Flying high in the sky, a small black cat with wings could be seen flying happily. "I love being free!" the cat shouted. Flying loops and zigzag, it laughed until it started to get a cramp in its wings.

"Oh crap!"

Falling, the cat screamed in fear. 'Oh no, I'm done for! This can't be happening!' Down, down, it went until it smacked onto something really hard with its head. It tumbled and started rolling. The cat tried to stop, but whatever it hit made it see stars. Just when it finally stop, it soon feels something poking at it before feeling hands lifting it up from its sides. "Hey Coby! Look, it's a cat!" said a voice. "Huh? It is, but I've never seen a cat with wings before," said another voice, whom the cat thought that maybe that was Coby. Once the stars disappeared, the cat shook its head before opening its sapphire blue eyes to stare at the person holding it. Before it, was a boy with deep black eyes, a scar under his left eye, and black hair with a straw hat upon his head. He also wore a red vest and blue denim pants with sandals. There was also another boy next to him but he was a bit pudgy then the boy before it. He had pink hair with glasses and wearing a white shirt with blue pants. Blinking, the cat spoke, "May you please let me go?" Instead of doing it as it says, they both screamed, "It talked!" The cat squeezed its eyes shut with its ears flatten on its head. "Shut up! You guys don't need to yell!" it yelled. The boy, who was holding it, laughed, "This is awesome! Hey, can you say something else?" Just when the cat was about to respond, a gruff voice interrupted, "What the heck hit me?" Both of the boys turned their attention to the voice while the cat strained its neck to look behind it. What it saw was a fat lady holding a really huge spiked club. Beside her were some evil looking men who looks like they might be her followers or crewmen. "Who's the fatty?" asked the cat. Everyone gaped in horror at what the cat said except the boy with the straw hat. He just laughed. "Luffy! It isn't funny especially since it's Alvida that the cat just insulted," said the boy with pink hair. Smiling, the boy name Luffy ignored him, "You're funny cat. How about you join my crew?"


Feeling a heated glare, all three of them look and saw that Alvida was furious. Tightening her hold on her club, she brought it up and swung downwards at them, "How dare you call me fat!" Closing its eyes tightly, the cat thought that they were goners until it suddenly felt a huge wind pressure, as if something or someone pulled it out of Alvida's strike. Opening an eye, its eyes widen in shock when it saw itself and Coby in midair while still being held in Luffy's arm. The cat tried to find how they suddenly got into the air until its eyes almost popped out of its sockets when it saw Luffy's arm really stretched out. When his arm retracted back to its normal length, the cat stared in bewilderment, "What exactly are you?" Grinning, Luffy answered, "I'm Monkey D Luffy. I ate the Gum-Gum fruit and I'm the one who's going to be King of the Pirates." Looking at him in wonderment, the cat didn't know when they got back onto the ship. Feeling him put Coby and itself down, he cracked his knuckles, "Now, to get rid of ugly here." Pulling a fist and stretching his arms as far as he could behind him, he instantly pulled it forward, "Gum-gum Pistol!" Alvida dodged his fist and swung her club at him, but Luffy managed to dodge. "Come on men! Let's get the other two for Lady Alvida!" yelled one of the crewmen. A war cry was soon heard before all of them charged at Coby and the cat with swords in hand. Luffy dodged another swing from Alvida before looking back as he see the men surrounding them and swung their swords, "Coby! Cat!"

"It's okay. We're fine."

Looking up, he saw the cat, holding a very scared Coby by the back of his shirt in its mouth, in mid air. They were high away from the ship where none of the crewmen can touch them. Smiling, Luffy exclaimed, "Good job Cat!" Facing back at Alvida, he stretched both of his arms behind him, "Now Gum-Gum," Just like a rubber band, his arms quickly snapped right in front of him, "Bazooka!" Alvida didn't have time to dodge the attack. It hit her full force, making her flying straight off the ship. The crewmen gaped at what happened, "L-lady Alvida was defeated." They all still gaped until suddenly, canons were being fired at them. The impact started rocking the boat back and forth. Trying to see where the firing was coming from, the cat could see three Marine ships closing in fast. "I-it's the Marines," said Coby, with a wide smile on his face. "Hey Coby! Now you can go over there and join them!" Luffy yelled out, holding his hat down on his head while smiling at them. Coby was going to accept until the cat spoke up, "But you're on a pirate ship. How exactly are you going to join without them thinking that you might be one of them?" When the cat didn't get a response back, it tried to look down at him but failed when he started to flail, "I can't believe I forgot about that! If the Navy finds me on Alvida's ship, they'll think that I'm one of them and my dream of becoming a marine will be nothing!"

"H-hey! Stop moving around so much! I won't be able to hold onto you! You'll-" the cat was cut off when Coby's flailing arms smacked it in the face, making it let go of his shirt. His scream could be heard while he was falling and Luffy was just watching from the boat, laughing. Shaking its head from the smack, the cat immediately flew down and grabbed Coby by the back of his shirt again. He had tears running down his face when he thought that he was a goner.

"Come on you two! Let's get going!" Luffy yelled out. The both of them watched as Luffy ran to the other side of where the crewmen were, where they're trying to defend their ship from the Navy, and jumped into a boat that was already lowered. They both watched as he and the boat drifted a bit further from the ship. Gently putting a level headed Coby down onto the boat next to Luffy, the cat flew over to the other side of him. "So, are you going to join my crew or what?" Luffy asked. Turning to look at him, the cat stared in wonderment. It has never seen anything or anyone like him before. He was so positive and always full of energy that it would probably make anyone join his crew. Though a bit annoying at times. Thinking for a minute or two it smiled, "Sure! I'm on an adventure to make great memories, so why not." Laughing, Luffy threw his arms over his head, "Alright! I finally got my first crewmate!"

"By the way."

They both turned their attention to Coby, "We never did got your name." Flapping its wings twice, the cat tilt its head, "I don't have a name." Coby looked at it in surprise, "Really? Why not?" It shrugged, "Didn't see the reason to have one." Confused, Coby spoke, "Well, we can't really call you cat forever." Smiling, Luffy exclaimed, "Okay, you're name will be Meat!" The cat slapped its tail on his forehead, "No thanks." Coby chuckled, "Well, what gender are you?"

"I'm a female."

"Okay, then how about the name Patty?" said Coby, adjusting his glasses. She stuck out her tongue, "No way." Frowning, Coby started to think a bit more, "Leah?" She shook her head.


She shook her head again.

"Then how about Rachel?"

She stared at him, "You really suck at names."

"Well at least I try," Coby grumbled. "Alright I got it!" said Luffy, gaining both of their attention, "You're name will be Mia!" "That's not a bad name Luffy. What do you think?" said Coby, looking at the cat. Saying the name over and over in her head, the cat started to like it. Smiling, the cat nodded, "Yeah, I really like that name the best." Smiling with excitement, Luffy pointed out in front of him, "Alright, now that I have my first crewmate, let's set sail to the nearest island!" Adjusting his glasses, Coby spoke, "Well, from what I can tell, where we are when I was still a chore boy for Alvida, we should be close to the island call Shell Town." Mia started thinking out loud, "I remember passing that island. It also has a Navy base there doesn't it?" Coby nodded, "Yeah there is."

"Oh okay then."

She flew over to Luffy and plopped herself down onto his shoulder, "Well, since it's going to take us awhile I'm going to take a small nap. Hope that's okay with you Luffy since I'm using your shoulder and all." He smiled, "That's fine." Smiling back, she slowly close her eyes and nuzzle her face a bit at the crook of his neck before instantly falling asleep.