Rocker and the Mechanic - Chapter 19
Rated: T
Chapter Summary: After a successful performance, Buster approaches Johnny with an offer.
Another chapter already!? I think it's because I'm super close to the end that I got my final wind to get this story done. Only two more chapters to go!
It was a strange feeling, one she swore she hadn't experienced in way too long. In all her years of performing, Ash never ended a set feeling like this before…
Ash was…happy.
Fucking ecstatic!
An almost annoying constant pull at the edges of her lips that wouldn't relent and she knew it wouldn't waver anytime soon. Especially now that the audience was on their collective feet and clapping loudly as Johnny and Ash stood side by side. The final song long since faded around them and Johnny suddenly was looking at her like that; his coffee tinted eyes crinkling on the edges and flashing her the most gorgeous smile she'd ever seen.
Fuck, she never wanted this feeling to stop...
But sadly, the cheers slowly wavered when Eddie took to the stage and stood to her right. Calming down the audience with one hoof, the sheep quickly shot her a look she did not want to decipher so she turned back to look gratefully at the audience instead.
"Thanks for sticking around everyone! It was totally worth it though, right?" Eddie spoke confidently into the microphone and, going by the intense reaction from the audience, it was a resounding 'yes'. Smiling at them, Eddie suddenly gestured toward the performers in a flourish, "Than be sure to give it up for Ash and our newcomer, Johnny, for providing us with such great entertainment tonight!" he nudged her side was when she realized it was her cue.
Without even thinking, Ash breached the small space between them to grab Johnny's hand. Her tiny fingertips brushing across the callouses at the base of his fingers; the sensation of those rough markings caused her fur to bristle pleasantly. Ignoring her tingling spines, she craned her neck to meet the gorilla's confused eyes.
"Take a bow," she mouthed and Johnny's face lit up in understanding.
Johnny inadvertently scooted toward her before gently grasping her hand. Taking her lead, they both bowed low to the cheering audience.
The crowd 's excitement quieted when Eddie's voice dispersed their cheers, "Thank you all for coming and be sure to come back tomorrow night for some more great live entertainment. Have a goodnight!"
After a final wave, Eddie turned to Ash; motioning to the end of the stage toward the exit, and while she could bask in the spotlight forever, she sent one last wave to the audience before squeezing Johnny's hand and nudging him as Eddie led them both off the stage.
It wasn't until they were back behind the safety of the curtain when she realized she was still holding his hand.
As soon as they were backstage, it was like a fucking paparazzi rush of crew running here and there; sending the pair congratulatory smiles and waves.
Buster was suddenly there, pushing his way to the front, and Ash had to remind herself that they did fucking brilliant tonight so whatever complaint he had about her changing up the set, tardiness or the fact she brought her own duet partner wasn't going to bother her. But criticizing seemed to be the last thing on Buster's mind as he approached her in a rush of gray and blue.
"Ash!" Buster, completely out of breath from running all the way backstage as fast as he did, approached them. "…Johnny," he acknowledged the gorilla a second later with a disarming smile.
It was only then that Ash noticed how warm one of her hands was and that it was indeed still nestled comfortably against Johnny's palm. Ash gingerly brushed her thumb across his palm before gingerly removing her hand from his grip before Buster realized her slip up but Eddie's eyes latched onto her reddening face knowingly.
"Moon," Ash replied, crossing her arms and waiting for Buster to finally blurt out what she wanted to hear.
Buster's fists were fidgeting by his side before he met her eyes and in a seemingly unbelievably deep sigh later, he acquiesced, "Great job."
"...and…?" she baited her boss in a sing-song voice, missing the confused look Johnny flashed her.
"...And…" Buster sighed, averting his eyes to the floor than toward the ceiling as if asking a higher power for strength before he uttered out in the most pained voice she heard out of him. "…you were right."
Ash smile stretched eagerly across her face giving him the toothiest smile possible. Ahh, it felt so fucking good to be proven right; her only regret was not recording those words to be enjoyed again later.
"...And Johnny," Buster ignored the cocky grin Ash sent by turning his attention toward Johnny.
Johnny flinched at suddenly being addressed in such a serious tone and Ash heard him gulp before muttering, "Um, y-yes, Mr. Buster Moon?"
"...I owe you an apology - I was wrong about you."
Ash's eyes grew wide. Buster Moon admitting his faults not once but twice?! Was hell actually freezing over?
"I-It's okay." Johnny stuttered out and as fucking adorable as it was to hear his British accent get thicker the increasingly more nervous he became, Ash was tempted to elbow him. He didn't know that you never apologized to Buster without it biting you in the ass later. But she didn't.
"Ya never heard me singin' before so ya don't really owe me nothin'," Johnny continued with a shrug, "I just appreciate ya giving me a chance to sing tonight."
"Oh, but that's where you're wrong, dear boy!" Moon trilled, gesturing widely with excited hands, "With a voice like that, you deserve more than just one chance!"
Johnny looked down at the small mammal in confusion, "...Pardon?"
"Johnny!" Moon suddenly grabbed Johnny's large hand and held it in his tiny shaking paws, "My boy, how would you like to join the prestigious Moon Theater Company?"
"I - uh..."
"You shall do no such thing, Johnny!" Nana Noodleman's domineering voice suddenly broke through their conversation like a samurai sword through warm butter.
"Excuse me?" Buster Moon was almost hyperventilating by this point and Ash was merely enjoying the show.
"I want him. I heard how you admonished the poor boy before the show and you should be ashamed of such behavior." Like a predator after her prey, the elderly sheep's sharp eyes turned toward the towering gorilla with an unsettling smirk crossing her lips, "Now, don't listen to him, darling. Now, how would you like to do performances for me and, occasionally, my dearest friends? I shall pay you handsomely - much more than Mr. Moon could offer a talent such as yours."
"Uh...You don't own a theater, grandma…" Eddie pointed out.
"Exactly! What sort of venue do you have?" Moon cried, his face turning ten different shades of outrage while Ash merely bit back a laugh.
Other than the intense drunken haze covering her eyes, Miss Noodleman spoke with the seriousness of a heart attack and eloquence coating every word, "I prefer…private performances at my residence."
"Grandma, you're drunk," Eddie was finally a voice of reason.
"...That may be so, but I know talent when I hear it."
"Uh, grandma? …His face is up there…"
Ash stifled a snort when she seen exactly where Nana Noodleman's eyes were hovering on the statuesque gorilla. The same place Ash just happened to be eye-level with…
"I'm well aware of that, Edward. I was merely appreciating his strong form; such a statuesque man of his caliber would make a fine employee."
"*cough* boy toy *cough*" Eddie hacked into his hoof but wasn't fooling anyone.
"Miss Noodleman!" Buster cut in, "I think it should be up to Johnny who he decides to work for. Besides, if he worked at my establishment, he'd be getting to work with Ash and it's already obvious how well they work together! And even solo! Especially since he established how well he can play piano! With that kind of talent, he'd be able to branch out doing multiple venues and would have a very successful career working for me! I see big things happening for this boy! Huge even!"
"Hogwash!" Nana broke in with a cackle, "That little theater of yours is on its last legs - when was the last time you renovated that place?"
Buster's face turned scarlet before stuttering out, "I just added a few new seats that needed replacing, the overhead lights, sanded and re-stained the hardwood floors of the stage, not to mention - "
"Bandaids, Bandaids, Bandaids, Mr. Moon… I'm well aware of your minuscule upkeep you perform to keep the bank off your back, but with the crumbling foundation and poor sense of management, I fear it won't help much…"
Buster outright growled, his ears stiff as he wagged a finger at the elderly sheep but Eddie placed a hand on his shoulder which stopped him in his tracks.
Johnny, by this point, was just trying to keep up with the argument going on in front of him and Ash. The adrenaline of a kick-ass performance was a hell of a high so it probably wasn't easy.
"Um…" Johnny stuttered out when he found himself at the center of all of this attention. Ash felt a pinch in her chest when he suddenly looked down at her for guidance and she just smiled and shrugged.
It would have to be up to him to decide.
Johnny let out a resounding sigh, lifting his hand to rub the back of his neck, "I-I'm sorry. I really don't know what ta say. While I sincerely appreciate all the offers - I really do - but… ya need to understand, I have a business to run. I can't exactly just drop it to pursue something else."
Moon and Nana Noodleman's face filled with discouragement at Johnny's words, and seeing that, Johnny elaborated.
"I-I'm not saying no exactly! I'm just saying…ya know - not now. This is all so sudden - i-if it's alright, I need 'ome time ta think on a decision like this." Johnny finished thickly, hands shaking a bit at his sides and Ash resisted the temptation to reach out and steady it.
"Hmm. I suppose that's reasonable." Nana butted in quickly, "It's been an exceptionally long night after all." Out of nowhere, Nana Noodleman pulled out a card from her purse and handed it to Johnny, "Now, you go home and think about my offer, dearie."
Johnny flashed her a brilliant smile, "I will. Thank you, ma'am."
"It's Miss Noodleman to you…" she outright winked at him before passing by him and Ash didn't even bother hiding her laugh at Johnny's loud "EEP!" when Miss Noodleman pinched his ass before sauntering off to her group of drunk friends to her awaiting limo (and hopefully a sober chauffeur to drive the old biddies home).
"...Does this always happen after performances?" Johnny asked, rubbing at his tender bum and Ash couldn't stop the smile from creeping up her cheeks at just how red Johnny's face became.
Ash shrugged a shoulder, "Eh. Typical Friday night." she laughed when his jaw seemed to unhinge. "Just kidding," she clarified with a wink.
"Johnny," Buster made his presence known once again once things quieted, "I can't offer you as much money as she can but what I can offer you is coming from a mind uninfluenced by alcohol." Buster flashed him a smirk and pulled out a business card. "I know you have other responsibilities and I respect that, son, but hearing you tonight - you shouldn't hide your gift from the world. A voice like that deserves to be celebrated. I'm not gonna force you, but just think about it, okay? I'd love to have you on my team."
The tenseness in Johnny's hand fled as he accepted the card.
"Thank you, Mr. Moon."
"Please. Call me Buster," the koala replied, before suddenly, he was gone and Johnny and Ash were left alone backstage.