This chapter marks the end of the story I had in mind. I want it to continue but I'm not sure in which direction.

Please, give me your ideas and opinions in Review or PM.

"Bloody hell, Harry..." Ron Weasley voiced what most thought once the children were out of earshot. "Wait a second." His eyes widened all of a sudden. "Aren't you dating Ginny!?" He shouted.

"I broke up with her after Dumbledore's funeral last year for obvious safety reasons. Didn't I tell you?"

"Yeah well, you did. But I thought you would get back together once the war was over! You don't like her, she's not good enough for you anymore, is that it?" The Weasley temper reared its ugly head.

"Actually, I like her a lot and I would like for us to get back on track once her safety is assured. It all depends on her, though." Harry shrugged.

"But... But the girl and... I mean no offense ma'am, but what about her?" Ron said and nobody questioned the fact that he managed to be polite and somewhat considerate of another person's feelings, despite having the emotional range of a teaspoon as some would say.

"If you really want to know, I see nothing wrong with polygamy as long as the relationship is based on principles like trust, respect and loyalty. I don't see why I should restrain myself because it is considered socially indecent and was made illegal as a consequence. If Ginny agrees and is ready to help us create a healthy, loving family, all the better. I won't pressure her into anything, it will be her choice."

Silence reigned supreme for a few seconds. "You went mental, mate."

"Naah, just different." Harry countered with a grin, knowing that Ron had accepted his reasoning, for now at least.

Bill didn't apparently. He saw him about to open his mouth, intent on rebuking him if the frown and glare he was directing at him was any indication.

"That aside, we need to talk about what we're going to do." Hermione interjected to get back on important matters. "But before that, you said you had control over matter right? Does that mean you have control over magic too? Is there a limit to what you can do? Would you consider yourself a god? You really shouldn't because..." Or not. It seemed she wanted to satiate her thirst for knowledge.

Fortunately, someone was getting fed up with what he deemed was pointless talk. "Shut up Granger, we don't have time for this. You-Know-Who could be here any minute now, we need to plan our defense or get the hell away from here. So, what will it be, Potter? Do you or your girlfriend have a way to kill Him? Preferably something that involves the disintegration of his body and the destruction of all the little pieces of his soul." Alastor Moody was in a vindictive mood.

"Yes Mr. Moody, we know how to permanently kill Tom Riddle, alias Voldemort. From what we were able to gather, a horcrux need to stay linked to the creator's magical core to anchor their soul. Harry and I will destroy his, then everything should be over and done with." Lucy answered.

"What about the Death Eaters?" Remus pointed out.

"The Dark Mark is linked quite similarly to Voldemort's magical core, they will most likely suffer the same fate."

The reactions were varied at this news. Some like Mad-Eye grinned sharply in satisfaction while others like Hermione looked horrified. "You can't do that!"

"Why the hell not? There is no law punishing an attack on one's magical core." The veteran Auror argued helpfully.

"Because everyone thinks that's impossible! We're talking about the murder of dozens of people here. That would make us no better than them." The muggleborn witch was getting alarmed.

"They deserve it, don't you think? They probably killed ten times their numbers in muggles anyway."

"Morale debate aside, better we stop them now so they can't hurt anyone else ever again." Remus interjected with forced calm.

"I'm sorry but I have to disagree, we have absolutely no right to choose whether or not someone deserves to die."

"I see, so if the big bad monster Voldemort is killed, it's no big deal, but when we're speaking about people who look like human beings, it becomes an atrocity. That's discrimination based on physical appearance, people like you disgust me!"

Harry cleared his throat and amplified the sound with magic. The effect was instantaneous, everyone present stopped their bickering and turned to him. "You all misunderstand, this is not a matter open for debate. Voldemort and his Death Eaters will all die tonight. Your personal opinions, while interesting and valued, have no hold over our decision." He tried to smile placatingly, but to no avail judging by their expressions.

"Well said, lad." Moody seemed to be the only one to display something other than indignation after his short speech. "I think I'll leave you to your task if there's nothing else, someone needs to deal with the fallout. The faster I can get back to retirement, the better if you ask me." On that note, he disapparated.

"You can all do the same guys. There's no need for any of you to endanger themselves. We've got the situation in hand."

Bill seemed dubious at his words but still left, taking Fleur with him. Tonks, who had remained silent until now, shot Remus a meaningful glance before she wished them good luck.

"Harry, I..."

"You can stay if that's what you want, Hermione, just keep your questions to yourself til we've dealt with Voldemort, okay?" She nodded reluctantly. "By the way Remus, I'm sure you're eager to join Tonks, you can leave Moony here with us. This 'burden' is not yours to bear anymore." Harry said, using air quotes. She was her own person now, not a curse.

"I... Thank you Harry. Your parents would be proud of you. Sirius too." Harry smiled in response.

Just as the man vanished, Ena came running into the room, screaming in delight. Moony was hot on her tail, running on all fours and making high-pitched growling sounds.

"Daddy, help me! the wolf's going to eat me!" Ena said with a giggle in her voice, hiding herself behind his legs.

"Oh no, we can't have that. Get behind me, I'll scare it away. Back, get back you beast!" He ridiculously played along.

His performance earned him a laugh from the children and the adults.

'If anyone dares interrupt this moment...' Lucy thought, invoking Murphy's law.

The familiar crack of apparition sounded outside multiple times. Harry and Lucy glanced at each other.

"Ok, playtime is over for us children, Mommy and Daddy have to take care of something, why don't you stay here and play with Hermione and Ron. They will show you some cool magic, won't they?"

"Oh hum, sure." Ron answered automatically, understanding flashing on his features. "Hum, who wants pink hair?" He asked the girls with a nervous smile.

"We'll let you to it then. Be good, we'll be back in no time." Lucy said, kissing her daughter and Moony on the forehead before walking off with Harry.

It was dark outside, the street lamps the only source of light. Three men wearing badly maintained wizarding robes were standing under one on the other side of the street. Harry and Lucy could clearly see them, wand at the ready, their expression full of malice as they caught of the couple.

"It's Potter!" One said with glee.

"The girl's got a pretty face, wonder if the Dark Lord would reward us with some alone time once we deliver the boy?"

"Down boys, let's keep our priorities straight. Work before pleasure. Hey Potter, we can do this the easy way. Don't make this harder than it's supposed to be, I'm sure the Dark Lord will show mercy if you come quietly."

Harry looked at Lucy with a raised eyebrow, as if to say 'are they for real?' then turned to answer. "He would not, you know as well as I do that my death will be long and particularly painful if you did manage to capture me. That being said, I'm not certain how one would go about doing that when they can't move."

The statement was strange to say the least, the snatchers were confused but not for long.

"What the!?"

"I can't move!"

"How in the name of Merlin?"

"It's simple, I've received quite the power boost recently. My companion and I have the ability to control other people's bodies. Do not misunderstand me, this is not magic, no spell can help you break out of this hold. Explaining how it works would be a little too complicated, so I won't get into details that would go over your head. Suffice to say I have permanently destroyed any and all connections between your brain and almost all of your nervous system. Everything below your neck is paralyzed, asleep so to speak. Look, even if I do this." One of the men's arm suddenly withered at an alarming rate and dispersed into the air, reduced to dust. The man screamed.

"Stop being such a baby, you can't feel a thing. Look at the bright side, the Dark Mark is gone now, you're a free man." Lucy mocked.

"There, now that you understand the situation you are in, let's get this show on the road. I don't have all day, Ron is not gonna last long entertaining the girls." Harry muttered the last sentence to himself. "So we just need one of you to call Voldemort. Obviously you can't anymore but your friends still have theirs. Get on with it." He relinquished his control over them.

He could have done it himself, but it was way more pleasing to watch grown men scramble to do his bidding, terror making their whole body shake like a leaf.

"'Absolute power corrupts absolutely.' It seems the phrase has more truth to it than I thought." Lucy commented as she took the time and a little bit of her unfathomable brain power to analyze his actions and hers.

He shrugged at her words. "I can't seem to find it in myself to care though. You?"

She shook her head with a smile. "This is insignificant."

"Too true. Still, as long as we don't go around murdering people left and right, we shouldn't worry too much."

"We've done it, he's coming." The one man lacking an arm said with despair in his voice, certain that if they didn't kill him, the Dark Lord would.

"Excellent, that will be all, thank you gentlemen."

The street fell silent as an unnatural amount of dust was swept across Privet Drive. Lucy laughed. "That's rich."

Harry faked an affronted expression. "What? You took a peek in their mind too, I felt it!"

"I know, they deserved worse." She admitted. "Do you want the honor of dealing with him or shall I?"

"Just hold him down for me, I want him to understand his predicament."

"As you wish."

They didn't have to wait long before a trail of condensed black smoke shot down to the ground, revealing Voldemort in all his noseless glory.

"Potter, I see you've brought someone, another one of your filthy mudblood friends I presume." He spat the word 'friends' like a curse. "Are you going to use her to shield yourself from me again? Like you used poor Cedric Diggory."

His attempt at a taunt fell flat as Harry smiled, amused. "Tom, how kind of you to join us. May I introduce you to the mother of my child, Lucy Miller. Lucy, I present to you Tom Riddle, half-blood son of a muggle and a squib, self-styled Dark Lord and the murderer of my parents, among others."

Under normal circumstances, Voldemort would have been outraged. He would have sent a dozen killing curse before Harry had the time to finish his tirade. Lucy made sure he couldn't do anything but watch his prophecized enemy walk calmly towards him.

Harry put a hand on his shoulder. "Farewell Tom."

There was no flash of light or cry of agony, only ashes scattering to the wind.