Welcome… to the last Chapter of UHA
I have nothing to add… But please I hope You enjoy…
And thanks for this whole experience… I had fun
Also… if you want Check out Blood in Hope's Peak
Again… Enjoy
Chapter 80: Last chapter
Red… that is the color that most people could see…. Blood… fire…. Death…. And red to surround everything. In the middle of the chaos in a pile of rubble, Makoto came out his body full of wounds and bleeding profoundly
"I… must go… I must stop this" – he said in pain, walking with all his strength and leaving a blood trail… He walked as fast as he could to a broken building… that used to be Hope's Peak
Makoto woke up that day with a bright smile on him. The day before Makoto had spent it with Maizono and he felt happy over it… while she still wanted to create a harem for him… Makoto felt that she finally had truly accepted his love. Makoto then took a quick breath and went to take a bath. Makoto got undress and as he turned the water of the bath something came to his mind – "oh yeah… Komaru and Kotoko are both coming today" – he thought… well, Kotoko and Saku would both probably become close friends… but… what about Komaru? What should he do with her today?
After thinking for a while and finally bathing he decided that the best choice would be to let her spend time with three of her favorite Idols (Maki, Alice, and Sayaka) after all she was a big fan of them… and clearly it wasn't so he, so he could spend more time with Sayaka. Makoto then dressed… and noticed on his closet his hat… he hadn't used it in a while…as he grabbed it a lot of memories came with it… how he met Alice… how he trained with Sora… how he killed him. Makoto then decided to use it… so he placed the hat on his head.
Makoto then walked to his door and opened it finding to his surprise Saku there – "good morning Makoto" – she said smiling proudly – "what are you doing up so early?" – he asked and she looked at him smugly – "A good empress wakes up early" – she said proudly and Makoto smiled – "well then good morning little empress" – he said and Saku pouted – "I'm not little!" – she complained. Making him giggle – "well let's go to eat" – he said, and she nodded, and both went to the cafeteria.
Although we have been calling it a cafeteria, the food was although high tier, since (I probably said this before) the main chef was Viata the Ultimate chef an ex-graduate from Hope's peak and teacher of both Teruteru and Makoto (while learning to cook) so the food was always amazing… it was even better than the one that Saku used to eat in her home in the Imperial Palace
"So good!"- Saku said as she ate buttermilk waffles with whipped cream and raspberry syrup (he also made sure to add less sugar and use sugar substitutes like honey). And while she ate Makoto on his side was eating spicy vegetable Omurice perfectly seasoned. He too was enjoying his meal. It was then that he saw his classmates entering the cafeteria and all of them eating
After that, they all took classes (while Jin took care of Saku). The end of the day finally got there, and they all walked away – "wait, Alice, Sayaka" – Makoto then said stopping both of them – "what is it Makoto?" – asked Alice (she then noticed that he was wearing the hat she gave him)– "well… You see today I'm spending the day with Komaru and Kotoko and I thought maybe she would like to also spend it with her favorite idols… I'm also thinking of inviting Maki as well" – he said, and Alice looked embarrassed – "I'm one of her favorites? I thought I was the less popular of the group"- she said embarrassed when she noticed that both him and Sayaka were looking confused at her – "you do know you are the 2nd most popular after Sayaka don't you?"- he said, Shocking Alice
"What!? Really?" – she asked before the looked up in her cell-phone and found a group of polls where they all were ranked the same way. In the first place the ultimate Idol Sayaka, second the beauty of the forest Alice, third the goth princess Maki and then the other girls (I'm sorry but I don't know the named of most of them). Alice looked in shock and started shaking nervously – "Second place!? But I'm not even the cutest one and my hair is green" – she said sadly – "well I think you are pretty" – Makoto said sincerely making her blush, and Sayaka secretly rose her thumb as a sign of approval for her harem plan. – "ok I'll go"- Alice said and Sayaka also agreed.
Makoto then texted quickly Maki… and she agreed as well. After that, the five (Makoto, Sayaka, Maki, Alice, and Saku) took a taxi (since Makoto's bike couldn't handle it) and all of them got to Makoto's house.
Naegi then rang the bell and he then heard someone quickly running to the door – "I'll open it"- he heard a young voice say. She then opened the door to show it was Kotoko who looked happy to see Makoto and hugged him- "Makoto oni-chan" – She said happily making Saku a little jealous – "who is that squirt?" – Saku said pointing at Kotoko and Kotoko looked mad at her – "she is my little sister Kotoko… I hope you two could become friends"- Makoto then said and the two girls then looked at each other with distrust but then they gave their hands, and both walked inside Makoto and the three girls then walked inside – "Komaru are you here?!" -Makoto then asked – "In the kitchen!" – they heard her scream from the kitchen – "can you come here please?"- Makoto then asked
"Ok… but why should I…." – but before she could finish she dropped the spoon she had as she saw the famous 3 of the group – "MAKI-SAN!?"- she said amazed and her eyes went starstruck – "Is that the famous debut Idol Maki Harukawa?"- she asked starstruck – "you are telling me that I have the 3 most famous idols in my house!?"- she then said hopping up and down – "I must get my camera" – she said excitedly before Makoto grabbed her collar stopping her in her tracks – "Komaru I think you are a little too excited" – he said making his sister pout- "well unlike you I don't see them every day… and I'm their biggest fan" – she complained and Makoto sighed, before letting her down – "ok but don't go crazy" – Komaru then smiled and ran to her room
"wow your sisters are really cute" – Maki said, and Makoto smiled – "yeah they are" – he said.
After Komaru took a lot of photos and the five of them ate the curry Komaru made the five of them. Komaru then was surprised when Makoto told her than Saku was the empress – "really?" – she asked surprised.
After that, they all then decided to walk around the city… but sadly both Alice and Sayaka had a photo shoot so they had to leave… leaving only Maki, Saku, Komaru and Makoto. They then all took a taxi to the city and they all started walking around. Finally, the three of them ended in a little cake shop. Where the girl asked for a lot of cakes and desserts – "wow… How can you all eat so much?" – Makoto said surprised making Maki blush and Komaru look annoyed – "Makoto Is bad manners to say that to a girl" – Komaru complained and Makoto looked surprised – "sorry?" – he said and Komaru looked proudly
"good… as long as you understand and learn" – She said and Makoto sighed – "as punishment you'll have to get us more sweets" – she said surprising him and gaining the confirmation of both Saku and Kotoko… Making him sigh even more before he stood up – "I'll accompany you" – then said, Maki… making Makoto smile – "are you sure… you don't need to" – Naegi said friendly but Maki insisted. Making Komaru suspicious… did Makoto managed to make another Idol fall for him?"- Makoto then nodded and thanked her
Both then entered before they noticed the huge line in front of them. They then looked at each other and laughed before they got in the line – "Wow this cake shop sure is popular" – Makoto said looking at the line while Maki looked at him and smiled – "Thank you" – she then said getting his attention confused – "umm… Sure… but is just cake" – Makoto said Making her giggle
"Not about that… Thank you… for not giving up on me" – she said surprising him, he looked at her and she was smiling – "what do you mean?" – he asked confused and she blushed a little – "Before I came to Hope's Peak I used to live in an orphanage. It wasn't the best place to live… it was dirty, and the food wasn't good… but in the end… the people that took care of us were nice, and the kids in the orphanage were sweet… And although I was never chosen… Although I was never adopted… I was happy. But then when we discovered that the orphanage was going to lose his funds because of that horrible cult… I gave myself to protect it… they tortured me… they hit me time and time again, the broke my bones and in the end… I became an Assassin" – She said softly a because of the noise in the cake shop nobody heard
"I was ordered time and time again to kill… and one by one the people died by my hands… at first, I felt disgusted by myself about my first kill… but slowly I noticed how their deaths… bothered me less and less to the point that I wasn't even caring about it anymore"
"But then it all changed with Hope's Peak. When I was chosen to be in here at first, I was going to reject it, but then the leaders of the cult ordered me to come… they thought it would be a good point to kill people of high standards. But it all changed when I met you… you… you had the same vibe than me… the one of a killer… yet different as well you were warm." – she then said blushing a little
"So at first I hated you" – she said surprising him – "you were like me… but you had everything… family, friends, people who cared for you and were even better than me at killing… but when we met… when we fought… when you showed me your warmness… I couldn't stop myself from going to it… you saved me from that cult… you saved the only place I called home. You saved my heart and saved me from becoming more of a monster that I was… and now I have friends… I have the orphanage and even fell in love twice… and for that I thank you"- she said heartfelt making him blush
"But you're wrong Maki" – he said surprising her – "you were never a monster" – he said making her eyes widened – "you were willing to receive pain and get hurt for the people you care… If that doesn't say how much of an amazing person you are… then I don't know what does" – he said smiling – "when I first found of you it was because one of the girls from the orphanage told me about you… she told me so much about how her bigger sister was in pain to protect them… and after knowing that story knew I had to help you…Maki, I didn't save you from the darkness… since you are bright as the sun" – he said and Maki's face turned red and her heart started beating wildly… She really loved this man.
"Makoto… I… lo..."- but before she could finish they both heard a loud ticking noise. Quickly then they looked for the source and noticed a woman in front of the line with a large jacket and what It looked like a hidden button on her hand. Both of then noticed what was happening – "Maki down!" – Makoto screamed and they both went down while also pulling down as many people as they could
Exploded the cakeshop
Makoto and Maki then were able to come out from the debris – "dammit… what the hell happened?" – Maki said complaining – "it must be one of the reaperist" – Makoto then said stretching his body – "are you ok?" – he then asked helping her up – "Yeah… nothing is broken at least" – She said holding his hand and standing up. But then from the distance, they heard another explosion – "what the hell?" – Makoto said worried – "Maki, we must go"- he then said before he noticed the small group of terrified survivors around looking surprised over how calm they sounded – "all of you stay here" – Makoto then said before he and Maki quickly got out where they noticed Komaru, Saku and Kotoko totally fine on the floor– "Are all of you ok?" – Makoto asked worried and helping them up – "yeah… Kotoko noticed the bomb and helped us get to safety" – Komaru then explained when yet another shop exploded. The five of them looked in horror as one by one the buildings started exploding – "What is happening Makoto?"- asked Komaru scared – "I don't know… but I don't like it" – they then heard a loud flapping sound noticed a Shadow in the floor when they looked they saw a giant Blimp with what it looked like Jester Banners on its sides – "what is that?" – someone asked and Makoto glared at the blimp
The sky then started getting darker as the smoke of the blown-up buildings covered the city. Then Makoto noticed that from one of the sides of the blimp a Man wearing a white tux and a top hat and Mask came out – "GOOD Afternoon City od Neo Tokyo" – the man said and as his voice was in every radio and his face on every tv and laptop- "We are the true believers of the Jester… or how you like to call us the reaperists. I Must say I'm happy for you… You the city of Neo Tokyo thanks to the association with Hope's Peak… have been chosen as the first city live the purification by Purge" – He said shocking everyone…. And making them scared – "so run… hide… pray… but today death shall find you all" – He said before the transmission ended
Maki then looked at Makoto… She had never seen him this angry before… His eyes flaring red… and a gaze of a thousand deaths – "Maki, Kotoko… I need you two to protect and take care of Saku and Komaru… take them somewhere safe" – Makoto said while Maki looked worried at him- "what about you?" – she asked Makoto, Komaru noticing what he was going to say quickly covered Saku's ears – "that's easy I'll kill every single one of them" – Maki and Kotoko then nodded and helped evacuate Komaru and Saku – "Oni-chan!"- Komaru then said and Makoto looked at her – "please be careful" – she said worried and Makoto nodded before they all separated.
Makoto then started running through the city as explosion and gunshot surrounded him. The scream of terrified people running and the gunshot of followers. Makoto then saw a reaperist aiming at a girl. The girl then screamed in fear before Makoto appeared and kill him – "are you ok?" – he then asked her, but she was also afraid of him covered in blood, a woman then quickly appeared – "please don't kill my daughter" – she begged to make Makoto feel bad. They then heard a squadron of reaperist coming near – "run!"- Makoto screamed at them before the woman carried her daughter and they both ran. The reaperist then all pulled blades and attacked Makoto… but Makoto quickly then started attacking them with knives, cutting and killing them one by one
"MAKOTO!"- he then heard behind him when he noticed Lillina and Taka – "Lillina are you ok?" – Makoto quickly asked, and she nodded – "Yes… I have been trying to heal and help people on the way here while Taka guards me" – she said, and Taka nodded seriously – "ok but be safe… I'll go stop this" -Makoto said before he started to go
"Makoto wait" – she said making him stop and look at her… she looked worried – "what is it Lillina?" - She then held his arm and Makoto noticed she was shaking – "Makoto… please don't go" – she begged surprising Makoto and Taka – "let's just leave…. You don't have to do this… You don't have to be the Jester… Let's just run away" – She said her eyes with tears and begging him. Makoto was surprised at first but then he gave a soft smile at her
"Lillina… you know I can't do that" – He said scaring her for her safety – "Lillina we both know I'm the reason this happened. I did a mistake and now I have to fix it"- Lillina then started crying – "But It shouldn't have been you!" – she screamed tears falling from her eyes – "The only reason you were chosen as the Jester was because I was weak… because you wanted to protect me… is my fault you are here today!"- she said crying loudly, Makoto couldn't stop smiling- "Lillina"- he said getting her attention
And before she could even react Makoto stole a kiss from her… She at first was surprised, but slowly got into it as she closes her eyes… for her… it felt so right. And she didn't want it to ever stop. But sadly, for her… it had to stop – "I know I shouldn't have thought of it… but I have been wanting to do that for a while" – Makoto admitted a little embarrassed, and making her blush – "Lillina… Sadly I have to tell you… I'm not the same Makoto you knew" – he said as she listened - "The Makoto you knew he is gone… as is the Makoto I was after becoming the Jester… But even if both aren't here… I am still me" – she said surprising her- "I'm not stopping them out of guilt… I'm not fighting because I'm the Jester. I'm fighting because I know that If I do… I can make a better future for all the people I care of… I returned as the Jester… because truthfully, I love all of you. So, I'll protect all of you" – he said surprising her – "so thanks for worrying about me… But I must do this"- Lillina was in shock… Although he was nice… although his eyes were red… she could feel it… he wasn't the same Makoto she met… Yet now… she felt more care and warmness in his words… She then smiled sadly – "Ok… but promise me… you'll come back" – she said, and Makoto smiled - "of course I will" – he said Making her smile
"Makoto… you truly are the sun" – she said confusing him – "Maybe that's why I love you" – she said making his face red – "let's go, Taka… we must help the injured" – she said surprisingly both of them – "there's no point on stopping them if the people die right?" – she asked smiling. Makoto surprised face then changed to a soft smile – "Thank you Lillina"- He said before he left
"No… thank you, Makoto"
Makoto now with a new emotional boost kept running and quickly got on top of a building now running in through them he knew he had to get to Hope's Peak… after all, that's where the blimp was going to… he also knew that he couldn't save everyone… but tried his best to save everyone he could reach. Makoto was near then entrance when his eyes widened… Hope's Peak was protected by the best system… which also included an electromagnetic forcefield (thanks to the teamwork of Kazuichi and Chihiro) but the Shocking part was that Makoto could see giant robots' suits attacking the forcefield and trying to break it. At the same time, he noticed that the robots had Reaperist logos. – "Dammit I won't be able to get my gear unless I go inside" – He said looking at both Robots. - "then break them"- he heard he also heard something large flying quickly. Makoto then grabbed it. Noticing it was his sword. Makoto then looked where it came from and his eyes widened as he saw a man with red hair and a half mask holding a sword (like Artorious from Berseria) – "Leon?!"-he asked surprised – "don't get the wrong idea… I didn't come to help you… I came to stop the destruction of Hope's Peak by a group of maniacs who adore you… Also, don't worry about the citizens, the kind of Death and the Killer Killer are helping them" – he said making Makoto smile – "Hope's Peak sure has changed us… haven't it?" – Makoto said as he pulled his blade out of the sheath and Leon smiled slightly – "it sure has"
"Well let's bring the house down Leon" – He said and both of them jumped from the rooftop and both of them sliced a robot in half bringing both of them down – "well that was surprisingly easy" – Makoto said holding his sword on his shoulder – "you shouldn't let down your walls" – Leon then said as they were now both surrounded by over 50 reaperist – "Don't worry… I didn't" – he said as the reaperist all ran to them with weapons in hand. Makoto and Leon then started beating every single one without efforts and in less than 3 minutes all of them were on the floor either on pain or dead – "get your equipment… I'll go hunt some more Reaperists" – Leon said before he left… Makoto couldn't stop smiling – "that guy should really return to classes" – Makoto then entered the campus. Thanks to his school id he was granted access. Makoto then quickly ran to the lobby. After he entered he saw every single student all bundle up (except for Maki) – "Naegi-kun you are ok!" – Mikan said checking him but he stopped her – "Mikan I'm sorry but I can't today… I have to go" – Makoto said trying to dodge the checking
"Where are you going?" -Asked Rantaro suspiciously – "I have to meet the principal" – Rantaro then stood up – "are you insane or just dumb!?" – Kazuichi asked screaming surprising everyone – "the principal already has enough on his plate to be thinking about you" – he said angrily over Makoto… making him sigh and he turned around – "Ok I have something to tell all of you" – he said surprising everyone from class 78… - "wait for Makoto! Are you sure?"- Asked Sayaka worried as she walked near him but Makoto looked at her and nodded he then looked back at all the people he could trust… the people he called his friends – "I need to tell you all something… some of you already know it… some don't but lately, I've discovered that sometimes… knowing the truth, not caring how cruel it could be… is better" - he said getting the attention of everyone
"I'm the Jester"
Makoto just told everyone about his secret… shocking… well, actually only Kazuichi. Surprising Makoto – "Naegi-san… we already knew"- said Kaede surprising Makoto (and everyone that knew Makoto's secret) – "when we saw you in tv we noticed your spiky hair and at least for me I already knew" – she said and everyone else except for Kazuichi agreed
"What… really? You all knew?"- Kazuichi said in shock – "and you are all this calm?! He Is the reason we are here! He is the reason people are dying!"- Kazuichi screamed mad and Makoto felt guilty – "Gonta doesn't believe senpai did it with bad feelings" – Gonta said surprising Makoto even more – "Yeah, we know you are a really nice person" – Akane then said proudly – "Naegi-Senpai is too nice to be evil"- Himiko said blushing a lot- "and a better Atua that I could ever imagine" -Angie said seductively looking at his crotch with desire, making Makoto blush and Sayaka grin… another bites the dust
"So, we want to help you, even if you are a disgusting man" – Tenko added getting into a battle position. Everyone then nodded since they were all thinking the same – "But… you could get hurt"- Makoto said worried for them but he noticed that everyone's brave gaze (except for Kazuichi) didn't disappear
"Makoto you have been helping us for so long… now is our turn to help you" – Sayaka then said softly surprising him, but then he gave up and smiled proudly – "then let's do this" – Makoto said started to get everyone excited –" Everyone divide in small groups… Make sure to have at least one fighter in each group!"- he started ordering loudly while everyone listened closely – "those who can fight, protect the people and your team… those who cannot fight, assist by helping the people around… let's show everyone what Hope's Peak is Made of!" – Makoto said giving a victory cry and everyone joined
"well Chihiro, Miu let's bring out our secret weapon!" – Kazuichi said confusing everyone, Miu and Chihiro then looked at each other and both took out their cell with Kazuichi – "Project Micro start!"- they said confusing everyone. Before then noticed something trembling and looked outside seeing a lot of metal black bots (kind of like Big hero 6). Everyone then looked at them – "this is project Micro. A conjunction of microbots joining to create better systems"- Makoto didn't understand that well but still, he was impressed.
"Makoto" – Chihiro then said getting his attention- "we also created something for you" – he said as he gave Makoto a black box – "wait it was for him?" – asked Kazuichi. Makoto then opened it inside they were five blueish throwing daggers and one purple and one blue glove – "This is our creation is a target chooser. If you do a gun shape with the glove on it shoots a quick laser tag one of each color, then by pressing this button" – he said pressing a small button in the dagger it changed to purple – "you can choose what target to hit. If a target is chosen, the daggers will fly to their targets" – he finished explaining surprising Makoto – "that is so cool!" – Makoto said impressed while stars appeared in his eyes, making Chihiro smile – "well we better get ready… we also gave your costume some new upgrades"
"wait we did!?"- asked Kazuichi
Makoto was putting on his new costume. And getting ready. He put on a red training breathing mask, a half Mask (a la Nightwing), a black and white long trench coat with a hood that covered his head and the shadow covered his face. The hood itself had two long ears that got to his back, a black long-sleeved turtleneck, the blue and purple gloves, black pants and combat boots. After putting all on Makoto then read the notes of the upgrades
First the coat, shirt, and pants were all bullet-proof. But not only that but also if you applied electricity into it could camouflage into its surroundings. The lenses could zoom, and videotape. While also being able to use infrared and night vision, the hood also had a special speaker and microphone that only Makoto could hear that let him contact people. The breathing mask could let Makoto reach more oxygen but at the same time was able to breathe in mist, gases, and underwater. His gloves had the things Chihiro already explained, but also it had his wires attaches for his throwing daggers, and could send shock discharge, his boots had metal plating and Magnetic energy making him able to stand a walk-in metallic superficies.
Makoto finished looking at the notes and was impressed (before taking off the breathing mask from his face and letting him dangle in his neck) his costume felt like one of those you could only see in comic books. Chihiro (also Kazuichi and Miu) went all out with his costume he then took off his hood just as Sayaka walked in – "Wow you look impressive" – she said smiling at him making him smile as well – "well I have to be ready for the fight aren't I?" – he said joking making her pout
"you know sometimes I feel that you like being the Jester more than you love me" – Makoto then walked to her before placing his right hand on her right cheek, surprising her and making her blush – "that could never happen" – he said before kissing her – "after all I love you too much" – he said making her blush and smile, she then noticed that he was looking a little nervous – "actually I… been thinking…. After we graduate…" – he said trying his best to not flop it, but she looked at him confused – "Do you… want to get married?" – he said… at first, she didn't understand… but then her eyes widened, and her face turned red…. Tears of happiness started falling from her eyes – "Is that… a yes?" – he asked nervously
"YES! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!"- she said jumping on him, making him fall on his back, hugging him and showering him in kisses – "I love you, I love you so much!" – she exclaimed kissing him again and again – "I love you as well"- he said returning the kiss, she then smiled sheepishly – "Well I hope you are ready for a really big wedding" – she said confusing him –"what you think just because we are getting married I would stop the harem plan" – she said with a confident smile – "get ready to get married a lot" – Makoto then sighed before he smiled – "whatever to make you happy"- she then smiled and hugged him
"Being with you already makes me the happiest person in the world"
"sir… sir, we have a problem" – a follower said to the pope who looked at him while holding his cane – "what seems to be the problem?" – he asked seriously making the man nervous- "well… we are losing a lot of people and soldiers because of the students of Hope's Peak" – He said and the pope then pressed a button bringing down the screens that showed a tape of his soldiers losing against the student of Hope's Peak while others helped the people who were caught in the tragedy – "I see" – he then said before he smiled – "I guess he sent them"
"He sir?"- asked confused the man – "who is he?"- he then asked and then Terumi grin and laughed – "while the Jester good sir" -he said surprising the man and Terumi laughed louder – "he is trying to stop me! So great!" – he said, and the man looked scared at him – "But sir… aren't we his apostles? Why is he trying to stop us?" – he asked worried making Terumi look at him with an evil grin
"cause we are the demons"- he then said before he pulled a blade from his cane and stabbed the man who looked shocked at his body, as his white cult costume started turning red and he fell on the ground – "we are not his apostles… we are the ones who will become God… since a God that doesn't follow the people is a worthless God" – he then said. He then walked to a microphone and then the speakers of his ship sent his message to the city
"I must admit. I'm impressed Neo Tokyo" – he said making all of them listen – "thanks to the people of Hope's Peak our purge looks like it will be a failure" – he said making some of the citizens happy… this chaos was almost over – "Yet I want to go with a huge BANG!" – he then said excited and confusing the citizens – "You see we have placed a nuclear megaton bomb in our blimp" – he then said scaring the people – "a bomb that will explode in one hour, but because we are such nice guys we will give you a chance to stop it. There are 5 key USB hidden in the city that when all are placed in the mainframe will deactivate the bomb if you find it YOU WIN!" – he said excited - "But of course it will not be that easy. The Keys are all protected by my five generals and I am protecting the mainframe. And only by winning the city will be saved… So, try and save them, JESTER!" – he finalized as Makoto heard from the top of Hope's Peak
"if that's how you will play… then let's play" – Makoto said in his full costume
One hour Remaining
As the message was spread Maki, Kotoko, Komaru, and Saku were hiding in a room of a hotel where Maki and Kotoko were keeping them safe. After hearing Terumi Maki clench her teeth… she needed to help him but she promised him… that she would protect his family and Saku – "Go" – Komaru said noticing Maki's preoccupation – "Go help Makoto… we will be fine" – she said smiling… surprising Maki, it was the same smile as Makoto… the Naegi family must have been always pure-hearted… could it be genetical?
In the past King Arthur Naegi sneezed sensing someone talking about him
"But I can't. I promised him I would protect both of you" – she said. But Komaru's face wouldn't disappear – "don't worry… Kotoko will protect us. You need to go hunt onto the generals… or we will all die either way" – she said smiling. Maki then was going to argue
"That won't be necessary" – they then heard from the doorway before they noticed a girl with blond hair, dressed as a reaperist and a hammer… it was Mimmy. Maki immediately recognize her from Makoto's description and quickly pulled out her blades (riflen blades given by Makoto who stole it from the chamber). Mimmy then rose her hands and dropped her hammer – "I don't want to fight"- she said surrendering, but Maki didn't trust in her – "how did you found us?" – she asked with anger and distrust in her voice
"I saw you talking to him… and although I don't know his face I knew his hairstyle… so after that, I followed you" – she explained. Maki then quickly understood what she meant – "and what do you want?"
"I want to surrender one of the keys to you… so you can give it to him" -she said Maki still didn't trust her but let down her weapons – "and why should we trust you?" – she asked and Mimmy looked sad
"because I don't want to be the villain"- she admitted, surprising Maki – "when I was little I was saved by the previous Jester. I was going to become another victim of a raping murderer, but before it happened… the Jester killed him. When I looked at him I was amazed. Although somebody died I fell for the previous Jester" – she said blushing a little. Before looking sadly – "So when I heard there was a group that followed him I jumped into it quickly. I believed I was helping him. But when I met the current Jester I noticed my mistake" – she said before looking down – "when I saw his eyes other than anger I saw a hint of sadness and disappointment. It looked like he felt sad that he had to attack me… and I noticed how wrong I was. When I joined the group when I started rising, I had fun just killing bad people, I thought I was right and attacking and killing them was the right choice, I thought I was like the Jester. But It's not like that. The Jester doesn't like killing, he feels bad that people turned into monsters and he must kill them. And I became what I thought I was ending" – she finished telling her story and everyone looked surprised – "So instead of keep turning into a beast… I want to change" -Maki then noticed her determination she was telling the truth – "ok then please give us the key" – Mimmy then looked sad – "for that..." – she then looked at Saku, Kotoko, and Komaru, before looking directly at Maki – "Miss, can we talk in private?" – she asked. Kotoko didn't trust her, but Maki and Komaru stopped her – "Kotoko, Saku… let's go wait outside" – Kotoko didn't want to but knew she had to. After a couple of seconds, Maki and Mimmy stayed in the room – "so what do you want to talk about?" – Maki asked and Mimmy sighed, before she opened her coat a little, showing her neck, there was a white tube-like choker – "you see in order to get the key you must kill the exorcist wearing this. The necklace detects our body and if we are dead… it will open, showing the USB" – she explained shocking Maki… she came here willing to die –"I want to help… even if is my last chance, so please let me help" – she said and Maki's gaze turned cold – "Ok… thanks for your help…. Mimmy" – she said before she swung her dagger, Mimmy quickly smiled before Maki cut off her whole head. As the head fell, Maki heard a loud thump as Mimmy's body fell into the floor, dying right there in the spot. Maki felt bad for her… but she knew she had to do it. The necklace then started ringing loudly and a small USB came out – "don't worry… we will stop them" – she said taking the USB
40 minutes before the explosion
Leon heard the whole conversation of the bomb… but to be honest he didn't care… since he was already fighting with one of the generals. It was a guy on his 20 with brown-purple hair laughing like a maniac, he was holding 2 ayudha Katti type sword fighting against Leon – "Hahaha this is so fun"-he said slashing his sword multiple times while Leon blocked each slash with his sword. Leon then jumped back as the exorcist did an X slash with both his blades. Leon managed to dodge it… but noticed that his cheek was slightly cut – "HAHAHAHAHA YOU ARE SO AMAZING" – he exclaimed ecstatically… they had been fighting for 20 minutes through buildings, slashing to each other – "what is your name?"- he then asked and Leon didn't answer – "oh I see you won't tell me unless I tell you mine first? So knightly" – he said mocking Leon – "Ok my name is Lombar Deros and my job is to kill everyone here" – Leon then looked seriously
"how can I get the USB?" – Leon asked and Lombar looked at him – "Ohh you don't know… well in order to get it first you must give me your name" – he said jokingly making him even madder – "Leon… Leon Kuwata" – he said and Lombar smiled- "Amazing Leon… well in order to get the USB you first have to kill me!" – he said then showing his necklace- "then from here you'll get the U…" – but before he could finish he dodged back, dodging Leon's slash – "at least let me finish" – he then complained Leon just looked serious under his mask – "I have no to time to talk to you" – he said. Making Lombar smile even more – "then let's play" – Lombar said before he quickly blocked. Leon had dashed and was slashing and attacking him multiple times while Lombar was dodging and blocking all his attacks. Lombar then noticed an opportunity and attacked, managing to surprise Leon and slashed his arm making him bleed – "HAHAHA finally blood… I want more blood I want to see you bleed" – he said crazily before he dashed and kept slashing like a maniac. Leon then started blocking or dodging. But he has been getting cut slightly – "yes please die!" – he screamed slashing down but notice no weight in his arms, and he felt weak. He then noticed 2 clank sounds and looked, noticing both his arms were missing, he then noticed that Leon's sword was bloody… He then noticed what happened. Leon had sliced off his arms – "what?" – he asked in shock before Leon looked at him – "You talk too much" – Leon said quickly slicing his head off in half from the mouth. And Lombar fell dead. Leon then noticed the USB coming out of his necklace. Leon then took it – "Chihiro will probably know what to do with this" – he said before leaving
35 minutes before the explosion
"KABOOM! KABOOM! KABOOOOM!" – a young reaperist screamed while shooting a grenade launcher around the city while Socram looked while holding a scythe – "Rigos I don't think this is that is the correct way for a general to act"- Socram said sighing before Rigos looked at him – "hey we are permitted to do as much chaos as we want"- Said Rigos still kept shooting around. Socram then picked up his Scythe – "get ready… they are coming" – he said before looking at the people who were walking to them. It was Fuyuhiko and Peko – "they look like they want to have fun" – Rigos said excitedly
"Peko are you ready?" – Fuyuhiko said while he pulls out a gun – "You take the vanguard… I'll cover you" – he said and Peko nodded – "yes master" – She said pulling out a heavy metal shinai and prepare herself – "Peko… today I'm not your master… we are comrades and we have to go back together" – he said surprising her and making her smile – "sure" – Fuyuhiko then prepared himself – "let's do this" – He said and Peko dashed Rigos and Socram saw this and Socram dashed as well with his scythe. Rigos, on the other hand, started shooting his grenade launcher but was surprised when he saw Fuyuhiko easily shooting them out. Peko and Socram then clashed and started fighting each other. While concentrated in their shooting both Fuyuhiko and Rigos were impressed by their fight. Peko's and Socram's abilities were amazing, the way they slashed, dodged and block all the attacks were incredible…
"you are better than I thought for a high-school student" – Socram said as they kept slashing and Peko kept dodging – "I became strong to protect Fuyuhiko-sama" -she said as she retaliated with her kendo sword and he blocked
"well sadly it's not enough!" – he said releasing bloodthirst and slashing at her… this surprised and scared her a little, but she was able to block it only receiving a light wound on her right arm – "Impressive you were able to block it… normally I would slice the person in half… that's really amazing… but sadly" – he said before Peko's arm fell and she felt an incredible pain dropping her kendo sword – "I have a countermeasure for it" – Peko then looked at her arm and noticed that from her slight wound a purple type tentacle looking thing appeared on her skin – "My job is to kill people, so I can't simply just let the possibility of my skill failing me… so I added a strange poison on my scythe, It's slow but it has the advantage that it's painful so it quickly drains the energy of my enemies" – he then said raising his scythe to her neck – "so I can kill them"- he said releasing bloodthirst
"Peko!"- screamed Fuyuhiko worried… not noticing one of the grenades falling next to him and exploding sending him flying – "Ahhhhh!" –Fuyuhiko screamed in pain Peko quickly looked at him – "Fuyuhiko-sama!"- she screamed but her strength betrayed her and she fell to the floor and her hair tie released, letting out her long hair, and then Socram stepped on her head – "if I were you I would worry more about myself. After all, the poison will spread faster" – he said and noticed Peko glaring at him with hatred on her eyes… making him excited – "But obviously your loyalty is outstanding… so how about this" – he then said dropping a knife – "if you kill yourself then I will forgive your master" – he said with an evil grin on his face… making Rigo's sight
"so that version of him came out… he acts nice and everything… but truthfully he is the most sadist and selfish out of all of us. He likes when his prey is begging for death" – Peko looked mad, and then looked the knife… she wouldn't do it. But then she looked at where Fuyuhiko was… and her eyes widened in shock. Fuyuhiko was kneeling in pain. Holding his right eye with his hand, and she could see blood under his hand… he lost his eye. She felt then an intense pain… it was her fault that her master was wounded… she had failed as a retainer… Peko then looked at the knife again… and the temptation kicked in… she had to die… she had to die for him. Socram insane grin then grew as he saw her reaching for the knife. But as she was going to grab the knife, she had a quick flashback of Fuyuhiko - * Peko… today I'm not your master… we are comrades and we must go back together* - Peko then grabbed the knife
"Peko stops!" – Fuyuhiko screamed but she didn't listen and took the knife making Socram smile – "don't you get it, little boy… her loyalty is more important than her own…. AHH!" – he then screamed in pain as Peko stabbed him in the Achilles tendon, making him fall on the ground in pain
"you Bitch!" – screamed Socram in pain, dropping his scythe – "what do you think you are doing?" – but everyone looked in shock Peko had sliced off her own arm so the poison wouldn't spread… but she was losing blood quickly, but she didn't care as she grabbed the scythe with her left arm and looked at Socram with disgust – "you hurt Master Fuyuhiko… and that deserves death" – she said with bloodthirst in her eyes. Rigos was surprised, but then remembered that if he had to stop her – "Wait!"
A loud gunshot sounded and Rigos felt a warm liquid dripping from his forehead. It didn't take long for him to know what happened… but by the time he did he had already fallen dead. Socram just looked how his partner died. He then looked where the gunshot had come from and saw Fuyuhiko with anger and hatred in his eyes and a smoking gun just shot. He then looked back at Peko and for the first time, it registered in his mind… he was going to die here… fear filled his body and he felt paralyzed – "Please don't kill me! I'm sorry" – he begged but Peko was having none of it and with one quick motion stabbed his chest with his scythe. It didn't kill him immediately, but the pain was excruciating, it was the worst pain he had felt in his life. Because of it, his heartbeat started accelerating and the poison spread faster making his heartbeat accelerate… the cycle then kept going before his heart gave out and he died… of a heart attack
Peko's body then finally gave in and she fell to the ground. Fuyuhiko then quickly ran to her – "Master?" – she asked confused – "Shut up… you need to keep your strength!" – he said angry and she looked confused – "why are you angry?" – she asked confused and Fuyuhiko was still mad- "Why did you do that?!" – he asked angrily and she looked weakly at him when she felt him cry a little as he tended to her wounds – "Why did you have to hurt yourself like that? Why…? Why am I not strong enough to protect you?" – he said tears falling from his only good eyes. Peko then smiled gently… her master was so kind
5 minutes before the explosion
Makoto was riding his bike as fast as he could. He was trying to catch up to the blimp, and as he rode people all around started looking at him – "is the Jester!" – but Makoto ignored them… he had more important things to do. The people then noticed that he was riding directly to a building – "he is going to kill himself!" they screamed… but Makoto pushed a button that made his bike jump and then his wheels changed colors to a blowing red and stuck to the wall riding up into it (one of Chihiro's modification) Makoto then rode to the top of the building… just as the blimp started floating over it. Makoto then made a gun motion with his hand and saw a purple light come out and mark the airship. Makoto then threw his new techno knives with a grappling line making it stick to the airship. Makoto then felt the line pulled him as he climbs to the airship with his katana on his hip. After he climbed, he then entered through a window to what it looked like a 5 stars classy restaurant, which was empty except for a woman sitting on one of the chairs… she was an older woman wearing a seductive white dress. She then looked at Makoto - "Good afternoon Jester" – she then said bowing to him, yet Makoto didn't answer back – "The jester is quite quiet. Don't you want anything from me, my lord?" – Yet Makoto just looked at her (his breathing mask was just hanging on his neck) – "Cut the chase… where is the USB?" – Makoto asked raising his Sword, but then he felt his body weakened and fell to his knees – "I'm sorry my lord… but here is where you die" – she then said before walking nearby - "You may be asking yourself why is it that I'm unharmed while you wriggle in pain. Well you see this strange poison only works on men" – she explained – "Actually I'm kind of disappointed, I was actually expecting you would be a woman" – she said licking her lips seductively – "I like playing with girls" – she said thinking perversely thought about her female victims- "but I guess killing boys is fun once in a …" – but before she could finish she noticed the jester was no longer there – "what?!"- she then asked before she felt a warm liquid dripping from her neck… she then touched it… noticing it was blood. Her eyes then widened as she fell to her knees. She then looked back and notice the Jester with a bloody blade – "how?" – she then asked with her little strength, but she then noticed he was wearing a breathing mask. He had tricked her, he knew the trap and he came prepared. She then looked back and fell to the floor… dead. Makoto then walked to her and took the USB. Before plugging it in his glove and another port to a computer in the room. Transferring the info.
"Little green is that enough?" – he asked Chihiro through his headset – "yes that's enough" – he heard Chihiro say – "Everyone managed to gather the keys… so now I only have to hack into their mainframe… and…. Done" – he said surprising him- "the bomb is deactivated?" – Makoto asked surprised – "Yeah… It was rather easy too." – he said bragging and Makoto laughed a little before he looked up… "how is everyone?"- he then asked, before there was a minute of silence – "Makoto… please concentrate… I…"- he said while his voice was cracking. Makoto understood immediately what he meant… somebody got either really hurt… or died…But he had to concentrate – "Chihiro you are really strong" – Makoto the said as he heard Chihiro crying – "Don't worry… I'll make sure to finish this" – He said with determination, before running to the stairs… he could feel it… his final fight with the Reaperist was up there. He wouldn't lie… he could feel his blood rushing with excitement and his eyes turned red.
"you really are like a beast… no wonder you are the Jester" – He then heard behind him – "I'm actually more surprised you came here to help me" – Makoto said as Leon walked next to him - "does that mean you are going to help me?" – Makoto said with a grin – "No… I'll kill him myself" – he said, making him grin even more – "well let's see who gets it first" – he said before both started walking up the stairs
Terumi was sitting in a throne-like chair. Thinking of something like he was remembering something while smiling.
…. Flashback….
"cousin… do you think I can get stronger?" – asked a younger Terumi to his cousin who was a little taller and older than him, making the cousin smile - "yes you can &*&(( (**)). Who knows maybe one day you may even help the Jester one day" – He said Making the young Terumi smile – "I promise I will become much stronger"
Terumi then slowly opened, still smiling only to see both Makoto and Leon in front of him – "good afternoon Jester… and company" – he said while looking down on them – "had a nice dream, Father Terumi?"- Makoto said looking at him while grinning – "Just a nice memory of the past" – Terumi then said with a soft smile – "So Little Makoto Naegi and Leon Kuwata… did you came to kill me?" – he asked. Makoto and Leon were not even shocked that he knew their names
"Yes, we are" – he said making him sigh… Terumi then stood up before pulling his sword and sheath from the side of his throne. Makoto's eyes then widened… his sword looked a lot like Sora's. Terumi then started unsheathing his sword – "well then lets us, masked men… enjoy our fun!" – he said before dashing to them - *he is fast!* - they both thought as before they jumped back separating each other Leon was on the right and Makoto on the left – "well I'll admit that you have some kind of ability. But is it enough?" – He said with bloodthirst, getting both in high alert. He then slashed the air. And Makoto and Leon immediately pulled out their blades to block the slash. Leaving both surprised… how it was possible that his wind slash was able to get that far with that much strength. Makoto and Leon could feel it… unlike everyone, they had faced before… he was a true monster… one even stronger than them. Terumi then smiled when he saw them… normally when fighting against a monster people would be terrified… but they were smiling… smiling like they were enjoying the challenge… Like hunters searching for a worthy prey – "So kids… are you enjoying yourself?"
Both then dashed and started slashing in combo. Terumi was impressed… the way they were moving… it was like a symphony. He had made research on both. And he knew about their past… how both were friends… and how they became enemies… so how… how even though they never worked together… how were they so synchronized? It was like they were partners in the fight for multiple years.
On the other hand, Makoto felt something weird as he fought Terumi…the way he moved... was just like Sora's… how was that possible? Makoto then noticed a weak spot and quickly slashed upward… Terumi then noticed it and barely dodge it by jumping backward. But when he landed Makoto eyes widened. Leon then noticed this and quickly glanced at Makoto before looking forward again – "Makoto what's wrong?" – Makoto couldn't talk
"I can't believe you actually managed to cut down my mask"- Terumi said touching his face. Makoto eyes couldn't believe his face… was like Sora's – "Sora?" – Makoto said shocking Leon, what was he talking about… Sora was supposed to be dead – "wait… are you for real? He is supposed to be dead" – Leon said confused. Terumi then smiled
"sadly, I'm not Sora-senpai" – he said surprisingly both. What does he mean by senpai – "I will tell you the truth… I'm not Sora… my name is Terumi… Terumi Lupos… and I'm the cousin of Sora Lupos… the real Jester" – he said shocking both…. Another Lupos? They were all supposed to have died out except for Sora's brother – "well is not surprising that you two are so shocked… after all, I'm one of the only survivors of the clan" – he said before moving his collar revealing a giant scar in his neck – "this is my biggest shame… the scar that bitch gave me" – he said with anger scaring both Leon and Makoto – "after I survived it I knew I couldn't return to Sora's senpai side being this weak" – he said smiling madly – "so I trained, killed and hunted until I got the strength enough to help him… yet… even though I worked so hard… even though I tried my best" – he then said before looking at Makoto – "WHY IS THE NEW JESTER SO WEAK?!" – he asked enraged, shocking both of them. This pressure – "WHY DID SORA-SENPAI HAD TO DIE? WHY WERE YOU CHOSEN?"- he screamed in anger. Makoto could feel the chills of his word. But he steeled his will – "Sora chose me because I represent the will of the Jester!"- he said shocking both Leon and Terumi – "You talk about power and strength… but Sora never wanted that from me"- he said making Terumi's eye widened
"A reaper is not one who kills for money, strength or anything material… a true reaper is one who kills so life can continue on" – Makoto said. And those words hit hard to Leon and Terumi – "those are the last words Sora gave me… and I will live by those words… not only as the Jester… but as Makoto Naegi" – he said proudly. Only making Terumi angrier
"Makoto Naegi" – he said but before he could say anything an alarm started sounding, surprising the three of them, at first Terumi looked angry, but then he smiled – "sadly it looks like we won't have time" – he said confusing both of them – "don't you find it weird that we are in an airship?"- he said – "or the fact we threaten you with a nuke?"- he said as Makoto looked at him
"That was all a lie" – he said surprising them – "why would I nuke them when I want to become the Jester?... that's dumb" -he said shocking them – "I knew you would get the USB so what I did was something a little more interesting." – he started explaining - "when all the USB are connected to the Mainframe it starts a timer… and when the timer ends the Blimp will send an electromagnetic wave that will shut down every machine in a 100 meters including this blimp… making it fall" – he said shocking them.- "and our target is" – he said showing it in a screen making their eyes widened it was Hope's Peak – "I will destroy the same school that ended Sora and the Jester" – he said Making both of them mad
"well see ya!" – he said pressing a button and a trapdoor appeared and he escaped – "dammit Leon we must stop this." – he then pressed his earpiece – "CHIHIRO… CHIHIRO!" – he screamed to no avail – "dammit Leon if we don't stop this… Chihiro and everyone…" – he said before he looked at Leon and saw him in the floor kneeling – "Leon?!" - Makoto then said running to him but when he got there his eyes widened, from the chest of Leon was coming to a lot of blood – "Leon?!"- he asked in shock but before he could get closer Leon stopped him – "Makoto forget about me and go… it's my own fault we are in this dilemma"- he said trying to stop him but Makoto still grabbed him- "I'm not leaving you here" – he said to Leon's surprise before he laughed a little… of course, Makoto wasn't going to let him die. Makoto then helped him walk to the same trapdoor- "how are we going to go down?"- Makoto then asked before he lost his footing, the airship started going down- "dammit we must go qui…" – but before he could finish he felt Leon pushed him – "Leon?" – Makoto asked as he started falling through the trapdoor
"Save the Hero"- he said with a grin. Makoto eyes widened as he started falling – "LEON!"- he screamed as he fell. His eyes widened in horror as the airship crashed into Hopes Peak main building and the shockwave send him flying
"do you think he still alive?"- Makoto heard as he started to open his eyes, a group of people in clown mask were looking at him – "maybe he is dead" – said another one. Makoto then started getting up, surprising them – "I'm not dead" – he said surprising them as he got up… Makoto could feel pure pain. Dislocated shoulder, 3 broken ribs, and his leg was bleeding, yet he was impressed over the lack of that much damage thanks to his suit – "who are you?"- Makoto then said as he saw the people with clown masks and noticed a small one getting near them – "We are the Prankster D.I.C.E" - he said making a pose… just as another building exploded… Makoto then looked at them confused… he had heard about them… but they were never really a menace so he ignored it – "why are you here?" – Makoto then asked and the small one (Makoto knew the leader's name was Kokichi) – "we came to bring chaos" – he said proudly… but Makoto could hear the lies from his mouth. One of them (the tallest on the group then kneeled to Kokichi's size – "I thought we were helping them" – he said and Koichi looked mad at him – "and who are you, masked stranger?" – asked Koichi to Makoto – "nobody" – he said as he stood and started walking painfully to Hope's Peak – "where the hell you think are going?"- asked Kokichi stopping him by standing in front of him – "you are in no conditions to go there… also, there is where the main chaos is coming from" - Kokichi said. But Makoto ignored him – "thank you for concerning with me… but I have to go… I must resolve this" – he said putting on his hood and walking weakly to Hope's peak. Kokichi and his gang then were surprised… he was the Jester. Makoto then left
Red… that is the color that most people could see…. Blood… fire…. Death…. And red to surround everything. In the middle of the chaos in a pile of rubble, Makoto came out his body full of wounds and bleeding profoundly
"I… must go… I must stop this" – he said in pain, walking with all his strength and leaving a blood trail… He walked as fast as he could to a broken building… that used to be Hope's Peak. But then he stopped when he started hearing a motorcycle getting near. – "wait!"- he heard as the gang came to him – "what now?"- Makoto then asked in pain – "at least… at least let us help you" – he said surprising Makoto. Makoto then noticed one of them came out of one of the motorcycle and started helping him take care of his wounds – "what are you doing?"- asked Makoto – "lets us treat you and take you where are you going" – Kokichi said surprising him… he knew he couldn't just reject them so he sighed – "please help" – Makoto couldn't see Kokichi's face but he could feel his happiness
"So why Hope's Peak?" – Asked Kokichi in another bike as one of his gang members (a girl blushing under her mask for Makoto's manlier body – "I'm sure he is still there..." – he said coldly shocking everyone. Kokichi then wanted to ask… but decided it was better not to.
Not long after they finally got to Hope's Peak… and Makoto put on his costume again. Before getting off the bike – "this is as far as I can take you" – Kokichi said and Makoto smiled – "Thanks for all the help D.I.C.E" – he said and left
"wow… so that's the Jester?" – asked one of the D.I.C.E gang members - "he is nicer than he looks" – he said and Kokichi smiled – "of course he is… the Jester is nothing like those dumb reaperists"- he said proudly
Makoto then started walking… he knew that he was there… probably torturing the last of the friends he still had. Just then Maki and some of the other people who survived the chaos also got there. He noticed that everyone except Sayaka, Alice, Chihiro, Mikan, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Kazuichi, and Miu were there – "Makoto are you ok?" – Maki asked worried, and both her a Himeko (to their surprise) walked up to him to him checking him. Maki then quickly stopped Himeko from touching him – "Maki… you aren't the only one worried" – she said but noticed her cold worried face
"Makoto… are you sure you can win in that conditions?"- she asked and Makoto took off his hood and smiled – "well even if I'm not I have to go… you already noticed didn't you?" – he said and Maki clenched her fist in anger – "his bloodthirst… and the almost silent screams of pain of everyone there" – He said smiling, shocking everyone how was he so calm even after the pain their friends were having. But both Maki and Mukuro and even some of the girls he had been before noticed the rage inside of him- "Makoto"- said worried Maki before he turned around – "My pain is nothing to theirs… so I must keep going forward" – he said before walking in the destroyed door of Hope's Peak
After walking for a couple of minutes inside the rubbles of Hope's Peak he finally got to the gym… the source of all the blood-thirst and pain. And pushed forward finally seeing what was inside. Inside the room, he could see Terumi in the center holding his sword in the middle while smiling. Around him… in the walls were Sayaka, Alice, Chihiro, Mikan, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, Peko, and Miu all tied up hanging from the ceiling in a crucified form. Makoto also noticed that their bodies were covered in wounds… both from cuts and blunt damage, the cuts didn't look deep, but they looked painful. And their bodies covered in blood and tattered clothes. Makoto also noticed Fuyuhiko's eye and Peko's arm were missing. But because they looked tended they have most been wounds from before
"I'm impressed Makoto… you were able to maintain your cool even after seeing this"- he said mocking him… but Makoto didn't react – "or is it because you don't care for them?" – he asked him.
"Don't say that Terumi… we both know that is not true" – he said and Terumi grinned, he knew how angry he was but wanted to keep playing with him- "well then doesn't that mean we will fight again?" – he said pulling out his sword… but he then noticed Makoto wasn't there. He had already disappeared. It was only when Makoto walked next to him that he noticed it – "what?"- Terumi then quickly swung his sword where Makoto was but noticed he had disappeared yet again shocking him again. Where was he? He then noticed again that Makoto was behind him… slowly helping his friends get out of their situation – "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? AREN'T WE GOING YO FIGHT?!" – he screamed enraged – "can you be silent? I'm not interested in fighting you right now" – he then turned around with a calm face – "I'll kill you later" – Terumi then felt the rage consume him… how dare he ignore him – "BASTARD!"- he screamed as he dashed to Naegi – "I KILL YOU!"
Terumi then fell how his whole body gave in and he fell to his knees, what was happening to his body. After Makoto finished helping them and leaving then sleeping next to a wall, he then walked to Terumi – "what… what did you do to me?" – he asked
"it was nothing… just a technique I learn from the Jesters of the past" – he said shocking Terumi – "don't tell me? You managed to finish the chamber?" – he said in shock… even for him, he knew that was impossible to beat, much less with his level of strength – "how can you be this strong? You were losing to me before" – he said in shock
"you know…I don't like smiling nor showing emotion while killing people. After all, when I'm the Jester… I kill for my job… nothing else. But I found out something interesting when I do feel angry… My abilities increase exponentially"- he said shocking him. He had heard of that before… normally when someone gets angry their body increase adrenaline making them stronger… but because they are emotionally invested they lose concentration and go in a blind rage… but on the other side if you calm your body too much you lose your blood-thirst… that only meant he was the perfect mixture of both… the perfect Jester. Makoto then rose his sword and before he swung it… Makoto could notice him smiling.
Sayaka finally woke up. And the first thing she saw was the blinding lights of the hospital lights. – "uh?"- she asked confused as she opened her eyes – "good morning sleepy head" – Makoto said as he looked at her, she then looked at him and smiled – "good morning honey" – she said with a smile. She then looked around and noticed Alice also asleep – "don't worry about her… she is ok… everyone is ok"- he explained and Sayaka looked at him – "and you?"- she asked smiling, surprising him – "I still feel guilty that all of this happened to all of you" – but then Sayaka held his hand surprising him – "don't worry about it… after all, we helped you out of our own decision"- she said making him smile, only Sayaka knew him that much – "thank.."- but then before he could finish the door opened strongly – "MAKOTO!"- screamed Hina excited as she tackled Makoto – "Let's play!" – she said excited surprising both of them… before they both started laughing – "you better go with her, she gets moody if you don't" – she joked making Hina pout – "no I don't" – she said before pulling Makoto up – "Let's go" – She said pulling him, and although he was still in a little pain he followed her, but then Hina stopped – "Sayaka please get better… your Harem Idea w… won't…. work without you" – Hina said surprising both Sayaka and Makoto – "so please get better" - she then said before pulling Makoto out of the room… Makoto could notice that her face was fully red, and he smiled softly. He knew she also really cared for Sayaka's well-being. After she pulled Makoto and they got out Makoto noticed that everyone was there… he was happy
A man ran as fast as he could through the buildings… as he was being chased by a hooded person. He ran until he fell on the ground and twisted his leg – "I guess there's no more running for you"- said the hooded person. And the men looked in shock – "who are you?"- he asked trying to drag himself from the ground – "You know who I am" – the hooded person said taking off the hood revealing a girl with 15 years old that looked like Sayaka but with brown hair
"I'm the Jester" – she said before pulling out Makoto's Katana. The man then looked terrified – "please! Please, I beg you… don't kill me!" – he said terrified as she got closer – "I'll give you anything you want, money, fame, power" – but then she quickly slashed him chopping his head off. She then noticed some of the blood spilled on her – "aww dammit… I just had this washed!"
After an hour she finally got back to her house and she entered through the window – "so how was your night?!" – she heard surprising her as next to her she heard the voice of a man. She then quickly attacked the intruder but was easily stopped by him – "Hey calm down Kairi" -He said and she finally looked at him… it was a man slim on his 29 with spiky brown hair, red eyes, wearing a long sleeved t-shirt and some jeans – "is that the way to say hi?" – the girl's eyes then widened and she smiled widely – "Dad!" – she then said jumping to him and hugging him. At first, Makoto was a little surprised… but then he smiled and hugged her back – "hi Kairi… how have you been?" – he asked also smiling and she then looked back at him – "I been great! I have a lot of friends at Hope's Peak and my studies have been really good!" – she said, and he pets her head… she loved it when he did that – "so when did you get here?" – She then asked and he looked at her – "not long ago… the door was locked so I had to lockpick it" – he said kind of embarrassed as his daughter giggled – "so how is Sayaka?" – he then asked her before she finally let him go – "Mom been working hard… you know being a famous singer and all" -she then said jokingly – "but she is still trying her best to spend time with us" – she then said – "and Leon?" – he asked her
"well he is still a baby, so mostly he just cries and sleeps" – she said, Makoto felt happy – "remember to always take care of your little brother ok?" – he then said, and she nodded happy and quick – "yes"
"and don't forget your Jester training" – he said a little more serious – "Of course not. Maki- sama and Peko-sama have been training with me a lot… although is kind of difficult to beat them… especially Peko-sama with her robot hand" – she then said pointing at her right hand. Makoto then smiled as he remembered their faces – "and how are Celes-Sama and my half brothers in France?" – she then asked excited to hear his adventure… but it only made him sigh – "it was ok… but Celes really likes going to fancy parties…" – he said making her giggle- "it isn't easy having a harem isn't it?"- she said making fun of him and making him smile embarrassed – "well blame your mother for that"-he responded
"well excuse me for being selfless and sharing you with others"- they both heard behind them as they saw a mature Sayaka Maizono with long hair slender body and carrying a small baby boy with blueish spiky hair. Makoto then smiled softly as he saw the woman he fell in love with and walked near her before stealing a kiss from her – "hi Sayaka" – she was a little surprised and blushing but smiled as well – "Hi Makoto"
Well… It's finally over… wow… it has been a long year since I started this story… and I must admit I feel a little sad that is ending. I Thank all of you for this amazing experience. and for liking my story. To be honest, when I started writing it, I thought nobody would like it and I was ok with that… but to see the amazing support from all of you… I feel grateful
On another hand, I need your help with something… as I said Before I have been thinking of a secondary story to be writing at the same time as Blood I Hope's Peak and this are the options… please choose so I can write it
The King of Mewni
The Vindice
Luck of the thief (name in progress) (Phantom thief edition)
To love-ru
The Arcana
Please tell me which one is better
And again… Thank you… thank you for reading this story