Happy Halloween!
So this is getting a bit of a rewrite. Ok, maybe a lot of a bit. Yeah. That makes sense. The whole first half of Chapter One has been rewritten. So the chronological part won't make sense. Sort of. I mean, it'll make sense with the old stuff, but not - AH! Anyway!
Mostly this rewrite is stemming from wanting to deeply edit this as my first chapterific fanfic.
Everything else has to do with the artwork in Chapter Two, and wanting to make the story better to fit the SWEEEEET ARTWORK.
'Cause it's by EDEN DAPHNE.
So I want to give this work the effort it deserves.
But I have other stuff going on so it might be a little bit of a slow time coming.
Sorry, sorry, I digress. So this is just a little update on something that WAS done but might get a bit more...tweaking. 8)
Thanks for all your reviews, favorites, and follows! YOU are what make all this worth it!
Keep smiling and don't get yourself Akumatized. ;)
(P.S. I'll delete this little A/N when the rewrite is all done.
So in like, a year.
Haha! JK. Hopefully. 8) -M )
(P.P.S. You can see the artwork on my Ao3 version or look for it on my Tumblr or Eden Daphne's Tumblr. -M)