AN 09/23/2017: Hya, FFB here!

So I read some reviews... and I decided I'm going to try and do a character analysis of Marinette/Ladybug. But I just wanted to warn you:

Chat is my favorite character from Miraculous Ladybug & I relate with him a lot, so it's easier for me to write about and understand his character. However, I'm not as in sync with Ladybug so... yeah. Sorry in advance if it seems inaccurate, but... eh. Ill just write how her character seems to me. This is how I see it.

Adrien is forced to be perfect in order to gain the approval of his father and mask( pun totally intended) his identity; yet he wants to be Chat Noir, who is imperfect and his truest self. Chat is his only escape.
Marinette, on the other hand is loved despite her imperfection by almost everyone (except Chloe); & she strives to be more like Ladybug, who is as close to perfection as she'll ever be and is her best self. Which, I guess in a way is an escape too.

I have other things I intend to tie in soon but the basic framework of the next chapter is going to be based on this theme. If you don't agree with the analysis above, then you may not enjoy my next update, but I'll do my best to make it good!

P.S. Be patient with me. I was able to write today because I'm kinda on break, which is why for once I'm writing during the daytime- a real rarity. But I don't know exactly when I'll finish the next chapter, so... yeah. Plus, I just realized this is my 1st multi-chapter story. Yay, milestones! I'll try to update as soon as I can.