Well... I just like Gladion. I ship him with Moon so hard! Now, there is a lemon in this story served sour and juicy! I had fun writing this! If lemons bother you and you still read this, that's not my problem. If you don't know what a lemon is, here's a hint: it's sex!

UPDATE: Hey, pervs! If you read this before, then you know what's going on. Don't worry, this isn't a copy or anything. By the time you read this, you'll be reading a more updated version. It may even have a deeper storyline. But much of the stuff is the same or should be anyway. I don't even know what I'm gonna be doing with this yet or just how much change it'll go through. For now, it's just going to make a tad more sense... Of course, these kind of fanfics don't really make much sense to begin with.

Moon was tired from her journey. She was on Akala Island and had just spent the whole day training her pokemon and fighting Team Skull and winning the Island challenge for this island. Now she was looking for the hotel around here, having passed it awhile ago. Soon, she saw the hotel up ahead. Anxious to maybe get a room for the night instead of having to camp out, she ran towards it to get a room. There were no cars so maybe she had a chance! Moon was so exhausted but she wanted to get a room so bad that she pushed herself, running to the hotel as fast as she could. But right when she got to the door, a sign said 'No Vacancy'.

"What?!" She said, both distraught and tired.

"I'm sorry, young lady but, it's true. A young man has taken up residence in the room and he's been in there for almost two years now. There's no telling when he'll leave." the woman said.

Moon was so tired that she felt like she was going to pass out. She let out a frustrated huff and knew that tonight was probably going to be another night asleep under the stars. However, she decided to spy on whoever had taken the room because she was so peeved at whoever this person is. She walked up to the door: the screen door was being used to let air in, leaving a full view of the inside of the room. She was surprised to see that it was Gladion who was taking up residence in the room. Him and her weren't really on the best of terms. She scowled at him and sat down on the deck nearby to take a break. She didn't want to risk the possibility of a battle and so decided she was better off not asking to share the room. She leaned against one of the supports on the deck and slid down to sit on her butt. She started to nod off. As she did, she heard the distant clacking of claws on the floor inside Gladion's room. Then she heard something scratching at the door. She opened her eyes and noticed that strange pokemon that Gladion kept with him. It was staring straight at her and she cringed: was it trying to get her?

"What? Do you need to go do your business or something?" He asked.

Null just kept scratching at the door, this time a little more fervently.

"Okay, okay, just don't ruin the door." Gladion said, walking over to his pokemon.

Gladion, without thinking anyone was out there, opened the screen door. He didn't notice Moon was out there nor did he notice his pokemon had an interest in her. Null knew the lady who maintained the rooms and they were fine. Everyone that mattered or was relevant to his stay at this hotel already knew Null enough to leave it alone and Null knew to keep to itself around them... except it hadn't established anything with Moon as of yet. It walked right over to Moon and she backed away fearfully. The pokemon didn't mean any harm however; it was just curious. It sniffed Moon curiously and she froze. However, it ignored her obvious fear and kept sniffing her curiously, occasionally nudging her to test her. After awhile, Moon hesitantly reached up to it and touched its helmet. She realized the moment her hand was on it that this contraption wasn't actually part of its body. Surprisingly, it wasn't metal but wood and very solid wood. She reached under its neck to investigate and see if there was a way to take it off but Null pulled away and hissed. She put her hand back out to where it could see it so that it knew she wasn't threatening.

"I'm just curious." She said.

It moved its face closer to hers, still investigating with tentative sniffs. She could hear and feel its breath through the underside of its mask. She decided to try one more thing. Though she knew that it couldn't feel it, she stroked the side of its mask near where would likely be its temple. It was still wary of her and so kept its eyes on her but it did honestly enjoy the contact. The sound of the mask being stroked was soothing to it. Satisfied with its investigation and confident that she was friendly, it decided to lay next to her for a bit. Null rarely trusted other people and it even mangled Gladion a little when they first met due to his distrust of humans. That was why his clothes were scratched up and ripped. But, Null already felt that it could trust Moon. It remembered how her pokemon were when he faced them: they were willing to do anything for her. They showed that she was a strong trainer and a strong trainer meant a good trainer. If not for them, he probably would have chased Moon off rather than be her friend. Actually, it wouldn't have even been curious about her in the first place and would have stayed in the room.

Moon was surprised when Null sat next to her and laid down, its head in her lap. She was both nervous and curious about the strange pokemon. The mask was still heavy but not as heavy as she expected: she could handle having it in her lap. She ran her hand around parts of the mask, trying to see if there was a way to get it off. Sadly, she couldn't really see anywhere she could take the mask off. So she decide to examine other parts on this pokemon that she could reach. She patted the space up top it's helmet where the protrusion of feathers were coming out of its head. It jolted a little but she kept her touch light as she investigated the area. It relaxed and allowed her to look. She ran her hand up and realized that it was more like a horn with feathers and fur coming off of it. In fact, the more she examined it, it turned out to be more like a type of limb that was possibly used for fighting. It was surprisingly soft. Null was tense with the contact because it wasn't used to gentle contact or any contact for that matter. Even Gladion avoided it with him: they were both weary about being touched. They were both abused in the past, Gladion for not being 'beautiful enough' and Null was a lab experiment: nothing about its life was pleasant other than its time with Gladion. However, Null wanted to see just exactly who this strange trainer was and it wanted her to investigate it. It wanted to see if she would still be accepting of it if she saw enough of it.

She then ran her hand down the back of its neck, past the mask, and into its feather and furred neck. Then to its furred body that had shorter fur. Some patches on it were scaled or smooth patches of skin. Its tail was like a fin from a water type pokemon and its front legs were bug-like. Though nervous of her touch, it allowed her to examine it. It even allowed her to hold one of its front legs to examine, occasionally flexing a claw to show her what was what. She even glimpsed its underside, surprised to see that it was a male. Satisfied with examining the strange pokemon, she went back to rubbing the space on the top of his helmet where his fur was exposed, just below the horn on its head. It eventually relaxed and let out a sigh. Moon started to nod off and eventually fell asleep against the wall, her hand still on top of Null's head, in the same spot she had been petting. Null had also dozed off.

Gladion was surprised Null hadn't come back yet. Null was usually quick when going to the bathroom and hated staying out of Gladion's sight for very long. Worried, he looked outside. He was surprised to see Null lying on the deck; he was never comfortable enough to sleep out of Gladion's sight due to his fear of other humans. What surprised Gladion most was that Null was snuggled up next to their rival: Moon... and they were both asleep. Shocked, Gladion quietly walked up to them. Null's head shot up, Moon's hand sliding off of his head but, he relaxed when he saw that it was only Gladion. Gladion was surprised that Null was even allowing Moon to touch him and even going so far as to rest his head in her lap. The protrusions around the neck of his mask made it a little awkward but they could turn a little and allowed him to kind of rest his head on the ground but not comfortably. Moon's lap made it a little more easy for Null to rest his head a little more comfortably.

"Come on, Null. Let's go inside." Gladion said.

Null looked at Moon and then back at him. He let out a cry as if to say 'but what about her? I can't just leave her here.'

Showing concern for another human... that was definitely new to Gladion that Null had never done before.

"Let me guess: you don't want her left out here?" He asked.

Null nodded and Gladion let out a sigh, running his hand through his bangs.

"Fine. We'll take her inside." Gladion said.

Null got up carefully and moved out of the way. Gladion knelt down and gently picked up Moon. She was surprisingly light. Gladion felt awkward, already feeling weird from being so close to her. Because of living on Aether Paradise most of his life, he was rarely around people his age, his sister being the closest to his age. And, though he didn't think highly of Moon, he did have a slight crush on her. He also couldn't deny that she was good with her pokemon and she obviously cared. She was strong, too. Stronger than anyone could ever guess. In truth, he envied her strength but right now, having the teen in his arms, sound asleep, caused him to feel something he rarely felt. Flustered, he walked over to his room and opened the door. He placed her down onto his bed gently. He flinched when he put her down: his hand started hurting. He tensed it all the time but it had been damaged from his early days with Null. That arm hadn't been the same since. Null seemed happier with her inside the room with them. Deciding that it might look bad, Gladion closed his door before anyone could see that he had brought a passed out girl into his room.

He looked at her quietly. Gladion didn't trust anyone nor was he quick to make friends or consider her one despite his admiration but Null really seemed to like her. He even got into the bed next to her, his back against her side as he curled up, a pillow propped under his chin. Gladion stared at her, trying to decipher why Null had taken a liking to her so quickly. He was almost jealous. Null took ages to accept him and he had the scars to prove it. However, Null didn't trust anyone at the time. He also has seen her fight with her pokemon before. It probably helped that she was already a trainer. But what puzzled him more was that Null was willing to let her touch him and even pet him from the looks of it. He seemed to enjoy her contact, hence him sleeping with his back against her side and his head resting in her lap earlier. Null typically didn't like contact (or used to) but for some reason, craved hers.

Gladion then stared at her and his eyes started wondering over her form. They were both teenagers so of course Gladion's hormones decide that now would be a good time to kick in. His eyes traced her form, running up her legs and then to her slightly exposed belly where her baggy shirt hiked up. Her breasts were a fair size and definitely enough of a size for him to stare at and wonder just how big they were under that baggy shirt. A slight bulge started to form in his pants. Gladion got flustered but figured since she was asleep, he didn't need to hide his gawking at the moment... bad idea because Null caught the scent of his friend's rising pheromone level. He looked at Gladion in question.

His human wants to mate? Well why doesn't he? She'd be a good mate for him... or so Null wants anyway. He really liked Moon and if prompting Gladion to mate with her would mean keeping her around more, he'd figure out a way to do so. However, the pokemon had no idea how. So he got up and walked over to Gladion.

"What?" Gladion asked him.

The pokemon started laughing at him. He pointed at Gladion's crotch and then at Moon. Gladion facepalmed and blushed while the pokemon laughed. He should have known Null would give him crap for this! But they weren't usually around anyone long enough for him to feel this way. Null smirked and decided to give his trainer a push. A literal push. Null walked behind the flustered Gladion and gave him a hard shove onto the bed right next to Moon. He yelped and fell right next to Moon. He looked at her, his face turning even more red. He then glared at Null but Null smirked, backing away. Null turned off the lights and then went over to his ball, touched his nose to the button and returned himself.

"Seriously?!" Gladion hissed silently.

'You're the one with the boner.' The pokemon thought to himself as he settled into his ball.

Null obviously didn't get how human manners worked, something his trainer realized he should have probably trained him to know. Gladion was not about to take advantage of a girl while she's asleep. But then he caught the smell of her hair. Something about that smell. He hesitantly scooted closer to her to try and figure out the smell: it smelled like white musk. It wasn't something he smelled much of anymore but one of the Aether workers that helped raise him wore it once. He never forgot that smell. There was also a mix of lavender and a dash of lemon in her scent along with her natural scent. Moon suddenly turned over in bed and Gladion Panicked at first, thinking she was awake. She wasn't but, in her sleep, she put an arm around him. The contact made him flinch and he felt awkward once more and a bit anxious since he didn't like contact. He hated it because he felt confined and whenever his mom had an arm around him or hugged him, it was usually to threaten him. Lily was the only one he used to be comfortable around. But, especially after so many encounters with other Team Skull Grunts, anyone who would do anything to grab him in anyway got punched. But he didn't dare move or else wake her. So he decided to focus on something else to try and manage his rising anxiety. Her hat had slipped off and was off at the side of her pillow. Gladion stared at her. He moved his hand up and gently smoothed out her hair. Her hair felt smooth under his touch, like silk. She stirred but didn't wake; she was so exhausted from her travels that she didn't care if there was an earthquake... or a horny teenage boy lying next to her.

Gladion hated contact, he really did. But she smelled intoxicating to him and the moonlight in her hair made him melt. He honestly, wanted some kind of contact but when he moved to get closer, he felt suffocated. So he scooted away from her and turned away. However, he didn't have the heart to get out of the bed. 'This is close enough.' He thought to himself before letting himself fall asleep.

Gladion awoke the next morning. Moon hadn't stirred at all. So he carefully crawled out of the bed and went out to train with Null, leaving a note next to the bedside stand.

Stay here until you're no longer tired. I rather you're not weak the next time I battle you. - Gladion

Gladion came back that evening to find that she was still in the bed but her shoes were off and she had the blankets over herself this time. The note had been unfolded. Well, he did technically say that she could stay. Null walked up to her and nuzzled her. She groaned and turned over. Null excitedly nudged her, seeing that she was awake.

'Hey! Mate with my human so you stay with him, dammit!' it said.

Null didn't get that humans don't mate for life. Null didn't even know much about mating himself other than biological reasons. For all he knows, his kind will mate for life or so that's what was ingrained in him. But that didn't mean it wasn't so impossible for humans to mate for life. However, it was typically unlikely for humans to mate for life... Not to mention Null definitely didn't get social norms very well.

Moon woke up and stretched. She then noticed Gladion and gave him a friendly smile. Gladion had a slight blush on his face.

"Hey!" She said, happily.

"Hey..." He said awkwardly.

Null nuzzled her excitedly.

"Well hey you." She said, petting him.

Gladion stared at her, he grew flustered due to his confusing attraction to her and it made him anxious. He turned his back, facing the screen to hide his flustered face.

"Get out." Gladion said.

"What's the hurry? And anyway, I thought there was a storm heading this way. Are you sure you want me out of here?" Moon asked.

Gladion huffed, remembering that he saw dark clouds in the distance. It was a big one this time, too.

"Okay fine... I'll let you stay longer. But the moment the storm passes, get out." He said, annoyed.

"No need to be so mean." Moon said, sticking her tongue out at him.

Honestly, he felt anxious around her because he liked her but didn't want to. He didn't want to be any more closer to her than he can stand. Why? Because he wanted to be close to her. It felt suffocating to him to be near anyone but wanting to be near her was like wanting to smother himself. Moon meanwhile, was staring at her new companion while he was lost in thought. She did find him kind of cute and so she took this as her chance to look at him. Skinny, tall, piercing green eyes, an impressive jawline, and his sense of style also caught her attention. She always was a sucker for the punk look. She wondered if the rips in his clothing were on purpose or from something else. She smiled, happy to know that yep, his looks at least justifies her crush on him. Gladion catches her staring.

"What?" He asks.

"So... did you rip your clothes on purpose?" Moon asked.

"No." Gladion said.

"What happened?" Moon asked, curious to know.

"Null." He answered.

"This guy did that to you?" She asked, surprised that such a loving pokemon could do that.

"Well you're lucky he likes you. He normally would either run away or attack other humans. Null was a lab experiment and I decided to steal him to get him out of there. That helmet on him was placed on his head to keep him from attacking. But, as you can see with my clothes, that didn't render him completely harmless. My hand especially got the worst of it. It'll seize up in pain when I'm stressed. He damaged a tendon and some muscle in my arm. I feel it in my hand and wrist more than the actual area he hit." He said.

Moon stared at him even more. She felt more sympathetic towards him. Just what was his story anyway? She then looked at Null and smiled.

"You did a good job with him." Moon said.

"Hm?" Gladion asked.

"Null I mean. You've done a good job with him. He went from hating most humans to actually being friendly to someone else. That must have taken a lot of time and patience I'm sure. It also must have hurt to have been scratched by him and not just physically painful. I never would have imagined he would actually be that hostile. That takes a really good trainer to have that kind of patience... and that kind of love for their pokemon. You know, for someone who acts like a big jerk to people, you really are a nice guy. I can see it in all your pokemon." Moon said, hugging Null.

Gladion found himself smiling at that remark and the fact that Moon already had a liking for his partner. Null happily allowed Moon to hug him. Null noticed Gladion's smile.

'I know you want this human, too.' he said.

"Maybe that's why I like you." Moon said.

"What?!" Gladion asked, surprised.

Moon giggled.

"Oh nothing." She said.

'Don't play dumb. I know you heard her.' Null chuckled.

Gladion blushed even more but decided to change the topic quickly.

"Yeah, well, he used to not be very good with contact but he can't seem to get enough of you. I'm almost jealous." Gladion said.

Moon frowned. She got up and walked towards Gladion. He backed up when she got within three feet of him. Her eyes narrowed and so she kept walking towards him until he was cornered. She realized why the moment she reached a hand up as if to touch him: he tensed, as if he was going to fight or run away from her.

"Well it's kind of hard to want contact when your own trainer seems to not want any." Moon said.

"I didn-" He began.

"You didn't have to do anything. All I need to do is walk towards you and it's clear that you're not comfortable with anyone getting too close." Moon said.

Gladion walked past her and sat down on a chair. Null walked up to him and Gladion ran his hand over Null's mask. He was surprised to find that Null did in fact love contact. He seemed to beg for more of it.

'About time! See, I don't bite. You're hopeless sometimes.' Null said.

"It's not like I don't want to pet Null. It's just that I figured he didn't like contact like I did. It's people I have problems with, not pokemon." Gladion said.

"Why?" Moon asked.

"It's a little personal... and something tells me you'll find out anyway. I just rather not say right now." Gladion said.

Moon scooted closer to him. She wanted to see if she could maybe break through some of his walls. In five seconds, Gladion noticed and was about to back away. Null grinned and pushed Gladion from his chair and right on top of Moon and both of them toppled onto the bed. The pokemon made a series of laughing noises before fleeing to his pokeball. Gladion was on top of Moon and he felt himself turn red. Moon kind of gaped up at him... his eyes were much more beautiful up close. She then felt something prodding her thigh painfully. Did he have something in his pocket? What was jabbing her thigh. She looked down and then turned red. That's not coming from his pocket.

Her eyes were dark grey... a color Gladion etched into his mind then and there. Her scent was more intoxicating at this proximity. He could feel her chest against his and her frame under his. This contact was not unwelcome... which is what made it unwelcome to him. But now was not a good time for a boner to be forming in his pants! It was painfully pinned between himself and her thigh. She clearly noticed, too. He got off of her before she says anything about it and sat on the edge of the bed while Moon kind of stayed on her back, dazed. Gladion held his face in his hands, obviously embarrassed.

"I really wish you'd leave." he groaned.

Okay... her new rival obviously has a hard on for her. She stared at him. He was clearly embarrassed and she had no idea how to console him. But, a fire inside of her started to burn and it got hotter the more she looked at him. She wondered just how close he'd let her get if she were to act on this heat forming within her. She stood up and crawled over to him. She decided to test his boundaries to see just how far he'd let her go. After all, maybe spending a night with him wouldn't be so bad... provided he lets her.

Meanwhile, Gladion's mind was racing a mile a minute. Oh god! He must look so disgusting right about now! She might never look at him the same again! In fact, she now has perfect grounds to leave... which would be kind of nice if only there wasn't a storm outside. A hand on his shoulder broke him out of his thoughts and he jolted back and backed himself up against the headboard. Moon crawled after him and he gulped nervously.

"Um... What are you doing?" He asked nervously.

Moon rested her forehead against his, dark grey eyes boring into emerald green. Gladion felt heat rising in himself and this especially scared him. He wanted her but he also didn't want her because he did... if that makes sense. Still, Moon decided to tear down another boundary and ghosted her lips over his. At first, she just wanted to see if he'd reciprocate. She wanted to see if he'd respond but now it felt wrong. It seemed that the closer she got, the more he wanted to run away. She decided one kiss to see if he'd kiss back. Whether or not he did anything will decide where they went from there. But now, the more his body protested, the more she felt like she was violating him... was she raping him or something? Maybe she should leave...

Gladion was shocked and he felt so conflicted. One part of him wanted to kiss back and then some while another part wanted to push her away and question what the hell she was doing. She had him pinned to the headboard. Gladion moved his hand up onto her shoulder to push her away but instead, his hand rested there. He wanted this... and he wanted it more than he didn't want it. He moved his arm around her, closing his eyes and kissing back. He ignored his anxiety and focused on her scent and her lips against his. Moon straddled his lap. He felt so confined with her this close but he wanted her close even if it suffocated him to death. All caution had been thrown to the wind. He wanted to see what would happen.

One of his hands was on her waist while the other was against her cheek. Moon shifted on top of his lap and he groaned when her thigh brushed over the bulge in his pants. She smirked against his lips and reached down. She lightly brushed her hand over the bulge and he jolted, the contact startling him. This caused him to pull away, an obvious blush visible on his cheeks. Moon giggled and stroked his bulge again. She was amazed she had gotten this far considering how much he protested at first.

"H-hey! I don't think you shou- ngh!" He groaned as her hand grasped the bulge, voiding his mind of any second thoughts.

She moved her hand up his length tantalizing him before placing a hand on his belt. He stopped her. Why was she thinking about that already? Isn't this a little too fast? They don't really know each other much aside from battles. Still, he couldn't deny the fact that he wanted it but maybe not now?

"Wait... I um... well... I.." He said, not really sure what he was trying to say.

Moon had a feeling that she might be going a little fast or something. Either way, he was still unsure and Moon didn't entirely know what to do but decided she didn't want to stop either. So she kissed him gently, he moved her hand away from his belt. She settled both of her hands on his shoulders instead. She then licked his lower lip and he opened his mouth hesitantly. Her tongue pressed into his mouth and he didn't do much at first, letting her explore his mouth. However, he gained enough confidence to move his tongue against hers. Their make out session got more and more heated the braver Gladion became. She stroked his back gently and he rested his hand on the small of her back.

He started to feel over heated and opted to take his sweatshirt off. He was hesitant at first but Moon seemed to want it off of him, too and so he decided to take it off. Underneath it, he wore a simple red tank top. Gladion felt weird without the sweatshirt, almost cold. Moon looked at him and he tensed under her gaze. He had a few visible scars from having to tame Null. His skin was almost as white as paper because of how he keeps himself so covered all the time. She traced over a very deep scar on his arm. She was intrigued by it because whatever happened here, it was a very nasty scar. The wound must have been crippling. Gladion felt a little more tense and then he felt pain shoot up through the arm she looked at, the scar turning a pink tint. He flinched and even Moon could see the muscle in his arm spasm. He was about to move to grasp it and try to maybe stop it from hurting but Moon took the arm in both hands and gently rubbed it. He flinched in pain but either way, it was going to hurt. She managed to sooth the pain after massaging it gently. She kissed the scarred area affectionately. Gladion felt himself melt at the contact.

He just stared at her and she looked back at him, his face flushed red. That was a very affectionate gesture. She set his hand down and he rested it on her thigh. She brushed his bangs out of his face and kissed him warmly. He didn't question why she was being loving and returned her kiss with just as much affection. Something else aside from arousal started to bloom into life as they continued.

Then she started pulling at his tank top. He allowed her to take it off. Gladion felt self conscious about his pale skin but he had to keep himself covered all the time because he sunburned so easily. Moon didn't seem bothered by his pale skin at all. She ran her hand down his front and he shivered at the contact. For a such a thin guy, he had pretty decent muscle tone. He then pulled her into his arms, his face buried in her neck, taking in her scent. He then kiss her neck, moving his hand under her shirt. He was still light with his touch as he ran his hand up her front, his hand resting on one of her breasts. Though he had taken some kind of initiative, he was still unsure and he was holding her so lightly that she felt like he was handling glass. Moon decided to remove her shirt and see if maybe it will give him more incentive. Gladion turned even more red as he looked at her.

She smiled and scooted forward onto his lap more. Her crotch brushed a now very prominent bulge in his pants that was starting to hurt from staying in his pants. He whined in response as she brushed against it. He grinded his hips against hers to try and relieve some of his arousal and Moon moaned, resting her head against the headboard next to his head. She pressed her hips down against his to feel more of him. But eventually, she just couldn't stand the fact that he had pants on. Gladion was also starting to get annoyed with his pants, too. Moon reached down and grabbed his bag on his waist that was strapped to him and this time, he didn't stop her. Instead, he allowed it, stopping his movements so she could. She took it off. Gladion slid his pants off, Moon still on his lap. She looked down at the bulge in his underwear while her head was resting against his shoulder. She ran her hand along his length gently and he groaned, moving his hips up more to feel more of her touch.

Then Moon boldly reached her hand under his boxers and grasped his dick. Gladion sucked in a breath at that action and she started stroking him off. Gladion moaned more as she continued. One of his hands went from resting on her thigh to groping her butt roughly. But he didn't want her to just stroke him off. He wanted more. So he decided to say something. He was honestly too shy to take action.

"Ngh... Moon... I ugh... I wan- ah! Can we- *gasp*" he said, trying to talk.

"Yeah?" She asked, still keeping her hand on his member but she stopped stroking him.

"Can we maybe do something else?" He asked.

"Like?" She asked.

All words caught in his throat and Moon giggled.

"Looks like I'll have to guess." She said, sliding his underwear off.

He made a grab for her bra. But he obviously had no idea how to take it off. She chuckled and took it off for him. He stared at her body and she looked away, slightly embarrassed. Gladion did not really know what to do but he reached forward and put a hand on one of her boobs but very lightly. She blushed and looked at him. He clearly had no idea what the hell he was doing and this fact was absolutely adorable. Of course, Moon herself hadn't actually done this before but she did read dirty fanfictions before and binged porn when no one is looking. That had to count for something, right?

"You can touch if you want. It's not like I took that off just for looks." She said, pressing his hand more firmly against her breast.

So he groped her breast more. Though still clearly nervous, he started to gain more confidence as he groped her other breast with his other hand. She moaned and leaned into his touch more. However, this was not what he meant when he wanted to do something else and he really wanted her shorts off. So he slid a hand down and pulled on her shorts. She got off of him and sat next to him to take her shorts off, her side still against his to keep some contact. She decided to take both her shorts and underwear off at the same time. Gladion once again stared. She noticed his staring and moved back in front of him, straddling his thighs. He could feel that she was wet against his thighs already.

"So... do you want to do anything?" She asked.

"I uh... I haven't really done anything like this before." He admitted flustered.

"So you literally have no clue, do you?" Moon asked.

"I know the basics. I mean, it's not like I don't know how sex works but I don't really know what you're asking of me here." He said.

"So you're basically going off of biology lessons, huh?" She asked, chuckling.

"Um... you could say that." He said, flustered.

"I haven't done this before either but I at least have some idea. Will I need to show you a few things?" She asked with a teasing grin.

He didn't say anything and she giggled before moving her own fingers down to her own slit. He watched and got even more flustered when he saw her start to rub her own clit. She kept her eyes on him, jarring his reactions as she continued to stimulate herself. She then slid her fingers lower and dipped one inside of herself. Gladion continued watching, unable to tear his eyes away from her. He was enjoying the show more than he'd ever like to admit. She slipped another finger in, leaning back, supporting herself with the other hand. Gladion had a full view of what she was doing now. She moved her hips against her own fingers, moving them faster. Then she felt another hand on her. She stopped and looked to see Gladion trying to do something. There wasn't much he could do with her hand in the way.

"You want to try? Go ahead." She said, moving her hand out of the way and licking her fingers.

He paused and nervously looked at her slit.

"Hey, I'll tell you if you're doing something wrong, okay? Don't worry too much." Moon said.

He still hesitated and Moon sighed, starting to think he didn't want to try just yet.

"Nevermind Glaaaaa-" She said, as he put a thumb over her clit, the rest of his hand against her wet pussy.

Noticing that the spot he was on was particularly sensitive, he rolled his thumb around over it and Moon responded with a slight jerk of the hips and a pleasured hiss escaping her lips. Feeling more confident, he rubbed that area more and used two fingers to investigate it. He figured out that the small nub was her clitoris and he never truly realized just how sensitive one was until now. She was under his command now and honestly... he was starting to love it. He then decided to move on from her clit and put a finger inside of her. She whimpered as he started pumping his finger into her.

"...More." Moon said.

Gladion added another digit into her and then he put a thumb over her clit to stimulate that as well. She moaned and moved her hips against his fingers. He moved his fingers faster and harder when he gained more confidence, a smirk forming on his lips as he added a third digit. He was clearly having fun with this. Moon never thought that feeling something other than her own fingers would feel so much different. She loved it and she loved that he actually took enough initiative to actually move on his own accord and go faster and harder and the stimulation on her clit was a good touch. He was getting the idea surprisingly well and he learned fast. Gladion was definitely not an idiot. Moon looked at him through half lidded eyes and saw a really sexy smirk on his face. She grinned, glad that he was actually enjoying it. She could feel herself reaching her orgasm but, she didn't want to cum just yet. So she stopped him by grabbing his hand. He looked at her, nervous he did something wrong but she smiled reassuringly.

"Not yet." She said.

"What now?" He asked.

Moon smirked and put the fingers that he used on her and put them into his mouth. This move took him off guard but he couldn't say that what he was tasting right now wasn't a bad taste. Then Moon groped his dick again. He sucked in a sharp breath through his nose. Before Gladion could register what she was doing, she bent over and took his dick into her mouth. His head flopped back against the head board, a loud groan escaping his lips.

"Mmm..." He groaned, fingers still in his mouth.

He then moved his fingers out of his mouth after licking them off and tightly gripped the bed sheets. He thrusted against her face, nearly gagging her. Gladion could feel something building but what? He hadn't even stroked himself off before because his mom made a point of it being dirty. But now, none of any of that mattered. He even forgot that he was normally not comfortable with contact. She bobbed her head faster, one hand gently caressing his balls. He then felt himself getting close to cumming.

"Moon... I uh..." He began.

She took her mouth off of him. He felt frustrated and didn't want her to stop but she silenced his protests by placing her lips over his. Oddly enough, he kind of liked that she held off but Moon had only stopped him from talking however. He wrapped his arms around her more aggressively now and he pinned her down. He wanted to finish this. He couldn't take the torment anymore. His dick jabbed against her inner thigh almost painfully as he held her underneath himself. He pulled away and she looked up at him, his eyes blazing green as if he was just going into battle again. She reached up and caressed his cheek, moving his bangs out of the way to see his full face. She looked up at him lovingly and his eyes softened. He faltered, feeling something other than lust for his rival beneath him enough for the feeling to be obvious this time. It made him fearful but he decided to snuff out that fear by sliding himself into her.

"Ah!" Moon said, startled.

It didn't hurt too much, even if it was her first time, it just stretched quite a bit. Gladion waited quietly, his bangs falling through her fingers and against her cheek. He rested his forehead against hers waiting for any indication to move or to pull out. She opened her eyes and looked at him, concern written all over his face.

"It doesn't hurt much, it just feels like a tight stretch." She said, her hand running through his bangs.

"Emphasis on tight." Gladion said, adjusting himself.

"You can move. Just, keep it slow." She said.

He then proceeded to rock his hips against her slowly. She was very tight around him and he almost feared he'd rip her if he were any bigger or went any faster. But the feeling of being inside her was beyond anything he could have ever imagined. He groaned, pushing deeper into her, nearly losing control of his rhythm. However, Moon started to feel more comfortable and started to move against him. Gladion buried his face in the crook of her neck, taking in her scent as he picked up a little speed, feeling tortured by the slow pace. Moon lifted her hips up more to meet his, using her legs to push herself up.

"Faster." She breathed into his ear.

Gladion happily obeyed, moving his hips faster. Now this was more like it! Moon spread her legs out more to let him go deeper. Luckily it was storming outside or else the desk clerk might have heard Moon moaning loudly. Gladion started biting her neck to keep himself from making any loud noises that would embarrass him. Of course, Moon was having no problems being vocal. Null could even hear them in his ball and he smiled triumphantly, happy that his mission was a success. Moon could feel herself nearing an orgasm, her knees pressing into Gladion's sides and he was starting to feel his peak coming as well. He went faster and his movements got more erratic. Moon came first.

"Gladiooon!" She moaned loudly.

Hearing her say his name so loudly and feeling her walls clench tightly around his dick sent Gladion over the edge, his orgasm caused his jaw to slacken on Moon's shoulder and he groaned loudly as he came inside of his rival. Both of them laid there, heavily breathing. The storm raged on outside but neither of them cared at all about it. Moon caressed Gladion's back gently as she held him against her. He pulled out and laid next to her. She snuggled against his side and he allowed her to rest her head on his chest. Gladion suddenly started to think rationally again as he came down from the high.

Oh arceus! What did he just do?! He just had sex with his rival! Not only that but... this feeling... this wasn't a mere crush anymore... He needed to leave and soon! But after the storm, of course. He didn't want to risk himself and Null just because he wanted to get away. Moon then got up.

"I'm going to go shower. I don't really feel comfortable sleeping all sloppy like this." She said, walking over to the bathroom.

'Nice ass.' Gladion thought as he watched her walk into the bathroom. He also looked down at his crotch. All sorts of fluid coated him down there and he, too, decided that it was probably a good idea to at least wipe up the mess. He grabbed some paper towels and wiped himself and the bed off. He flinched at the stain. He felt sorry for the maid that will have to get that out. It was a light pink tinted stain, too. Did she bleed? He shrugged and put his pants back on and laid back down in the bed, his mind an ocean of emotion. Moon later came out of the bathroom. Gladion was too busy staring at the wall lost in thought. Moon put her shirt and underwear back on. She turned off the light and then slid in the bed next to Gladion, breaking him out of his thoughts. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his back. He grabbed her hand, at first to push her off of him but he stopped himself, holding her hand as it rest against his abdomen.

He turned to face her, pulling her against himself. She smiled and rested her head against his chest again, her ear over his heart. Moon wasn't expecting things to get like this, much less feel more strongly for him but it wasn't unwelcome for her. Gladion ran one hand through her hair while the other held her around the waist. He wanted her close, his fear of contact gone... and he honestly didn't want to leave her but he had to. For one thing, he can't permit himself to have a girlfriend, not while the Aether foundation and Team Skull needed to be stopped. He was once afraid of touch but now he didn't want to know what being without hers felt like. But, he knew he had to leave tomorrow. First thing in the morning. But for now, he decided to enjoy her company with what little time he had with her. His heartbeat lulled Moon to sleep and her breathing calmed him down enough to drift off.

When Moon woke up in the morning, she noticed that Gladion was gone and a paper on the nightstand.

I'm sorry... I can't do this. Please understand.


Moon, however, wasn't going to let him get away so easily.

While technically not my first lemon, this is the first one I was comfortable enough to post.