Deep into the night, Selene decided to go out for some fresh air. Perhaps she drank a little too much spiced wine, but at least she was with a friend. The air was dark and smelled of rain, a deep rumbling rolled through the atmosphere. But one noise alerted her. Crying. Selene followed the noise, only to find a little boy, curled up under a bush and sobbing. He sees Selene and cowers. Selene took pity in the young boy.
"G-get away!" The little boy squealed and kicked.
"Shhh… Relax, I mean you no harm. You need to get out from under that bush, a storm is coming."
"No! I don't trust you! Leave me alone!" The little boy cried harder.
"Let me help you. You are going to freeze to death." Selene held out her hand for the boy to grab.
The boy reluctantly crawled out from under the bush and grabbed her hand.
"O-okay. After the storm, can you help me find my mama and papa?"
Selene smiled "Of course. What do your parents look like? What are their names?"
"M-mama's name is Kila, she has long brown hair and blue eyes. Papa's name is Strom, He has long blonde hair and blue eyes and huge too. He could crack anybody's skull open, like I will one day!"
"You sure do look like a strong Nord, uh…."
"Fjorn. My name is Fjorn. What's your name?" The boy's true nature finally came out from behind his initial timidness. Just like all young Nords.
"Selene. Nice to meet you."
"So, where are you taking me?"
"I'm taking you to my home. Everybody may be quite…scary, but I assure you, nobody is going to harm you. When the storm passes, I'll take you home."
"Then come with me, little Fjorn."
When Selene walked in with Fjorn's hand in hers, Astrid was shocked.
"Selene?! What is this child doing in here?!"
"Peace, Astrid. I found him cowering in the bushes. I am letting him take shelter until the storm passes."
Astrid pinched the bridge of her nose. "Arnbjorn is not going to be happy about this."
Selene and Fjorn walked into the main chamber and saw Arnbjorn, working the forge.
"Woah! This is amazing!" Arnbjorn snapped his head to Fjorn and growled.
Fjorn looked at Veezara and slightly sneered. Veezara glared back.
"What's wrong, Fjord?" Selene looked down at the little boy.
"Papa says the lizard-people are bad. He says they're weak and like to steal things."
Selene saw Veezara glare, clearly offended. "Then your father clearly doesn't know anything about Argonians. Argonians and Khajit are just like man and mer. They dream, feel and talk just like us. There is no reason to treat them any differently. Okay?"
"Okay. Sorry Mr. Argonian, sir!" Selene and Veezara couldn't help but smile at that. If only everybody could be like that. Equal. No matter what race, gender or age.
Selene took Fjorn to a small, secluded room. Her stomach grumbled, after taking the boy to his room for the moment, she will have to hunt. But then, a voice spoke in her head. A voice she knew all too well.
"Come now, little one. You are clearly ravenous, you have your chance. Kill him, rip his throat out. Pull out his veins. Feast on his steaming blood. You have been granted my blessing, use it! So go now, let the weak be feasted on by the strong!"
"Yes, My Lord." Selene whispered back. Selene closed the door behind her. Her fangs itched, her throat parched, her stomach grumbled. She needed to feast on his blood and flesh.
"Huh? Did you say something?" Fjorn turned, only to see Selene's glowing eyes.
"W-what are you doing?"
"Just stay still.." Selene pounced.
Fjorn's yells filled the Sanctuary. Astrid, Gabriella, Babette, Nazir, Festus Krex and Veezara rushed to where Selene took the boy. Arnbjorn smelled the blood and his inner beast forced him to follow the scent.
Astrid burst open the door and dropped to her knees. On the far side of the room, where it was dark, she saw the boy's limp body with a puddle of blood streaming from him to the floor. Above him was Selene, gorging herself on his flesh and blood. His throat was ripped out, organs everywhere and his skin was as white as snow. Selene looked up with his liver in her mouth and saw Astrid. Her eyes widened and she dropped the organ in her mouth, she tried to wipe any blood off of her mouth, only to smear it all over her face with her already bloody hands.
Astrid's hand covered her mouth, tears streaking down her cheeks. Veezara, Gabriella and Festus' eyes were wide and all looked at each other, then back to Selene. Nazir felt sick to his stomach. Arnbjorn pushed past them and saw Astrid and her tears, then looked at Selene. He won't lie, seeing that corpse made him hunger too, he would join her, but it would be too dangerous given Selene's current hunger state and Astrid's shock meant more to him.
Astrid screamed at Selene who still was staring at them. "SELENE! YOU'RE EATING A CHILD! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!?"
Selene didn't respond, she just continued eating.
Veezara tried to step towards Selene. "Selene?"
Selene's head whipped up, her eyes still on the young boy's corpse with his arm in her mouth.
Astrid screamed harder. "STOP HER! MAKE HER STOP!"
Babette stopped Veezara from continuing. "No, if you get any closer, she will kill you too. In fact, she will kill and eat any mortal that gets too close in this state. I'll go. As a vampire, she will not perceive me as prey." And with that, Babette stepped in. She inched closer and closer to Selene and crouched to her eye level. Selene looked up and stopped.
"Selene. How are you feeling."
"Full. I am…feeling better."
"Did you hear Astrid yelling at you?"
"No. All I heard was My Lord praising me. Over and over I heard: 'Yes. Yes. Feast. Grow powerful. Feed on the weak.' I am making him proud, I am sure." Selene smiled, she felt like as if Molag Bal himself was stroking her head in a praising manner, like a dog and his master.
"Do you see and hear Astrid now?" Selene looked at everyone behind Babette and gaped. She saw Arnbjorn console Astrid who was sobbing on his shoulder, Gabriella, Veezara and Festus staring at her in shock and she could hear Nazir throwing up and coughing. Selene slowly stood up and walked up to Astrid.
Selene sighed and pushed past everybody.
Outside, it was raining heavily. Selene took a deep breath and started to wash her hands and face in the pond. Blood stained her armour, but she knew it wouldn't stain forever. She heard the Black Door open behind her, much to her surprise, it wasn't who she expected.
"Selene." Arnbjorn's gruff voice sounded softer than usual.
"Arnbjorn? What's wrong? How's Astrid?"
"She's still recovering. I was gonna ask you about how you felt."
"I'm fine. If you're asking about how I feel after what Astrid said, I am not affected. I did what I needed to do to survive, it doesn't matter what she thinks and feels."
"Good. Good…"
"If I'm honest, I wasn't expecting you to come here."
"Yeah, I should've guessed. But a predator can only understand a predator, I guess."
"Thank you, Arnbjorn." Selene smiled.
"Yeah, yeah, no problem."
"Now, if you don't mind, I prefer to be alone at the moment."