Hey guys, the author here! Just wanted to give you guys an update about this story:

I haven't been with internet since the last time I updated for financial issues, and I also just got a job again! Which means internet again! Unfortunately, I have no idea when I'll get time to write again because of this job, and also because it's been so long that I need to go back and re-read my own story and notes so I can finish it! I know what it's like to not have a finished story, or to start one only to realize its incomplete! I've head of a new fanfiction website called Archive of Our Own, but I'm not moving there because I don't want to lose track of where I post what. So this story will be on hiatus until I can re-do the plot somewhat and get the ending back up again. Since the last chapter I think this story will begin to wildly differ from the anime (which I need to watch *again* so I can keep everything straight) otherwise I might go and write out team rocket and just have team plasma as the main villains. IDK. Gotta go through my notes and get into that headspace haha XD

In the meantime, I'm gonna write a Hunger Games fic of "what if Peta died" and just the first year of that. That or back to what makes me laugh: really, really bad Twilight fanfictions XD

Anyways, thanks for sticking with me, thank you everyone who's left a review and followed since my last update! Stay safe, and stay alert everyone! :3