I knew it." Finished the child as small sobs and tears left his eyes at the thought of being able to feel the warmth of Naruto once again.

Hearing the words and feeling the emotion in the young devil Naruto gained a somber smile and rubbed the head of the young man. Hoping to calm the emotional teen the elder blonde spoke softly, "Otōto all is well, I am back now. I'm sorry for worrying you but I am back now sit up and let me see you."

Sitting up Ruval looked into Naruto's eyes and the hybrid could see the child's eyes stained red from the little emotional release he experienced. Ruval tried to wipe his eyes to remove the tears from his eyes in front of his idol he didn't want to look weak. How could he show weakness after he stayed so strong when his elder brother was in pain, Ruval hated the thought of being so weak.

Suddenly he felt the warmth of his head being rubbed and looked up to see a smile on his brother's face, "You've done well in my absence little one. I can feel that you've been working on controlling your powers, your flames feel much stronger and are burning much greater in your heart. Feel no shame in showing your tears, all true men display their tears when they feel emotional. It's fine if you wish to cry." Naruto smiled on seeing the young man nod in acceptance of the words and both just sat in silence with Naruto merely watching the Ruval seemingly pull in his emotions and gain control of himself.

"Now then Otōto, help your Aniue catch up with everything that has gone on in the underworld. Specifically, when did the underworld get a sun?" Questioned the blonde in confusion as he tilted his head at the laughing face of his little brother.

"Of course, Naruto-Aniue."

"Sera dear, must you have such a mean face on at the moment. Your secretary is out there shaking in terror." Spoke an elegant voice as the newly named Leviathan raised her head from her desk full of paper work. A smile lit upon the face of the foreign affairs head as she saw the woman that had come to the Leviathan office to visit.

"Kaa-chan!" Spoke the beautiful devil as she jumped out of her chair and dashed across the office and hugged the beautiful duchess.

Serena Sitri was an enchanting woman with her cascading black hair that was freely flowing down to her seductive ass. Her skin was a smooth alabaster color that was unblemished and unfounded by any besmirching defects. Her blue eyes and heart stealing smile were on full display as she held her beloved revolutionary of a daughter. Much in the same vein as her daughter her chest was large and straining against the ornate and gorgeous gown she was wearing. The woman stood at a modest 5'6 and had the air of a loving and whimsical duchess, one that wars in the middles ages were waged over.

"My Sera how are you feeling?" Questioned the smiling mother as she lovingly stroked her child's hair. The amount of overwhelming pride and happiness that Serena felt when she held her daughter in her hands and to see all that the young woman had accomplished.

Serafall merely snuggled her face into her mother's warmth and held on for as long as she could. "I've been well mother, this new found paperwork and responsibility are getting in the way of sleep." Spoke the bubbly girl as she glared toward the papers with a look that wished to set the papers a blaze through a mere look, she could imagine the papers struck by a wave of black wave. Oh, if only such a power existed.

A laugh drew the new leader's attention as she saw her mother cover her mouth with her delicate and manicured hands and noticed a new shade of nail polish on the woman's hands.

'Matte black? Hmm that's a nice color.'

Shaking away the thought and planning to steal the shade whenever she gets the time to do her nails and to pamper herself. A woman deserves to take care of herself after fighting in a revolution and becoming a societal leader. She earned that much.

"Why are you laughing Kaa-chan?" Questioned the Maou with a pout.

Ceasing her laughter, the mother ran her hands through her daughter's gorgeous hair and smiled, "You have the same look on your face as your father does whenever he has any clan paperwork to do. Like father, like daughter it seems."

Sera gave her own sheepish laugh as she remembered the look and aura surrounding her father whenever he was held in his study forced to do paperwork. She sweat dropped as she realized that most of the paperwork her father had to do was in accordance of her own actions. She was a rambunctious child in her day.

'Gomenasai Otou-sama. I finally understand your pain.'

Sitting in a study was a tall handsome dark-haired man that was furiously going through paperwork that seemed to be endless. The man's blue eyes seemed dulled and devoid of life as he continued down the mundane requirement of leadership. The man looked up suddenly and his eyes gained a spark of life and a smile of glee finally crossing the man's face.

"Now you know pain my daughter."

"Sitri-sama?" Questioned a young maid that entered the room confused by the sudden statement.

Sadly, the man never answered the question or even acknowledged the maid as his eyes dulled once more.

Shaking her head, the devil daughter looked at her mother, "Not that I'm not happy to see you but why are you here Kaa-chan?"

"I am here to check on you. A mother can't check on her only child?"

Hearing the response, the Maou laughed and released the hug around her mother and walked back to her desk, "I am doing well Kaa-chan. Just busy with leading a society on the brink of extinction and trying to remedy the cracks in the failed previous regime."

Serena could see it; she shook her head and noticed the slight tensing of her daughter's body. Did the girl really believe she could hide from the woman that carried her for ten months, any mother worth her salt can see when their child is distressed. Serena knew Serafall was hurting.

"Sera, when was the last time you slept?"

Hearing the simple question Serafall's mind went blank for a moment, when was the last time that she slept since the end of the war?

"You were always like this whenever you had so much on your mind. Trying to carry your burdens yourself never asking for help or sharing your pain with anyone. Quite the stubborn woman you have always been." Spoke the duchess in sad tone as she stared upon her daughter's shadowed face and felt the girl's massive magic fluctuate with her emotions. The girl was much like her father in that regard, both were bull's and afflicted with the great sin of pride to an egregious degree. Both believed that no matter the outcome, even if it calls for their deaths, as long as the people they love are taken care of everything is fine. Serena loved that nature about the two, but it also frustrated the woman to no unequivocal end.

"I don't know what you're talking about Kaa-chan, I have a lot of wo-"

"When was the last time you slept Sera?" The question sliced through Serafall's words like a blade through a watermelon. Serafall prepared to respond but she was quickly cut off from that attempt.

"When was the last time you ate? When was the last time you went to the Leviathan mansion? When was the last time you came to the Sitri mansion and ate with your family?"

Serafall didn't look her mother in the eye as she heard the questions, she couldn't truly look at the woman as she was being interrogated. The newly named Leviathan knew she was struggling at the current moment, but she was trying as best as she could to manage everything.

"Sera you can't use magic and your reserves to balance out your lack of eating and sleeping. Your reserves are massive, but they are not infinite this isn't healthy or smart of you to do Sera." The mother paused for a moment, "Come home sleep and eat please."

"I can't mother, I don't want to go to sleep. I don't want to sleep without him." Spoke the distraught devil as the tears finally fell from her eyes. She hated to sleep in a bed by herself now after so long of sleeping beside someone she loved. It was killing her, the silence, the coldness, she hated the thought of being without her she hated the thought of not being in his arms. She missed the sounds of his light snores, the warmth of his body, the feeling of his breath on her body, waking up to those beautiful eyes that take her to paradise whenever she woke up to them. Listening to his heart beat. Eating dinner with him, laughing with him sharing stories with him.

Her world was so lonely and dark without him.

Hearing the words, the mother's eyes softened, she had a suspicion that he was the reason for her beloved daughter's pain, but she didn't want to jump to assumption. Serafall was an emotional girl by her very nature she wore her heart on her sleeves and for the world to see. Her joy, her cheerfulness, even her childish disposition was all a part of her emotions laid bare. So, when the girl experiences pain and heartache and disappointment it was easy for Serena to see the pain.

Pulling her child to one of the couches in the office Serena hugged her daughter as she cried her heart away, the girl just wanted to let it all out. She wanted to remove all the built-up pain in her heart and her soul and couldn't hold on anymore. Serena merely sat there and allowed the girl to release all of the pain in her heart.

Slowly the crying calmed down and Lady Leviathan was slowing her pain to sniffles and a few drops of tears were falling slower now. Rubbing her eyes Sera gave a humorless laugh, "Sorry, Kaa-chan I didn't mean to ruin your dress."

Looking down the woman merely rubbed her daughter's arm and kissed her forehead filling the kiss with nothing but love and comfort, "Don't worry on such a dress, you are my only child and I am always here to help you. You do not need handle everything yourself if you need help or anyone you can always come to me or your father. We are family we will always stick beside you."

Sera smiled and nodded at the words and gave her mother a warm hug with a whisper, "Thank you Kaa-chan."

"Of course my dear. Now come let go ho-"

Suddenly the office door was slammed open and one of the Leviathan guards that were stationed around the office came in with a force. The man was wearing a black padded armor and bore a sword at his hip, the man was tall with dark hair and a fierce look in his eyes. The man was military-trained as he stood firm in front of his leader composed.

"Lady Leviathan I-"

"Excuse me." Spoke the Duchess Serena with a vicious smile on her face that reeked of polite and righteous anger. A dark aura was surrounding the woman that looked to be shaped in the way a serpent constricts its prey.

The guard was sweating as he held his composed stance and looked at the beautiful and horrifying smile of Lady Sitri. The man didn't know what horrible mistake he made but he was truly regretting it.

"L-Lady Sitri, forgive my rudeness I did not see you in the room." Spoke the man with fear as he bowed his head lowly to show his apologetic attitude. He didn't want to incur the wrath of the woman that could drain his body of all its moisture and leave it as just a walking husk.

"Thank you for the acknowledgement and respect guard-san. Even though you interrupted my conversation with my daughter I hope this new information is quite important." The guard was now shaken as he felt that the eyes of a predator were staring down on him.

"Ouch!" Rubbing her side Lady Sitri looked at her daughter with a look of betrayal on her face. Serafall looked to her guard and saw him relax a little now that her mother wasn't blasting him with demonic energy.

Serafall saw that it would be good to step in now, "What is it you needed Bouldian-san?"

Nodding in acknowledgement and thankfulness to the reprieve from the woman's energy, "Lady Leviathan news from the hospital, it appears Naruto-sama has awakened from his coma and has requested to speak with you."

The man looked to the couch and noticed that both mother and daughter were already gone and teleported to the hospital.

Emotionless eyes stared upon eyes filled with mirth and madness.

The man was sitting on a comfy chair with a small table beside him with glasses and pot filled with what her nose alerted her to be alcohol. She assumed it to be wine, the man seemed to be a bit of a wine drinker. She never tasted alcohol, she never cared for it seeing it as a creation by mortals that would do nothing to her tastes or her senses. She was a God, a true God. She looked at the man's den that was filled with endless books and pictures of an angel and a human holding a young child.

She could sense the residual pure energy that resided within the room, the energy overshadowed anything in the room and drowned the two demons in light. The books gave off a faint glow as did the portrait of the man, even the flames of the fire place shined brighter than any she had ever seen. She could see that the books of this room were beaten and used repeatedly by the previous owner of this den. She remembered watching the Great War from the Dimensional Gap and the angel in the portrait was one that immediately drew her attention. A calm leader and intellectual warrior but merely controlled by his pride and his wrath. But the offspring in front of her surprised her.

This creature's lineage, the descendent of Lucifer, his half breed of a son, she felt the miniscule amount of energy in his body. She could feel the vile sin rolling off of his body as if he were the embodiment of depravity and sin. The man believed himself to be continuing his father's work by wreaking havoc upon the world, but the man had a deeper plan he wanted to enact. A plan she didn't truly understand nor even had a care to, but she knew it was there.

It didn't matter to her either way. No, all that mattered was killing that red idiot that took her space and decided he would live there. All that monstrosity did was create noise and disturb her peace how could she ever survive or even deal with being around such a noisy creature. The beast only wanted to roar, do little flying tricks and try to goad her into a fight whenever the first two became boring.

That's when she decided upon this plan, well not much of a plan more of a well thought out, multi-layered bribe of sorts. But semantics or technicalities didn't matter to her the only thing that mattered is her getting back what was hers.

"The Ouboros dragon has appeared before me. Now to what do I owe the pleasure?" She could her the sickly arrogance and pride dripping with every word the man spoke. To the normal creatures of the world this man's appearance would shatter there will and cause them to become subservient to him. Much in the same way that dog standing at attention next to the man was.

But in her eyes, she could see it. The man hid it well, both men did, but she saw it as clear as day they were both were terrified by her. Power made many around you fearful and envious of you, those that are envious believe that they can attain your level of power, so they scorn you and wish destruction upon you. It was natural in that way if one believed they could achieve what another had the best way to go about it is to destroy the one who has what you want and take it for yourself. That is the envy of power.

But when you are feared because of your power, that changes the entire perspective of what you are dealing with in the scope of the world. When you wield enough power to be feared there are two paths one can pushed towards by the world; the path of non-existence or the path of divinity. For both her and the red idiot they are revered and idolized as Gods by the beings of true power in this world, beings that too have been propelled into the same esteem of hierarchy, not to the same degree as her, but in the same space.

Yet most of the world does not know of her existence because a being of her power, the manifestation of infinity itself, no being could exist with that much power to the mortal world. Its incomprehensible, so they deny that she exists and place her as an aspect of reality rather than an inhabitant of it.

What she is witnessing now is the amalgamation of the fear being shattered and the envy forming, such greed in those blue eyes.

"Rizevim Livan Lucifer," She uttered the man's name in an emotionless drawl that seemed to bring a splitting smile upon the man's face. She assumed that her merely speaking the man's full name gave his ego an amazing boost. Even looking to his dog, she saw the pet raise his chest in pride for its master such subservience.

"How pleasant of the Infinite Dragon God to know my name its an honor to hear you speak it. May I offer you a drink, perhaps some juice? I would offer a glass of wine, but I wouldn't feel right promoting underaged drinking." She stared into the man's eyes and could tell the joy that seemed to seep out of the man's body as he spoke that joke.

"Have you acquired the members you told me of?" She did not feel the need to play with this man, she wasn't good at slippery words or suave body language. No, she was infinity she drowned her enemies in madness and overwhelming power.

"I did my gracious leader; I have collected all of the descendants of the Original Satans along with the remainder of the legions that are still loyal to their houses. Alongside the houses that are still loyal to my house I would hazard a guess that the Old-Satan Faction holds a command of over 35,000 soldiers give or take. A rough estimate. The Great War and recently ended Civil War did an excruciating number upon our species population." She heard something she didn't like. Rather she didn't hear a key point that needed to be there.

"Where are the three that you have recruited?" The man's grin grew even more.

"They are resting in the other room, I'm sure they are awake at the current moment you can speak with your new subordinates if you wish." He didn't receive any acknowledgement from the emotionless deity which only added to the man's amusement.

"Euclid-kun, please lead the way to our guests and hopefully Katerea is decent, since we do have a child present with us." She didn't care to correct the man or to even speak upon his choice of jokes, she was in the form of a child at the current moment. She was a god, a Dragon god at that, she could be whatever form she wished her elder form became boring and to mundane. It was fun parading around the world as an old man but in this form, she was much more comfortable. Besides her true form was much to horrifying to move about in. In her true form her true power is released and all that will do is attract that red idiot and Death.

Now; if only she could get the emotionless swordsman on her side, then she would be able to definitely push that giant lizard from her realm. Even if it was just her and the horseman, that dragon would be removed from her space for good. Death was a warrior she never wanted to see in battle. She watched her fair share of strong combatants throughout the years, even fought a few herself but the things she witnessed the swordsman do with that blade in his hand. Brought something that she didn't even know she had at the time, emotions, specifically excitement. The excitement to see a being of the same level of power do battle and the man seemed like pleasant company to be around.

A door within the den opened and she was guided down the hallway by the ever-smiling Lucifer descendent and his dog. She could feel the amusement of the devil as he was enjoying the thought of being able to walk down the hallway next to the floating Infinite Dragon God. The dog on the other hand was walking faithfully ahead without even turning back to look toward his master. A good dog with a leash around his neck.

"You've trained him well."

She saw the blue orbs catch her and look at her with curiosity racing through them, the man seemed to be very curious and sensitive to her every action and word. It was like he was studying.

"Trained? What do you mean Ophis?"

She looked forward to the now stiffened back of the Lucifuge devil and spoke once more, "Your dog, you've trained him well. I've watched how humans train their dogs to behave around guests and you have trained him very well. He doesn't bark or howl for attention or cause to much noise. He is pleasant and quiet."

The man howled with a laugh as he understood what it was the diminutive deity was referring to, his right-hand man.

She didn't understand why the man was laughing she only spoke about what she observed and from what she said she couldn't decipher anything funny from it. Then again, she didn't really have a grasp of comedy or understand the concept of what makes something funny.

"A dog, you say? I wouldn't call my most trusted attendant a dog but to hear it from the Dragon God herself I must say it is quite hard to argue against. What do you think Euclid-kun? Would you prefer I put a leash and collar on you and pet your head whenever you perform well in your tasks?"

She watched the dog's head turn back and acknowledge her master for the first time, "I would prefer not to be treated or observed as a dog Rizevim-sama."

"Your pet doesn't realize that he is already your pet."

"Indeed, he is ignorant to the truth."

"We are here Rizevim-sama, Ophis-sama." The dog seemed to be in a rush to divert the attention from him to someone else. That's weird from what she knew of dogs (through years of careful research) she understood that dogs love attention especially from their master and from guests of their master. Why did this one not act in accordance to that view? Was this dog sick?

Floating into the room she discarded her thoughts on the sick dog and looked toward three new occupants within what seemed to be a lounge area. Victorian style, something one would see in the heights of royal Britain in the past. Pristine blue and silver decorated the room which seemed to reflect off of the owner of the mansion who was staring upon the confused faces of the three occupants with amusement. It made sense that they looked at her with confusion, they were ignorant to the fact that God was in front of them.

"Rizevim, have your tastes fallen so low to children? We are devils and beings of sin but even that is heinous and something I will not have in my presence."

She looked at the creature that spoke out of turn. It was a male from what she saw, with hair long enough that it fell to his hips and was a chestnut color. He had green colored eyes and was wearing black and green robes that were lined blue and black among the robes. The man exuded an aura similar of that to Rizevim next to her but in a much smaller dosage. If Rizevim was a house fly this man was a protozoa.

The man that spoke, seemed to speak as if he was someone of worth and stature, she didn't understand why dogs seemed to speak out of turn. She was confused on why her new pets were so untrained and unrefined especially in the presence of their new master. Well she couldn't judge yet she didn't hear the other two speak without permission, they were behaving well.

"Shalba-kun, I always knew you were a bit brazen in your words, but I must applaud you."

"Why have you brought a young child here Rizevim? You told us the next time you showed yourself you would explain why it is you saved us during the war."

She turned her head to look at the other dog that spoke and she could see it was a tanned female with, brown hair wrapped in a bun with a pair of glasses on her face. The dog was tall with a large chest that was straining against the front of her dress that seemed to only cover her nipples. Making her look like a whore, then again, she couldn't really comment seeing as she didn't wear a shirt at all and was wearing black pasties on her chest.

"She is here because she is the reason why I saved you all. This is the person that I told you three that will help the Old Satan Faction achieve its ultimate goal."

A long-haired elf man spoke up now, it seems all three dogs are present in the meeting.

"This is absurd! How is it that a mere child will help us accomplish our esteemed destinies? This is a useless meeting and a waste of our time Rizevim."

She felt the vileness on the man as he grew more and more excited, he knew what he was doing when he brought her here. He knew how they would respond. He knew how ignorant children act when they don't realize the power that is in the room. He was much the same way when she first came to him in search of his father which led to her sadly settling on him. But it didn't matter she had some new pets to train.

"You all don't realize it yet. This is just astonishing to me, father always told me the most amusing thing to watch was prideful ants roaring about as if they were dragons."

She looked and saw the three dogs gain a colorful aura around them; it seems this is what they are like when they are upset. How interesting. She looked to Rizevim's dog even witnessed the pet become a guard dog in case any of them wish to show their fangs. She found this interesting, is this how lower life forms act to display their dominance of one another?

"Ants?" She saw the green mut speak with a rather nasty look in his eyes.

The big chested dog spoke up as well, "Rizevim merely because you are considered a super devil that doesn't mean we can't strike you and those two pawns beside you. Remember we are all descended from Devil royal blood and our powers together are greater than yours."

"To threaten my Lord in front of my face is a slight against the Lucifuge house and I will not stand for such actions. Anymore remarks of violence against my esteemed Lord will result in your deaths."

Ophis turned to Rizevim, "Your guard dog is quite protective of you."

"Why of course, treat your subordinates correctly and they will loyally defend you against all oppositions. No matter the futility of the endeavor." Spoke the man with an earsplitting grin as he knew what was to come.

She didn't turn from Rizevim but she was addressing all of the devils in the room with her next few words and she saw it fit to play their games of power so they can comprehend what being is in charge. "I am the Ouboros Dragon God, Ophis. I allowed Rizevim to collect your three because I need your armies to reclaim my space from the red idiot. You three are weak by yourselves. I can change that and make you powerful." She snapped her fingers and three black serpents entered into the bodies of the three descendants sending increasing their level of power by a hundredfold. It was the power of gods.

"This is my gift for your service and fealty to me and my plan. For your loyalty and your armies, you will follow and obey my commands." She turned to the three and noticed they were tensed in true numbing fear as her power was slowly seeping from her small body. The same states could be said for Rizevim's dog, but the Lucifer descendant seemed to be holding himself a bit better. He was tensed and full of fear, but he still held his composure.

"Intimidation. Is not amusing." With that the Dragon God disappeared leaving all in the room in a state of silence and terror.

Rizevim's chuckle broke the silence as he held madness in his eyes, "Do your question our new leader now?"

Today was the day.

Being one of the four leaders of the underworld surely came with its own perks and its own headaches but that was with all facets of life. Balance was essential in the role of life, without balance the world would see to run competently for all guests. In all the worlds there are those that are on the bottom in terms of power and prestige that look to those at the top of the mountain to protect and give them something to strive for. Citizens place their power and trust in leaders and officials to ensure a correct and proper balance is attain in their society. Should only the greatest rule with no competition then the world would resemble the underworld in its previous days, but not anymore.

Laws were in created and implemented, checks and balances were a key concept in changing the culture and philosophical direction of devil society. To change a society and a culture you must first change that societies philosophical understanding and their views of one another. The original four believed that they were the transcendent beings and were to be praised and worships as if they were divine while all others were tools to be used and discarded. That philosophy needed to be abolished and removed from the framework of devil society especially for what the genius had in mind to propel their future.

With a knock he didn't have to wait to long for a lovely maid to open the doors to the lovely mansion that he visited. He was used to the awed expressions on the faces of the mansion keepers whenever he visited but the dazzling smile and hope in those eyes. That look was new, and it only came to life in everyone's eyes as they looked upon a king or a ruler. Well now he truly was a king and now he had a responsibility to his people to ensure survival or all he and his comrades would rule with be bones and dirt.

"Beelzebub-sama it is an honor to be in your presence, Lord Agares has been awaiting you. Allow me to escort you to his study your grace."

A cool smile and a mere glance at the body posture of the young maid and the newly named Beelzebub spoke, "Yes, thank you for your help."

The walk was silent and comfortable, the young maid did look back toward the now legendary war hero and Devil ruler. Ajuka could see the questions in the young maid's mind as she continued to steal glances toward him. Usually the suave devil would inquire into the maid's unasked questions with apathy and curiosity. But this meeting was of the utmost importance and he desired to be completely focused on his objective.

The hall was befitting that of an Archduke devil family, the walls were lined with clean marble and many pictures of the previous Heads of the Agares. Red carpet garbed the floor where ever Ajuka's eyes looked, plenty of vases and plants lined the walls of the mansion. The hall was truly beautiful and if the Beelezebub had been of lesser stature he would feel intimidated. He was everything but of lesser stature and he was never one to be intimidated by any being.

"We are here Beezebub-sama." Spoke the maid demurely as she turned towards the green haired king who was merely admiring and studying the large oaken door. The door was outlined with an image depicting a large crocodile with its maw opened wide beckoning all who enter to be devoured by the beast. The maid knocked upon the door three times and waited patiently.

After a few moments a voice spoke from behind the door, "Enter."

The maid opened the door to the now revealed study and stepped aside with a gesture allowing him to enter. Walking in the study, Ajuka came upon a lithe blonde man he had with short platinum blonde hair, the man's faces was pointed down focusing upon a report he was reading. From what Ajuka could see the man was garbed in white and navy colored robes that looked exquisite upon the Archduke. The study was lined with shelves of books that to the trained eyes of the former heir the spines of the books looked worn and used hundreds of times. The desk the man sat at was pristine oak and was filled with pens and stacks of reports neatly organized it was reminiscent of his desk. Behind the man was a large window displaying the now risen sun shining through the window bringing a smile to the new leader's face.

Ajuka walked within the room and took a seat on one of the rooms in front of his desk and crossed his left leg over his right and waited patiently. He knew this game and decided to indulge the clan head in his psychological strategy, so he sat patiently in his thoughts. With a few more minutes of waiting and listening to a pen on paper Ajuka saw that the head wasn't going to speak.

"Marcellus Agares-dono."

The man stopped his writing and raised his head allowing Ajuka to see sharp pink eyes that looked to try to cut into the newly instated ruler. But the Agares saw that his eyes could do nothing but merely gaze upon the apathetic and calm facade of the ruler.

"Beelzebub-dono, it's a pleasure to have this audience with you." Spoke the man pleasantly with a calm gaze as he propped his elbows on the desk and watched the green haired demon.

Smiling the ruler spoke, "I thank you for having me, I have been trying to set up a meeting with you for some time now to discuss such important matters."

The Agares head heard the words and felt the hidden message and the assumption thrown to him, it was an accurate assumption, but it didn't matter. "Running a clan and being an active member of Devil noble society requires the utmost attention even with the ending of this war thanks to the efforts of you and your fellow Satans. I've come to find myself with a bit more space within my schedule." Finished the heir calmly with a small smile seeing that the message was understood in the eyes of the genius.

"Indeed, the responsibility of rule commands the full attention of us selected." Spoke Beelzebub as he looked the Agares in the eyes.

Leaning back in his chair the clan head spoke, "Tell me Ajuka-dono why is it that you have come to have an audience with me on this lovely day."

The eyes of the genius lit up with excitement and opportunity but also with pride dripping into his voice, "Marcellus-dono, as you know our species is close to a population crisis with the end of the Great War and when the total tally of this war comes out, we assuredly will be placed upon the border of extinction." Paused Beelzebub for a moment. "To counteract this inevitability, I have spent a majority of my time on devising a way to lead to our people to a new prosperity."

With that Ajuka suddenly summoned a chess set, one side was white and the other was black and placed the set on the desk in front of the clan head. Earning the blonde's current curious gaze as he silently stared upon the set.

"Chess? Forgive me but I do not understand how it is that chess will be able to save or even help our species Ajuka-dono.?" This was the smartest man in the underworld by the farthest of margins and it was an accepted fact. It was the prevailing reason he was asked to lead the research and development department and yet the man has been merely playing human games.

Agares looked to the green haired devil and witnessed the ingenuity and madness that came with prodigal intelligence. The ingenuity to decipher and apart existence and to pilfer through the truths of life and create an entirely new reality. The madness that leads some to ask the question "Why is God able to create perfection?" but to rather ask "How can I perfect what God created?" Marcellus was intimidated and intrigued when he witnessed the new leader stare upon the board with a look that could be akin to a mad scientist or possibly the look a creator had when they devise the blue print to bring their wishes to life.

"Marcellus." Ajuka spoke the clan head's name casually which drew in the head more now, this was no longer a debate and discourse lead by politeness and etiquette. No to the green-haired devil could move past such petty fallacies of decorum now. Besides, behind the Baal the Four Satans and the Agares must be close to one another, the Agares are the bridge to the king.

"In the game board I have placed in front of us there are 32 pieces in total and I have come up with a theory that will center around the precedence of power and prestige that is central to our society."

The King pieces raised from their spots and rotated around one another.

"We the nobility of society, the rulers of Makai; we are the kings. It is us that decided to create a revolution. Now it is our responsibility to lead and rebuild the society that our revolution has birthed in this new passage of life. But for one to truly rule we must have subjects, subordinates," The other piece illuminated the space lightly drawing Marcellus' quick attention until it returned to the cool navy of the ruling Beelzebub.

"What is it you suggest Ajuka?"

Hearing the question, "It is simple with this theory and the testing required we shall be able to convert any being within the world into one of our own. Through this action our population can triple in fold over the course of the centuries. With our people's biological struggles through reproduction this is our only path." Finished Ajuka this was the culmination of his patience and his studious actions, now it all relied on this one important discussion.

Marcellus leaned back in his chair and debated over the words and the implications behind this theory. To forcefully change the essence and the soul of one existence and re-write the DNA and change them into one of demonic heritage. Such an action could be considered by some to be deemed a heresy, the perversion of the true path life and destiny ordained for all. Could not one equate such actions and philosophy to that of the old regime?

"Ajuka your theory and the premise behind it is well founded and I'm sure well researched, I need not question your scientific integrity only a fool would do such a thing. But I must question your philosophical base for performing such an action as destroying one's essence as one existence and re-writing that into an existence of servitude. How is it any different from the beliefs and desires of the Original Four?" Marcellus paused and allowed the question to seep into the mind of the genius. The Agares head noticed that the Satan never broke eye contact. He continued in his questioning to remove any chance of responding.

"Do you truly understand what it is you are suggesting? You, who is attempting to create a societal order based upon equality and prosperity; and now you are committing to the concept of destroying a being's very own existence and recreating it. Can you truly accept the weight of that decision, the knowledge and responsibility of destroying and enslaving millions of beings across the world to continue the existence of our own." Marcellus sat with a certain prestige and aura as if he were a father educating a son upon the total repercussions of his decisions. It was needed honestly; this young devil was blessed the intellect and power to destroy and recreate the world a new. The Agares clan head was truly intrigued to see what it is that the Beelzebub wished to discuss and to see the mind of the legendary inventor. Yet he needed to see.

Ajuka never lost his eye contact with the blonde devil as the questions were shot towards him. The questions of morality and of philosophy were all needed to be wages when situations of this magnitude were being approached. Beelzebub would question whether he made the correct choice in coming here if he didn't have faith in the Agares clan head to ask such questions. The questions that Ajuka already asked and came to grips with the answer.

"To rebel against the predetermined world, you are born in is considered heresy, an act against nature. Lucifer and Azazel committed such heresy when they fell from grace. Adam and Eve committed such an act when they gained awareness of what they are and of the world surrounding them. The New Satan faction committed this heresy when they denied the call of the Old Satan Faction to wage war once more. Rebellion requires will and courage, those who incite a revolution must have the fortitude and will to follow through and be prepared to wage war." Ajuka paused.

"Yet, the second stage of rebellion is never truly discussed. What is the society that is to follow supposed to look like after the rebellion Marcellus? That is the ultimate question that my research has attempted to answer, all the questions you've raised and all the questions of morality you have illuminated are questions and ideals that I myself have raised for many years. I have come to terms with the basis of what it is I am suggesting, society no matter how it is formed will always have a secret of darkness and moral ambiguity. All of Devil nobility that exists now have chosen the path of equality and peace, dare I say even love. I understand the responsibility and ramifications that are a part of this choice and I have accepted the moral responsibilities that come along and now I come here, and I must ask you will you aide me in this scientific breakthrough?" Questioned Ajuka as he stared into the pink eyes of the time wielder.

The man was silent for only a moment until he spoke with a smile, "What is it you need Ajuka-sama?"

A smile was returned, "The crystals of the Agares."

And thats a wrap! Did you guys like how I'm laying the ground work for the Devils back story and events happening after Civil War or do you guys just want me to get past this part and time skip? We meet Ophis and see her interactions between Rizevim and the other Satans. Let me know what you think of the story so far. Love all of you, see you in the next chapter. PS Just saw Endgame... Nigga!